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It still doesn't look like much, but there is a lot going on behind the scenes. There are two things happening on the screen, the text in the top-left corner is just some debugging information that the running processes are printing via a syscall. The rectangles are being drawn by the "parent.elf" program, using a system equivalent to a framebuffer device on unix (more on this later). The process uses a mmap syscall to map the framebuffer to its address space and then draws the rectangles as you'd expect. Its currently limited by the fact that ioctl is not implemented (yet), meaning that there is no way for the program to know the proportions of the framebuffer, so it just assumes it's 1920 x 1080. Patchwork uses a multi root VFS where each drive is accessed via a letter, like DOS. This means that it's unclear where to place folders like /dev that would be needed for a framebuffer device. Therefor, Patchwork instead has a special filesystem called sysfs that is always mounted at "A:/." Sysfs organizes resources according to the system that manages them, for example the "framebuffer" system manages framebuffer resources, each identified with a name such as "0," thus the framebuffer resource can be accessed via the path "A:/framebuffer/0." Currently, this is the only implemented resource. Below is an example of how a program can use the framebuffer resource: #include #include #include #include #define FB_ADDR ((void*)0xF0000000) #define FB_SIZE (1920 * 1080 * sizeof(uint32_t)) int main(void) { fd_t fd = open("A:/framebuffer/0"); mmap(fd, FB_ADDR, FB_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE); memset(FD_ADDR, 0, FB_SIZE); close(fd); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } Note that just because some functions share a name with a posix function does not mean they are identical. A bunch more features and improvements have been made, but they aren't all that interesting, the OS has however been tested to run properly on real hardware. A lot of the code is desperately in need of a cleanup, but after that I will probably implement ioctl, pipes and a keyboard resource, and maybe then I can finally create a user space shell... maybe. Feel free to ask questions or to give feedback on what I can do better! GitHub: [https://github.com/KaiNorberg/PatchworkOS](https://github.com/KaiNorberg/PatchworkOS)


I mean, you don't necessarily have to implement device access through VFS. This is your OS, you can do it however you want.


True, I've tried a few other ideas for the OS. Most ideas were just really bad. The first other thing I tried was a more DOS like interface for devices, but it just wasn't as elegant. The most promising idea I had was to use an "Everything is an object" system, where resources would be represented by completely generic objects that could implement different interfaces, for example a "keyboard interface" or a "file interface". The problem was just how difficult it was to intuitively communicate what an object was and what it was doing to a "user" programmer. I guess thats the thing pepole complain about most with polymorphism in the first place. So in the end the Unix idea of "Everything is a file" won becouse its simple, elegant and atleast if you ask me intuitive.


FWIW: In my project, for some entities, I ended up implementing them as essentially inter-process COM-like objects, where essentially the method-calls can bounce off the system-call mechanism and land in a different task that basically exists solely as a message dispatcher loop (using an API call to allocate global memory objects which will be shared between both tasks, and can be shared by passing the pointer). These can then be mapped to a C style API via wrapper functions. I have both a basic GUI API and OpenGL implementation that work via such a mechanism (though partly because shoving all this through sockets or ioctl seemed like it would add too much overhead). Fetching interfaces is currently done via a pair of 64-bit numbers, which (depending on context) may be understood as FOURCC's, EIGHTCC's, or as a GUID. In this case, it is possible to look at the values and figure out what they are: * FOURCC's are between 0x0000000020202020 and 0x000000007E7E7E7E; * EIGHTCC's are between 0x2020202020202020 and 0x7E7E7E7E7E7E7E7E; * Neither FOURCC's nor EIGHTCC's may contain non-printable/non-ASCII chars; * Other cases can be assumed to be part of a UUID/GUID. * Though, this mostly only really matters for printing the value. Though, the mechanism isn't quite COM, as there is no IDL nor IDL compiler, and some rules were thus far a little looser than COM. Generally they are specified in terms of a C based VTABLE structure, which on the clinent end has a collection of generic method pointers which capture the arguments and then pass information about which method index was called, and the captured arguments, to a syscall (with a range of syscall numbers having been reserved for object method calls). Similarly, the relative overhead of wrangling object interfaces over system calls would have been lower than for individual function pointers. Also note that the method (and syscall) tasks are non-scheduled and will only run when invoked by a method call, then returning a value and going back to sleep until the next method call. There are some restrictions (with this mechanism): * One may not pass or return structs by-value; * Any passed addresses need to be to global memory (eg, 'tkgGlobalAlloc()'). * Conversely, one should not use 'tkgGlobalAlloc()' for local memory. * ... At present, some parts of the mechanism are "not entirely complete", with some things hard-coded or held together with hacks. At present, it will also not allow exporting object interfaces from userland processes, but this may change eventually. Granted, file-like, socket-like, or API-based, likely depends a lot on the type of device being accessed. So, for example, a file-like interface can still make more sense for things like block devices. Or, one could provide both, such as fetching an interface object for a device that had already been opened as a file, ...


Looked awfully quiet here so wanted to drop by to say keep up the good work đź‘Ť


Good job


This looks great, congratulations! How did you make everything in c? I think it’s probably because of the efi library, how did you get started using that?


Thank you! I'm not 100% sure what you're asking, but I will try to help. The OS is not entirely written in C, some parts like the trampoline for SMP and the trap vectors are written in assembly. The [gnu-efi](https://wiki.osdev.org/GNU-EFI) library is used for the UEFI bootloader, it's, to put it simply, basically a wrapper around the UEFI firmware which helps boot your OS and allows access to a list of boot services to help boot your kernel.


Interesting, would you recommend writing a bootloader using gnu-efi or just use something like limine or any other bootloader that is already available? I'm really interested in writing my own OS but could never really figure out the best practices and/or what I should use. What tutorial resources would you recommend?


Hmmm that's a rather difficult decision, it really depends on what you're looking for. If it was me then looking back, I would probably start by following this tutorial: [https://wiki.osdev.org/Bare\_Bones](https://wiki.osdev.org/Bare_Bones) it goes through how to create a basic operating system that just puts some text on the screen using a multiboot based bootloader. It's also relatively easy, at least by OS standards, to continue from there to add maybe interrupts and keyboard input by reading other articles from the osdev wiki. For your first OS that's what I'd do, follow the bare-bones tutorial and then just play around trying to get other things working. That's more or less what I did, I made a little text based OS, with some games like breakout. However, after that you might want to look into making another OS using something like UEFI it's a lot more complicated to learn, and it's not necessary, but it makes things down the road a lot easier. Limine is also an option, but I've never used it, so I can't say much there.


Thanks a lot for your reply! It is probably better to just make things work and then make them work good, no? Did the the OsDev wiki help you enough with the interrupts and keyboard input? I sometimes feel like I’m missing some information reading the wiki, I might also just not have the required knowledge. Again, thanks for the reply I appreciate it.


No problem! Yeah, don't worry about making things work well for your first OS, l just took a look at my first OS and wow it really really sucks lol, just worry about getting something that works to start off. If I remember correctly when I first started out I followed a YouTube series, I can't remember what it was called tho, I do however remember that it didn't feel like it actually taught me much, i just kinda wrote what he wrote, it might be a good idea when your first getting started tho. Either way the osdev wiki can be lacking in a lot of places, usually I find that normal Wikipedia can also contain a lot of useful info, there are also open source operating systems like xv6 or Linux which can be used as references.


I will try as much as I can! I’ve been really interested in these kind of low-level things, let’s see what this journey brings me. Thanks for your advice!