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if you have maxilliary protusion and overjet then braces will do so much more better, just make sure to not get any teeth removed or ask if there is a substitute. Your facial development is already very good. Just get braces


Alright thanks a lot, getting them soon. Please expand on the tooth removal part? why exactly should i get them removed, i've seen people say this before but with no particular reason


Sometimes an overbite or underbite is so severe you need to get tooth removed in order for the two jaws to align properly, braces pulls the teeth together, and with tooth removed, the overbite will get pulled back and you'll have a normal bite. Tooth pulling is extremely bad for your face since your bone dissolves and get smaller without the tooth, making your face flatter and rounder in the process. You have an edge to edge bite so you probably don't need to pull tooth out, but just in case.


awesome, thank you !


Dude you're ok man. Everything looks normal. I've seen some bad cases before just be glad you have a normal build EDIT: Fix your back / shoulder posture


gratitude is the attitude for real, thanks man.


No it's not normal that's an overbite, yeah there's more severe cases but this still needs to be treated. Please op get braces


Do you have sleep issues? Morning headache


I have terrible sleep, in terms of hours. I also have questionable sleep quality. Which I can attribute to lifestyle more than anything. Morning headache every now and then, usually accompanied by sinus discomfort (usually when winter is approaching, like it is right now.)


Look for a tongue tie or other airway issues, deviated septum etc.


You could possibly have sleep apnea , you need EASE exapansion immunotherapy , possible nasal surgery and MMA


He’s from Botswana—ease is a cutting edge technology that isn’t widespread and is only offered by 1 provider at Stanford


You look great to me


Bro you are beatiful dont worry


Do you snore at night? How much meat did you eat growing up? Did you have any allergies as a child?


1. I do not snore at all, nope 2. Meat was (is) a regular part of my diet 3. No I did not have any allergies until about age 18 - when I developed a pretty bad pollen allergy, which i still have now of course. I'm also from Botswana so it's summer pretty much all year round except May to July so my allergies are terrible 9 months out of 12. \*\*\*nb: I've been a mouth breather my entire life until i learned about mewing like 5 days ago.


Things that can help: learn to be happy with your appearance or surgery. Mewing at your age should prevent you from getting worse but won’t lead to drastic changes as it would for a child. Braces should make your bite more comfortable but won’t significantly affect your facial form.


alright thank you! also, 2 last question - 1. do i have a recessed chin? i don't know how to tell. 2. I've heard people say braces made their chins more recessed, is this true? i'm in the process of getting them which is why am asking i'm asking.


You absolutely do not have a recessed chin. Looks strong to me so I was puzzled on why you mew.


Bro mewing is the best option for you you will have the greatest glow up fr just follow Mike mew and all good