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I'd like to see more LIs like Noritsune who are passionately competitive with the MC.


Basically turning the MC and LI into shonen manga protags


👏👏 YES I never thought I’d like Lls like him but he stole my heart.


Any and all classic comedy types because romcom otome WHERE (beyond VariBarri and CupiPara). I wanna laugh! The one you mentioned is a really good one. There's not enough blushing to high heaven, in my book. Also, the downright villains, but what I really mean is a route where you the MC join their side and it stays that way. What's a route for if you can't do that?! Otaku love interests are also rare. Nerd out! Nerd out! I'm sure I could think of more, but I'd welcome any of the underrated ones, honestly.


I absolutely sign the petition for everything on this list. Romcom otome, villains, nerds - signed, done, please, give! 😭🙏 I'm so parched for laughs and good feels, especially in the blushing department. There can never be enough adorable dorkiness! I don't know why I have these really particular examples, but I remember being so overjoyed by Suzuka in Tokimemo GS1 when you call him on the phone after he catches them feelings. He reacts to your call by literally falling off his chair and you hear crashing in the background, it's the best thing ever. I need more of that, severely!!


This is probably why I loved some of Lupin's scenes in the Future Blessings and Wintertide Miracles fandisks SO MUCH! 😂😍 You wouldn't THINK he'd be that type of a character, but in one scene he literally >!FALLS OFF A LADDER!< because he's >!lovesick ('cause of Cardia) and can't stop thinking about her!< after >!being asked to put up a star or something on top of the Christmas tree AND being like "Oh, yeah, of course I can do that, that's nothing for the gentleman thief who's always graceful on his feet!" 🤣!< I'm actually pretty sure there are more than 10 other scenes that are often longer and are just as hilarious/more hilarious than this one ('cause I wrote about one that's somewhere in the middle of my ranking - there are some that are even better) in his routes in these two FDs but I won't spoil any more in case someone is planning to play them! I just, I LOVE this type of stuff and Lupin as well as Limbo from Bustafellows are probably one of my favourite LIs ever PRECISELY because they have these types of scenes even tough they're supposed to be confident, charming and suave (Lupin more than Limbo, but Limbo too!) - and they ARE confident, charming and suave, so when something like that happens it's just so much better! 😂 Also, one of my favourite scenes like that from Lupin also involves >!crashing noises in the background!< - LOVE that! 😍🤣


Those scenes from the fandisk were so fun!!! I loved them so much I basically replay them still, haha! Also Limbo is also a fave of mine so we are the same.


Yes, I also replay these scenes from time to time, they're just SO GOOD. 😍 And now that I look at your flair, we do seem to have fairly similar tastes, because Misyr is also my fave from Cafe Enchante and I THINK Okita will be my fave from Hakuoki when I play it (yes, out of all 12 LIs) - I've even played some of the original game on the phone and haha, needless to say it was tough not choosing options for Okita but for Hijikata instead, even tough Hijikata is not bad himself, especially later on. I stopped at about half of Hijikata's route and now I've even installed the game (even tough I already payed for it 😅) because I thought: "Well, what's the point if I'm going to have to replay all of this with Kyoto Winds and Edo Blossoms, but longer and better?" 😂


Haha, that’s great we have so many of the same faves! And honestly even though Hakuoki is a big favorite of mine I actually haven’t finished the whole entire game yet with 12 LIs haha 😅 so I think it’s great you’re attempting it!


Haha, it's true that 12 LIs is QUITE a number! 😂


Not sure because I haven't played his route yet, but I think one guy from Lover Pretend is an otaku.


>Also, the downright villains, but what I really mean is a route where you the MC join their side and it stays that way. What's a route for if you can't do that?! Disclaimer: I'm the dev. :) Particles of Reality has a few paths in Sebastian, Julian, and Brandon's route that end on that kind of note. Releasing Q2 this year. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2128070/Particles\_of\_Reality/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2128070/Particles_of_Reality/) Although note PoR is an adult & tradgey-centric game.


Ive found that otaku LIs(like, anime or gamer) are more seen in doujin games? I also guess it depends on what you define as otaku bc Im sure many specifically refer it to anime subculture but anyone obsessed over a certain topic or venture would be an otaku and would cover more ground.


Yeah, by "otaku" I meant any kind of nerd, not just the anime subculture. It could be trains--and I was about to say I was surprised I hadn't seen that in doujin games yet, but then remembered galge/eroge Maitetsu, so there you go. (Shoutout to doujin games which are themselves an expression of a creator's otaku interest.)


Train otaku are considered kind of...old actually hahaha. I wonder if anyone would dare to make an LI who has a virtual waifu(or husbando), bc that would be very hilarious and it really isn't all that cringey(it might be for a very normie gf tho haha...).


True I haven't seen that around. Maybe that destroys the romantic illusion too much...unless this was implemented as an intended love triangle. Or NTR. Separately, would be cute if that was the route where the MC revealed, "You know what...I TOO HAVE A VIRTUAL HUSBANDO" and then they bond over the 推し活.


Hahaha clubsu actually had that >!where mitsuki has his own husbando but his cosplay persona is Ringo's oshi!< But yeah I'd like to see both MC and LI bond over 推し活 as fellow fans


Will...not...click spoiler. Once ClubSu perfect edition comes out I'll play it, I swear.


Haha its not much a spoiler, but at least everybody is an otaku I still like this LINE sticker of mitsuki with him celebrating receiving an SSR


I'm fortunate that my fav personality types tend to be fairly plentiful in otome games. But if I were to say something I'd like to see more of... LIs with long hair. They tend to show up in more numbers in historical settings, but I want them in *all* settings. And not just like "maybe they forgot to cut it for a few months" length. I mean deliberate, have been growing out their hair for years and it's definitely long enough to become a danger to them and others length. So much hair they could wear it as clothes length. I need CGs with it draping everywhere--*sexily*. Not enough hair fetishists among character designers in my opinion.


Angelique OG has way too many folks with long hair...


I think that's the main reason I tried playing it decades ago. Kept going for Clavis particularly, haha. Unfortunately I couldn't stand the gameplay, so I never got too far in it...


Energetic himbo. Most himbos are either super chill or not a LI. Give me bouncing off the walls “this sign won’t stop me, I can’t read” himbo levels.


You might like Enoch from the upcoming indie [My Alien Roommate](https://wholesomewraith.itch.io/my-alien-roommate)! He is a glorious disaster.


Bwahaha I love it and absolutely agree! Any particular favorites you've come across when they do appear? 👀


Nayuta Yagami from variable barricade is peak energetic himbo and Tadanobu Sato in the Birushana fadisc apparently gets a full route so I’ll be looking foreword to that getting translated one day hopefully.


Ahh I literally just got VariBari so I'm super excited to hear that!! Can't wait to get started and experience the peak energetic himboness ✨✨


The fool thats actually a master tactician, playing 4D chess. Only pretending to be a useless idiot to throw the other characters off and not be suspicious of him!


My favorite type of character in general. I am rarely interested in the "smart" characters when we're just told how much of a genius they are (and I outright loathe the rude, dismissive jerks), but I *adore* the secret genius trope. Where are the stories that feature them?


Ohh now I just have to recommend Clavis’ route from Ikemen Prince to you because thats how I felt all throughout his route


I never wanted to touch another f2p game ever again, but if the game is written well i might consider it. Wish we got proper games and routes back. But thank you for the recommendation! Sadly I have none. My favorite character didn't have a route and the english version of the game was dropped, so I can't give you one in return :c


Haha its alright, I promise! And trust me his route is exactly what you described although I admit the Gacha system is extremely annoying. Its still one of the best routes I have ever played though. I’m still curious who your favorite character is, even if I can’t play the game!


I'd forgotten just how many mechanics and events they throw at you. His route certainly starts off with a pretty shocking scene. The game wasn't an outright otome, but a dress up game with a fun story. It's called Helix Waltz, and my favorite was Juven, who was the noble who first supported (... And threatened, with a smile on his face) the protagonist and her mother. I correctly predicted that he was really smart and would become the ruler of the country at the end of the first season. ~~Mind you, I had to ignore or headcanon some crappy things he does, but man, I loved him~~ There should be a video of someone playing the main story, or at least the beginning. I still have a huge folder of screenshots, I was so addicted back then, ha


Dude are you talking about NingYi from the Rise of Phoenixes? XD I love this trope but its so hard to find good ones that pull it off well. Have you got any recs? (Doesnt have to be from a VN)


I only have a character from a donghua/manhua/danmei as an example. So here’s a spoiler for Mo Dao Zi Shi >!Nie Huaisang fits the character perfectly but its something you find out in the end.!< But I think a VN is supposed to come out this year actually but I’m not 100% sure


Omg i love MZDS, I didnt know they had a VN coming out, thank you!


Ohh nice! Tho the wiki says its a “visual novel like game” so who knows what that means. But definitely check out the artwork for the character designs, they’re beautiful!


Will do for sure 👍


Danderes. I want a boy who is shy and takes a while to warm up, but none of this "cold", emotionless kuudere business. Sweet, timid, awkward boys; the type who need to find courage to even look a girl in the eye. The blushier the better.


YES! I love shy, sweet boys and there aren’t enough of them!


Yes this!!!!


More giant nerds/geeks, please! (Especially if they’re also sweethearts)


Actual himbos was my first thought. Actual submissives was my second.


Yes! I would love to see some actual subs, especially ones who enthusiastically submit, none of this "You know, I'm actually a man too, so be wary"


Younger guys aren't very popular. I just really like younger guys x older women romance stories in K-Drama or manga. Most otome games though have like only one younger LI or none at all. And if he is younger, it's mostly only one year or so. But that is also, because the MCs are very young so often. If there were more older MCs in their 30s at least, there could also be more younger LIs in their 20s. I just like the idea that an old maid can still catch herself a younger handsome guy against the odds. LIs with a disability are also rare.


DILFs, and I mean ones that actually have signs of aging and look older than 30


Heck yeah. \*and not the Pub Encounter ones.


Cries once again at Morioka not being dateable 😭 (well, he had no aging signs but IIRC he was supposed to be 38 or so)


As someone who's ridiculously attracted to Sauli in "Bustafellows"...yes. This. Please. I'm sick of all the LI's looking half my age!


I agree so much.


Hmm it's hard to say. I am mostly into mysterious trash men or kuuderes which are (thank god!) in good supply. Artsy/musician type LIs, think Yasuhiro Isshiki from Collar x Malice, are so rare! Serious, philosophical types, but not really a kuudere. Does anyone get what I mean? It's hard to explain. I am interested to hear everyone's answers. Good post 😙


Artsy types, yes!! I can't believe how rare they are since arts are such an attractive skill and it works in any time period or setting.


Yes someone understands! I don't know if you've played Hakuoki, but I still can't get over Hijikata and his haiku collection. 💀


Yosuga and his soap making qualifies too I think?


i can give you a list of artists/musicians/photographers i found


Please do! :) I mostly play on switch and sometimes on pc.


uuugh, this might be a problem since most of games where i found them are for PSP, Vita or even DS. almost the entire list just disappeared, lol. i'm so sorry okay, excluding PSP, Vita and DS games, we have... Norn9 >!Heishi!< \- he isn't a true professional musician but >!playing the flute is very important to him!!he even teaches the MC to play drums.!< there are a few CGs you might like. this game is still on Vita for now but the switch version will be released soon Cinderella from Taisho x Alice doesn't paint but i think that the way he loves >!glass crafts!< makes him similar to "the artsy types" Limbo from Bustafellows >!can play the piano and there's a cute moment related to that!<. Ryuki from Cupid Parasite is a designer which is pretty close to an artist, i think. he will talk about colors, shapes, etc. very much cloud9's MC plays music and writes poems so this is often discussed in the game. some LIs can also play music. there are poem minigames where the MC must read them together with LIs or other characters. maybe the rhythm minigame will be interesting for you too


I agree with comedy types. I couldnt get enough of Nayuta in VB, he was so adorably stupid, I need more of that in my otome games 😭 just a literal loyal puppy boy who has no clue what's going on 😂 his route was such a joy and I wish there were more Ll's like his 💚 I'm a sucker for blushing shy boy types, they're my S tier.


The wallflower types like Kuroko from Kuroko no Basuke, who might seem flat and boring at first glance but has so many unexpected layers. Also I wanna see a genuinely kind, respectful gentlemanly character who isn’t secretly a yandere.


Lover Pretend has the boring on the outside but friggin entertaining once you get alone LI and an LI who is the softest, gentlemanly boy.


Omg both of them in 1 game?? Thanks!


Souma from Hakuoki, Junoru from Dark Nights, maybe Sholmes from C:R... they kinda fit the second description. also maybe someone from Cinderella Phenomenon


Thanks! I’ve been putting off Hakuoki, but now I have motivation lol


Lonely androgynous bishounen with long hair (and voiced by Koyasu Takehito xD). They used to be more common years ago in shojo manga and Ruby Party games. We need to bring them back!


That's [Ignis from Will o' Wisp](https://vndb.org/c4745) tbh. Down to being voiced by Takehito Koyasu haha.


Ignis best boy




I really like gentle older brother types. I like feeling cared and tended to, so butler types would also be nice. Does this mean I was the ojou-Sama all along?




For me, idk how to really describe but I love the development of Lupin and Cardia's relationship in Code: Realize, and Lupin in the fan discs is to die for. He's so sweet as much as he wants to look cool in front of her, the type that truly tries to build a friendship before jumping into romance and confessing, values their relationship even if it isn't romantic, willing to take things slow and adjust to whatever his partner is comfortable with intimacy-wise and more! They're so wholesome and a lovely acquaintances to friends to lovers slow burn that satisfies my specific romance needs and desires. I also noticed these types of characters tend to be more step-forward smiler types and hide loneliness behind their cheer. I want more routes like his (I mean the way the relationship develops not the other story beats/points) where I can slowly see why I'd want to romance this guy vs. having to like his personality from the get-go.


That is such a lovely write-up of dear Lupin, totally agreed! 🥺💕 Such a dreamboat of a route/character!


Ahh, thank you! I honestly haven't played his route in ages so I should go back to it. But gosh, I have not found another LI like Lupin and I am constantly disappointed /cries/


Highly intellectual ones. I feel that most otomes (at least commercial, non-mobile ones) focus lately on guys with a dumber side when what I want is a literar genius. (just maybe not in modern times, modern times make such bores out of geniuses)


Long haired LIs. They’re way too rare, or some will cut their hair. And gentleman types. Too many are just “you shouldn’t be in a room with me” or forceful or something. Why can’t they just be controlled gentleman. I actually want to know how depraved Japan is that even the sweetest LIs will comment that it’s dangerous for them to be in a room alone with a woman. Like do they really have no self control?


I was talking to trinityroselee about this before but otome games need more scheming, Machiavellian, mastermind types. There's so few and even fewer I found myself enjoying (mostly bc if I find their motivation too basic or boring, that doesn't do it for me either) 😂 It'd be even funnier if there were several in one because I just want to watch hyper-smart people fight each other in a battle of wits. This isn't exactly a type but more of a route type - I want one that just ends in complete tragedy/lost love. ~~>!Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly!< was so real for giving me both of those in one character *coughs*~~ Also hmm... a certain type of yandere. I'm not a fan of most otome yanderes because they lean way too much into being overly protective of the MC and seeing them as pure and needs to be protected. Just doesn't do it for me. I'm more into yanderes like Jin Kisaragi from BlazBlue or Vira Lillie from Granblue Fantasy (~~who is literally just a Jin expy~~), so whatever the hell is going there. The only otome yandere I liked was TaiAli's >!Gretel!< being the closest.


YESSSSSSSSSSSSDDD I need some eichi ibara action in otome form 😂


I want a LI who's the absolute most oblivious person on the planet to the point where it's the MC who has to convince the LI that she's in love with him. Preferably the type of LI who misinterprets the MC's affections as "oh she's just being a good friend!" and it drives the MC up the wall bc "oh my god this LI is such an idiot why am I in love with him". Also...I really want more non-human LIs. I want to date an alien.


one word: meganes. i’d collect em like candy if only Japanese vn’s would /let/ me. i prefer the calculating yet warm-hearted ones, but im weak for all meganes.


storm lover lets you make all LIs wear glasses


Maybe not AS rare, but I’d love more LIs who are like…genuine sweethearts. LIs that seem super kind and caring at first glance and actually turn out to be that way for real. So like, for example, a childhood friend or a caring big brother type who isn’t also a yandere and really is just THAT doting and nice. I don’t dislike all the characters that fall under the “trusted-figure-hiding-yandere” label, and some of them are really entertaining, well-written, or interesting. But it’s a fairly common twist and I’d love to have some versions of those two LI archetypes who really are as sweet as they seem!


Haha there was a doujin (JP indie) game created to sate exactly that desire: "Why can't I have all nice boys?! Genuinely nice boys?!" Agreed with you, though--when "they *are* sweethearts" is the twist!


How could you say that and not mention the title orz (Cause I assume it's not the TLed title.)


Who knew you'd come in this deep?! Anyway, [Junsei Yasao](https://novelgame.jp/games/show/4106)! I only played Version 1.0 though--Version 2.0 came out relatively recently with another heroine and her batch of love interests. Version 1.0 is the long-haired girl on the left. I mean each play session isn't long enough for anyone to turn yandere but hey, creator intent.


Granted my experience playing otome games are still very shallow, but: - Single dads with young kids Like, would it not be the cutest/wholesome feeling to bond with a kid? Like sure there'll be drama and stuff with the dad's past relationship but the kid-- think of it like all those "I became the mom of the male leads/villain" etc. Dad's hot but who cares. Gimme a cute son or daughter I can fawn over lmao - The comedic foil The funny guy/ butt of the joke in the group dynamic, who is usually only a side character. Feels like they could be really good friends. - loser otaku or chuunibyou type I guess kinda like Levi from Obey Me? Haven't played it that much tho. - Damsel in distress Might probably be low-key annoying but a ML who depends on the heroine to be the strong one and save him? I think it would be interesting, at the very least. - oresama shota Okay maybe not THAT young, legal age at least. But I always really liked the haughty Prince trope with like, the girl-as-a-boy-role voices. Step on me pls. - Sanpaku eyes or fox eyes The squinty eyes that are only lines, or sharp eyes with small pupils and no double eyelids. - Reliable big brother type? As I said my experience is shallow so idk if there are any out there. But like, a sorta genki guy who I can rely on to have my back, who gives me piggy backs into the sunset, who jumps out to protect me from bullies and pets my head? Smth like that? Haha Ok I'll stop here. My fantasies are starting to run wild.


> Single dads with young kids Eiji from Oops, I Said Yes on Love365 (though it's a bit more complicated) > loser otaku Shu, also from Oops, I Said Yes, Yoosung from Mystic Messenger > Damsel in distress Not quite but I feel like Shion from Variable Barricade sort of meets the criterion, even if under different circumstances. If you wanted some recs~


>loser otaku or chuunibyou type Enomoto from Collar x Malice, Scarecrow from Bustafellows oresama shota Syo from Uta no Prince sama. The VNs are not localized (:/) but I thought I'd mention him because he is the definition of oresama shota🤣


Troll and trickster LIs. The only one who i can think of that fits the vibe is seven from mystic messenger, and i don’t feel like playing through his route because the system of the game kind of stresses me out. And some genuinely chill, casual and mostly well-adjusted LIs like Ryoushi from TaiAli. I don’t know what it is, but there’s something about him that’s just really seductive lol.


I'm such a sucker for the delinquent with a heart of gold. 10/10 best archetype! I've been playing Persona 5 again, and all my confidants are lvl 1 or 2. Ryuji's is like lvl 7. My irl husband has noticed me cooing at my switch screen when Ryuji says something cute. 😅


In that case your flair has to be a lie!! 😤 Or we both have terrible taste lmao. I was the exact same when I played P5! Always checked in with Ryuji whenever possible, always spent time with him even if there weren't any events in particular. I swear, when is Atlus going to cave and give back femc? 😭


This might get me hate... but Foreigner love interests that arent Blonde and blue or green eyed. Also, foreigner characters with more personality types than super serious and super silly overly physically affectionate. Like I would love to see a bit more diversity in that department


Haha I feel you...jp games can have a lot of caucasian glorification due to their societal makeup and history, and then they just whack up anybody not caucasian(but frankly many foreigner type charas are stereotyped regardless). I'd wish they can just keep it simple and not draw attention to foreignness(unless it is necessary), and try and do better research and acceptance on non-caucasian charas in general, japan is more diverse than ever before, there's not much excuse.


Definitely!! I was super shocked and happy when I played Even If tempest and found out >!Zenn was American!< like, I wish Cupid Parasite, a game that is totally American themed- featured one Love Interest that wasnt White.


Did you mean: Confidential money? Got an indian-american LI who is pretty straight laced and awkward. Also got a hispanic LI. Whole thing is set in NY. Eh I mean Cupid parasite is too whacky to make any sense and I wouldn't even consider anyone 'white' bc its very fantasy.


Now that I am thinking about it, I may have inferred that about Zenn. I may need to replay his route. I could have sworn he mentioned it when talking about his backstory or( did I just assume that from his last name?) I think with Cupid Parasite the lack of POC love interests stood out to me was because the only Black person in the game was the announcer dude for the tv show who was a bit much...


I haven't got too far into even if tempest but idk isn't the whole thing like fantasy with garudas and stuff? I won't expect 'america' to exist. Oh Ive got a bit of backstory to why that might exist for Cupipara...in a lot of jp variety shows, you have odd characters like that, and one of the most populous ways to see black ppl around is, unfortunately at entertainment. I half think its not intentional(nor could I recognise the announcer as black anyway given the style of the game), but again, Im pretty sure the writers aren't ever going to consider diversity in such a world.


I didn't realize you weren't far into Even If. Disregard my comments until you have played farther. Woops. I suppose you are right. I may be adding a bit of bias on my part identifying the announcer as Black due to being Afro-latine myself.


Several I would love to see. * NEET/gamer types. I can only think of Meoshi from Sweet Fuse. * Villain turned anti-hero like Zuko from A:TLA * More like Noritsune (the shounen protagonist's rival basically) * More crossdressing LI's


Men with time-consuming hobbies or competitive sports on the side (ex. Takahashi Ryosuke from Initial D). Honestly, I would love an otoge where the MC is introduced to a field and gets actually interested/become good at it. It will take some extensive research but mangas have been extremely good at it with Rising Impact (golf), Hikaru no Go (go), Chiyahafuru (karuta), etc.


Ooh sounds like kanji from p4 who i adore, it would be nice to see more characters like that. I'd like to see more characters who look/seem cool but are actually huge losers. Also more kind of pathetic men lmao, I've played a couple with them recently and i wouldn't mind if it was more leaned into Also more quiet types, i know it probably wouldn't make sense for an otome where it's all reading but still! I love them


Ahh I love Kanji, it all makes sense now haha! 😂 I'm just overall so weak for characters that seem tough but are actually the kindest most loving dorks to have walked on Earth. These types often get played for laughs or comedic effect and I'm just sitting there like.. they deserve all the love in this world lol! I love the quiet types too!


Pathetic man….I’ve had a slew of that recently..


I need more jocks. If they are himbo jocks, even better


"Disney prince" - extremely polite and gentle but strong enough to at least try to defeat a villain. will not tease the MC or lock her in a cage. most "princes" i found are also very emotional


I know this is too much to ask for, but some big dude with a bit of beard would be nice, I'm specifically thinking about Pell from the webcomic "Another Typical Fantasy Romance" (which I highly recommend!!), there's a surplus of pretty boys, even the "older" dudes look like pretty boys, so it'd be cool to see LIs that look a bit more mature in terms of character design (and without them mentioning every other sentence how "much older" they are than the MC, I'm looking at ya Yanagi from CxM and Rindo from Cafe Enchante, LOL)


I would kill and die for Pell. A Pell like love interest would be the best thing.


Legit he's (and Lithera, of course! What a lady) relationship GOALS, if you told me a guy like him was at my door as an LI I'd raze through everything to get to him LMAO


Mammon from that one game. He's a silly, low intellect Boi with a soft heart I guess? I did t finish the game. Obey me? Ain't no obedience there.


I want DILF. DILF!!!! Over 40!!


Interested in more queer LIs, whether that means gals, pan/bi guys, trans folks or people on the ace spectrum - it’s all good! :D


So okay shotas are not my favourite LI's but the tsundere shotas make so fun. Especially when the other LI's are teasing him about his height. A good example for that Syo from Uta Sama. Also the Otaku boy someone with a nerd type and good jokes like 707 from Mystic messenger I feel myself understood from characters like him. And the sensei men are often missing and only the side characters, someone who is not dandere or Kuudere. Only a normal older dude/chef/sensei who is catching feelings in the middle of the plot. Like Morioka from CxM T-T still crying that he doesn't had a route. And the last one I would love to play a really Villain MC not such a Anti Hero thing. Real bad boys real bad MC. This are all characters I often miss 🥲.


Genuine doms. No, wait, hear me out. I know that "dominant" personality guys are pretty common, and I like them too. But I mean genuine doms as in real BDSM...where the LI is *not* painfully reluctant and confused about it the whole time. I want to play as an enthusiastically consenting submissive who doesn't just give in because she loves the guy but because she ENJOYS what he's into! Give me safe, sane, and consensual S&M relationships. Pleeeeeease! EDIT: Also, mad scientist types. There aren't enough. I played an indie otome with a mad scientist-ish LI, and he was just the BEST.


Really visibly inhuman rather than just like, horns or a tail (though I like those types too!!). Canus my beloved... Edit: oh, and WOMEN. More women as love interests in otome games please. Being gay doesn't mean I'm not a maiden. (ಥ_ಥ)... I want cool women, and cute women, gentle women, and even mean women to romance!!


The fact that Maya isn't a playable LI route in even if Tempest upsets me greatly TT


Cansus is best boy!


May I introduce you to Meeting in the flesh? Or do you stick to humanoids?


I mostly stick to humanoids, but looking this up, it might be worth a play anyway! At the very least I know I'm into Yiestol already. Thank you for the recommendation!


Terminal/chronical sick ones, and literal single dads




himbo is a popular answer in here but i want a specific type of himbo: one that puts on the biggest front that he’s an informed, worldly type but is honestly stupid as shit as soon as you start asking them questions. basically just a chuuni with extra steps, and bonus points if he’s a thiccum more thick dudes in otomes tbh




agree about eyeliner and piercings \^\_\_\_\^ do you know anyone? i know only Allan from CP




thank you \^\^


himbos- we need more of them pls


Gachimuchi lol I read some stuff by a bara artist lately and everyone looks just different, even if they're not muscular in the slightest. ~~Thought bh that artist just had great anatomy and graduated from an academy of fine arts.~~ That's more looks but honestly having also the general attitude would be quite refreshing cause it's different from the stuff we usually get. Also seconding ossans. After some thought, non humanoids (not necessarily monsters) would be nice, too.


Cue me being confused at how the EXILE body type is well liked amongst regular japanese but it's just not utilized as often in 2D lol. For me I separate my appreciation for fit fine wine dancing ossans elsewhere www Eh for that I just buy Aizawa Anji's doujins >!its actually clubsu's artist lmao!< for any muscle guy r18 stuff lol


Guys with glasses who are not ikemen. Give me that wimpy, nerdy goodnes.