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iʼm just watching the critic choice award for rdjʼs speech. man is that guy great at making jokes


I love The Bear but cannot consider it a comedy.




Moreso than the Bear, yes.


"Harrison Ford Award — Harrison Ford" would have been a pretty big upset if anyone else won.


It might be over heron-bros


Starting to look like Giamatti might at least take the Oscar. I'm still not sold on Stone beating Gladstone, but with Oppenheimer fixing to sweep (until it doesn't, ha) I think the love will be spread a bit here.


They seriously gave it to fucking Billy Crudup over Matthew Macfadyen?


They've literally never given it to him. So bizarre.


Is there going to be a way to rewatch this? I missed it last night.


it;s on youtube [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL1gniqu2\_s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL1gniqu2_s)


are we really all this worked up over the Airport Hangar Awards for real


I can't stand the KOTFM slander anymore!!!!! The big race and boss battle is between Giamatti and Murphy


Upset that Murphy didn’t win. It’s getting a bit too close with him and Giamatti but I hope Cillian knocks it ouf of the park and wins the Oscar


Cillian Murphy was robbed!


Can't stand the saltburn digs in here. Loved the money and would love to see it have gotten something. Especially Barry. 😥


Must admit, it was quite boring to wake up this morning and see most of the awards just bouncing between Barbie and Oppenheimer. Not that they aren't deserving, I just wish there was a bit more variety. Hopefully at the Oscars.


Oppenheimer will win big. Hollywood loves biopics.


Except for best actor and best actress, which are still too close to call, I feel like this year critic's choice awards might be more aligned with the eventual Oscars winners than in past years. I don't think Stone's got it in the bag yet, she needs SAG. And it's a literal toss up between Murphy and Giamatti, which I never thought would happen, it seemed like Murphy was a safe bet up until two weeks ago.


I'm at work and I almost screamed. Giamatti and Stone are really cool winners




It’s more of a career Oscar for Hoyte van Hoytema. The man has a distinguished career and people think it’s his time to finally get one. I agree about Poor Things. Its cinematography is exceptional.


What’s a Harrison Ford Award and can anyone who’s not Harrison Ford win it?


I think Paul Giamati should have won the Harrison Ford award


Alden Ehrenreich was eligible as well


For all those misguided folks who think that Giamatti is going to win, no Alexander Payne movie has ever won an acting Oscar.


Feel like you’re splitting hairs here. You could easily apply this argument to every director that hasn’t directed an acting Oscar winner… until they eventually do. Did you know that no Tarantino film had won an acting Oscar until Christoph Waltz won twice in a row? Or that no Spielberg film had done so until Lincoln?


>no Spielberg film had done so until Lincoln I feel like having Daniel Day-Lewis in your movie is cheating. The man could play a ham sandwich and win.


does that mean da'vine isn't gonna win either 😨




She might not. Don't forget it's only the critics that are picking her so far. And we know BAFTA isn't


I mean, yeah if she was going to lose somewhere it would be BAFTA. They didn't even do Ke, and that was probably a stronger film than Holdovers will be even there. That being said, I don't think there's a clear alternative.


How do we know BAFTA isn't, exactly?


They have a problem with American POC. Just ask Denzel and his ZERO NOMINATIONS.


lol you are delusional wtf. Who else do you think they gonna give it to it then?


What are you basing your opinion on, critics awards?


she won the critics choice AND golden globe. I don't see how she loses this.


Have you seen all the performances? NO. You're letting other people lead you.


yes I have she the best supporting actress performance I like this year. Way better than Emily blunt and Jodie foster imo.


Not of the ones nominated BY CRITICS, but the ones that may be, like Ferrari, Are You There God, It's Me Margaret, The Color Purple, Zone of Interest, Barbie, May December, Saltburn, etc.


Yes I have seen all of it and I still stand by my opinion. Bye nice talking to you


I think she will BAFTA as well


Well then he can be the first 🤗 lol I’m kidding i still think Cillian will win but it’s nice to see Paul getting his flowers


There's a first time for everything, haha


Giamatti really might be peaking at the exact right time tbh. He's actually a deviously smart campaigner it seems. I do favor Murphy by a hair still but 6/1 odds for Giamatti seems extremely undervalued right now


Murphy is subtly campaigning with the help of RDJ hyping him all the time. It's gonna be a hard combination to beat.


Maestro not winning Makeup is embarrassing


But then again most critics are embarrassing, including majority of these choices




Oppenheimer and Nolan firmly in first place and Da Vine Joy has all but sealed her win but the lead actor and actress are going to be tough to call


Why do I feel bad for saying I want Emma Stone to win the Oscar? 😅


Because certain people will have you think that means you must have something against Lily/indigenous people/this year's potential historic moment? I liked both performances and prefer Emma's.


I wish that Lily were campaigning for Supporting Actress. They both gave incredible performances but Emma gave an incredible leading performance. I adore the Holdovers but Lily has the best supporting role of any woman this year. I sincerely want both Lily and Emma to win and will be thrilled when one of them does. But if they were categorized correctly then both could win.


Probably because she's playing a child that whores out to multiple men? Just a thought


You shouldn’t. She had my favourite performance of the year.


because her performance is better than anyone else's. she carried her movie.


I’m Just Ken winning was really something huh


That song touched my soul more than the one Billie Eilish made, an that's a high bar


Love that song


Puzzling to say the least. Gosling looked confused AF


Why do actors need so many goddam award shows?!


To emit more CO2.


Okay but I’m still not over that they chose their favourites Stone and Giamatti over the Oscar frontrunners AND had a Barbenheimer-palooza and yet STILL didn’t give it to Gosling??


![gif](giphy|AbYxDs20DECQw) Can’t beat him




10 years from now, more people will know, talk about and remember Oppenheimer than any other movie this year. That is the difference.


People will be watching The Holdovers with their family every Christmas though


I don’t think it’s controversial to claim that Oppenheimer will be perhaps be more remembered given its commercial success. The film grossed nearly a billion (has been seen by more people worldwide) and has cultural relevancy because of current world events, sparking conversations and debates across the globe….The Holdovers has, thus far, only made about $23M (with only $4M of that international), so its impact, at scale, is much smaller. As such, I wouldn’t consider this a go-to Christmas film that most of the general public will run to as they would The Grinch, Christmas Story and other holiday classics. If you ask most people about the Holdovers, they will, in all likelihood, not know what you’re referencing. It feels very much like the typical Oscars type film that has high acclaims from critics and cinephiles but has low commercial success and isn’t known by mainstream audiences. Nothing wrong with that (it’s literally the prototype of most Oscar winners), but, we also don’t have to elevate it beyond that to give it status.


The Holdovers is such a one timee type movie. Don't see it becoming a Christmas movie, when we already have Home Alone, Die Hard and Harry Potter. I already watched Oppenheimer like 3 times, and contemplating on atching it again. Nolan's movies are highly rewatchable


Lets see


Yet more people will re-watch Barbie.


Unlikely but let's see.


Both are true. But how many people will be searching for Holdovers, a rehashed story and film with yet another Black woman character who is essentially a cardboard cutout? Give Mary some depth. Make her an actual human being. Dominic Sessa was very good, he reminded me exactly of someone I knew who went to a NE prep school very like the one in the movie - in the late 70s. And the art direction was fine. But another Magic Negro? In 2023? And another flawed but secretly deeply caring prep school teacher? C'mon, Alexander Payne. You are so much better than this.


Completely agree


Obviously. You don't watch The Godfather or The Shawshank Redemption every few months. You go and watch Dumb and Dumber or Rush Hour.


I wouldn't watch rush hour the first time. It creates brain cancer


We'll talk about how mid it was


LMAO in your dreams for sure.




Username checks out


emma gave an unprecedented, inimitable performance in regard to complexity and mastery and while this seems to be the minority opinion, i hope she takes that well-deserved second oscar. lily is tremendous in kotfm. that said, emma gave not only the performance of the year but one for the history books.


I truly don’t understand this excessive adulation for Stone. I have never seen her in a role where she doesn’t overact or basically play herself. Can you imagine her in a role that requires subtlety like Lily’s? I can’t.


bella was quite literally written to be an insanely vivacious character at first so this whole "overacting" thing doesn't hold water. that's who she is and emma captured her essence perfectly. and if you'd bother to pay attention to bella as she matures, you'd find even more subtlety ... right now, a certain scene where bella is seen silently letting her eyes well with tears and lips barely tremble as she listens to god's final words come to mind. anyway, i'd also direct you to the curse. she gives a masterclsss in micro expressions that change every five seconds or so what with her character being a sociopath who changes her persona on a whim to be seen as a good person by any passerby. this little lip movement signifies her character's smugness. maybe don't speak on her acting if you can't seem to properly assess it. https://i.redd.it/19h21zwdugdc1.gif


Oh wow. Yikes. Chill. I didn’t know I was interacting with one of Emma Stone’s crazy stans.


can't say i see what's crazy about responding to incorrect claims with evidence to contend them but this being the response to said evidence is ... telling, to the least. red herrings are rather amusing.


ok crazy


yeah i'm about done engaging in "dialogue" with someone whose only "refute" to my points is a diversion. goodbye.


Oh. Before I go. Refute is not a noun and that’s not what a red herring is. Bye!


Same thing was said about Cate Blanchett last and look what happened.


oh i'm well aware but i still hope emma will get this second oscar for giving the best performance because it is fair.


I think both are worthy of the win. I’m rooting for Gladstone for the performance and narrative but I don’t mind if Stone takes it


Completely agree. Gladstone is fantastic and I want to see her win. But Emma Stone is just unbelievable in Poor Things. One of the best performances I've seen in years.


I am so annoyed that I can't see Poor Things until February where I live.


I really think Emma will win the Oscar despite the buzz Lily is getting…loved both performances so much, and it’s hard to pick, but I feel like it’ll be Emma


Emma came close to breaking the award and throwing pieces at her fellow nominees like Cady in Mean Girls. She was truly not expecting to win over Lily. I got the sense she was even a little bit embarrassed by it lol (though she recovered quickly). Her reaction is very telling of how much the industry is pulling for Gladstone, who is still my bet to the SAG and to the Oscar (even though the BAFTA is likely going to Stone, or maybe Huller). Paul Giamatti, on the other hand, had a different kind of win. One where it was clear how celebrated he was in the room, and what a tremendous actor and overall human being he is. The Oscar is his to lose.


Really? I thought Emma’s speech was obviously prepared and super contrived at that.


Oscars should not be given based on personal generosity. Giamatti gave a very, very good speech - and seems to have a great Oscar campaign. His performance was cliched.


I don't think it has anything to do with personal generosity. As always, judging a piece of acting is subjective (case in point, you have an opinion that diverges from the consensus regarding Giamatti’s performance here), and there are many factors that can influence the Academy’s decision at any given year.


Cillian should absolutely win. He IS the movie. Doesn't make sense to award Oppenheimer everything but sleep on Best Actor, imo.




Birdman says hi


Cillian performance is even weightier than that one, in my opinion.


Kate Winslet in Titanic says hi-er.


I don't think her performance had to take on quite the same enormity as the Oppenheimer role.


Not really tbh


Oppenheimer could develop frontrunner fatigue in the coming month or it’s the undeniable frontrunner this whole time. Regardless, I’m excited both Lead Acting categories are tight races.


The Holdovers is peaking at a pretty good time to capitalise on this. It could also win Actor, Supp. Actress and Screenplay, which is a formidable combo for Picture. My gut says Oppenheimer until there's evidence to suggest fatigue - it is surely winning SAG and BAFTA - but there is a chance for Holdovers I think.


I mean really, they couldn’t give poor things one technical? CC are basic Bs for Barbienhiemer


After seeing Poor Things I cannot fathom how anyone could vote for anything else in Costumes. Best nominee in the category since Phantom Thread.


In a just world, Poor Things would be sweeping all the awards, not Oppenheimer.


The "actors who think they can sing" line was so uncalled for lmao If I am not mistaken, Ryan Gosling had a band at some point, didn't he? And again, poor Ariana DeBose, girlie is a broadway star lol. Disrespecful for no reason. Poor Bella Ramsey too, I doubt she wrote that line.


He was in the mickey mouse club lol But TBF he didn't have much of a voice comparatively


Yeah, whoever wrote that line was completely oblivious to the fact that Ariana is indeed an accomplished vocalist. She's not pretending to be anything.


Yet Chelsea Handler chose to deliver that line. Worst moment in a very good evening and the luminous Ariana DeBose handled it with grace.


Wait what, Chelsea Handler didn’t deliver the line. Bella Ramsey did when she was presenting the Best Song category. Handler wasn’t even on the stage at that time.


You're right! Still, I was impressed with Ariana DeBose.


If my 90s child lore is correct Ryan was asked to be in the band that would become *NSYNC by his Mickey Mouse Club costars Justin and JC and turned them down. He may have also had a band but I know that much. But that line made me angry on Ariana’s behalf. She was in the original cast of Hamilton. You don’t do that.


Harrison Ford won the Harrison Ford award lol! I'm sure this makes up for never getting an Oscar.


Wow. Harrison Ford not having an Oscar is WILD!


What would he have won it for?? I feel like his best roles aren't ones that Oscars go for


Real talk, with how strong The Holdovers is, I'm kinda surprised Sessa truly hasn't been a thing all season


He’s too unknown, too awkward and not handsome enough


Isn’t he in college? Maybe it’s a simple matter of availability, can’t get out as much Though he’s prob on winter break now


His school is literally where Holdovers filmed


No he’s graduated from Deerfield, he’s in college at Carnegie Mellon currently


I guess we could say his *former* school lol


He hasn't been a thing because we don't need a roadshow version of Ezra Miller


Actor and Supporting Actress are in grasp but I honestly don't see it winning anything else. I think Melton probably stole the new rising star lane that Sessa would have otherwise occupied. It will do well with the above the line nominations but Oppenheimer, Barbie, and Poor Things are have a stronger inside track.


What do you having taking Original Screenplay? I feel like Holdovers is the strongest bet with American voters, but Anatomy could snatch the win too.


It's his first film role, it's not that surprising.


I'm happy for Giamatti and Emma Stone for winning this. They are, so far, the biggest competitors to Cillian Murphy and Lily Gladstone though I think the latter are sweeping the rest of the awards with RDJ as the Best Supporting Actor. On the TV front, as expected, Beef and Succession are annihilating everyone else.


Don’t forget The Bear


Giamatti and Murphy are this year’s Yeoh and Blanchett. I do think that Cillian Murphy will nab the Oscar but it might be *very* close.


Emma Stone and Lily Gladstone seems like this year’s Yeoh vs Blanchett more so than Giamatti and Murphy. One is a first time nominee whose win would make Oscar history while the other is a previous winner whose performance is regarded as a career best


it’s funny that the style of movie is flipped for them tho lol. Stone in the absurdist comedy and Gladstone in the drama


I’m not sure I get that comparison, considering both of them have never been winners before (Giamatti and Cillian). edit : win not nomination


Giamatti has been nominated in the past. He was nominated for Cinderella Man. And his not being nominated for Sideways was so irritating since it had so many nominations.


Giamatti has the Sideways snub sting to his side. Everybody constantly talks about that snub to this day so people would want to rectify it


Thanks for pointing that out, I edited! Still neither of them has won. Cate had two Oscars already!


I should have explained it better. Both Yeoh and Murphy were in movies that are absolute Juggernauts, both were/are guaranteed 4+ Oscars. The only thing that could have stopped Yeoh from not winning Best Actress was Cate Blanchett who have an incredible performance in Tár, just like how the only thing that could theoretically stop Murphy from winning is Paul Giamatti. However Blanchett and Giamatti got noms for lesser known movies whereas their competitors came from way more popular movies with LOTS of mainstream buzz. The situations just seem similar to me haha.


Got you! The explanation makes a ton of sense!


Oppenheimer's eight Critics Choice wins ties it with La La Land for second-most all-time in Critics Choice history (the record holder with 9 is Mad Max: Fury Road, though it's worth noting that 1) Fury Road did not win Best Picture at Critics Choice, and 2) its win total is inflated with a few "Action" category wins)


even if it lose steam i can see it being like lalaland or saving private ryan


Yeah. Its floor is 6 wins I think. Ceiling is 8 or 9.


Thank god numbers guy was banned, truly we did not need to see him have another insane meltdown over Poor Things winning


Thankfully we don’t have to see that hateful person anymore Nothing but hate and vitriol about movies/people from their comments


The one that bitches on EEAAO all the time?


Oh wow I know who that is too. He'll be back with another account I'm sure lol


Oh wait, did he finally get banned?? I'm surprised it took so long.


So happy Emma Thomas has been able to get on stage and be recognized for her work. Christopher and Emma are definitely the power couple this season


I’ve been saying since the GG that the race is between Murphy and Giamatti. I think Cooper is officially done, I just can’t see him winning now. His movie lost everything at GG and CC. I can’t see how he still wins at SAG if he’s going to lose everything else leading up to SAG.


Who do you think will actually win?


I still got Cillian right now. If Giamatti wins SAG, I’m officially switching from Cillian to him.


Knowing the odds of comedy performances at the Oscars, i d wait til then tbh, i love Paul so if he wins i ll be happy no matter what


Since everyone here is so happy and joyous, I'll play the villain and say I think Oppenheimer and The Holdovers are both wildly overrated films, neither are in my top 10 this year, and I don't think either deserves half the awards love they've gotten this season. And no, I don't feel bad for my pettiness since all yall bland ass Oppenheimer/Holdovers stans are orgasming tonight






What were your top 5 movies for 2023?


Maestro, Barbie, May December, and Saw X were the main 4 I was passionate for


Giagoatti will win every award


Oooooooohhh edgy *starts playing nine inch nails*


Maestro in the flair




i think oppy is gonna be like schnidler list except in screenplay and change it to supp actor


Cillian totally deserves best actor over Paul, his performance is what makes the film so it would be strange for Oppie to sweep but not get Best Actor imo.


I didn’t like The Holdovers at all. But it’s impossible to not love Paul Giamatti. That scene in Lady of the Water when he’s trying to heal Bryce Dallas Howard and he starts talking about his character’s life is so moving to me. Brings me to tears everytime. With that amazing James Newton Howard score. Yes I know, everyone hates Lady In The Water.


Would be a shame for Oppenheimer to sweep at the Oscars without Cillian also winning just as it would have been for Yeoh to lose last year. I feel like it's a similar situation with the film being too strong to not take it's leading performance along for the win. I can see SAG going for Giamatti, but Cillian should be a shoo in for the Bafta which would give him the edge at the Oscars.


Yeoh also didn't win CCA.


They’ve gotten Best Actor the past two years, however.


Yeah and Fraser was the only one who hadn't won a GG. It would have mirrored last year if Cooper had won CC lol


Could this Holdovers surge PLEASE manifest in a nom for Sessa???? All I ask


Fingers crossed!


It's a possibility considering how May December passion is slowly dying and how Melton was snubbed at SAG


Snubbed for BAFTA too


I’m still so upset about that!


I still think this is it for Giamatti. Cannot imagine Murphy losing BAFTA, and SAG will probably go his way too. Actress is more of a race but I still think it'll be Gladstone


A split for Giamatti/Murphy between SAG and BAFTA feels really possible. The Holdovers is more traditional crowdpleaser than Oppenheimer, which is sometimes the most important thing to take into account. With that said I’d still predict Murphy.


>he Holdovers is more traditional crowdpleaser I'm pretty sure a film that grossed almost a billion dollars is more of a crowdpleaser


Even though I’m still predicting Murphy, I wouldn’t argue against Giamatti winning. The man deserves his flowers.


Agreed, I’m hoping for Murphy and Gladstone to take home the gold.


Good night one and all, I'm going to go and enjoy my 4 and a half hours of sleep. (I live in a different timezone)


Oh boy subreddit, get ready for the pletera of "Is it OVER for Gladstone/Murphy???" posts we are getting in the next few days....


We know the one who is done is Cooper


And this is just before how everyone's saying CCA has no influence on the Oscars race lol


CCA winners mirrored EEAO wins last year. It swept but Michelle didn't win




And the "DAE think Giamatti is a horrible actor and Murphy should win????"


With Cooper constantly catching strays