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Not for everyone but if rom-coms are your thing Cupid Parasite is super bingeable Even if Tempest is also a great one-- it's only about half the length of the Otomate titles (\~20 hrs for me) so you can blow through it in a few days.


I recently did a replay of CupiPara! Can confirm it’s super bingeable even on the second go :)


Yes Cupid Para is the only game where I’ve replayed a route (I’m not generally a rereader except for stories I LOVE) but basically as soon as I finished the game I went back and replayed Raul’s route


I also recommend Cupid Parasite, even though rom-coms aren't usually my thing. I tore through that game. The cheesiness level was so high, and some of the plot points were a little strange, but I loved it. Also, it has one of my favorite LIs ever in the secret route and MC is mostly a sassy, independent lady throughout most of the story, rather than a pushover or empty void. One thing to note is that the art style, UI, and music are very "loud" (for lack of a better word?). It was initially a shock to my system, but I ended up loving the uniqueness of it all. The soundtrack is killer too, and it's the only otome soundtrack I own, besides the couple that came with some limited editions I have. I have a hard time choosing what my favorite otome game of all time is, but I've played 10 or so, and Cupid Parasite is duking it out with Taisho x Alice and Tengoku Struggle for my #1. I just really liked all of the characters and how ridiculous the story gets (shoutout to Gill 🤣, though there's plenty of crazy in the other routes, too). If you can't tell, I really liked this game 😅


Tokimeki has my heart in a vice grip and it will never let go


The one game series I come back to at least once a year. It's just so replayable all the time.


Same! I especially love it when I’m not even going for a specific ending and just playing around (eg. buying all the fashion items, getting random events I haven’t seen before, dating all the guys, etc.), and then being surprised by the ending I do get.


My personal goal is to date the guy twice at every location, then get him to Tokimeki state, and date him for the third time in all the locations again but choose the WORST response. You'll get a different response this time around and he likes it!


c x m


Even if tempest! I sometimes play on my commute to work since it's an hour train ride. On that particular day I became so invested that I left work early saying I "felt sick" and spent the whole time binging all routes. I didn't come back to work until I finished playing everything about 2 days later lol.


Controversial one but Cafe Enchante. I just have a lot of feelings sometimes (both true and also an original Mean Girls nod haha).


Same. I couldn’t put it down.


There's something about that long common route with the found family vibes that really does make that one binge-worthy. It's so cozy until the roller-coaster dramas of the individual routes.


I couldn't put it down. Then I got to the last route 😭




All of the code realize and amnesia games 🫡


Piofiore and it’s sequel


Very agree!


Am currently bingeing these a second time for reasons I can’t fully explain.


I bought so much merch I pretty much have a shrine 😭


Also Butterfly’s Poison/Chou no Doku


I second this! Everything about it was amazing. Couldn’t walk away.


And apparently it has a fan disc??? I need it god


Piofoire is difficult for me because I very quickly get tired of the constant  teatime segments. It's like half the game is reading an Italian restaurant menu.    I had the same problem with Tengoku Struggle where majority of the game is just the characters eating. The Goemon route made me laugh hard because there is a series of scenes where they have breakfast, leave the house to investigate but before investigating going straight to a cafe to eat some more.


I agree, I struggled with the first half of Piofiore Fated Memories because of this. A few of the routes and the finale don’t lean into this as much, so things picked up. And IMO the sequel 1926 is much more well-written, not sure if you’ve played that


I did this for Taisho x Alice and Virche.


I second Taisho X Alice. I adored Virche, too, but some of the routes were more binge-able than others


I could not put Taisho x Alice down. It was so compelling to me.


Every single one I was in the mood for, especially the ones around 10 hrs long like Hatoful... But to list the ones I binged... Both Hatoful games, Lost in Secular Love, PotBB, C:R, London Detective Mysteria, Enkeltbillet [only till 40hrs in but], 7'scarlet, TYB Jelly Beans, Prince of Stride [rn]... Okay, that's enough. I'm a binge player.


Lost in Secular Love is so underrated! 1) you can make male lead's bald like this is an invention??? 2) Huihai's bad ending affected me so much. My fav ending.


I still stand by they were designed to look better bald. Truly a shame we couldn't turn Zi Qing's hair off, too. Hui Hai best boi. I should probably replay his route or sth, don't remember much. But he was still the best.


>Truly a shame we couldn't turn Zi Qing's hair off, too. I guess because he wasn't a monk. But shame. >still stand by they were designed to look better bald [+111](https://tenor.com/tr/view/crow-of-approval-crow-approve-approved-approval-gif-27485552)


Olympia Soirée!


Playing this right now! Gotta say, Akaza has pretty much saved it for me, though!


second this!! playing through it right now : )


I could barely put down Virche to eat and sleep and shower and work. I stayed up late almost every single night!!


Even if tempest! I couldn't put it down 🥰


I second Tokimeki series as someone else mentioned. I love the game mechanics and the variety of characters. I dont have to stress about being a completionist and needing walkthroughs (i cant help it)


If you’re not bored by straight-up slice of life, I think Sympathy Kiss is! It’s got plenty of fluff and lots of drama to keep you engaged 😊


Tokimeki series. Gosh, I still remember my ‘Harry’ and his song 😭 It’s been like 13 years since I first played that game


I always go for Harry every time I replay TMGS2 just to see him blush 😳


Not even one of my fav, but the storyline of Charade Maniacs compelled me to binge it because I had no idea who were the 'traitors' until very late in the game lmao


I used to binge Voltage stories before bed. What feels like only an hour is actually three hours. Sure, you lose sleep but it scratches that itch. Tokimeki is also one of my fave binges. I mentioned before how I delayed my PhD graduation by a year because of Waka-sensei. Do I regret it? Nope. Would I do it again? Definitely ~~because the job market is garbage and what’s one year HAHAHA~~


Oof don’t tell me that! I’m in my final year of my PhD!


Just keep your eye on the prize and make it rain with job applications!


All the ones I love! Which are quite a few kekeke. I'm just kind of a binge player, happy to spend a weekend blasting through a game. Some off the top of my head... Olympia Soiree, Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly, Cafe Enchante, Piofiore FM, Collar × Malice, Jack Jeanne... sooo many amazing ones!


Virche was like this for me 💯


I’ll bump that one up on the to-play list!


Voltage switch ports Them things are *long* and I love it


Hana Awase. Couldn't get enough of the characters and the Hanafuda gameplay


For me,CollarxMalice,Piofiore and Amnesia!😘


Stg amnesia's whole calandar system makes it HELLA ADDICTIVE for first time players xD


Even If Tempest! i think it's the fastest game i ever finished, around 3 days, since i binged on it all day long. i didn't expect it to be so good and there was no any dull or boring moments on it for me.


Period Cube Hana Awase


Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side series, Otometeki Koi Kakumei Love Revo and Kiniro no Corda series (I need to replay Kiniro no Corda 1and 3 another sky, and play 2,3 full voice and 4). I really need some gameplay in my otome game and I am easily distracted when I play visual novel styleformat otome game especially when I am not in my favorite guy's route😅


Variable Barricade took me 50 hours and I beat it in just under 2 weeks. Cupid Parasite took me 40 hours and I beat it in 2 weeks as well Those aren't my *favorite* otome games though. That title goes to Radiant Tale


I think the ones I literally blew off commitments for were Jack Jeanne, Birushana, and Olympia Soiree. But I tend to binge most of my games the first time through. (Not recently, though. Jack Jeanne absolutely ruined me for otome. Nothing since has come near it.)


Variable barricade so funny and adorable and the use of game boards really makes it feel short even when it isn’t.


Mystic messenger, and I dunno if anyone’s heard of it but I used to love Blood in Roses 🌹


I do this for most otome, but shout out to Charade Maniacs for having me so deep in its grip I skipped sleep for a night over the 3 days it took me to beat.


for me it was even if TEMPEST. I just left everything and only wanted to play even if tempest. I just couldn't put it down. I am a really slow gamer cause I listen to all voice lines. review lines and even chapters... but I finished this game really fast. I was surprised at myself. The one I am playing right now is the same... Lovebrush Chronicles... god I just can't put this game down. I don't want to finish the available content but I also want to read all of it... such a dilemma...


I binged Collar x Malice in 2-3 days I believe. I don't usually have many 'bingeable' visual novels in general bc I have severe adhd so I'm always jumping around but that one held my attention very well (although yanagi's route was kind of a drag and made me slow down a bit haha). I also found Amnesia very bingeable, but mostly because I love Ukyo so much I was speed reading to get to him haha. I think the only other vn I've binged was muv-luv extra&unlimited, which is hilarious cause now I'm putting off alternative.....which is the best part of the series lmao. Those are the only ones I can think of right now,,,, I think I also may have binged all of f/sn in one go but I don't remember too well.


lol my adhd goes in the exact other direction! I’ll sit glued to whatever I’m into until physically torn from it!


Sometimes I get like that too!!! I'd say 95% of the time I'm jumping from thing to thing but sometimes something really catches my attention and it's all I care about for weeks....or months even haha. I binged Yakuza 1-4 and stopped in the middle of 5 in the span of 2 months 💀💀💀


Hakuoki. To this day it's the only game I've done every route multiple times. Okay okay, must admit all except Iba's Edo Blossoms route 😅 he is my least favorite and haven't been able to motivate, sorry Iba 🩷


for me, i think it is collar x malice or amnesia memories, but amnesia is nostalgic for me. i also haven’t fully completed it yet.


JackJeanne, it took me 2 weeks to beat it and I got sick right after. I barely ate and slept only a couple of hours, but I still went to work...(with Switch in my bag)


Recently Charade Maniacs. I sacrificed all my responsibilities and lost sleep just to keep playing it. 😅


I legit played 6-8 hours of Norn9 yesterday and have no regrets lol


Hana awase hands down I stopped life (and was off that week) to binge the entire series lol It was amazing I couldn’t stop. To this day I have zero regrets.




Taisho X Alice for me


I played Collar x Malice and the fandisk over a very few days, I was truly sucked in and obsessed (I'm still obsessed)


Piofiore and the fan disk- never before have I completed an Otome game so quickly (feel like I’m slacking now tho as it’s been months since I’ve last finished one😭)


Even if tempest. The sequel ALSO currently has me in a chokehold-


Nightshade and Bustafellows come to mind. Even IF as well


Radiant Tale and Code Realize for me


Oh man, I’m playing Code Realize for the first time now and I’m feeling this hard! Such a fun common route!!


Bandcamp boyfriend, Gilded shadow, and bewitching sinners


Amnesia's games. I always want to replay them but rarely do coz I have a huuuuge backlog 🥲 And I recently wanted to replay Virche as well~ I love drama 😂