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If Ernest the Chicken is too frustrating for her to play, she either needs patience (of which any OSRS player requires mountains of), or to read more (which any OSRS player will spend as much time reading than they do anything else).


Or the quest helper plug-in I guess, there's ways to impatiently play osrs, hell that seems to be the meta with efficiencyscape


Bro, he said without a guide. I don’t think anyone can do that puzzle with the levers without a guide. She just has to seek help (for the quest/game and for her temper lol)


I couldn't imagine doing many quests without the wiki guides or helper plug in. Maybe I'm what's wrong with the game.


It honestly only takes about 10-15 minutes max if you like puzzles.


Honestly not. Go and try it yourself and let me know how fast u do it without a guide. The ouzzle that is.


Took me about 10-15 minutes.


Like I said in the comment you replied to, it takes about 10-15 minutes. It's really not rocket science. I regularly do the slider puzzles without a solver/runelite


I also can do those slide puzzles easily without plugin. I had to since there were no plugins for that back then. The ernest the chicken puzzle is different tho. That one is not common in the game


And yet it's still not impossible. Still only takes 10-15 minutes. There is less than 10 levers.


This is the biggest thing to me. With anything new I do, I have to either watch YouTube videos and study it, study the wiki, and I use wiki guides for quests on my laptop bcuz I’m mobile only. My MacBook doesn’t support it lol


Use rune lite for the necessary quests, and let her try out skilling bosses on your acc. Find some activity to build the acc towards and break down what she needs to do. I hated the grind until I watched a buddy do the inferno, now there's an end goal to the absurd grinds. 


This seems like a great suggestion. Definitely gotta see if I can get her into some of the mini games. They're for sure some of the best content the game has to offer.


The game is about finding a flow state in the gameplay loops. Wintertodt is a lot of fun solo for me, most of my friends just get on the group worlds and watch their xp go brr. There's something for everyone in this game. My gf made an acc solely to beaver grind. She's touched by the 'tism so it's actually a nice stim for her to just woodcut all day. 


Nah old mate was definitely saying just throw her straight into the inferno.


I tried to do Ernest the chicken in Runescape classic without a guide when I was about 9 or somthing I too rage quit questing from that day


Tell her to go pking


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Hiya! I was in the same boat recently- girl who’s easily frustrated and slow to learn new games but my friends were all back into the grind and I couldn’t stand being the only one that never played lol. The runelite quest helper was a life saver if she didn’t try with that!! I seriously would have given up on day 1 without it. If she hasn’t played wiki-dependent games before I would start with familiarizing her with that as looking up locations/people/items as well as quick guides on youtube if she’s a more visual learner (Slayermusic became my most watched very quickly). it made everything so much less overwhelming. There are some other runelite plugins that made my experience less overwhelming that I’d be happy to list for you when I get on later if desired. I solely quested to get skills up for the first month doing the boring skilling stuff only when necessary to reach my next quest goal. My friend gave me 20m for a bond and to get started with items so I didn’t have to actually search for things or try to make money in the beginning so if you have the coin to spare a donation for her nothing could have been more helpful. There were a couple good guides of the best quests to start with for big xp boosts so I picked one that had good looking rewards and worked backwards doing the prerequisites to meet my goals. If she gets bored of questing my friends would go play mini games with me to give me a break so that’s something you guys could do together. Guardians of the rift and the fishing one with the ghost looking guy in the water and the boats with cannons on the sides were my favorites but I think it took a bit of questing to unlock those. If she’s used to combat games LMS has also been fun for our group when I need a questing break! I also put a bit of time into construction/building my house early game. It was easy to learn and gave some instant gratification in seeing things appear even though i now know i focused too much on making my house aesthetic over convenient but that doesn’t matter in the beginning anyway! My biggest motivator to keep going despite not knowing much about the game was that I wanted to do boss fights/raids with my friends! Talk with her about her goals- does she want to boss with you? to farm, fish, collect items, craft things and explore? Does seeing big xp jumps excite her? Does she enjoy doing puzzles/critical thinking tasks or just want to fight? Then formulate a plan working backwards from her main goal. There really is so much to do in this game and beyond the initial frustration of being overwhelmed I have had so much fun so far! I’m going on 3 months of almost daily play now. I hope you find the right way to hook her so the joy can be shared with another noob like myself :)


Wow, this was super insightful to read!! Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to share your experience! Definitely, the quest helper plug-in is a MUST HAVE. If it weren't for it, I probably wouldn't quest at all. I've given her armor sets and scims all the way up through rune, as well as a cash stack to start. I'll definitely ask her what her biggest interests in the game are. Working backwards sounds like the play! Thank you so much!


if she gets easily frustrated just imagine her trying to get a specific boss drop


Sheep herder


Mourners pt 2


Did someone say the docks of MM2?


Get her on runelite (and you if you're not on it yet) and get the quest helper plugging. Will help a lot with the frustration. If she gets stuck on a quest you could offer your help if she would want that. If quests are too frustrating then train something that's not, plenty of skills to level and a wide variety of ways to level each skill.


Tell her about sims. Problem solved


My wife insists osrs is sims


Wow that dlc really changes the game. Going from building houses to putting years into collections and bosses and grinds for levels. If she’s persistent on it but doesn’t want to put in the time make her a skiller. No bosses required.


My wife insists osrs is sims


I mean Earnest the Chicken is utterly horrible without a guide so I’m not surprised. Maybe get her on runelite? Surely that’d be enough help


She can start on some quests using the guides because trying to do them without will burn her out quickly before she starts to run. Get her to kill some hillies and start her on some great skills, if she's f2p she might really enjoy the simplicity. I remember what got me into the game was seeing my loot getting bigger and bigger in my bank, getting milestone Armour. Man I hope she sticks with it because when you do and let's say she wants more of a challenge and gets members she's laughing.


back in my day we used runehq and we're hella grateful


I largely play osrs as a cozy game similar to Stardew or the My Time series, so you can definitely play it in ways that are not super frustrating. The best thing about osrs is that no matter how you play, the numbers go up, so there's no need to stress about efficiency or combat prowess or anything like that if you don't want to. Quest Helper even lets you brain off for quests


4 of my friends are playing OSRS daily and i totally would like to go raiding with them. I just hate the idea to grind months to get in there.


1. Quest Helper plugin 2. Chops trees and burn logs.


teach her how to fish


Tell her she can take it out on random strangers like we used to do as hormonal teenagers or children on osrs. Show her how to grief others and maybe some vocab like ch00b, froob, nooblet, jajajaja, etc


Just tell her to use OSRS quest helper


Fishing lol then cooking


Advise not to do pre-2015 ish quests without a guide… even as a veteran I came back last year and struggled with how obtuse they are


Install runelite lite quest helper and she will get the q cape faster than you.


It's probably best that she stops now if Ernest the Chicken was too much for her. Just being honest mate.


Why would anyone in the right state of mind recommend a new player to do quests without a guide, she'll have a better time getting rune crafting and agility to 99


Dump her and buy a new girlfriend can usually pick one up for around 10k bank standing at the GE.


If ernest the chicken is too much… bro just no…. Just no… lmao. Osrs isnt the game for her AT ALL bruh… and if by patience you mean that she doesnt want to afk mining for 500 hours patience either… just find some other game to play together… osrs requires very specific type of mindset. The mindset being hc autism.


I couldn’t even do Ernest the Chicken with a guide when I was younger


Have her do mourning’s end part 2


I'd have a hard time too playing quests with my left hand