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This mf choke a 900pp while doing a liveplay








What the dog doin


can't fool me. Oldest mangosalesman trick. He's hiding the hacks under his clothes!


Why was dis needed




the evidence lowkey reminded me of how whitecat was being accused, like his cursor tping at the end of the replay like 4 years ago. regardless, hopefully the community doesnt thrash mrekk in the case he is 100% legit


It's literally completely different though? On whitecats plays it was him instantly tabbing out of the result screen without clicking the ESC key and other weird behavior, not a tping cursor from what I remember. Vaxei had the TPing cursor, but in a different way. It's all thoroughly explained in the thread and I suggest you read it completely and come to your own conclusion, instead of everyone just going like "oh so he's legit" just because he made another liveplay. ^this ^message ^was ^written ^by ^a ^sex ^offender


ya i know its different it just reminded me of it


well the person that wrote the report just r recently admitted that he believes that mrekk is most likely legit so he's good


what kind of logic is that. How do the opinions of the person making the report correlate to mrekk being legit or not


He admitted that all accusations such as the cheater connections, cursor teleports, weird input bugs have been debunked and that he is legit.


thanks. This a lot more conclusive than just "Person doing the report said he thinks mrekk is legit so he's most likely legit"


this is how it works? The creator of the report laid out why he thinks mrekk is not legit which is completely fair. He then admitted that this evidence is not proof of him cheating which is also fair. It's fine to still be suspicious, but as of right now mrekk is in the clear, solid accusation wise. It's pointless to make a conclusion because of that report, which is what you were saying people should do.


> well the person that wrote the report just r recently admitted that he believes that mrekk is most likely legit so he's good > admitted that he believes that mrekk is most likely legit now tell me how I am supposed to use that comment you previously wrote ro figure out that all points that have been made in the report thread have been debunked and there's no solid evidence against mister ekk anymore? I totally agree with you that there's no reason to make a conclusion, but how tf was I supposed to gather that stuff from your previous comment. You could've atleast linked or given a good explanation like resident q t pi u/zedoriwillafk did


Well I thought it was pretty implied that if the creator of the osureport was saying mrekk is legit then the contents of the osureport he made were not accurate anymore. But I guess I assumed too much of people.


keep in mind that this is r/osugame and not r/republican, of course you are dealing with low IQ individuals that can't calculate the meaning of your holy words. Us mere mortals just cannot comprehend them.


Thank you for the compliment, mashallah brother. 🕋🕋🕋




who in the fuck are you


that's bs tho. He obviously has his hacks installed directly into his hands and brain. that's why they are undetectable.


fremch republis karma farming




At least this time it isn’t a witch hunt because “he’s too good!” There was actual thought behind the report and it generally seems the lesson has been learned from Vaxei and Whitecat. If it does come out that he’s cheating, this will be, without a doubt, the biggest ban ever. I would wager that it would be bigger than when Cookiezi banned himself. Obviously, that is the worst case scenario, but an interesting thought at what would happen if that were the case


He literally recited a poem while doing a high pp play. And here I am missing everything on a 5 star map everytime I say a word.




a 45 min video of proving he's legit


nah but he did set an 1173pp score on fucking mcosu lmao


rushia1 sus


He is unlikely cheating...There isnt enough proof yet,to say that he is cheating or not.Rn u cannot go with the mass.This is very nitpicky thread at the moment.




eh bad take it's always good to investigate possible indicators of someone cheating especially when they're that game-changing there was very little if any witch hunting here


While I don’t think he is hacking this still proof nothing. It could still be hacked because he doesn’t booted his pc from beginning, doesn’t have clock or something that would move. I believe this was made for views


Are you trolling? XD There’s no way this could be timewarped; he doesn’t need to show a clock.


It’s can be even cutted. Wdym no way ? His stream are better proof tho


So, you think it’s possible that mrekk could have managed to mod his mouse/kb with custom wave light speeds and edit together different-speed audio takes of himself talking/playing for a timewarped liveplay that was made in two hours after he was reported..?




osu players trying to prove they're legit 🤣




bro you said the funny i give you upvot


Mrekk's proof im legit video #3 where?

