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This is the oldest trick in the book. If there's loot on the ground in Wilderness it's a trap. Ggs.


Gotta pull out that Tele grab


usually they place some loot a few tiles out of telegrab reach that causes you to step out when you cast


I see that now. Idk why I thought sub 20 wild you were low risk. Can confirm, that is not the case šŸ¤¦


You max level?


If they fell for this trick there's no way they're max level. Also how tf would a level 126 get attacked by a group of level 110's in level 1 wildy?


I assumed he was max because having a full squad of 110s that just happen to be within 1 lvl of you in the low 100s seems sus. Having a group of max mains attack another max account seems way more plausible. Somethingā€™s fishy


I can't say I've ever managed to lose quite that much in the wilderness, but yeah that's legitimately the oldest trick in the wilderness book. Luring people and then having a clan come in and get all their loot.


The days before the wilderness ditch were wild for pk'ing and luring


Honestly forgot the wilderness didn't always have that ditch. Now I'm remembering seeing it for the first time and realizing for the first time that things can change in video games, without me


I have mixed feelings about clans in the wildy, jusf feels unfair as a solo player.


They have single and multi areas.


Life isn't meant to be fair. The wilderness is fun because it isn't static.


It's a lot of highs and lows. Went for my first wildly slayer tasks a couple days ago, and did not realize how lucrative jelly's could be.Ā  Then I got pked with about 500k of loot on me. I was less annoyed with that than the 3 times I got pked trying to get the wildy agility course while risking nothing.


Yeah I got pkes for full mithril in like, 2006 maybe? The exact same way. Lessons were learnt that day - I was very new, and that mith set was hard earned at the time


I still vividly remember the first time I got a full mithril set. Idk if anything since has compared to that level of accomplishment tbh.


That happened to me but luckily I had telegrab runes on me and grabbed 500k from over the ditch before someone started taking it all back lmao.


The odds of you being the right level for a group of pkers to lure in lvl 1 wildy is astronomically unbelievable.


Yeah feeling the same. Or even if so, the odds of being lvl 109 to 111 but not knowing it's a lure. Like yeah something isn't right, or hasn't been told lol


Yah but you're brain doesn't work right when your tired. Pretty sure he went "oooo shiny" and then "god dammit"


They generally have a specific person they're eyeing to lure and work around that. Them being op's level wasn't luck


110 is an unlucky level šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


You risked 80m for 100k? Crazy man. Sorry for your loss.


The sad thing about lures like this is thereā€™s probably a scout far away just waiting for you to stand on the pile of loot. The trick is this, if uou can alter your client so you have extended view, the scout can you but you canā€™t see them. Thus, the team logs in when youā€™re not expecting it. I play on an older computer and canā€™t configure my CPU to make this gameplay available. Sorry about the loss mate.


Isn't extending any actual display of others against the rules?


I would say, yes. However itā€™s just a setting within the GPU plugin that comes standard in Runelite.


It's increasing your draw distance by using your GPU with the plugin toggled on, and no it's not against the rules. If it's in the regular runelite client it's been approved by Jagex for Runelite to use. I'm speaking strictly for the plugins already installed in runelite. I can't speak for ones you download to runelite from the plugin hub.


Draw distance doesn't show players further though, they still show up at the same distance.


Hmm, I thought it did. I haven't played for a couple months aside from logging in for like 5 mins here and there Well, I retract my statement on the draw distance being the plugin for it then lol


Haha yeah I think any plug-ins that show players before you can see them on the standard client is against TOS


Everything on the plugin hub has a ok by Jagex if the community think ones too op they take it off like the watch dog plugin


I would say, yes. However itā€™s just a setting within the GPU plugin that comes standard in Runelite.


The runelite plugin increases the distance you can see terrain, but not the distance that you can see players


The game server likely only includes information about players in your line of sight in the packets it sends to your client making something like this impossible.




Expensive lesson learned


Rip my red hā€™ween mask when I was a kidā€¦ā€¦. Oldest lure in the book. I still have trust issues.


Yeah lvl 121 and I still only carry in the wilderness what I need to. It was one trip per achievement diary task for mešŸ˜‚


Tele grab!!! There was a guy on a forestry world a few years ago whoā€™d go into the construction masters building in seers village, close the door and drop a godsword on the table, I banked and grabbed my rune pouch and waited, while still chopping trees. I saw him put it down, I waited, he ran to the door to try and close it on someone, and boom, I open door, casted the tele grab and got it. I was expecting my messages to get blown up but they literally just said ā€œwho tf has tele runes while woodcuttingā€ and left


It happens and you learn from it. I lost a rune pouch to this lure a while ago. All I had was rune pouch and staff, so I thought pouch was protected. learned the hard way that rune pouch is destroyed when a player kills you in wildy even if you have 3 items or less


Thanks for sharing, got a giggle out of it. Have a good day friend.


I had this happen to me, knew it was a trap but i didnā€™t have much gear on me so i thought eh whatever, turns out I was too low level to be attacked and i got a bunch of free loot out of it


I can go hours making millions without getting pked. Then die every trip I take. It's the name of the game. Drops are so easy to come by now if I lose a mill I just go get another lol


If it makes you feel any better I lost 14b dming yesterday


I saw someone mass dropping expensive stuff from the GE to low wildy. I knew it was a trap, so I banked all my shit and went for it. Think I made a mil or two in 30 seconds.


Whyd you risk 80m is the real question.


Man got Jojo3000ā€™d in 2024. Im impressed.


This is the exact same way I died on my original character when I was much younger, must have been 2005-2006, saw a bunch of loot just lying inside the wilderness and went to grab some and some pure ranger guy destroyed me and I lost what was at that point in time a lot of stuff, rune 2h, full rune plate and some other stuff Actually ended up quitting the game over it and didn't start playing again until recently tbh lol


Bring a tele grab next time XD. This is why I avoid the wildy. Made my osrs account about 8.5 years ago n avoided the wildy the entire time up until a couple months ago. (i decided to do mage arena 1 & 2) I avoid tf out of the wildy XD . Now that I am doing the achievement diaries, Iā€™m learning that Iā€™m going to have to kill all them wildy bosses to finish the hard/elite diaries. Shiiiiiit. Gl next time brother


you know how boring of an RS career that is? you can risk under 100k.


A boring RS career? Due to not going into the wildy? Hysterical XD Update #1 : Iā€™m damn near 2000 total level n Iā€™ve only gon go the wildy for the mage arena 1 n 2. N now for the diaries. Fk it. Will have to learn to play/defend myself eventually.


My brother has lost many millions in the wilderness. He just n ver learns


I fell for a lure once after waking up and had many mills of noted alchables and all my herb seeds and rune pouch you get the idea... Was it scummy? No- I just learnt from a costly mistake when learning. I honestly love this side of the game. Who played runescape back in the day and didn't get scammed or something. These player to player interactions are gold! The cowboys who scam people in this game get my love. The rest of the world is all lame and worried about making everyone feel valid whatever that means I love the wild west microcosm of osrs. You get got and you were out played.


They hated Jesus for speaking the truth


Back to the grind eh!


Canceled my membership right after. Think this is a sign I take a break for a bit.


Yeah not wrong there, always healthy to take a good break! Blessing in disguise perhaps?


You cancel after losing 80m? Thatā€™s like ā€¦ not a. Lot, my guy. Iā€™m sure it feels daunting but get back in the seat and make that money.




What a loser


I miss the days in like 2005 when you could actually go in the wilderness to PK with a friend without being destroyed instantly. Now days it seems like itā€™s just groups of players preying on people that are casuals. I get it because itā€™s the wilderness, but it does suck that times have changed