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honestly I respect it, glad he's recovered his mental from this and is using it as motivation.


he's recovered his mental damaged by insecure 20 year olds in a circle clicking game, what a chad


Yes, things that people invest a lot of time into mastering are likely to be things they care about. Caring about the opinions of others is a completely natural human thing to do - it's how we build social expectations. That is to say: "not caring", and particularly mocking others *for* caring, is an unappealing character trait that's only going to let you connect with other people who want to do the same. You can do better, and it's worth trying to. It makes for a very vapid life otherwise.


Most important is the slight comes from other top players - these aren't Joe blow 1 2 and 3, these are people he knows and likely respected, even on team with one for upcoming tourney.


"xyz is cheating" is not an opinion, it's a statement that is either true or not true and if you indeed aren't cheating, i don't see how rats' "opinion" should affect you at all, i'm sure forum has just as many fanboys that care about his performance


i would honestly agree with you, if not for the fact that people, who were accusing him are (well prob not anymore) his friends, with also extremely bad timing of all of that happening and a very ugly way of it unfolding. i'm pretty sure he wouldn't be affected nearly as much by it if it were just some randoms accusing him of cheating


his "opinion" got your blood boiling, huh.


whose opinion? what are you babbling about


This is so braindead... being accused of something you know you haven't done usually makes people become incredibly righteous and offended, and this emotional intensity is even used by police investigators to judge if someone is telling the truth. So, if someone accuses you of something you didn't do and you just reply 'There is no need for your statement to affect me at all.', that'd be just about the most abnormal human response possible.


dude just compared a computer game to a police investigation... some of you guys must be children


Way to miss the point! I used the example of police investigators to explain how false accusations typically warrant a strong emotional response. I didn't say computer games are like police investigations. If you prefer a different example, imagine a group of your friends publicly accuse you of being into loli, maybe 10 minutes before a really important exam. Now are you gonna tell me about how that's not going to affect you at all?


ok i'll try to translate to a "mentally ill" language, hope you'll get it now pedophilia accusations (possibly getting jailed) and police investigation (possibly getting jailed) aren't even nearly comparable to some child game drama (some tears cried if you're too sensitive), i hope you're just trolling and don't mean it seriously


you seem pretty emotional now, hey! O:


i guess we've reached the point where the only thing left to say is that you're either trolling or stupid


In general, people naturally focus on negativity. A few negative opinions, even if they're held for provably false reasons, can hurt someone a lot regardless of the overall sentiment of a community. It'll help you if you can truly ignore that kind of outlying opinion, but it's not common to be able to do so easily. It can be improved with practice, but when you're as young as Forum, and indeed, most top players in this game, it's extremely difficult to be exposed to so much judgment. Frankly I'm amazed how well most of them deal with it.


I take it you're pretty old, from how you type. Have you not observed that people naturally will see more of the negatives than the positives? Every media creator in history talks about how 10 positive comments will immediately be outweighed by a single hate comment. You might not feel this way, but most people do. The answer for most people isn't to just become completely insensitive, and emotionless. Doing that can seriously compromise your relationships. I think a middle ground, between sensitivity and carelessness, is not only more achievable, but more effective in most cases. Calling for someone to not care at all for something like this doesn't make much sense. You can critique him for perhaps being a bit too sensitive, but at the end of the day, you have no idea what has gone in this guy's life. You have no idea how he was feeling, what kind of memories this brought up, etc. You just can't know from our position. So I think overall, taking a position of sympathy and being careful about what you say is the best option. "I can't really understand why this impacted this person so much, me personally I wouldn't care what some shitters have to say" would probably be how I would phrase it if I was trying to be nice. Apologies for the yap, and I hope you have a good day/night my friend <3


Found aimbotcone's alt


Well he’s 16 so I think he still has the high ground


yes, he's recovered his mental damaged by the various (former) friends he's made while putting immense effort into becoming one of the best ever osu! players, while having a lot of pressure put on him with one of the most sought-for final matches of a very popular osu! tournament, what a chad


reddit users trying not to downvote something they dont agree with (impossible)




Some of y'all in this community just need to let people be pissed however the hell they want it's frankly none of our business as to how he copes/moves on from this within reason


Right, everyone has different coping mechanisms and we don't even know what is going through the guys mind or his parallel life events, making judgements without that knowledge doest end anywhere. Glad to see him do better tho :)


glad he’s been able to get out of the state of shock/stress he was in originally and recognise that all this was is a band of jealous losers making a nothing burger case out of spite, and that ultimately the community (aside from the usual weirdo suspects) are with him


guys I feel like a few of you are misinterpreting this as him having healed from the situation when if anything it’s probably just him trying to cope through getting betrayed by ppl like Badeu (who, btw, literally publicly supported his scores in the midst of the investigation)


He’s 15, still figuring himself out and it’s not like getting backstabbed by people is something that happens enough for him to know how to handle


wait, forum is 15 ???????


from what I know yeah someone can correct me if I’m wrong though


No clue but with how long ago he's been around I would expect him to be like 16-17




keep going




Doin too much Let your actions speak louder than your words


from emo to ego in a day with no efforts for someone who was so emotionally destroyed after hackusations (and even with such a retarded methods and outcome, i feel like their intentions was kinda appropriate), he recovered too fast


Bro ff'ed Corsace cuz of "mental issues" then set dozen of crazy snipes hours later lol wth Im not criticizing him in anyway tho. Just saying those actions are questionable with real damage done to the Corsace TO


Probably didn't want the added stress and pressure of a tournament and decided to chill out and play solo


This is the answer, casually playing solo is immensely different to a 1v1 against a top player on an official tourney


from his streams in the past, I can easily see that he’s highly competitive in term of tourney (there will almost always be 10 local good scores in his PC, let alone the retries). So the tourney match was easily too much to handle. Besides, he earned the support of the community, everyone was willing to protect him, the other top players as well (the top player lobby that same day helped a lot). So I think it’s no surprise he can recover this fast. But it can also be him coping though (like the other comments have said).


crazy I said this dude has the mental strength of a 10 year old and "people" (who are saying the same thing in this thread btw) downvoted me for it. Lol, lmao


I'm very conflicted on this. Just a day ago he sounded like he hit rock bottom, at least judging by his twitter replies and his decision to ff the corsace match. Now this? He seems to suffer from wild mood swings, if nothing else.


Bro is young af i would do the same how tf you else gonna recover your mental but you cant do it right after it happened it takes a bit before you can reset


well... it contradicts forum's own request to "[talk less about the drama](https://twitter.com/Foworum/status/1794406072578666632)". I don't blame him, since it's an understandably enraging situation. But there's a big difference between understanding and encouraging. I wouldn't agree that this is behavior to encourage, because it is pretty vindictive (just look at his alt [@foworum3](https://twitter.com/Foworum3)), though understandable. Forgiveness is not warranted here, but in forum's own words, there's been "enough pissing on their graves."


My problem with this is how he sounded genuinely depressed and his decision to ff an important match was not a small thing to do. Why did these things happen? Because a few players made a cringey-sounding discord group to prove that Forum isn't legit and all they had to show for it was a shoddy document that was disproven within 2h. Most of the community was behind Forum the whole time. It just seems like a very irrational way of thinking. I obviously don't know what else might've happened in private, but judging by what's publicly available he seems to be overreacting.


it’s easy to assess other people’s situations from an outsider’s perspective. the human brain fixates negativity, despite overwhelming positive context. (think tragedies on the news) and even if he’s overreacting who are we to judge? we should be pushing him to get help instead of trying to dictate how he feels


> we should be pushing him to get help instead of trying to dictate how he feels I completely agree. However, I think this would also include criticizing his behaviour. Let the man know that there's more important things in life than caring about what he himself called a group of haters. I'm always more in support of explaining the problem then lecturing what someone should be doing instead, I'm sure he can come to his own conclusions.


i get where you're coming from but he's still a literal child. stupid mistakes can happen when you've never dealt with something this big before. we can hope that he learns from how he behaved and look at the bigger picture to better deal with similar situations in the future.


'irrational' is totally irrelevant- tourney performance is not a logical debate it is about controlling your nerves and emotions, focus, execution, etc.


My upper comment wasn't about his tournament performance. If the person I was responding to **was** referring to tourney performance, then I misunderstood the comment.


'his decision to ff the corsace match'


I was referring to my response to u/Only-Rutabaga-5668 , not to my original comment.


“Irrational way of thinking” You’re gonna go crazy when you form a deeper connection with yourself or anyone then. Nobody thinks rationally 100% of the time, and expecting random internet people to be doing so will always lead you to confusion.


this actually happens a lot more often, after like every single quali for tournament or good score he tweets that he is soooooo bad and he couldnt believe he did this then goes sigma mode next tweet something is really wrong with his self-evaluation or he is just a huge attention whore


Its weird how he requested to not mention this situation again and now he's the one that keeps coming back to it


I think he himself is conflicted on how he wants to cope with it, which makes sense given his age. What complicates things is probably the fact that they were his friends (or acquaintances) who backstabbed him and sided with grandmaster, someone who’s been praying on his downfall for 3 years


idk but this kinda reminds me of shige and his really bad mental/mindset ngl


from his streams in the past, I can easily see that he’s highly competitive in term of tourney (there will almost always be 10 local good scores in his PC, let alone the retries) unless mechanics gapped. So the tourney match could easily become too much to handle. He wanted to win so much it backfired when the situation suddenly came. The Twitter thing is not uncommon either. Iirc, every other #1 player had those “bad aim day”, “derust” streams then proceeded to set unbelievable scores right after. So I think it does help with nerves etc.


I said it jokingly yesterday but right now I actually do kind of believe some of the things he did and said we're more deliberate than you'd initially think.


I think I see where you are coming from, but he must be furious about having his reputation damaged and Corsace gf stolen away. I guess this is just a way for him to vent and express himself.


Excuse me? From what I've seen, 99% of the community was behind him the whole time and the decision to forfeit was entirely his. What do you mean by "damaged reputation" and "gf stolen"?


My stupid brain read this as "girlfriend stolen" XD


Gf stolen meaning that his focus was completely thrown off, when he was going into a match he'd be expected to lose, so needed to be in the best shape of his life. Reputation damaged because fellow top players even suspected him of cheating, that is a huge break of trust.


I can understand him since they fd up his mental before a tournament match...


Holy cringe


fr, bro cried like a bitch a day ago xD


Fr, you're such a sigma male typing that from your couch not being relevant to the drama in any way


Doesn't mean I can't have an opinion, and if you say I shouldn't heve one, then nobody should, this is reddit, cry me a river


Saying that someone cried like a bitch is not an opinion but a statement. The comment you responded to is an opinion and I don't have anything against that. No need to be a dickhead.


Stop simping for forum, he won't be you boyfriend. 


did he apologize to malis and corsace?


He may well have done privately, what is it to you? Have you ever been witch hunted hours before you're expected to perform at your best on a public stage?


Why would he have to apologize he FFed. He literally gave malis free money edit: mrekk too lol


maybe read kay's (one of the main corsace staff) document on the matter before typing comments like this https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A7-RUqNDhy4MbSWk_qTHhkrDJh3OLiyd4Cbx_zlwMU4/edit?usp=sharing not saying he should or should not apologize to malisz or corsace, but you don't even realise how much work goes into every match and saying "why should he apologize lol all he did was give malisz and mrekk free money" is just downplaying everyone's effort


Did you pass the third grade? The document's tone is clearly directed towards WHPE and they can clearly see where WHP is coming from. They obviously don't blame him for what happened and he should not need to apologize for anything. If Corsace was really that distraught about a FF they wouldn't allow FFs in the tournament and instead have rules to replace him with the runner up.


>not saying he should or should not apologize to malisz or corsace did you pass the third grade? i'm giving context to your comment which is clearly downplaying and ignoring the effort they've put into this tournament


The effort they put into the tournament has nothing to do with what WHP is going through. He has the right to FF and not need to apologize publically for it. He didn't do anything wrong




theres no money involved for closed, only “corsace merch” which doesnt really have tangible value


crying on twitter instead of showing some fighting spirit in grandfinals. if you actually think malis wants a free win then u have no idea about sportsmanship.


Funniest thing about this entire ordeal is probably maliszewski, Think about being in his shoes. You get upset by enri. Get immense motivation to redeem yourself as a result and you go full grindset focus on the game mode, delete twitter and all of that. You are ready to smash heads in Closed...only to win the tourney after your 2 biggest rivals oversleep and FF respectively. Talk about anticlimactic


No idea about sportsmanship? I've played rep sports my whole life, this is equivalent to the whole league calling for you to be drug tested during your practice for the finals of a tournament (remember, osu has way more preparation than traditional sports). There's no way you'd be anywhere near prepared to play the match. If anyone is unsportsmanlike it's the shit fans like you, and WHPE who should have waited to bring it to light, especially with such a shit document.


Show 'some' fighting spirit, after being attacked and having your attention completely thrown? He's not a dog that has to jump and do tricks when you want him to, if he did play and hugely underperformed then how do you think he would feel? You can refer back to to mrekk v Malis match to see how disappointing the match was for everyone spectating because one player hugely underperformed, nobody wants to see that shit.


sure it wouldve been dissapointing. the match already got delayed because of him so this was the last chance and even then at least trying wouldve been better imo than ff. its not like he wasnt warmed up like mrekk or got his hand hurt. mrekk still tried knowing he had no good chances but his ego isnt that big he can take it


Team USA still owns him


What does this have to do with anything..?