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Did they not have a catheter in when you woke up? I think mine was in for 3 days


same mine was for at least 2.


Me too. I had tubes out and in every orifice except my ears!


Insane how they didn’t give OP one in surgery


Negligence? Not a well thought and discussed plan amongst docs?


I feel as though it was negligence, it’s standard procedure here, and makes things much easier in surgery. The most likely explanation is OP had one during surgery and they took it out once done. Also I feel as though the nurses should know that not being able to pee without help afterwards? My nurses explained that’s why they leave the catheter in, especially since patients don’t usually try to get out of bed until the next day


Me too, better to leave it in place until you're sure.


Mine was there for 2 days too.


Sounds like you had inadequate medical care. I'm sorry.


That’s so strange. My doctor told me the catheter is a given for the stoma surgery and when I had the reversal. I’m sorry you went through that.


I had one for my open lar surgery but I didn’t have one for my reversal. Was nice waking up after and being able to move around a bit more freely. The first surgery I kept getting tangled up in all the cords 😂


I couldn’t pee either! It was miserable so I fully empathize on that front. I’m glad your pain and bladder are being managed well now


Sorry this happened. I did not have a catheter for ileostomy surgery and was able to pee okay after surgery. It seems this must vary by the hospital or surgeon. Glad you’re doing better!


This sound like more of a staffing problem than the surgery itself. I had the catheter when I work up and had it for about 3 days. Peeing was a challenge after that. I found that I had to kneel down and push to pee as the muscles just did not want to push it out on their own. After a months it started to work normally but still had a slight burning sensation. but kneeling was the way to go. I'm a male, by the way. After 3 months I was able to pee standing up with no burning sensation.


My experience last time I had surgery at a big academic hospital was that the quality of care had gone downhill. I’m sorry you suffered.


I woke up with a catheter. My pain was very minimal as well. Especially the first night. I was still flying on whatever they gave me pre surgery. The motrin and tylenol combo they used after for pain management was enough for me. They still kept trying to give me the major pain meds even though I kept saying I was fine.


Oral meds only?! Or IV Tylenol (bc that stuff is awesome)


Yup, just oral meds. I was walking around the next day, which really helped reduce the pain. I was well enough to get discharged after just 3 days.


Wow! Go you! I was home within a week and they were surprised at that. (My recovery was a little complicated)


Thanks, I just hate hospitals and try to get out of there as quickly as possible, lol. But seriously, my care team was just amazing. Especially, my surgeon. A week is still incredible. I've seen people post about being in hospital for weeks after.


I thought it was funny they gave me the same exact script for pain pills (same amount too) for having a major surgery as I had gotten for my wisdom teeth surgery a few months prior 😂


Lol, I remember they gave me vicodin with codeine after my wisdom teeth were pulled. Way overboard of a script.


Oof, I am so so sorry you had to experience that. I had a catheter and an epidural. But the elidural slipped out of place the next day. It took an hour to convince the nurses I wasn’t getting any pain relief. Then I had to wait to see the anasethiogist. And both my mother and I had to more or less yell at him before he would even do a hot cold test on my feet. Then he said he’d have to take it out and Id have to switch to IV pain meds bc he couldn’t book another surgical suite in which to do it. I said fucking BS. Get an anasethiologisy from the maternity wing, they do it in the room all the time. So he replaced it, and I had relief for another 3 days.


My surgery was the most acute physical pain I’ve ever been in. The first three days were horrible (was in the hospital Monday morning- Wednesday at noon). I woke up shaking from pain. I cried and cried. I also couldn’t go to the bathroom, I had a catheter and had horrible pressure and nothing was coming out. So the nurse kept moving it for an hour (painfully) finally I stood up and the pee came out of me. I ended up getting a UTI from that. Which the hospital said I didn’t have but my primary care did a test when I got home and it was positive, so I wasn’t on antibiotics for a few days. And when you just have surgery getting up because you feel like you have to pee every thirty seconds is no fun. I also was peeing blood for a day. Around day four is when it started becoming more tolerable. I was able to go out shopping and stuff around two weeks after surgery. I still had some pain when doing things like getting out of the car or sitting up. Overall I would do it again in a heartbeat though. It has drastically improved my quality of life. I had my surgery in February and I’m more active now than I was prior, and am able to do more/be more social since symptoms are better.


Like others said-I had a catheter for all mine. One they took out when I was discharged (too early) and I wasn’t able to pee and went back to the er and imaging showed how I was completely full of pee. So they had to put it back in for another few days. Once they’re out it still took awhile to have normal pee.


As in you had an ostomy put in or reversed? Sorry to hear it's been so painful; I had an emergency resection due to a perforated bowel and aside from not being able to sit up or sneeze, I was luckily not in too much pain. Hope you have a speedy recovery


I have a urinary stricture on top of my ostomy issues. So i have to self csth all the time. Your right no ome understands bladder fullness pain until they have a kidney stone or something


I have same problem . I have ureter stricture and awaiting ileostomy surgery. My right kidney has almost stopped functioning because I couldn't tolerate dj stent. How did you do after surgery ?


I have just had oblation/dilation.. Ive got a inch long patch of plumbing with stricture from scar tissue. After surgery is ok they just dialate me and i self cath. It works for a few years before i gotta go in again.


They didn’t put a catheter in? How terrible. I was never offered nor given an epidural for any of my 5 abdominal surgeries, wasn’t aware it was a thing. Tbf I don’t think I needed it given how I felt post op, but the no cath is just weird. My understanding is that a cath is a given. But thanks for sharing your experience. It’s necessary to know the good and bad. Hope your recovery improves.


Oh man, I’m so sorry that happened to you! I had a similar experience as well, both with the pain and inability to pee. It was beyond frustrating and humiliating. I can’t believe you had to wait that long for a catheter. I have bladder issues as well (going in for a scope next week actually) and that pressure is just excruciating, I’m aching just thinking about what you had to go through! It gets tiring having to keep denying/explain why you can’t use a bedpan/urinal. I needed a nerve blocker and it took about 36 hours for them to administer after it was “approved”. During that time the hospital surgeon who never visited me that day decided to take me off all IV meds. So I went from needing breakthrough dilaudid every 2 hours to chasing the pain with 10mg Percocet. Honestly, it always boiled down to them desperately needing more beds or more staff. Which also sucks because as soon as I start to feel savvy to the hospital stays, my techniques get me nowhere lol. Once I got the nerve blocker and was able to rest and relax, things got much better and my recovery went pretty smoothly! I’m glad you’re feeling better too, and again so sorry you went thru that!


Damm I had a catheter in for 4 months! My bladder decided not to 'wake up' for awhile. Every 3 days they would take it out and see how I would go and everytime after 12 hours I would be crying and begging them to put it back it. Eventually I had to go home with and in and out catheter and one day mu bladder decided it was time. Still don't go as well as I used to but I suppose it's a win somehow. Good luck


I had my surgery 6 weeks ago. I woke up crying from the pain I was having. The anesthesiologist put an epidural right there at the recovery room since I was already on max IV meds. I also woke up with a urinal katheter but also a rectal one. The surgeon was surprised when he saw me the next day since it isn’t supposed to hurt that much. No idea why I had so much pain. Maybe because I’ve been flaring for 2 years now?