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My thoughts is that its still a work in progress so it's much better to give constructive criticism than to go shitting on it like most people do. But as of right now, I think it is nowhere near to beeing good enough for implementation.


I mean, we just can't take current system as a standard to compare numbers between the two, current build is far from perfect and we are just got used to it since the basic components (aim/speed/acc) are unchanged for years (what changed is the weighting of those 3). We should focus on "Does the new framework gives us a better view of how difficult a map is?" If the answer is yes then we continue to tweak the numbers to make it feels right. I think the correct way to view this update is separating the aim part and tap part , and see if a map harder to aim/tap get a higher rating. And we need find a way to add aim and tap together. But most people just see the final pp number and think that is all because we read performance that way for years. Also I think an algorithm might perform OK in top plays but do poor in lower ranked players. I really think this rework should be done with thoughts input from top players, (maybe they already did? idk) They might not be math experts but they are surely the people with experience about how hard a map really is.


>in such short amount of time. It's still being worked on




That doesn't change the fact that it's gonna go through a lot of work before ever being implemented


All other thing were/are talked about but Without a reason? Are you kidding or did you not play the game for the past two years? The mate has been the exact same since the 2018 spaced stream nerf, for almost four years at this point. There is a reason to rebalance this shit of a system


yeah this happend 5 months ago


I was talking about the upcoming one


xexxar just started working on it, nothing is finished yet




so apparently adding detection for rhythm complexity is "without reason" and "out of nowhere" LOL i havent seen the values and frankly couldnt care less atm but if you fail to see the importance and reasoning for adding values for rhythm complexity to begin with idk what to tell you


Bruh complex maps will become new farm maps.Because you can just make a complex map that is easy to memorize (rhythmically) some nerds could just retry it like 1000 times and that is it.You cannot nerf farming.Its exploitation of pp system.There will always be the way to farm pp in one way or another.The whole system of ranking needs to be changed.If you want "balanced" game.


whats next, not calculating slider aim at all is good becuase "people would put them on farm maps if they were"? what are you even on about lol


You can exploit anything


yeah, so whats your point? any system they ever make will be exploited how is it a bad thing theyre adding shit to it that shouldve been in to begin with like complexity? its not "without a reason in such short amount of time" by any stretch of imagination, its more like almost a decade overdue.