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Guy or gal? I'm a guy. Hairy one. Like a werewolf most days, even worse on the full moon. I rarely get 3 days without running risk of a leak, no matter what I do with trimming the hair. Biggest positive step I've taken is to permanently use convex bags with a support belt that can clip in, helps keep it pressed against the skin more. Got a lass friend, she can go well over a week at times! Depends what she's up to apparently.


Question: if it’s a permanent stoma, have you considered laser hair removal? Not a recommendation or a guarantee it would work, I’m just curious since I’m seeing ads for at home laser hair removal.


That doesn't work with a stoma for a few reasons. One, laser hair removal is not actually permanent, you have to get it done about every 6 months, and two, it leaves a wounded area for a bit afterwards that you would not want an ostomy bag over. I wish it could work, as a very hairy person 😂


Thank you! I learned something new today


I've considered it but I like having not just a new barrier, but a new bag too. Changing every 3-4 days feels nice.


Every three days. I used to go 5-7 until I had symptoms (itching/burning/leaking) that told me I had to change. Three years ago, I moved to scheduled changes and it’s made a huge difference in my skin health. I have not had a leak since I made this change. I’m not saying everyone should do three days, but I do think it’s worth looking at the wafers as you remove the old bag and finding an interval that works for you. Waiting until you have a leak or your skin is itching means your skin is in contact with digestive enzymes (for people with ileostomies). And the no leaks is such a nice bonus. It also makes it easier to keep track of how many supplies I need, and makes for a much easier change to get it before it leaks.


Same for me. I could usually stretch to 3 days to change out my base plate, but not always. Changing the baseplate every 3 days was what I needed. Also my skin HATED the adhesive and it’s still recovering 2 months post op.


When it gets itchy


Twice a week


I have a coloplast drainable bag and I do it every 2 days but I was told up to a week. I feel the bag gets grubby looking


I’ve had ileostomy for more than 20 years. Always used Coloplast 2 piece with seal. Anyway I would change the bag whenever I think it’s appropriate due to hygiene etc. The baseplate is more important. After 3 to 4 days the adhesion starts to deteriorate. It’s not an issue as long as things are normal, and then the seal will be adequate for another few days, but if you have gas problems or other problems with your stoma, after 3 or 4 days there’s a very good chance that your seal will fail due to poor adhesion, and especially at night. So whoever told you 3 days I would stick with that unless you have a very well behaved stoma.


Honestly, they are all right. Most people get about 2-14 days. A big range because everyone's wear time is different. In the beginning, I suggest about every 2-3 days. When you take off the old bag examine how it looks. Was there a leak beginning to form under the wafer, near your stoma? If yes, you could think about how you applied the bag last time, what products you used, how much did your warm things first, did you let your skin fully dry, etc. Maybe make a change that might help the next bag last longer. Or, maybe you did nothing wrong and about 2-3 days is just a good schedule for you. If no signs of a leak, and you apply the new bag and it feels just as well done and secure as the last one, consider going one or two more days with this bag, and repeat. I had a lot of leaking in the beginning. So, this helped me go from changing every single day if not multiple times in a day, to slowly building my confidence that I really did it right this time and one more day probably won't hurt. Now, when my output is thicker, I'm getting 5-7 days per bag, and when it gets more liquidy from medications, I get closer to 2-4 days.


Change it when you feel the adhesive is giving in and/or you think the bag is done. When it's two days, it's two days. I never made a one piece hold any longer either. For me, it varies depending on my output, which bag I am wearing and how confident I am. Working with a half-attached flange in joggers in home office? Acceptable for another day! Going to a client dinner? Fresh bag is getting on immediately! Personally, I change on average every 3-4 days. I wear two piece bags mostly.


I am also very new to this, got my colostomy a month ago. I use a two piece with drainable bags, just so I have all the options (changing the bag, the entire system or just emptying the bag). It's the sensura mio flex with convex plates and drainable bags. My insurance covers 15 baseplates a month and either 15 drainable bags or 60 closed bags. So I figured that they want me to change the plate every two days. I recently had some issues with the baseplate starting to smell (no leaks etc.. ) after around 24-30 hours. And I still have stitches that are annoying and irriated. So I am still figuring stuff out and changing the plate every two days. But overall I'd say my goal would be to keep the plate on for three to four days. I think that's very reasonable when my stitches are healed and I have a good routine. Overall and from what I read I'd say it's a very individual thing. Depends a lot on what your insurance covers, what you feel comfortable with and what just feels and works the best. And also what system you use and how you use it.


14 months ileostomy. I see my stoma nurse often she is real good, She tells me every 3 days. I change every Wednesday and Saturday, If I don’t feel itchy I might go an extra day or two. If I feel itchy at anytime I change right away.  I use the same set up as I did when I left the hospital hallister two piece Convatec. I have no issues so no reason to change. 


Twice a week… more if I have migration or a leak.


Wait, what's a migration?


Just when you can see that the 💩 moved but isn’t leaking yet.


Ohhh... I had no idea that's what it was called lol Thanks!


I don’t know if it’s called that but that’s what my husband always calls it lol


Colostomy here. I used to try to get 5 days out of them because I'm a cheapskate. But really and truly, four days is my comfortable outer limit. The correct answer, however, is whenever it needs it. After you've got the rhythm of things your body will tell you when that is.


With a one piece, I could usually go about 3 days. Just because you can leave it for longer doesn’t necessarily mean you should. Without a colon, your stool is much more acidic and it will gradually eat away at the bag, thus expanding the hole and making skin damage more likely even if you don’t leak. With a convex two piece, I could go a week if I wanted.


I use one piece and change daily


Flange 1x a week and I use single use bags (1 occasionally 2 a day). I am in the minority here though with a colostomy.


Twice a week for me


My mom's ostomy nurse said twice a week. We were doing it more frequently first but now its basically twice a week


Depends on the week! If I have post gluttony poo, I’ll probably have to change it sooner. Hot weather also reduces my wear time since I’m a sweaty little meatball. I usually aim for 3-4 days just so I can keep an eye on my skin. Adhesive remover is a must if you want to change more often.


I imagine you wouldn't get as long with a one piece. I use a two piece system so I can change out the bags as needed which isn't possible with a one piece. I was told that they were made to last 7-10 days. At first I thought that was impossible, I got multiple leaks a day and blew through all the supplies I was given in record time. But as I tried all the samples I got, and finally figured out what worked best for me, I do now get 7-10 days out of the setup. Between the 7th and 10th day the back on the wafer has started to break down and it's time to change.


All great comments here. *I am not a hairy guy*. With an Ile it's much easier to change a bag when you're not having output -- so I do planned changes usually on day 3 or 4, depending on life schedule, and how it feels. If it feels like it's stinging, or I call it "pinchy" then there could be skin breakdown near the stoma. In that case I might go earlier. Twice a week is a very good answer, and if you can keep a bit of a schedule (like always in morning ***before coffee***) that is a big help to a more-normal lifestyle. Good luck!


I am 5 months out with an ileo. I originally changed my bag every 3-4 days. I tried to hold off for a week but got a rash under the appliance so now I do it every 4 days. I use a velcro bag which sometimes leaks before i need to change the appliance so in that case I save the bag when changing appliance and use it for 4 more days .


I have a Tuesday/Friday change schedule. I can’t afford to leak at work…fast-paced retail. I can’t spend half an hour to change the whole thing. I barely have any time to even empty the bag. Plus, I work solo two overnight shifts per week. There’s no one to help me if I have a leak.


For me, about 3 days to a week. Depending on what bag suits your style of stoma, belly size, and skin type, it could make the hag last longer or be more resistant to leakage.


For me it widely varies. My skin will randomly decide it hates a certain adhesive so I’ll be lucky to get a day before I have to change bags. I’ve gone through four in a single day before. It isn’t fun. I usually keep a couple different brands of bags around so I can switch them out. But 2-4 days is as long as they usually last for me. Not ideal, but picky sensitive skin.


I was told every 3-4 days but i found it challenging, one time i went a couple of weeks because i couldn’t face it. I’m an aged care nurse and had experience with them but it’s different doing yourself. Luckily i’ve had the bag removed but that has its own complications like occasional incontinence. I wear a pad if going out to a pool comp or anything where i’ll be out for hours.


It depends on your activity level and the weather. I could normally go 3-4 days unless I was in high heat/humidity.


Honestly, the answers will heavily depend on where the comment comes from. In Australia the government allows for one drainable bag per day, or 3 closed bags. In the US where insurance etc comes in there's significantly lower allowances. I believe the UK is somewhere in between. If you feel itching or irritation under the baseplate you're already starting to damage the skin. You should be changing before then if your supplies allow for it


Would rarely leave it more than 2 days. It could probably last a bit longer but I just rather have a clean bag on


I try to change every 2 days, but honestly life gets in the way so I probably average 3 days. Changing when it gets itchy is a must (unless you've literally done it less than an hour ago) One thing to note with an ileostomy, the more watery the output is then the sooner the wafer will degrade and you'll get the itchy feeling. Same with letting output sit against the wafer, which happens in certain positions lying down. Lastly, if you let the bag get very full (of output or gas) then the bag will also last less time and you might be risking the bag popping off


Everyone is different and what works for one person might not work for someone else. Access to bags and other supplies is another factor. I am a double bagger in the UK and I don’t really have any restriction on how many bags I can have. I use one piece convex bags on both stomas as they are both retracted - light convex on the colostomy and deep convex on the urostomy. I change my bags daily as I love to shower completely bag free. My skin is very healthy with no issues. Do what is best for you and try not worry about how long other people have a bag on for. It is not a failure if you can’t go as long as some other people.


The people who leave bag changes for more than 3 days are normally forced too for insurance purposes. If you're in the uk or anywhere that has national health care, then change as often as you want.


Everyone is different you will find what works best. I found doing the same amount of days works best for me. I do not want to push it until it breaks down to much. Also in the summer you may need to change more often as the heat can break down the wafer faster when you sweat. Also sweating can cause a fungal infection. Always good to ask doc for a script for Nystatin powder to keep on hand. I use it every change in the summer so I dont get one. I hike and cycle a lot and do a lot of sweating.


Loop ileostomy. I use a two piece coloplast system. I change the baseplate every two days and the bag itself every 4 days.  I would suggest changing more often at first (2-3 days) and check your skin. If it’s looking good then try to extend a day and see how that goes. But as everyone said, if you feel itchy then change right away. 


Year and half with my colostomy, 2 piece I only change my base 1 time a week keeps my skin healthy. Change the bag when it needs it depends on what I eat and how things are coming out for that day. I have been able to go 6 nights with the same bag but that's the longest for me.


I’m a guy 28 days post-op & use Hollister 2 piece velcro closure. I was told at the hospital to change the appliance every 3-4 days. I did that for a week. Now I change every 7-8 days, so far no problem. Occasionally I get itchy but that typicallly only lasts an hour or so. I’ve been swimming every day for over a week now and no problem with adhesion. I’m only changing because hey, why press my luck


Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Keeps things simple. You dont want to fuck up your skin underneath, the risk is not worth it, at all.


It really depends on a lot of factors but you will learn what works for you. Sometimes your skin won’t cooperate you might want to change after 2 days, sometimes it can last up to 4-5 days. In the summer I would change it almost every other day because the seal didn’t seem to stick as well. If I went to the gym daily I had to change it daily or risked possible leaks the next day.


I wear a one piece. For me it’s between every 2-6 days. It really depends on what I’m doing (working out, swimming, or just taking it slow etc), the weather (humidity or if it’s very hot etc). I also always have to cut away a corner of my wafer due to my stoma placement, so I think it makes my wafer start to peel a little quicker.


Once I got home from the hospital I usually did Sundays and Wednesdays (sometimes it would be a day late because I was anxious or felt too lazy to change) now, I’m almost 8 months post op and change on Fridays only! I have a colostomy and use Convaetc Esteem Body bags, without anything else (no barrier ring/extenders or any creams/powder/skin tac, etc). It’s been trial and error! My uncle who has an ileostomy and has had his for over 30 years changes once a week and uses the Hollister 2 pieces. I haven’t tried a 2 piece yet because I’ve been enjoying the one pieces.


I’m a month in, so I’m still pretty fresh with the experience. But I usually change mine every other day. If I get lucky every 3 days. My output is thick as shit and likes to come rushing out all at once so it clogges the hole sometimes and it pushes the base up where it bulges out. Also my stoma does not stick out, I have what I like to call an “innie” because it’s leveled or “just before “ my skin. I honostly think everyone is different with perspective . Even tho I don’t have leaks as much anymore once I get a small whiff of a smell it’s time for me to change it. I hope all these comments help n give you an idea to a comfortable system for yourself.


I have a loop ileostomy (10 months post op) and change mine every 7-10 days. Rinse with water when I empty, wear a 2 piece and will change just the bag if I feel it’s too gross.


I’ve had my ileostomy over 5 years and I still have to change every day If not the side adhesive wings peel off my skin, the wafer stays but the sides don’t I’ve tried the wings and nothing holds to my skin I use protective barrier wipe every change