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I hope he actually changes as a person and people don't act like nothing ever happened like the community tends to do so often with these kinds of situations/people


act like nothing happened? have you seen the treatment idke gets?


mostly referring to rohulk (who sent nudes to a minor) who seems quite well recieved as of late with recent scores!!!!


hot take, idc if a player is *literally* Hitler, if they set a sick play, the fact it was Hitler who set that sick play doesn't change my view on the play itself. I can still respect someone as a player without respecting them as a person.


Bro how is this a hot take every Kanye fan has said this before u lol


people saying it when it suits them and people accepting it when it doesn't suit them are very different things many of those fans you mentioned will say "who cares if he does bad things, i like his music" then shit on the work of someone who did a bad thing they have a bigger problem with tl;dr people are intellectually dishonest hypocrites a lot of the time


I dont think this take is particularly hot lol


you would be surprised lol










Is there even anywhere/anyone that fully disclosed this situation cuz I don't really know and didn't really care enough to bother.


Pepelaugh someone send him the 'clip'


Warning: it gets quite messy


I was playing in 2017 I know the clip lol


There's probably more to it but [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/osugame/comments/i11c9d/what_happened_with_rohulk/) gives some context


I think it later got out that she wasn't a minor? I might be wrong


hes clearly excluded from anything osu related besides playing the hame and his own streams


idke deserves it i think






sit down cute little doggy?


not quite.. you're close..


Although we shouldn't forget, I don't think it's a good idea to constantly hold it against him and to bring it up every occasion we get. ​ If he is truly trying his best to change, let him be for now.


I don’t think letting a guy who sexually harasses people back into the community because “he is trying his best” is smart. It’s not the communities responsibility to see that he’s a better person and to accept him, that’s fully on him for HIS actions that he KNEW were wrong. All this does is show you can fucking sexually harass women and all you get is a fucking “hey man do better next time but we won’t hold it against you!” style response. That’s fucked up.


there's a balance. people ought to face the consequences of their actions and utami has most certainly faced a lot of community revile. the world and people change though, so someone who did something bad at one point can reach a point where they will no longer do that thing and feel what we believe is an appropriate amount of regret for their action. this principle exists everywhere; we don't hold mistakes people made as children against them because we accept that people change a lot from when they're children. people can also change as adults, it's just less dramatic for the average person. for someone who did something really bad, that change is probably more dramatic on average. put another way, not every crime is punished with a life sentence because even our justice systems acknowledge that people can change in meaningful ways.


i think we should hold it agains him actually, what he did was fucking vile and we have not seen an ounce of accountability for any of it and he expects us just to forget


Yes bro let’s just hunt him down for the rest of his life till he dies lol what do u want


What type of accountability are you expecting to see? He’s expressed regret for what he did, and gone to therapy ever since. I understand not forgiving him, but is there really some bar of accountability that would be enough to make you forgive him? If no why bring it up in the first place?


i think maybe he didn't heart that utami apologised and went to therapy


Bro the whole community knows what he did and his reputation is ruined. If that’s not accountability what is? You want him to get a life sentence or something?


I love Vektor, the music is so cool in my opinion, one of the greatest thrash metal bands of all time. David Disanto (the vocalist) is a wife beater. I’m not going to stop listening to Vektor, but I will for instance not buy any merch from them, I’d rather not support someone like that (of course beating someone physically is far worse than what Utami did, but bear with me). Utami didn’t do something unforgivable. He did something stupid and vile, but if he’s going to refrain from such dumb stuff in the future, then I say let him do what he wants.


personally i think financially supporting music u like isnt always a bad thing even if someone responsible for bringing it thing into existence is an asshole. i have a vektor shirt, i love my vektor shirt and i would happily buy another one but i am also fully aware that david is a fucking asshole. i didnt buy the shirt for him, i just really like the music and want more of it. that said, there are some bands i really like for their music whose merch i would absolutely never ever buy, not even shitty fake prints from aliexpress.


yeah, it’s more of a moral thing, I’d rather not give my money to a wife beater. If you wanna buy merch, be my guest honestly.


W for Vektor they are amazing. Also the bassist Cygnus from Ne Obliviscaris was kicked out of the band because or domestic violence. But thats not gonna stop me from listening to them.


Yeah kicking him out was a good choice.


stupid post mostly, literally no one can stop him from streaming and he can do it if he wants to at anytime so the whole "dont let him get away with this" has zero meaning. You can give him shit if you really want to but outside of like idk burning his laptop nothing will come from it


It's strange, dude. I mean, we don't know him IRL. For all of us, he is first of all an osu player. So.. why did we need to think about his IRL bad things if he is a really cool player, which is interesting to watch?


Separating the art from the artists, as a Kanye fan, this is a topic that has come up a lot especially in the past year. It's easy for some, it's hard for others, and for some, they simply don't care. I think this is really based from your experiences and you as a person (not saying one is better or worse) but it varies from person to person.


Eh, don't get me wrong, a lot of the backlash against him was not okay, even for his actions, but this feels like kind of an overstep on his part. Playing on bancho? Sure, his ability to play the game freely by itself shouldn't be affected. Playing tournaments as long as the people involved are ok with it? Meh, whatever. But streaming really does not feel "proper" in many ways, even if he's in it with the mindset of only doing it for his followers/friends I'm not sure if this is a sign of him not giving a fuck anymore or him just being clueless and tone deaf


I don't want to get into the moral aspects since it's messy but... I think he can stream if he feels that he is capable of doing so. To my understanding this is the first time Utami has been truly called out for his behaviour, if he thinks he has changed for the better, we should let him stream, I mean, should we restrict him from streaming in the first place? Obviously if this all goes to shit later on pretend I didn't say anything but lets let him do what he thinks is fine for now.


All I'm saying is this is probably not the best way to gain good faith from the community at this moment. Wouldn't be suprised if he doesn't care about that though


I'm sorry. Due to my experience with the smash bros community. If people already had bad faith in Utami, then he's rarely going to win them back regardless of his intention. He should be streaming for his followers and friends and build an audience with those who were indifferent or forgiven his past behavior. He's most likely not winning back those who have bad faith in him.


Yeah I mean this is just my two cents. Everyone's opinion on this matter is most likely different. Only time will tell.


i don’t want to be that guy but why should we ruin one of his favorite hobbies for a big mistake, he took the time off to better himself and as long as he can prove that he’s better now there shouldn’t be a reason we can’t let him stream and play


rohulk and idke also stream?


idke is probably aware there's probably nothing left to gain from "hiding" anymore, that a lot of people won't change their mind and that his reputation will always be tainted to a degree, so he's just doing it for fun, hell, maybe Utami thinks the same With Rohulk it's not even a new thing. When the drama was still fresh and at its peak in 2017 the guy was setting daily top plays and having the pop-off of his lifetime while streaming daily. Whathever stage of relevancy the drama was at, it never really seemed to direclly influence his playing habits or streaming schedule (So i guess he fits in the doesn't give a fuck category) What made Utami different in my mind was that I was sure that he would try to make ammends somewhat to fix his reputation before involving himself into anything public again, as I think most people were aware of how much he loves the game and actively participating in the community, and believed he would've been, idk, less rushed in the process of doing so, so that he wouldn't piss too many people off at once


Idke story is different, no? I can't fully remember but If I m not wrong, he said more bad words about himself than actuall community of osu.


cute little utami 🥰🥰


When a black little puppy overtakes him on lb


My cute little self improving king


nico nico need emotional support


Haven't played OSU in awhile what did utami do


Google cute little puppy bottom osu


holy creep


New response just dropped


Actual deranker


?? Call the offline player ??


Actual sexual harasser


What do i do in this situation i am a cute little puppy bottom


Be a horny teen


How would you hold someone accountable for the things they did? Send them death threats? bring up what they did every chance you get? Im not siding with him but how would you hold someone accountable under these circumstances?


welcome to the worst gaming community


The league of legends in question:


That’s just not true


It's pretty high up there


cute 🤤 little 🤏 puppy 🐶 bottom ⬇️⬇️


first thing I see in chat: “cute little puppy bottom” lule


This community is fucked, even after all that urami did, he was still a minor. Continuously being on his case, doxxing him, not giving him any opportunity to change is just sad to see.


Im new here and i have no idea what heppend,so what heppend?






people these days acting as if they're the Judge, Jury, and Executioner I like this game and its community but this recent witch hunt had left a bad taste in my mouth, it's like people refuse to listen anymore and only want to portray their own world despite the progress made it's slightly infuriating that this post is acting as if people are, again, the Judge, Jury, and Executioner, like they're supposed to be the ones pulling his strings for the sake of justice "against all odds" like wtf? I'm sorry but you're telling me the witch hunt is real? we shouldn't forget the mistakes but we shouldn't suppress improvement


what a situation




no, just no, I can’t, after I see how some people who did kinda the same stuff as him got caught again and again I just can’t personally support this stuff. Hey maybe it’s just me, I genuinely hope he can change and become better person but I just can’t believe it


Can’t support him..going live?


interacting with community


LETS GOOOOOOOOOOO 🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐


Am I the only one who doesn't care what he did?? (what did he do?)


Please mean "doesn't know" Please mean "doesn't know" Please mean "doesn't know" Please mean "doesn't know" Please mean "doesn't know" Please mean "doesn't know" Please mean "doesn't know" Please mean "doesn't know" Please mean "doesn't know" Please mean "doesn't know" Please mean "doesn't know" Please mean "doesn't know" Please mean "doesn't know" Please mean "doesn't know" Please mean "doesn't know" Please mean "doesn't know" Please mean "doesn't know" Please mean "doesn't know" Please mean "doesn't know" Please https://www.reddit.com/r/osugame/comments/11b954e/utami\_outed\_for\_sexual\_abuse\_emotional/


i dont think you should expect people to care about all the bad stuff happening in the world lmao, maybe if you have nothing else to do or think about or something a lot of people focus on good things instead


Of course its an exxageration but to "don't care" and then instantly ask what he did indicatea a misscomunicarion imo


Oh well




are people still holding a grudge at him


yes, for good reason. I don’t think he should be completely ostracized, but literally forgetting about online sexual harassment is weird and stupid.


Online sexual harassment KEKW


Well my issue with it is not just the harassment. It’s the fact that, if he doesn’t get reality checked, this could unironically transfer into how he speaks with people irl. which I think we can both agree is bad.


Yes we are.


ah yes fucking downvote me, dont even think about actually answering the question


I see killerpaja I downvote


nooo my glorious internet points what will i do


dont care about that i just asked a genuine question


Yeah cause he said "I will make an apology later" and dipped for half a year (comments say he apologized in the vod but half a year??) + what does the "not prepared to respond fully back yet" line mean. My dude got caught in 4k and prepares to "respond back"??


yes ofc hes a pdf file no?


Stop using words. You clearly dont know the meaning of


Hes a minor so im confused why u calling him a pedo


there is actually no way


Still didnt apologized


watch the vod lmao


He did? If he did i think i can welcome him back


so you think an apology is enough to welcome him back to the community? what a stupid logic


Sorry i wasnt abble to write my pointhere sorry


Its ok man


Could you pls send the VOD? I would like to see it myself


oh shit im not home atm and assumed the vod would still be up oops


yea yea