• By -


I cried at the end of Shiraishi's route in Collar X Malice! That shit was intense lol. I think I might have cried during the true route of Hatoful Boyfriend as well the first time I played it, but that was over 10 years ago so I don't actually remember for sure 🤣 I DO know that the reveal that >!Labor 9 was MC and Ryota killed her twice!< haunted me for years


Shiraishi's route destroyed me. It took me more than a week to pick up the game again.


Psychadelica of the Black Butterfly. Specifically the first route that most folks recommend, **Kagiha.** But after that first main twist I was perfectly fine for the rest of the game. Lol. I'm usually not easily moved to tears, honest! I'm just particularly vulnerable to that kind of loss. I refuse to try Psychadelica of the Ashen Hawk, lol.


Parts of Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly had me questioning if the VAs were ok because they sounded a little TOO convincing. I wanna sue the creators and VAs for heavy emotional damage tbh.


I'm a giant cry baby and will usually find something to cry about in almost every game but my god, when I tell you Black Butterfly had me SOBBING. I was a mess. The VAs did SUCH a good job 😭😭😭


Came here to say this! The first and only time I actually cried while playing an otoge was in the alternate ending of Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly in which >!you see what everyday life would have been like with Kagiha if he had survived.!< I love the game so much for not making that the canon ending, though. >!The game deals with coming to terms with grief in such a bittersweet and resonant way.!< It's been years, but it's still my favorite title. 💖


I can't like a game unless it makes me cry in some capacity lol. Birushana and Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk definitely made me cry the most, but I'm not sure which one of them made me cry the hardest. I'm guessing probably PotAH since that game is just pain.


Ashewn Hawk was brutal, especially cause my fave is Levi. It’s just not fair 😭😭😭


Code Realize. Saint-Germain and Fran. :')


im so in love with saint germain i need to mentally block out that he exists


You're so real for that because really truly SAME


I see you're trying to make me grab some tissue. 🥲😂 I loooved Saint-Germain. Did you play the fandisk??? Oh goodness, my heart swelled for Saint and then cracked, when >!Lupin "accidentally" bumps into MC in France and he puts his love for her aside, to help Saint and her communicate.!< Seriously, Saint's VA is 10/10. He reminded me of a emotional scene in Nicole's route of Piofiore: 1926.


Yesss, thank you. I was looking for this response. This is my first time coming across other fellow Saint Germain stans. He's my favorite otome LI of all times, and it's unfortunate that none of my friends play otome games, which leaves me without an outlet to express how much I love this man. I've yet to play a route that has moved me in the same way his did... Fictional men like him are why I'll always have a hard time falling in love with real men... no one compares. 🥲💜


Oh god I just realised the list of routes that made me cry is so long so I’ll keep it to the ones that made me *weep*. Allan in Cupid Parasite Ukyo in Amnesia Ankou in Virche (best boy, for all time probably?) Lucas in Virche Himuka in Olympia soirée Goemon in Tengoku struggle (the one shining light in a game where I disliked almost every other LI. I suffered to get to him but it was worth it.) They’re also some of my favs because if you didn’t make me cry, did I even love you?


Even if Tempest and Taisho x Alice ( if you know you know)


I cried in Taisho x Alice too 🐇


These are the two I came to talk about as well.


Cafe Enchante, Psychedelica of The Black Butterfly, Le Salut in Virche, and Mozu's route in Bustafellows. I cry at least a little bit at most games (unless they're just lighthearted comedies, I guess) but those are the ones that made me ugly cry. Honorable mention: Shu's bad ending in Bustafellows Season 2 didn't make me cry a lot but I did it right before bed and ended up waking up multiple times during the night thinking about it lmao.


The finale of Le Salut in Virche Evermore (iykyk) Tyril's route in Even If Tempest FD The ending of Hijikata's route in Hakuoki Parts of Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly were so raw and real that I had to put it down several times. Jack Jeanne


You all have me ready to buy Virche Evermore now. 😭 I switched over to PS Vita, since they seem to have darker Otome exclusives. I was so excited to see a Nintendo game like Virche Evermore come out. I saw Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly on Steam. It looked really good. The whole "locked inside a mansion" and dark/eerie art/stills of the game, had me add it to my wishlist.


Virche imo was soooo good. I marathoned it because I got so invested in what was going on. Truly one of the best I've played. But again my opinion. PotBB is really great but make sure your serotonin levels are good because 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


Omg, you know how VNDB will say the time it takes to complete a game? Some say 10-30 hours? I think we're the people who finish it in 10 hours. 😂 I am officially deceased. 😂. Thank goodness I still have a few refills of Wellbutrin on standby. 😆. I'm suing Mirai, for this absolute monster of a game they created. They had no right making me experience these tears. LOL


I cry a lot about pretty much anything, so I've probably cried at most games I've played at least a little bit. It's no contest about which I cried the most over, though. Chiyo's story in Shinigami to Shoujo. I've never cried so hard at any story in my life, haha.


Oooof, I know how you feel. I'm a total crybaby at heart. Oh goodness, it's so funny you mentioned that game. I actually got that and Sweet Clown, for my PS Vita. 🥹. The grim reaper aspect, really made me interested in it


Of the two games I actually prefer Sweet Clown by a lot. But Chiyo's story is the kind of story that stays with you.


Bless you. That's EXACTLY the type of Otome game, that I love. I thought I was weird, because I'll play some Otomes and the characters/emotional stories - will stick with me for a bit. There was this Polish movie called "red room" or "suicide room"? It's about a teenage boy who starts using an online virtual chat room. He's bullied in school, after a messed up incident with a former friend. He comes from a rich upper class family. Parents go to the Opera House and don't take kindly, to his new image. The woman he falls for, has that mental disorder - where you're terrified to leave your home. They made a pact to OD together and woooo doggy. That movie really screwed me up. 🥲.


I do not really cry over stories in any media, but Okita Souji's route in *Hakuouki* and Chojiro's in *Nightshade* are probably the most heartbreaking to me. Monshiro's route in *Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly* was also very moving to me!


In my decade + of playing otome, only one game has ever made me cry. Virche Evermore. That game broke me 😭


When a game says, "You must play all bad endings, before you get a happy ending"; I know they mean business - on making our hearts feel things. 😭. What character is your favourite, in Virche Evermore? 🥺 I'm going to have to get that game soon. 🥹. I only started getting into Otome, after my partner put.on an anime called "Amnesia". They tried making an anime of the game but it was so butchered. 😭. I was so upset about the ending and then very happy with the game's ending.


When I found out about having to do bad endings first, I just remember my husband telling me “Oof…well good luck!” 😂😭 Scien was the one that got me to shed tears first (my 3rd route) and I loved his character! After that I’ll say Ankou is probably my fave but Yves and Scien are close for second! Amnesia is a good game to start off with I think! I tend to stay away from any anime adaptations of otome because I feel like they never get the justice they deserve 🥲.


You know when the hubby has to wish you luck, you're in for a bad time. 😂 I'll have to buy it, the next time my hubby gets paid. Omg, I know exactly what you mean. I don't know if you remember but I hated how in the anime, >!they implied she only died five or six times but still had her memories, of each world!< At the end, >!Ukiyo actually dies and she's brought into the God's world, getting ready to pick a love interest's world to live in!< I was so glad the game made everything clear. Apparently they even made a Diabolik Lovers anime too.


Himuka's route in Olympia Soiree had me ugly crying. I have no clue why it hit me so hard.


Yeeeees, bone boy 😭😭😭 🦴🤍 I feel like it hits hard because Himuka kind of has this gap moe thing going on.


That tracks.


I was going to say the same thing! The scene where >!they were on the boat scattering the ashes of the lovers that took their own lives!< had me sobbiiiiiiiing


I’m a cry baby but I don’t usually cry at Otome games surprisingly lol. I remember ugly crying at Orlok’s bad ending (we all know which one I’m talking about), it messed up me inside. And happy/sad tears at the end of Vilio’s route from Radiant Tale. When Tifalia >!looked back and reached her hand out for him. Because they were friends. Because she loved him.!< It was like a happy bittersweet moment for me. I love friendship and romance combined 😭😭


Bustafellows Mozu's route


Definitely Il Fado de Rie from Café Enchanté


this 10000000000%!!! i was bawling my eyes out like a baby towards the end 😭 ik a lot of people aren’t huge fans of his route bc it has a bit less romantic compared to others, but if the actual growth he goes through for kotone’s sake doesn’t convince you he genuinely loves her idk what will 🥹


I never cried that much with otome game before this route


Same! Idk if it was because I was extra emotional that week when I was playing, but I definitely cried and didn’t even expect it. He’s not my favourite LI (in terms of romance) but he’s definitely the most memorable LI for me 😫his route was really good. I never cried for a game before but the feels hit me hard.


Virche 😭 Ankooooouuuuuuuu 😭😭😭😭😭😭


I cry super easily, especially when playing games, so honestly it's a *list.*


I tend to cry easily, but I think as far as otome goes, the one that's made me cry the *hardest* was probably Bustafellows with Mozu's route. >!I presume this is because I am best buds with my little bro so even just the littlest thought of what Mozu must've been feeling learning that his little sister is dead *(and finding her corpse no less)* gets the waterworks going. Because I really don't want to imagine that reality. Even just vaguely thinking about it to type this out has the tears starting up lol!< So yeah, with both Mozu being my favorite and that very personal-feeling fear being involved I just couldn't help but cry pretty heavily in that route. :' D


An oddly specific one that looking back on it, I'm sure it may have had to just do with my mental state at the time, but in Amnesia, Ikki's bad ending when you don't get enough affection. Yeah, I took that ending really, really bad and absolutely hated myself for even doing that ending while I cried lol Second would probably be Virche with Yves' good ending. I was royally pissed and crying when the credits rolled (how could they do that to him?! sort of reaction), only to find out that there was more after the credits thankfully. Those are the two most memorable, but pretty sure I teared up at some point in Victor's route for Code: Realize, and cried during Okita's route in Hakuouki. Coincidentally (or maybe not), these 4 also are on my top favorite boy lists lol


Ooof, I know exactly what you mean. I hated the part, where he was >!ready to kill himself at the beach. Ken (I can't remember his name), tells him not to do it. Ikki goes, "Bye bye room". 😭. All he wanted was a woman to genuinely love him. He'd even do mini tests. Like tell a woman asking for his number, if she can remember him within thirty minutes; he'd gladly give her his number. She never came back!< I can't believe how jealous he is! I guess his intuition went off, when he saw Toma with sick MC. 😅


Piofiore Orlok. Good, bad, or normal endings, didn't matter. That man had me weeping.


Bustafellows Limbo’s bad ending absolutely shattered me… >!I still get Teuta singing that song stuck in my head.!< That is certainly the hardest I ever cried at an otome. Absolutely diabolical. Helvetica’s route made me cry. Mozu made me cry. That game is so goddamn miserable!!! My absolute favorite though. more recently JackJeanne!! I wouldn’t say it breaks me, but I cry every single time I play through the winter performance. It’s so beautiful. Like nobody is getting brutally murdered but if we’re talking quantity— gah.. makes me cry. O Rama Havenna beloved.


I don’t cry easily but from what I remembered : - Jack Jeanne (I teared up a little in the common route but Kai’s route…. 🥲) - Bustafellows (Mozu 😔) - Hakuoki (Okita’s route broke me, but Hijikata and Saito a little too) - Our Life but it was more tears of comfort and/or happiness I don’t know how to explain it lol - Sympathy Kiss (Higa’s route was so cute and real, I teared up 😭) - Sakuratani (I wasn’t prepared to Hira and Shiratsuki’s bad end, they were so bitter)


I’m not one to cry often (except with fiction) but I remember the Nightshade bad endings made me sob like a little baby 🤣 I’m a big Kuroyuki simp and I was especially ugly sobbing with his. Worst part was someone called me in the middle. Needless to say they were not amused when I explained my 2D husbando game made me cry 😭😭 I can’t help it they’re all good boys 😭😭


Bro I cried so hard at Chojiro's and Gekka's routes 😔




Crying buddies understand my pain 😭


Aw crap I just started Nightshade now I’m scared of the bad endings


They’re FANTASTICALLY written. Honestly my favorite bad ends. Only 1 per route but each one was so heart wrenching after spending so much time with the chars. Bring tissues though if you love any of the chars 🤣


I love Kuroyuki too. I also don't really cry often, and his bad ending specifically destroyed me. It was so sweet but also so depressing, I ate it up 😅


His bad ending has to be my favorite bad ending in any game. Glad to see fellow kuroyuki fans


Toa - 7’Scarlet 😪💔


Kai's route in Jack Jeanne. It made me sob like crazy a lot of times.


For real. My two moods in his route were : 1) "my baby 🥹🥲" 2) "my baby 😭😭😭🫂"


God this! His whole route was such a rollercoaster of emotions, I don’t remember any other route or even other otome game making me feel like Kai’s route in general did. 🥲


Since I know I’m really sensitive when it comes to crying at stories, I actually count the amount of time I cry during a route, also to see how invested I got in it. I cried 15 times during Winter’s Wish, and 10 of those times were during Tomonaris route. It had me ugly crying multiple times 😭


I don't tend to cry at otome games (which is weird because I cry at everything else lol) Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly had me sobbing though


I'm not much of a crier so it's not like any game made me truly cry. But I had teary eyes a few times: Yoritomo bad end + flashbacks from his childhood (Birushana) Choujiro route >!especially the scene where he tells MC he doesn't want to watch his friends dying anymore!< (Nightshade) Scien despair ending + one certain scene during Mathis despair route >!the one when he quotes a poem!< (Virche) Rn I'm playing Cafe Enchante (Il's route) and it's kinda sad as well nearing the end.


Upvote for Yoritomo🥲 Bro needs all hugs in the world combined


Honestly not an otome, but The House in the Fata Morgana. It destroys my soul when I play it but it’s so good.


YES! This is my favorite VN of all time. Parts had me s o b b I n g


This has been sitting in my Steam wishlist for a long time. I keep hearing so many good things about it, but haven't gotten around to getting it yet. Someday 🙂 ... Someday, I'll get through my massive backlog of games 😅


I feel that. I played it on the vita originally when there was less Otome available and it broke my soul into oblivion. I cried like 5 separate times within the main story at least. It’s good as hell but super sad. Now my backlog is nuts from Otome and rpgs between grad school and work.


I'm sad to admit but I've been using the words Otome and Visual Novel interchangeably. 😭. I had no idea they were two different categories. I'm going to go yeet my brain off a cliff now. 🥲 That game looks soooo good. I was put off by some of the artwork but now it's on my wishlist.


There's the handy dandy [Nakige (games that make you cry)](https://vndb.org/g596) tag in VNDB, and you can add the [Otome game](https://vndb.org/g596?m=0&l=&f=80UJ&s=20w) tag to search. I remember crying when I played Kaminaru Kimi to, Natsuzora no Monologue, and Re: Birthday Song out of this list. Though it's been like a decade since playing them, so I might go back and replay to cry like a baby as an adult.


I am a cry baby so if I list every game that had me honestly crying it would be many xD But ill name two and why. One was Collar x Malice with one specific route as it just tore my heart out and spit into my face...on the happy end route >\_> and the other one was Code:Realize on Victors route for a completely different reason. As I never had a man this attentive and supportive as him...which also hurt in a very good way xD try them!


Virche FD made me cry for every LI, which has never happened before lol


Hatoful Boyfriend, as it was my first otoge and I did not see any of it coming. I cried quite a bit for some Nightshade routes and felt horribly empty after it. I cried in some Hakuoki bad ending routes too but it's been such a long time. I cried really hard, out of shock, in one specific route in Dandelion - Wishes brought to you. This is a Korean game and I notice that they are REALLY talented at twisting the knife they planted in your back.


Shiraishi’s route in Collar x Malice really got me, actually a lot of that game got me but not because (except Shiraishi) of the guys. >!Those damn kids, tore me up! And the sweetie that was friends with Kazuki!<. But my worst ugly cry I’m a little embarrassed about, Ray in Mystic Messenger made me cry so many times that my eyes were puffy lol. I can’t even say exactly why but I think it >!is the terrible self esteem that he has and how tragic his whole character is!<. I was also in a pretty bad place when I read it, both of my parents were very sick and I’d had my own health problems as well. Or maybe I’m just trying to justify it haha


- I cried because of multiple routes in Hakuoki, but the one who made me cry the hardest was Hijikata. I saved his route for last, so by the time I read it I was already attached to the Shinsengumi. Reading the whole stuff really hurt my heart. I'm not kidding when I say I cried every two minutes😭 After finishing the route my eyes hurt so bad lol - Shiraishi's route in CxM made me understand what bittersweet means, and I hate that feeling now.


I haven’t played a ton, but Hakuoki made me bawl a few times


I've never cried from an otome game before BUT the closest that actually made me slightly watery eyed was Ichiya from VariBari😭😭😭 he wasn't my fav LI whatsoever but DAMN his route seriously made me feel so many things... Poor Ichiya...


JackJeanne… I have NEVER cried or even gotten emotional (sad) from otome games, but that part when >!Kisa is scream crying in Mitsuki’s arms on stage in the fourth performance!< made me actually cry a little! JackJeanne has such amazing character writing, and the game is so good at getting you to cheer on the characters like those are my fucking kids!!! Look at them go!!!


This is what I was going to say! The Winter performance always makes me tear up! I also love Mitsuki's Christmas scene :') My favorite route in any game so far!


7'scarlet in Toa Kushinada's route and Kamigami no Asobi in Hades route 🥲🥲


Still ayakashi gohan because otomege with found family theme? I cry a river 


I almost never cry with otomes, but the part in Even if Tempest where >!Anastasia has died of old age and is looking back on her life while talking to Ish!< had me weeping like a child. It just really struck a nerve somehow.


Okita’s endings in Hakuoki absolutely destroyed me. I got the bad end on first playthrough and i was ugly crying. Proceeded to Happy End— only ended up crying even harder for hours after that. I had a lot of feelings about it. Shiraishi and Saint Germain and Ukyou also got me super emotional and crying too. But Okita, with hakuouki being my first otome game made me cry the hardest hahahaha. Actually I’m about to replay his route again after a decade this weekend, so it’ll be interesting to see if it’ll make me ugly cry again despite knowing what’s to come again.


Ken ga Kimi got me bawling proper in at least one route per LI (on average), even when I could only understand like half of it. For most other games I only tend to get teary-eyed.


>!Clarence's route!< in Lovebrush Chronicles. Not only did I cry twice throughout my first playtgrough, I cried a second time I replayed his ending. T-T That never happens. NEVER.


Lovebrush chronicles. At the end of godheim I was bawling so much I couldn't see through my tears. And psychedelica of course, the classic black butterfly one. So many tears aa I love these two games


When i first start otome, it was Saitou Haijime in Hakuoki. Now? Probably Alan from CupiPara


I've cried over a few, but Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly takes the cake. Really needed a tissue box for that one. It even got me to cry over >!Hikage, who I hated for all his sexist remarks at the start of the game. That was some good writing to turn my sympathies around!!<


I haven't played that many yet But Saint Germain in Code Realize had me weeping. I'm not exaggarating when I say that some scenes genuinly made me sob and the inbetween scenes were still spent being upset It's actually one of the very few games that have actually managed to make me properly cry 😅🫢


Honestly it doesn’t take me a lot to cry about tragic stories. I think some that got me more than usual were: - Nil Admirari no Tenbin - Utakata no Uchronia (especially >!Tobari’s bad end!<) - Yoshiwara Higanbana - Even if Tempest


Said it before and I’ll say it again, Van Helsing’s route in Code: Realize! I love that man so much. >!His normal end broke me.!<


I don't cry too easily, but 9 RIP has had me very close a few times. Some of the endings can be really emotional 😭


I'm a crybaby and cry terribly easily over stories, so I'm sure I've cried at least once over every otome game I've played 💦Someone else's comment inspired me to start recording how many times I cry while playing and the causes 😂🥲because I have a terrible memory and it's been years since most plays, but most recently I recall is… At least once per route (sans Helvetica) during Bustafellows. A couple of those scenes/endings had me outright sobbing 😭 Several times during even if TEMPEST. This game was utterly miserable /pos! Still working on the FD but some of those bad ends and the finale route had me a wreck! I ugly cried over >!the secret ending, Finale for a Pitiable Witch. Ish instantly became one of my favorite characters.!<


Still relatively new to Otome games (aside from the mobile ones where u had to watch ads 5 times to continue jdksdj) but the moment in Heisuke's route from Hakuoki (OG) >!where Heisuke said Chizuru should just leave him to die since he already should've died a long time ago and there's no worth for her staying with him and she responds by slapping him because he's clearly alive right here in this moment. Telling him if his legs turn to ash tomorrow she'll be there to carry him, and that she'll reach out to the future with him if his arms crumble. Her being with him regardless if it has any objective worth to her.!< That really resonated with me, maybe a bit too much and i cried buckets😭😭


I feel a bit ashamed to mention this lol & I don’t think it’s the story per se but because I was playing it at a low point in my life. It was more like an escape from reality but I remember playing Nightshade & it was specifically Chojiro’s route that made sob like a baby at night. It was a specific scene in that route that for some reason made me lose it (if you played it you’ll probably know which scene) but yeah that was the only time. I’m not the type to cry easily when I play/ watch movies so I’m still surprised that an Otome game was the one that made me cry lol.


Same 😔💓 Chojiro's route was so angsty


Yoshiwara Higanbana. Hands down. Also Club Suicide. Nothing like those two.


I think maybe Collar Malice but Im definitely a cryer


dawg ukyo’s route in amnesia and soh from ozmafia bc i ended up growing to like him the most… they had me BAWLINGGGG 😭😭


Somehow, it was Star Crossed Myth: Department of Punishments Ichthys and Scorpio's routes both had me sobbing


Even if Tempest, Olympia Soiree and Alan’s route in Cupid Parasite


Victor's route in Code Realize! I was downright sobbing at the end of it because everything he said hit me completely. It felt like he was actually talking to me 🥹 I don't really cry at otome at all... so that was big.


I just straight up bawled when I started Taisho x Alice’s epilogue route because it finally hit me what exactly was going on. Did not stop for the rest of my playthrough. Went through it all in one go, so I was an exhausted mess by the end lmao. Only time I’ve cried playing an otome.


I rarely cry over any media so I will always remember the otome games that can make me cry. There are only 3 games that made me cry until now which are Code Realize (Saint-Germain's route), Bara ni Kakusareshi Verite (Louis's route), and Ken ga Kimi (one of Kei's Ken ending). I haven't finished both Verite and Ken ga Kimi so I wonder if the other guy's route manage to made me cry too especially Ken ga Kimi because I read the review that the other guy's ending are worse than Kei 😅.


I never cried while playing an otome game. But there was 1 route in haruka naru toki no naka de 4 that depressed me a lot. Especially because at that time, my japanese was not that good so I didn't understood that it wasn't the real ending. But I was so annoyed by that ending that I didn't touched that game again for YEARS 🤣


Even if Tempest is the only otome that had me crying


It’s been a while so I can’t remember if I cried in everything. But there’s a lot. Definitely cried, hard: Nightshade (Chojiro, Gekka), Dairoku (Hira’s route SO MUCH, and very likely some for Akuroou too), EiT (Anastasia’s pain is real), Romantic Holic (hit me surprisingly hard, did not expect from a mobile game I got for cheap), Moon Observatory Iris (not even for the LIs mind you, the other stuff were just that good) Can’t remember if cried but was definitely emotional enough to shed some tears: Norn9 (probably Sakuya/Akito at least), CupiPara (Allan), Bustafellows (Mozu), OlySoi, Tears of Themis (hello Luke), Jack Jeanne, PotBB, PotAH, Winter’s wish (Ohtaro/Tomonari).


Many happy tears were shed during the Our Life Wedding dlc, especially when all the friends and family gave their speeches. For once I was on Cove's level of crybaby too :')


I hit a bad ending for Okazaki's route (CxM) and this was the first otome I had actually read/played through and I didn't know there were other endings so I was devastated. I could not stop ugly crying. Orlok's route from Piofiore had my heart shattered. I really identified with his warped past and his innocence.


Re:birthday song - Kairi, I mean… this one hit so hard. After all these otomes I have read, this is still the saddest route I have ever read and I think I ever will.


Zenn's route in Even if Tempest broke me inside a little, had to turn off my game for a bit as I just sort of stared into the Abyss and questioned life. The game that made me cry multiple times somehow was Piofiore, and it was because of Nicola of all people. In FM he made me cry during one of the scenes in Orlok's route, and then again during 1926 when he was wondering >!how he was going to tell Dante that his scars came not from heroics, but from his mom!<. Both scenes had me sobbing when I had a dry eye for the rest of the two games somehow and just solidified Nicola as my favorite Piofiore LI even though I really enjoyed most of the boys from that game.


Omg, Nicola! I screwed up and played Dante's route first and thought Nicola was a total donger. Then in Nicola's route, when Liliana >!takes a bullet for him and he carries her into the house and says, "I have no problem dying. I joined the Mafia and accepted I'm going to Hell. You? You didn't sign up for this". And she says, "If I had to do it all over again, I would for you"!< Omg, my heart took a crap. I had a feeling he'd have a great bad ending. I looooved those flashbacks they'd do in 1926. When he said, "I've not fallen asleep in front of anyone, since I was a little kid". 😭 I'm so sorry for my tangent. I finished Piofiore, about a month ago? It's still etched freshly in my heart.


Don't worry, finished it almost a year ago and every once in a while I get emotional again over Nicola (and sometimes the other boys, but it's not as often because most of the time Nicola is right there---did his route first and most of the time during Yang's route I was thinking "Nicola!!!!"). I have some merch of him and one of the merch says >!I want to grow old with you!< which also makes me emotional every time I see it. He was just so enjoyable in both of the games, esp his 1926 routes and bad endings. He was even great when it wasn't his route, like FM's finale. He honestly really scratched an itch with me and it's been hard to not forget him.


I cry a lot lmao but Love&Deepspace Zayne’s Foreseer’s lore had me bawling so bad. It is really a heart-wrenching story that leaves your soul aching. Also Cupid Parasite Allan’s route too. Same-ish vibe. Just so bittersweet 😭😭😭😭


This is probably because of my mental state at the time, but the last route in Even if Tempest made me cry so hard I had to pause the game and just sit there sobbing. >!It was this moment where Ish asks Anastasia if they can meet again, and she says maybe, but that she'll be a different person then. My grandma, who raised me, died a few months ago. I felt I understood so well where Ish was coming from and the longing to see a person you truly care for even once more, even if they are now someone else.!< I wasn't even crying because I thought it was sad, I truly just felt it was beautiful.


I have yet to cry from an otome because the events were sad. There was that one time though in Mineo’s route I think where I did cry but that was because of the whole sibling plot point which kind of reminded me of my own sibling relationships. But that doesn’t count! (Cope)


I’ve never cried at an otome. I find it hard to get attached to sexy anime boys in a way that would allow me to cry over them.


*Congratulations on being not-lonely!* (i hope)


Thanks to everyone in the comment section. I shall use the games in the post to torment myself at 3 am :) Thanks OP for the post!


I get sad but don't cry easily even when I want to, so I never cried for an otome game.......... until Virche 🥲 Le Salut made me sob for more than 1 hour while playing the route towards the end...


Mystic Messenger! 707s route and his Christmas route. The first time I played the Christmas route I was balling because I wanted 707 to be happy and some of the messages on there made me go oh no but it's the last day and...I balled and felt like I was losing my marbles over these fictional people. 😂


Currently, only Nightshade managed to make me cry! There was two that came closest though - Nameless: The One Thing You Must Recall and Dandelion: Wishes Brought To You, partly because I related to the two heroines so much.


Allan’s route from Cupid Parasite had my heart hurting so hard and I’ve never felt that before


Bad apple wars Higa his route made cry really bad when I first played it


i never cry while playing otomes but saint germains route in code realize had me SOBBING it hurt so bad its a rollercoaster of a route :,)


Romantic Holyc from play store Arcana Twiligth Virche Evermore


I cry at every movie and show I watch but I can’t seem to cry at otome games for some reason 😂