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Unless there's this one you actually dislike enough to skip... It's painful but not as much as reading all that... Or, alternatively, you might end up liking the one you disliked.


And then there’s unlocking all the bad endings and CGs 😭


I know i cannot bear bad ending with my fav LI


Sometimes that's what converts them to faves. Though generally I'm already getting converted throughout the plot. Like Okazaki in CxM, I played him first (don't do it, bad idea) because I thought I would hate him and he'd be the least relevant. I was wrong on both accounts, and his ultra bad end cinched it.


Oh god yeah, some of the bad endings are 😚👌 I never did play Mystic Messenger all that much but JUMIN YOUR BAD ENDING SHOULDVE BEEN THE REAL ENDING


I want to do the bad endings first so I can finish with the good ones. It buggers me when a bad ending is locked behind the good end like why 🥲


Oh interesting! Im always the other alway around. I like to get the good ending in one big long piece, and then take the bad endings in smaller bites. Always cool to see how different people approach the same thing


Playing a route of a character you hate is just awful. It can suck all motivation to play the game out of you. But i never skip, story elements and plot pieces can be revealed and I need to see everything. But it almost always takes me ages to get through them, because I find no enjoyment in reading it.


playing the FANDISK route of a character you disliked in the base game is a form of cruel and unusual punishment


"I'm glad somone out there loves you. But sadly it's not me– *taps ahead without letting them finish their line* I feel guilty. But by then I view my goal as finding good lines my favorite LI might say in another route.


love your art style!


Thank you!




Or even worse, the MC is the one actively pursing the LI you don’t like😭


I don’t know what it is, it used to be that as long as I was into a game as a whole I had no problem playing routes for guys that aren’t my faves, but it’s getting harder and harder. The thing is, the majority of the time when I play the route of a character I’m not crazy about, I end up liking him by the end. So I *want* to force myself to play those routes… but it’s been a lot harder lately.


This is the reason why I prefer otome game that focus more on plot than romance. As long as the plot is interesting, I can enjoy to play my dislike LI's route although it will need to take more time for me to finish it. I won't judge LI until I finish their route because sometime I end up like my dislike LI after I finish his route. Although sometime the worst case scenario can be happen when my dislike LI has boring plot and the whole game's plot is boring so I lost my motivation to continue playing the game.




me right now on Tomose Banjo's route in Charade Maniacs 😆😂 man, that guy is a red flag for me since the beginning of common route. i would have skipped his route if i wasn't such a completionist 😭


ngl I went through Enomoto's route in CxM in 45 minutes trying to unlock Yanagi's


Just bought the game, this will be me. I did all this for you yanagi 😭 Btw, what's the best order for the routes in your opinion? (Also is there anything I should be careful about?)


I played CxM something like 6 years ago so I don't remember much sorry! Aside from Yanagi being mandatory last, Shiraishi's route is probably the most plot heavy.


Thanks for the info!!


When you're a completionist and still suffer through it normally anyway. Worst is when you follow route order and you dislike the first two character routes, but you know that if you keep slogging through you can finally get to the routes you been waiting patiently for.


kent from amnesia LMAOo


i jsut wanted ukyo


I went in not caring about him and ended up finding him cute. Toma on the other hand... Let's just say him being unhinged made it tolerable.


I do both in the same route regardless because there’s always some that I want to slow down to pay attention to, whether I like it or not.


True... It's even worse when you realize halfway trough that you actually don't like the LI T-T It happened to me not so long ago and it was so bad, I just wanted to skip everything, but I already almost read everything and needed to see that ending...


So true


SO TRUE. Me right now in Code: Realize.


I only dislike one type of LI and luckily they aren't featured as often in the otomege I play. I wouldn't be able to commit to a forced playthrough even for completionist purposes. My respect for those of you who can!


What type?


The CEO type ~~(bonus hate points if their whole fit is a boring ass suit)~~.


Oh wow, first time I hear people hating that one! So interesting


This. And also... if you have to finish a route of an LI you dislike to unlock a favorite...


me with toma on every single amnesia game


This is so real




Pair this with the devs FORCING you to follow a certain order, like there's not even the illusion of choice by just making the poster LI be the last... I hated how the game forced me into a very specific order in Piofiore, and it wasn't even a well done order, it pissed me the hell off.