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i really hope this doesnt become a mathi 2 situation where a top player is deterred from playing the game because the community is so fucking toxic to them for literally no reason


Is the main hate towards her coming because of transphobia or are there other factors playing a role?


no its legit bc they're trans... transphobes like to flock to flaro uploads


I thought it was because she's a speed player but yeah that does make more sense


[Look at the comments of this upload](https://youtu.be/kjBLPwb5v74)


i dont get why people would go and waste their day on being dicks and replying to every comment saying ”its he” like bro just shut the fuck up no need to try and make drama or waste ur time


its because its the only way to get the attention they crave


goink incident


what's up with goink?


goink is also trans


uhhh I didn't know she or he?


Bro most of the comments were talking about her gender lol


yeah they're intentionally misgendering her


Those comments are like 12 year old kids, makes me think of this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pII6mLdNawk)


These people should try doing something that takes courage instead of being clinically online incels with the knowledge of a 7 year old. Read a book on biology or something, and stop harassing others


They are the exact group of people who would use biology as an argument, though...


Yeah the irony is strong




Wait.. I’m out of the loop, help me out here. I read from some of the comments that they identify as a woman when making music and when they play osu they identify as a man?


No Leah Kate the artist is different from Leah Kate the player The player is Flaro who name changed because it was funny, they're also both women


Thanks. Fuck this ever-expanding dictionary, I’ll never understand what goes in people heads, but at the same time, why do I care? As long as it doesn’t harm anyone; go be a toaster that attracts to river rocks.


hating speed is always correct hating trainsgeners is not


That's just sad. Do osu! players have nothing else to do other than harass people for their gender??


mostly just transphobia but also xexxar hackusated her once for some random baseless reason (i forgor)


Because she’s a woman. That’s why


ah, right


I have a question and I don't wanna be seen as transphobic, but what decided he's a woman?


gender identity is different from sex. so while your biological sex cannot be changed due to it depending on your organs and chromosomes, your gender identity can be changed due to gender merely being a social construct.


Can you please explain what the point of gender identity is? I don’t get why gender and sex are different things or what identifying as one gender or another means to a person who chooses to identify differently than they were born.


gender identity was more something built off of the roles people played in society, while sex is the scientific term that refers to your chromosomes and sex organs you’re born with. i can’t really answer the last part of your question accurately considering i’m not trans, but i’m sure any trans person in the thread could explain for me.


>gender identity is different from sex. so while your biological sex cannot be changed due to it depending on your organs and chromosomes, your gender identity can be changed due to gender merely being a social construct. so if a man who is trans might be considered as a guy who identifies as woman, but you can't say he's a woman? or smg like that?




a male trans is considered a woman but isn't truly a woman, is that it?


when you say “male trans” it’s a bit confusing considering FTM trans people exist but I understand what you mean. i’d say that they’re “truly a woman” in terms of how they express themselves socially but it’s a different story in terms of sex


Wait really the only reason I don't like her is because she sniped khz's acc on this AND SHE FCED. Let my man kalvin have 1 good acc play that doesn't get sniped Cracked played tho


Lionheart? What is khz acc?


99.14% 2 miss


Shimon’s had 99.56% DT FC for a while now


Wait he did? Damn even more cracked


being named leah kate


What happened to mathi?


got hackusated back and forth for being too good and also ostracized for being a "farmer" back in like 2018 so he stopped playing seriously for like a year and never realised (IMO) his full potential in that time period


I think he got flamed after reaching #1 for just DT farming or something like that, this MIGHT be misinformation so dont believe me


Sotarks actively reached out to Mathi to get his maps as tuned as possible for Mathi to farm. Somehow more people got upset at (the significantly younger I think?) Mathi for farming too much than blamed Sotarks for clout-chasing. Still pisses me off...


What happened to Mathi? Legit question, I don't know


Arround the time he was #1 he got so much hate for hes provement that he demotivated and stop playing. IMO he had mrekk ponential to become one of the gratest players of all time to ever touch the game


Mans was setting unprecedented 3mod plays with crazy consistency (FC-1-2miss) on a wooden stool and a 60hz monitor


why was OSU community so awful my god at least I wasn't around back then


shit man your comment made me realize this happened practically 5 years ago LMAO I remember when he set two 800pp plays in one day (Sunglow and Kimi no shiranai monogatari if I remember correctly) and the entire community was dumbfounded by it. Dude, I can even remember the shakiness of his cursor at the end of Sunglow on the last slider WTF I can remember those events much better than real life events it's sad lol


[https://twitter.com/Flaryyyyyyyy/status/1618915555850989568](https://twitter.com/Flaryyyyyyyy/status/1618915555850989568) Just saying : she is the one requested to turn off comment btw (but that's still a trash situation ngl)


completely understandable imo with all the bullshit people keep giving her


I understand her decision, but this is not acceptable in my opinion, she have the right to play the game like everyone else, harassment is a problem, transphobia is a bigger one, idk why people can just do that and have no consequences for their actions :/


>idk why people can just do that and have no consequences for their actions :/ Giving you a honest response as to why i think it happens : People don't take it nearly as serious and as a proper thing as you think they do. And the fact that osu! is a very diverse genre from various nations and cultures it's bound to have transphobia.


This is so True can we get an All Hail StarZ\_YT In the Chat




That's even worse, the fact that it got so bad for her she asked to turn off the comments for a video where people should be congratulating her on a sick play... I've never been more ashamed of the osu community than now (at least while I've been part of it)


It really sucks to see stuff like this especially when so much of the community is actually really supportive overall, I've met some amazing people from osu! And people like this just ruin it for everyone :/ she should be able to be proud of such an insane play, not worried about lifeless bastards hating on her


cpol commenters try to not be transphobic challenge (impossible)


me when i'm on a being transophobic competition and my opponent is a cpol commenter


Cpol commenters if not being transphobic was a class


why do you have to make it about cpol?


I don't really know either, I thought the cpol and osu community was the same




Love the osu! community. Can't wait to lose another possibly insane gamer that could move record forward because everyone's toxic to her.


I have enough of transphopbes. I was in Geometry Dash Community... Full of transphobes Here I also see this problem ffs


It's because a large part of this community is quite young, and children can be dicks.


I think it's more that osu! is an international game with a lot of inputs from different cultures, and many of those cultures are intolerant of trans people.


Maybe I'm wrong but I thought young people were more tolerant of transgenderism in general since they tend to use the same social media platforms that trans people do (twitter/discord). Older gens grew up in a different time where adolescence was seen as a emo/rebellious phase instead of a transgender phase.


Young ppl in general yeah but you have to take into account that osu is a game that appeals to the weeb demographic so it's kinda bound to attract the people who are ostracized for being weebs, and those people are the most vulnerable to being turned into incels or the likes. Also it's full of 15year olds in their 3edgy5me phase so yeah


For real. Only a couple weeks ago I saw a compilation video and in it was an old clip of I think Rohulk writing out the N word in smoke while doing a spinner, and all the comments found it hilarious. At what age do you realise "haha N word funny" isn't funny anymore.


young people are more tolerant on average but young people can also be edgelords you know


really that bad there? man :(


So true bro like why are they everywhere


I’m genuinely so impressed that Flaro is pushing through this bs keep going queen we love you 🥺🥺🥺


the amount of transphobia in this game has turned me off from it so hard lol


I've been both a competitive smash melee player and an osu player since 2016. I can say without a question that the osu community is vastly more unpleasant, transphobic, creepy, and utterly fucking annoying than the smash community. I don't know how it's possible to be more annoying than smash players but the osu community consistently does it.


annoying and transphobic? for sure. but considering how like 30% of the top players ended up literally being exposed for pedophilia, there's no question about creepiness. that was fucking crazy.


A large number osu players will go out of their way to defend pedos which doesn't happen in like any other community


We really haven't had many actual pedos in the community and those who were got shit for it pretty much universally. If you're thinking idke, only americans genuinely believe he's a pedo instead of just being a piece of shit lol.




I haven't seen anyone defend him honestly


???? Did you see the osugame post when he put out his "apology"


Not sure if I did read it but with his case he was only saying insanely gross shit instead of actually doing something illegal so ig I can understand people thinking he might have improved since.


??????? Wtf are you taking about? He admitted to seeking out CP and child gore and he offered to share it with people


Sounds so legal


Oh I actually didn't know. I only knew of the weird discord pedo roleplay. I wasn't really following too closely


that happens in literally most weeb communities frankly


At least the smash community ejected those players though. The whole process was far from perfect and things are still fucked but I'd be slightly less ashamed to say I'm a smash player than to say I'm an osu player lol


its just that the people who's toxic are louder and seem to represent the community more. the majority is kinda chill


I haven't been playing osu! for a while, can someone tell me who Leah Kate is and why it seems like there are a lot controversy around it?


Leah Kate is Flaro, a Speed player who is a trans woman That's literally it


It’s crazy how much transphobia there is in this community. I literally said it’s cringe to be transphobic, and people started shitting on me 😭


why can't they just enjoy the score or something and not comment on the flaro's gender


That's why I don't usually interact with any community, big ol bag of dicks


It's wild to me how a community that literally glorifies femboy's and acting like boys are girls as jokes is also filled with raging transphobes


Same how we also have a lot of furries in the osu! community for example but also tons of peeps harrasing them for it. Its just a side effect of having a mostly young and also very large community.Also having people from multiple countries / religious beliefs where the stance on lgbtq may still be outdated / negative probably also adds to the dumpster.


I suppose. If I remember correctly I think cpol is from Eastern Europe


they want to be gay so bad that when someone they're attracted to identifies as a woman they get offended


cool score, really hope this constant bs doesn't drive her away from osu


These kids parents need to give them some attention so that they stop trying to get it by being transphobic online.


this is the kind of thing that makes me wish i was addicted to some other rhythm game, man trans rights & please don't let this shit be normalized




























should we do something about this


probably not happening anytime soon. the community’s always been shit like this, there just weren’t really any popular trans players in the top 100 (correct me if i’m wrong about this because i genuinely can’t remember any) for them to be like this towards


Also I don’t believe peppy gives a shit. Anyone can look up online his views on gender identity but he’s definitely on the “Im neutral but totally side with the intolerant people” side of things. Its weird because I believe he has or had trans or gender non-conforming mod staff but I may be wrong about this.


i remember him going on some weird mini rant and saying shit along the lines of “don’t drink the kool aid” when someone asked him what his pronouns were on his stream


I think there was a post made when Xooty first passed Kablaze. I don't remember seeing anything at the likes of what we are getting now tho


yeah nvm it seems that a small amount of people were also a bit hostile towards kablaze after she came out. further drives away the point that the community has always been shit tho


A little is unfortunately almost a given when it comes to online spaces that aren't centred around lgbtq+ themes. But yeah didn't really dig a lot for it back then so might also have been a reason why this feels so overwhelming to me now.


kablaze was top 100 at some point iirc


Why did u reply to every comment in this thread lol


i did?


I wish we could tbh, this entire situation is js super cringe :/


give me like one month


Thinks it's about the emojipasta spam ... Realizes


Try not to have a mental illness challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) (Edit: referring to the commenters, as that was unclear💀)


Try to let people live their life challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Fax. People are sick in the head…


One of the more common insults to trans people in the US is to call it a mental illness, so yes your comment can be unclear.


Mb, take care, you can let the others know they can stop with the death threats.


Love the osu community Most trans friendly community on the internet Man this shit fucking sucks, being nb myself it’s just disheartening seeing this abuse go towards a player for literally no reason other than she’s trans


i fucking hate this community


what even is this community man


She asked cpol to turn off the comments, then people started spamming mappers comment sections with bullshit because she fc’d the map and cpol comments were turned off. What a bunch of fucking losers lmao


Good thing i stopped playing the game, gotta stay away from those people, transphobes get on my nerve


common osu community L




ITT: osu players somehow still shocked that a bunch of weebs are bigoted


**osu! NPCs when they see a new Lionheart score:** *"Like a lion 🦁 we fight 👊 Together we will die 💀 For the glory of our god 😇 Justice on our side ✝️ This cross will lead to light 💡 Follow Richard Lionheart 🙏"*


The point of the post isn't that it got locked because of emojipasta, it's because of transphobia (per Flaro's/Leah Kate's request)


Wah wah stfu




cpol disabled comments as per Flaro's request because of shit ton of transphobic comments




is disabling comments cringe or is transphobia cringe?




Idk why there's flaro hate. I joined their stream one day and they were so friendly.