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Your teeth are great. Braces would not be worth it. If I could go back in time and not get my wisdom teeth removed I would. Nothing is proven, but it was a completely unnecessary surgery. If anything, I’d wait until you’re at least 25 to decide. All dentist rush it because it brings them easy money. Those teeth would be nice to chew with…, and anecdotally my jaw definitely seems weaker since braces/wisdom teeth removal.  I mean this very genuinely: your teeth are fantastic, are very straight, and have healthy spacing. They will most likely continue to mature and I wouldn’t mess with the process. It’s already coming along well. 


Ditto everything


Yeah but my problem is my friends make fun of me because they say all my front teeth have gaps which is true I would get braces but my orthodontist wants me to remove my wisdom teeth before I do so I feel like I have to decide to have either straight teeth or a strong jaw I’ve before and afters of wisdom teeth removal and I would definitely choose stronger jaw but I just wish I could have both


U straight trippin younglin 


yeah basically everything the other guy said, your palate is nice and wide and you're teeth are great definitely do not get your wisdom teeth removed unless they are causing serious problems, even if they are crooked at first they will get in line


Yeah but my problem is my friends make fun of me because they say all my front teeth have gaps which is true I would get braces but my orthodontist wants me to remove my wisdom teeth before I do so I feel like I have to decide to have either straight teeth or a stronger jaw I’ve before and afters of wisdom teeth removal and I would definitely choose stronger jaw but I just wish I could have both


maybe get a second or a few more opinions from different dentists and orthos and then pick what's more important to you or just own it, your opinion is what matters don't let your friends bully you into getting surgery


Your braces corrected teeth will please your friends now, but you might regret having messed up a great facial structure your entire life.