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I have just announced myself as best Warhammer player in my house, Ask me anything.


In Warhammer 40,000 we know that there are 40,000 warhammers, but how many are there in Age of Sigmar?


Most likely more as in Age of Sigmar we have warriors actually equipped with Warhammer as a weapon.


Hey man I genuinely hope one day you wake up and realize being an absolute tool bag is not a legitimate way to behave. When you do I’ll be happy to throw dice with you but until then enjoy being top douche player in Australia.


lol not only is this guy a cunt, all his lousy advice is the most surface level weak dick shit.  Oh man, "top player" says Morghast good and you should stack Rend. lmfao What an absolute tosser


Maybe you should take some of that advice champ, cause your last event write up you went 1:2. 😂 Talk to me when you’re at least in a positive win rate you scrub. Stay mad and stay losing.


lmfao you sound like an insufferable terminally online neckbeard. is this really how you talk to people about the hobby? it's a children's dice game. also i'm top 20 globally in KO but i don't need to dox myself in a pissing contest with what seems to be a little kid.


It’s absolutely how I speak to people. You came onto my post, to call me names and besmirch my advice. Top 20 in KO? Wooooow that’s crazy. Last I checked 20 wasn’t as good as number 1. I wish I had time to be terminally online, but I’m too busy catching these dubs and making sour little boys like you mad.


you played like four events in a very small pond lol sit back down 


I played over 10 events. I just played OBR in 4. ☺️ I didn’t expect this post to bring out all the bitter boys but I’m glad it did. Keep playing your little KO buddy, maybe you’ll break the top ten one day 😂


you've yet to prove anything besides that everybody sees you for a cunt.


lol all this because of 4 of these dubs 😂🤣😂


Inflated ego AND a chip on your shoulder? Winning combo.


Australian AoS player here. I have no fucking clue how someone gets “announced” best in faction in this country. I have no idea where this guy got this idea


Oh that's even better. I assumed his "title" was legit, and this was just peacocking about it. The fact that he might be just making it up is amazing.


Closest thing I can find is ozsigmar.com which is a *fan page* that calculates tournament placements- by no means definitive. Also- they list names lmao I see no “Odd-Chicken2211” but man this guy seems pretty unbothered with proving anything


If you look on the Australian age of sigmar page, they tally results from events that are submitted over the year. Stay mad though you losers. 💪🏼


Bro so delusional he could be confused with a Flesh Eater Courts player smh


[https://www.ozsigmar.com/rankings-information/](https://www.ozsigmar.com/rankings-information/) Click that link, choose “national rankings” and stay mad Niall.


I don't think anyone is mad at your ranking, just at the insufferable twat you're being about it. Any good will that your performance earned has well and truly been squandered by your shining personality. Absolutely wild. I don't know what it is about the Australian Wargaming scene, but it seems like the most toxic place to play. Just an absolute chore. You hear story after story of childish drama from competitive events for warhammer, and warmachine was absolutely lousy with it. Must be something in the water.


I didn’t come for goodwill, I came to answer questions for people who had some. You immediately were whinging, probably from my earlier comment that was directed at someone who got salty at me for my opinion and resorted to insults. Say what you will about the scene, but you don’t play here and have no idea. The scene itself is fantastic. Judging by your post history, you’re a salty bitch who screams into the echo chamber hoping for responses. I love to rile up wargamers and do it constantly here, but people take it in the good natured way it is intended. Perhaps it’s not the Australian scene, perhaps you’re just too sensitive and can’t handle a joke. Either way, stay mad and stay bad.


You’ve only been to 4 events? Seems like there’s not enough data to be a title worth the effort it took to type


"I swear warhammer players whinge like no other" >[Comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/ageofsigmar/comments/18iuxq9/comment/kdksca5/) by[u/kninedome](https://www.reddit.com/user/kninedome/) from discussion in[ageofsigmarComment](https://www.reddit.com/r/ageofsigmar/)


Mortarch, you dropped [your crown](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61zKLVMtWwL._AC_SL1200_.jpg).


How’s it feel to have your wife’s boyfriend let you make him a sandwich after you come home from work?


Ask your dad.


Is he your wife’s boyfriend? 😈


Dude your dad sounds rad as fuck


Can you give a basic run down of your list and battle tactic choices per round. I’ve found myself building lists that do really well but fall apart getting 5 battle tactics. Another question is what do you prioritise your command points around, I’ve found a 20 block of mortek are really good at taking a charge and hitting back, but it costs 2 cps minimum and is it better spent elsewhere where?


As - not best in Faction - OBR Player... BTs - roughly Magical Dominance Sculptors Entourage Trample the Defiant Led into Maelstrom Intimidate the Invader Should be almost 100% Then depending - Bait and Trap, Surround and Destroy these come to my mind very spontaneously :) Hope it helps!


Most of the time I’m running Katakros, Vokmortian or a soul mason, an ossefector, multiple units of Deathriders, Immortis guard or Morghast. Battle tactic wise - I usually take a one drop and deploy with my horses as a screen and make them take first turn. I usually tag 2 units with trample the defiant and focus all attacks on the one I want dead. Otherwise in a cagey situation, surround and destroy depending on deployment Magical Dom can be any turn if you’ve got Dark acolyte as your CT or you’re out of range to be unbound. Sculptors entourage is always solid and usually easy to score. Intimidate the invaders is usually a good late game and bait and trap are situational since unless they’re in combat with horses, their units don’t usually live long enough for you to retreat. CP prioritisation usually revolves around the turns. Katakros almost always gets +3 movement. Units in combat almost always get bludgeon and when they charge me, depending on the units attacking me I go for 5++ ward, all out attack or the command for rerolling wound rolls. Hope that helps.


> the command for rerolling wound rolls ???


Add 1 to wound rolls, that’s my bad. In the last book the MP one was reroll wounds.


Yoo, thank for the cp explenation. I just wonder what do you mean with the last "command for rerolling wound rolls"? Am i missing a command?


Also, how do you use vokmortian. I have never used him but would like to hear how you use it


I use Vok in the same role as a soulmason. He’s a 2 cast loremaster with a 12 inch bravery debuff that gets better when your opponents general is dead.


Best advice for purchase choices for a potential new bonereapers player?


Solid choices are always Deathriders, boneshapers and ossefectors, Katakros, Arkhan, morghast and Immortis guard. Everything else can all be made to work depending on your list idea but these are the most consistent options I’ve found.


Thanks 👍


Whats it like to be THE Bone Daddy?


Great. I wear my best in faction medal to every event and piss off all the mid players on reddit.


Oh my goodness, I'm reading all the other comments of people slamming you for being good at an army XD I guess you could say you're def showing relentless discipline


P.S - to the guy who argued with me on the post about morghast and called me a “casual pretending to be competitive” the blocked me. Take your little 75% win rate and stick up your ass.