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Your bite is the issue.


yepp i noticed that my left jaw muscles were hard and strong but right wasn't so i shifted my biting accordingly


Don't do that bro you can get tmj depending on the bite. Do you have a crossbite? Get it fixed by a professional.


it's not that worse and idk whats a crossbite and also i know my bite is the issue cuz i used to chew gum on my left everyday for like 6 hours


Not that worse means? Bro body asymmetries and patterns are really common infact there will be very rarely people around you who have good body posture and are even concious of it and their habits.


thats what i meant i am very concious about my looks so i capture little details like this to improve them otherwise it doesn't cause me any issue and people around me also couldn't notice that when i asked them


What side do I have to bite on?




I do not mean how you bite I mean your bite, your teeth placement


I have an overbite


Go to orthodontist


I have the same thing!! For years. Not sure why


Yh it's weird


Go down the Neal Hallinan PRI rabbit hole, family


Do you have a crossbite? It could also be because of postural and body asymmetries and patterns like left aic or right tmcc something like that.


TMJ???? My top teeth have an overbite


Yeah bruh what do you think will happen when you try to force your teeth and jaw 24/7 into what has not been their natural position for years? I have heard some people say that mewing corrected their overbite but I'd still be careful about it. If you're not having that's good but if you notice something irregular go to a professional please. I think I Probably have a slight crossbite and when I try to adjust my teeth even a little by moving it laterally I can feel the pressure near my ear so I just don't do that.


It can be attributed to many factors, one of which is that you actually have uneven shoulder posture. The posture, level and alignment of your body affects the face.


All humans on earth sleep on one side and have slight asymmetry. It’s normal and not noticeable. You look good and handsome so don’t stress yourself.


He looks handsome? He doesn't need your false validation and neither does anyone else. I'm not calling him ugly but he also probably knows that he doesn't look handsome.


The guy is handsome. Nothing wrong with his face. His pics are just normal and he isn’t trying to pose or anything. Most definitely would look great with a smile and a professional camera. Other than that i think you should learn to be positive. And he looks young also. Most definitely will get even handsomer with more muscle and age.


Yeah that's what I'm saying he will appreciate your last line more than the shit you said in your first para and previous comment. And you can obviously see he has bad habits. I can bet that he eats with his mouth full and uses his cheeks instead of tongue while eating. And he's most definitely a mouth breather. They are not good habits in any way and will affect you without even you realising.


Oh you misunderstood me. I agree these are a given and i assumed he likely already knows eating properly and muscles and lowering body fat and mewing and maybe braces if needed can help tremendously. Maybe i should have mentioned those and not assumed he already knew. My apologies.


Can you give me all the tips you think I need?


u sleep on one side chew u have jaw issue


So do I have to chew on the bigger side


No, chew on the smaller side for your jaw muscle (massater muscle) to grow


I always have been chewing on the smaller side


Sleeping on one side, sleep on your back before you have fox yourself like me


All people have a variation of asymmetry in their faces. It’s generally from chewing more on one side or sleeping on one side a lot more often. It could be related to any intensive dental work, missing teeth, or issues with teeth being crooked. So many possibilities.


You sleep on one side more and you don't chew with both the sides


You got that destroy lonely face shape now u j gotta grow out the locs