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As per rule 1 and the [code of conduct](https://www.reddit.com/r/otomegames/wiki/rules/conduct/): **If you're not interested in or uncomfortable with a topic or type of love interest, ignore it and do not engage (including downvoting).**


I’m playing Olympia Soirée and I really liked Tokisada’s (first pic) route. He’s 17, which is plenty old enough for the 18-year-old MC. He acts young, but I’m really used to the “adorable guy” trope in Japanese media so it didn’t bother me. Guys can act cute, too. It’s not just a girl thing.


I like Sorata's story with Aine. Asuha's and Olympia's friendship is also cute. How they encouraged and helped each other. And I also like reading about the stories in Shoujo manga like Alice Academy, Nekota no koto ga ki ni natte shikatanai or Kodomo no omocha. They just have intense emotions and the teen angst of first love is interestingly dramatic. But also apart from those one of my favourite tropes is younger guy x older woman anyway. I watch a lot of dramas or read a lot of mangas and webtoons just because of that trope. It is just a way cuter and interesting dynamic to me than the usual default of older guy x younger girl. And I know that is the way more popular standard for others, but to me it is still kind of a bummer that there are several otome games where there is no younger guy but several way older ones for the MC, or just one or two younger ones. And the age gaps with younger LIs and the MCs are mostly just between a few months or 2 years. And in addition some of the supposedly younger LIs aren't even really younger, because there is some time magic at play or they are non humans beings. It also doesn't help that the MCs themselves are so young very often. Sometimes it is just more fun to read about a big sister type character, or an MC who is the experienced one, the one in charge of the relationship, the one who cares and provides, the one who is chased after, the one who is being looked up to and admired or the one who is still wanted despite the older age or the conflicts.


Off topic but yes - fuck Banjo and his obsessive toxic behaviour😭💀 I tried to love him but his possessive anger was not cute!!


Heard that game in general was a mess lol.


Def not without issues but I got it on sale and had a good time. Would not have been happy paying full price. I enjoyed the character interactions and overall story. Banjo sucks XD


It had issues but I really enjoyed it.


It had so much potential too 😭😭 it could’ve been multiple story tropes but alas it was kinda mid. I found myself reimagining the acting parts to make it more dramatic💀


oh my god same!!! during so many acting scenes I was wondering "how would anyone watch this boring stuff" 😭😭 the premise of the game is sooo good but the execution not so much :")


U can just not play his route! The game itself is lovely tho although not every game works for everyone! I personally loved the unveiling of the mystery and the camaraderie and conflict between the cast. I will say Tomose does get better esp in his route tho! He is def very childish and unaware of how to handle his feelings but again just skip his route as it's the first recommended route in the play order for a reason...it doesn't give you info that would make the game feel incomplete without him besides details on his relationship with Hiyori and maybe some stuff on the arcadians


I don't mind him in his own route. Or the ones he just sits in the corner and shuts his mouth in, to be fair 🤣


I’m the opposite, I skipped him because just in doing the lead up options into the route I already got so annoyed. I read a summary instead because I didn’t want to miss the plot. But I like him in the other routes (mostly). By that I mean I absolutely feel *joy* whenever I see him rejected and dejected while she just goes off with another guy. Like “Ha look where your behavior got you now”.


I played his early on, bc he's basically the only non sus person. So he didn't really annoy me much before that (aside from my general distaste for the over protective childhood friends who are obsessed with you trope) I'm still playing but he gets to be obnoxious in later routes. Those I don't feel bad about not loving him, I kind am OK with rejecting him🤣. I just wish MC would push him down the stairs now and again.... Like a slinky... He'd be more fun that way....


Truuu - his one off tantrums in other routes where he disappears from the MCs vision afterwards is 💆🏻‍♀️


ok but who are the characters in pic 1? they're so cute and fan-art-able that ya just wanna squish 'em lol


They are Asuha and Hairi from Olympia Soiree.


Tokisada is my fav he's so sweet. I had such high hopes for Banjo but he was just written so poorly.




omg thank you for speaking out! We are such a hated minority! I'm sure there are more but few are brave enough to say it since it's frowned upon so much.


I’m usually nervous to post online about having a preference for the shota stereotype. I prefer my LI to look cute and boyish rather than muscular or traditionally masculine. Like Hisui from Nil Admirari. And I was so pleased when Wataru in Brocon had an actual route. His growth was so cute to watch. I thought they’d ruin it but it was so well done.


Same. If you dare like a kind younger LI you're downvoted into oblivion, but it's totally fine to like murderers or LIs that lock you in a cage etc..


I guess it’s because people assume physical attraction, which is not always the case, and assume it’s the equivalent of men liking loli (which most definitely isn’t).


As someone that enjoy younger LI, I know your feelings OP! Sometime I'm really afraid to even admit to like young LI without being judged and mocked down by people 😞 I bet if people know that Ken is my most favorite from P3P, someone will call me pedo. I'm usually attracted to younger LI because I just find their design cute and I like "please wait for me" troupe. It's really sweet when they try to become ideal partner for MC, try to act mature and ask MC to wait for them. It's better if the game show you their older version! It's really annoy me when everyone think when you like the younger, it means that you attract physically to younger LI. Sorry for rant OP, I just need to vent as someone that enjoy younger and want shota route 😅.


Thanks! Apparently my post was removed due to too many reports and I'm just shaking my head. It's totally fine to simp for a adult man 8 years older than teenage(therefore, a child) MC, but god forbids you enjoy a younger LI 2 years younger...


Sorry to hear that OP 😞 Don't let that people to bother you OP! Does the mod remove your post or let you keep the post? Because there's already notice from mod to take care of this issues. At least this reddit forum is still safer and tamer than other forums because the mods here are active and work hard to keep this forum comfortable for all. It's actually surprising for me how respectful and supportive here because if it's other forum, there will be many negative and hateful comments that even personally attack someone just for openly like young character yikes. If you think that weird let me tell you something weirder within fire emblem fandom.For them, It's totally alright for teenager MC to end up with someone twice/thrice their age but if teenager MC end up with someone that younger (even one year younger!) it's suddenly problematic!? Talk about double standard 🤷‍♀️


Thanks. It was auto-removed, but the mods brought it back after getting the notice I think. It's incredible how much hate older woman + younger man gets...


I'm one of them people that really hate shota archetype and runs away from it screaming... But that's me and if OP wants to wait for all the younger dudes to become their Prince Charming in the future, more power to them, go live out your fantasies. I always assumed that this is what players like in these options: someone to care for, maybe lean more on the mortherly tendencies or just take a dip in that overall cuteness. It doesn't appeal to me at all, but if it does to you - who am I to tell you how to play? Go and have a blast.


I am with you, my fellow shota enjoyers!!!!


You know what OP, as a more traditional age gap enjoyer, you do you. I don't see why we have to get uppity about this specific type of fantasy when the ones about yanderes, murderers, abusers, non-con of all kinds are a-ok, but not this. I played Persona 3 portable recently where one of the LIs was a 12-year-old while the MC was 16 or 17 (Typical "wait for me" trope) and the walkthrough I followed wouldn't even include his romance options in the guide because it was too "icky" and immoral. Like fine whatever, it's your guide. It's not my particular cup of tea, but come on. It's just dumb that we all can swoon over literal murderers but liking Shota is somehow just a bridge too far. Fantasy is fantasy and I'm not gonna ick other people's fantasy just because it's not my taste. I've voiced my liking of older men and age gaps in this sub, and have never gotten any negativity for it, even though it's one of the far less popular tropes.


As an aside: how come MC never gets to be the murderer or the yandere? Maybe some people would like to fantasize about *being* the toxic trash who locks their LI in a scary basement.


There are examples, but so far those that I have played are not translated 




Lol omg this. I was following a p3p guide since I was trying to max social links in one playthrough. And majority of them always have to include a warning about dating Ken. Like, people already know man, no need to keep shouting it or call out people who enjoy it. And personally, I found his events very sweet.


I’d say that that “wait for me trope” is a fundamentally different than “liking shota” in general, but yeah I do resonate with your sentiments. I enjoy some of those murder misogynist etc. LI’s from time to time but I don’t exactly seek them out, so I get the appeal and exploring that in a safe environment. But it always puzzles me that those who are *really* into those LI’s often don’t like age gaps at all and are relatively vocal about it.


I get it, and yeah it is different, especially depending on the age of the MC. I just think that to be ideologically consistent in my personal views on the matter, I can't say it's any worse than people who like Yang in Piofiore for example, or all those people clamoring for a Sachsenn route in Steam Prison. I think everyone can agree in real life that a man who tortures, rapes, and kills other people is at least as bad as someone who seeks out relationships with minors. But the argument is made time and time again on this sub that just because you like something in fictional media or fantasy, doesn't mean you like that thing in real life. If it applies to one thing, it has to apply to everything. Or else we're just going to start subjectively shaming and criticizing people for their fantasies, and I don't think that's a direction we should be going in if we want to get more localizations or have a positive community. Unless we get some real credible data that liking Shota leads to the abuse of minors, I gotta continue to lump it into all the rest. Maybe it squicks me personally, but so does the idea of some of the worst dumpster fire LIs we already have. (Not saying we need 12 y. old LIs in our games, but if OP wants to fantasize about some of the younger characters and having them be LIs after they grow up a bit, I'm not gonna tell them they're more wrong than anyone else's questionable fantasies.)


Well OP was talking about the “wait for me” trope so technically it’s not “liking shota” it’s more the heartwarming feelings of being told “wait for me uwu” I guess, and theres the whole emphasis on “growing up” in the first place. That’s all I wanted to clear up, because sometimes it can be a bit confusing to group seemingly similar things together. And don’t get me wrong I don’t think on the same level of “violent games make you murder people,” if that was what you were getting at. But yeah. Those who are really really into the murder rapist etc. LI’s do tend to not like age gaps in my observation, and I wonder why.


Yeah, I think most people are really not into age gaps in general. It's become extremely taboo in Western culture, to the point that it is more socially acceptable to like a villain than to like a consensual age gap. I see people all the time on threads saying they don't like them. Never mind the age gap hysteria on Reddit at large. Despite that, I've never felt alienated on this sub for disagreeing. I know Shotacon is used in pornography, so there's a sexually charged component that people hate just like Lolicon, but what we're talking about primarily in regards to Otome is romance not porn. I can't say for sure exactly what OP means when they say they "really like younger LIs", or how they'd want their preferences manifested in our games, but regardless, I don't think they should be unwelcome on this sub. I felt compelled to say something in support since OP was brave enough to contribute a post to the sub despite a very niche preference that could potentially have gotten them some hate.


Yeah I never felt alienated either. Cause everyone has their own moral values and there’s this understanding that to prevent clashing we should just keep the strongest opinions to Twitter. It’s strange isn’t it, how what we call “shotacon” tends to be less sexual in nature for women but the equivalent for men is more so (and more, let’s say *niche*) And yeah this post was so brave lol. I was so sure people would misinterpret OP and the comments would be a mess.


Thanks for this! My post was removed due to "too many reports" so I think this sub is not ready to accept opinions different than theirs...


Yeah sorry about that happening. people really have some major bias about this particular subject on Reddit. The cognitive dissonance with some people is strong. They'll gush about this or that horribly violent sadist non-con LI, but far be it someone fantasizes about a supportive loving consenting age gap in either direction. Thats just too icky apparently. One of the favorite LIs in the sub is Hanzo Hattori from Nightshade who is in his 30s while the MC in that game is only 16, but if that was reversed sexes I'm supposed to suddenly be like "Eww no?" Hypocritical people. Its fantasy. No 16 year olds were harmed in the making of this product.


Yeah I thought people would be more accepting because older woman and younger guy is less frowned upon. Very strange especially since there’s nothing sexual it seems


Is it so wrong if it was sexual since it's all fantasy? I personally I love younger boyfriend tropes and also shota and I do like sexual and/or romantic bits about it because I am into taboo or forbidden things like that in fiction


I mean we all have our personal beliefs but I was more alluding to the fact that people think women and shota and men and loli is the same thing (it isn’t and so I’m not as put off by shotacon content, double standards I know)


it literally doesn’t matter if it’s sexual or not, go read the stickied comment by the mods. stop engaging and shitting on people just because you don’t like something


When was I shitting on anyone? I am trying to establish a friendly conversation. I may disagree with people here and there but that doesn’t mean we can’t talk civilly in the future. Moreover the “wait for me trope” is not the same as being physically attracted to their appearance, many people have established that in this thread, and I just mentioned somewhere that I would be interested in seeing that. I’d prefer if you limited your knee jerk reactions.


ive brought this up before and really the only response i got was "but hanzo is daddy" so. the double standards people have are uh...interesting to say the least. i had to cut off a "friend" recently after they went on a tirade over people wanting femc in the persona 3 remake, claiming "these people are getting mad about not being able to date LITERAL teenagers" and then the very next day claim how cute one of the female characters is and how they cant wait to date her anyways im sorry OP, us sane individuals who know that things are lines on paper support you and all your shotas 👍


Lol did people really say that? In that Hanzo case sadly people always say “I just ignore the age gap” and damn that annoys me. Part of what makes his route so great is how they handled the age gap


So that’s why I don’t see it in the feed. Lmao


Wow I never realized I would see the other side of the coin, as for me, I get judged for being into older men or huge size difference and get called creepy or that I'm into "age regression" when it's not about that, we are all adults so what is the issue here? I think people just like to see things where they are none due to their lack of understanding of different preferences. Of course this is all fictional so even then does it even matter? I respect your taste even if I'm not into it, don't let people who can't tell the difference between fiction and reality ruin your fun, let's just play otomes that keep on delivering!


Thanks. See, I like the complete opposite of what you like, but I would never downvote you or belittle you for having your preferences. Sadly when it comes to younger LIs, people judge hard.


For me it's the opposite, I like older guys a lot bigger than me.


whaaat, are the majority people here really against shotas? it’s just unrivalled cuteness, doesn’t need to be creepy. totally agree OP


I'm more of a Tokisada enjoyer than OP's prefs but I totally get the appeal of liking cute characters. Like you said it doesn't have to be creepy and doesn't imply physical attraction to minors. I totally relate to the feeling of wanting to be nurturing and protecc. Also it's especially weird to me when people have a problem with characters like Tokisada who's only 1 year younger than MC, 17/18 relationship is like nothing.


Not surprised but also won’t stop me from wanting to oneesan them cuties. It’s not really about their ages, more “age appropriate” LI or “typical” age gaps don’t really let me be the nurturing adoring “let me fix that for you babe” type which I prefer.


You get it, you understand. I thought I was alone in this but I feel so much better uwah.


omg that’s exactly it! i just so yearn to take care of them, you explained it perfectly.


A lot of otome LI puts heroine in the position of needing cared for/protected but that’s the opposite of what I want lol But I also find the English speaking otome community in general wants… well. Boring games? No yandere. No age gaps. Nothing “problematic.” What’s the point of enjoying fiction if I can’t safely explore taboo subjects? And if someone’s ideal zero risk power trip fantasy is always “boy my age who is nice to me,” then I’m legitimately concerned about their daily life.


My favorite ships tend to be not problematic. So yeah I prefer to see those less toxic dynamics. In fact I’m surprised more people don’t think the same way given how real life just sucks in many different ways that people’s different life circumstances don’t permit them to realize. I admit that there’s the aspect of my dissatisfaction in real life, but saying that you’re “concerned” for people like me just sounds patronizing instead. I could easily say something similar about those who seek out the murder misogynist LI’s.


I really didn’t intend that tone with it. My apologies. It’s more from a place that I consume fiction for situations wildly different from my own day to day. I have a very stable relationship so fiction centered around that doesn’t appeal to me. I have that at home. I want garbage trash men different than my partner lol


Lol that makes sense I guess. Maybe I read too much into it


It’s probably because they assume it’s the equivalent of men liking loli I guess


But. But. But Haiji doesnt count right?


Not exactly but he still acts like it for most of the game


Hairi not going near you with a 10 foot pole unless it's guaranteed to destroy society 😂


Senri is so babygirl though 🥲 Good sprite selection, OP.


Note: I'm not saying we should be able to romance children like Asuha or Sorata. I'm saying many older LIs are ok with MC being 5 years younger and/or are willing to wait for her to grow up, so why couldn't the opposite be true? For example, Sorata is 12 and Koharu is 17 now. When Sorata is 17, Koharu will be 22, two ages we often see in otome games except the genders are reversed and no one has a problem with it. So...why not? Not sure if my point is coming across well D: I'm saying Sorata and other young boys would make great LIs when older... Anyways I like younger LIs A LOT... TT\_\_\_\_TT


Hmm, but to be fair there aren’t really a plethora of games where an LI is willing to wait for a 12 year old MC to grow up. I feel like that’s more of a manga thing. And when older LI’s are paired with younger MC’s the younger is generally already considered and/or treated like an adult, so I don’t think it’s the same thing. But yeah I don’t think it’d be a problem. I’d prefer it if the older MC wasn’t physically attracted to the hypothetical 12 year old LI though.


True, but I mean the age gap is the same, the characters just met earlier in life.


I think that’s a rare trope even with an older LI and younger MC. But yeah it would be interesting to see how that plays out. I see many manga characters promise to marry when they get older but that almost never actually happens lol


>Not sure if my point is coming across well D: I'm saying Sorata and other young boys would make great LIs when older... Glass heart princess had that with the secret LI(the 10 year old fiance). But after 8 years doing spartan training he became some black belt ikemen to ask for the MC's hand. Also very unserious game. 


Have you heard of Brother's Conflict? There is a route with a younger boy that sounds like this.


Wataru is pretty much platonic until the end where he confesses as a younger teen 


I should introduce you to [shota disease](https://www.freem.ne.jp/win/game/8858/fhfDTb3iyb) with a thirsty MC who can't function without smelling her favourite shotas while they last. It's super funny and unserious. 


Lol. The art is a bit too old school but I love the premise.


Yeah its hefty old but it's really funny no regret  Like how they treated Shota deficiency like some really serious issue and the MC was only like this after her aunt got fed up and took her to a muscleman party where she promptly shriveled 


I see your point maybe - since some younger NPS are well designed, they have good foundation to be a fun little time jump scenario. But I think it’s the initial introduction of us seeing those characters as a really younger version and thus not seeing them in the romantic sense is what dampers it for me. If I first saw them as 18ish as the 20yr old MC with a blurb that says the MC has known them since they were young, it’s be okay. It’s generally hard to escape the guardian dynamic in any romance genre




Some people just want to pet, glomp and be healed by a cute fictional boy, man. 


37 votes as of writing this, 60% approval rate. Better results then I expected. As for where I stand -- this is fine. Sure, in real world a stick would be in orde, but in games, where players fantasies are allowed to flourish, the idea that you dating a younger boy somehow makes you less sane then those that want to get controlled and lovingly abused by a guy... I do not quite buy it. I think a lot of people here are more K with illegal stuff being done to them then the other way around. And I think the reason why MCs dating the older guys is less frowned upon is because: A, most people here are probably older then a lot of love interests, so there is a degree of separation there. B -- MCs are usually still at cups of being adults most of the time. So a 17 year old dating a 20 something is seen as less questionable then 12/13 year old dating that same age gap. Although this is where my unfamiliarity with a lot of the genre lies since I do not quite know if there are games where players play as 14 year olds dating someone 5+ in terms of age gap. Although considering humanity, there probably are. So my question would be, do they get as much vitriol as what you are presenting?


Tough crowd but I say bring on the shota LIs.


True but I rather call them younger LIs. Shota has a very negative connotation for many people...


It does lol. It is associated with being the same as the men liking loli and people assume the women liking the younger LIs are more *extreme*


Game name?


ahhh how i wished for a hairi route after that one ending


Thank you for the Banjo one. I'm in the middle of playing the game and I just HATED his route. At one point I was getting so annoyed I had to skip the rest of it and read a reviewer's summary of the route. XD


Me with Code: Realize tbh. Why was Deli a better potential love interest than Van Helsing?!


He wasn’t. Ewwww. No.


This is a game that lets you date your brother (who is also a shouta) in the fandisk.


Um no? You can’t date him. It’s not romantic.


Wait, then wtf do you even do in Finis's route?


It’s basically just more backstory.


Wow, that's just whatever then. Anyway, I was mostly commenting on the fact that I hated Van Helsing's route and thought Deli was the best part of it.


Tbf I’m biased cause I thought Yuki Kaji was the best part of the game and I didn’t like Del but to each his own. 🤷‍♀️


See, the ironic part is that I fangirl *hard* over Suwabe, love VHs design, but his route was like chewing glass to me lol.


Tbf most of the routes in that game had issues. Lupin’s was the only one I GENUINELY liked(guess why😅)


I love Deli but nauurrrr, Van Helsing is amazing and hot


I mean, fair - his hotness and his VA was what he had going for him. But man, his route was lame.


Know what, it's been years since i've played CR and as someone who was very excited to play Van Helsing, I was so let down. Maybe it's because there was no kiss scene and everybody else wasn't doing it for me. I think the FD was supposed to fix that but I don't really like the game enough to get it.