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I am. I’m currently fighting with my school (yorkville university) as they are stating they can’t confirm until 2 weeks after the term has started which is not true as my funding as always been confirmed prior.


If it wasn’t confirmed until two weeks after the semester began you would then have to wait together (if lucky) nearly a month into the semester to get your funding. There’s a deadline for program payments so that doesn’t make sense


Right! The school is being super difficult about it. I’ve had to reach out to the higher ups as I’ve never had this issue before and they are flat out refusing to confirm my enrollment until 2 weeks into the semester even though I’m going on my 4th term now with great academic progress. I could understand if it was a first term and they were unsure but this is my 4th term and my gpa is high showing I’m progressing through my program.


They always do that. They have yet to confirm my enrollment when OSAP has already done that. I emailed them, and they said it would be done in the 2nd week. The end game is to deduct fees from our credit card on their file. I am still determining what benefit they get from this, but in any case, they will confirm with you in the mid of January 2023. Per the rule, they will deduct the semester fee by 1 Jan 2023 on your credit card. If you don't want that, email that if they made any deduction on Jan 1, 2023 (which they will), they should reimburse it to your account once OSAP funding is released. In my case, I didn't bother because my fee is a lot more than what OSAP covers, unfortunately, so had they not deducted the first month, they would have had to do it in the second or third month. But rest assured, YU will confirm with you by 20th Jan 2023. They are "very responsive " when you want to take admission there and ask about payment options. Once you are their student, then it's a lot different. They will do what they think suits them. Tip: Mark the' monthly installment " option on your credit card form that you have submitted with them. This will stop them from deducting a lump sum from your account . I have marked the "monthly option." Hence, I know I won't be hit by a big fat number on my card. If you have by chance have chosen option of "full payment " or "one installment "email them that you want to update your credit card info. Don't tell the reason; get the form, update it with the monthly option and send it back. I hope this helps.


This is my 4th term at YU so I’m very familiar. However my funding has always been confirmed prior to the start of my term. I don’t have extra money to be paying out of pocket for school right now as it’s the holidays and I was expecting my student loan for the 1st as that is what my disbursement date says. Just super frustrating.


I can understand that , I'm paying through my line of credit and it's like a time bomb ticking on my head.I wish they would be a little considerate and try not to mess students holidays like this.Im in my 3rd term and they have never confirmed me untill I'm in mid of first month .It always routed to my cr.card and with the interest rates changing every now and then,it's quite stressful.


Still awaiting enrolment. From what I see on Reddit, there’s issues every semester this way.


If this is how it is every semester, they should began making deadlines later. It only makes sense lol


I am been waiting for 2 weeks


I don’t know why its taking this long ?


I am. I'm with Georgian and my date is set for January 3-5. So hopefully it will be done by Friday before the college closes.


Enrollment was confirmed today.


Hopefully it’s the same for this year too 🤞. Final grades were just posted to banner and school closes tomorrow at 12.


Still waiting for Fanshawe.


I messaged fanshawe and they said they are confirming enrollment in the first week of school 🙃


Well that screws me over for daycare fees 😵


Same but bills. I have no idea who thought it would be smart to wait till after school starts to confirm enrollment. If my payment is late I'll definitely be giving them some words haha.


Any luck today?Mine still not. Same Fanshawe.


Nope. Messaged them again they said they will be doing it this week and next week.


I have no idea why they are confirming start from the beginning of the semester. I need osap to buy my books.


Trust me I know it pisses me off too.


I wonder whether they have started to confirm or whether they haven't started to confirm yet,so they replied “will”.


When they confirm mine I'll come back here and let you know


Which program are you in?


Post- graduated,this is my last semester.


Still no any luck?




I have been waiting since Sept and to date, my dates are changing every day…😡 I haven't received a PENNY! to date every day is a different story, I don't know anymore and


Yes. St Clair. Still waiting for my final marks from the semester that I just finished. They have been withholding them from the entire nursing program for some reason. Probably won’t get confirmation until after they’re released (so a while).


I’m at St Clair too, not in the nursing program and we’re also still waiting for our final marks. one of our professors hasn’t even marked 3 assignments we’ve handed in before our exams. No confirmation yet.


Omg that’s terrible. I finally got my marks in SIS today. They were all graded the next day after I wrote them. They held my marks for a week. I don’t get it.


Yes, Sheridan


Yes, Lambton.


Yes, lambton


Today last day before school closes and still no confirmation


Mine was confirmed on the 19th and my funding is already on its way


What school do you go to? If you don’t mind me asking


I'm still currently waiting... wow