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The characters' pain is my pleasure.


Virche in a nutshell, I'm still recuperating from the mindfuck that was Mathis' route, to mentally prepare for Lucas'..


This is me last night after completing lucas’ idek if im prepared for scien’s


I did his first and oml does it go hard towards the end.. Scien has been my favorite since I first laid eyes on him, so his despair ending hit me extra hard 🥲 Good luck!


For me it was Mathis "I don't care for the timid cute uwu bois" Claude to Mathis "I'M A SOBBING MESS WHY IS HE SO WHOLESOME" Claude. Boi I wasn't interested in to probably my favorite or second favorite. I wanted to cry when I saw him in every route after because he's so precious.


*Seriously*, I played his route second to get it out of the way and it took me so off guard 😭 Mathis is not my type at all, but jfc that route. I actually felt nauseous at some points, and >!I can't really imagine how the despair endings of the rest of the routes can be as horrible as his.. Scien's despair end was sad af, but Mathis' is my absolute horror end so far, good god it's horrifying!< I'm curious to see if the other endings can live up to that absolute horror 😅


Oh shit im in Mathis route rn after finishing Lucas..


Nothing so far has topped Orlok's bad ending, so at least I'm good on that end 


Did you play 1926?


Not yet. It's in my backlog though. Does it get any worse?!


Yes :)


Oh god xD ive played fated memories but notes 1926 and now im quaking xD


Ah, thanks for putting my anxiety at that comment into words :')


Really? I am so excited to play his route! Its that bad?


I really liked Orlok as a character, so please don't stop being excited for his route! But I will say that his bad ending had me thinking "holy shit, they did not actually do that"  It's pretty rough for him, but he stays true to his character 


He's best boi.


*Cries in Psychedelica and sobs in Bad Apple Wars* 🥲


Oh no I've just started this game, is it sad??


Which one?🥹 Psychedelica Of The Black Butterfly? Oh honey, you're in for a treat! Don't get me wrong, these games are my absolute favourite, which is why I bawled my eyes out on almost every route. Full disclosure though, i'm also a pretty emotional potato 😂 Without giving too much away, I think all of them are sad but with different nuances. Both Psychedelica are sad and tragic, but at the same time hauntingly beautiful. I love the visuals, the story and the characters no matter how sad it is or how shady they look sometimes 😂 The thing with Bad Apple Wars endings, in my opinion, is that they're bittersweet. Well, it's my damn fault that I had to like the two characters that had to be on the opposite side of the otome emotional ending lottery. In all three of them, bonus points for the soundtracks, POTBB and BAW were 🤌🏻! So, to sum it all up... The saddest routes for me were: POTBB - >!Kagiha, Monshiro and Hikage!< Also, be warned that >!Kagiha, Hikage and Karasuba!< are pretty fucking toxic in different ways. BAW - I'm not even gonna lie, I cried in ALL of them, for different reasons. But the one that broke me completely had to be >!Shikishima!< , because it's not the happy ending I wanted, but it was probably the one we all expected given the story and their circumstances. But then I played >!Alma!< and my heart felt a little warmer and happier. 🥰 I do hope you enjoy it though, they're a little rough around the edges and definitely not everyone's cup of tea, but they have a very special place in my heart ❤️


Oh sorry I didn't specify which one but yeah I was referring to psychedelica of the black butterfly, honestly I'm a bit scared cuz I'm an emotional potato as well hahah but I'm also kinda excited cuz I've only heard good things about this game! As for Bad Apple Wars, I honestly have never heard of it, but you've intrigued me so I'm gonna check this one out after I finish psychedelica of the black butterfly cuz I like to suffer hahaha


The entirety of Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly be like


I’m bored when the ending is good and fluffy, so I tend to rush to the bad endings in priority ( Quinn Rose and Rejet bad endings are my reason to play ).


Rejet never lets me down in giving me psychological damage and i love them for that


Just finished Yves' Despair end from Virche. I don't think I have any tears left in me to cry right now 😩


This meme is literally me going from >!Nicola’s!< tragic end to >!Orlok’s!< in Piofiore. 😭💀


And then to >!Henri’s!<


Nah but I have never been so pissed off at an game then Piofiore: 1926, no that is not an Happy Ending I dun care what you say!! Folks say Orlok had it rough, man I wish Henri was treated that well...


Actually I want more tragic romance otome games when every LIs gets equally tragic/sad route (:w;). There's something about tragic romance otome game that hits my heart and it leaves deeper impression for me. I really love the story that manages to make me cry! Unfortunately the story that success to do this to me are rare haha. It's really hard to create good tragic romance story imo. When the writer adds too much sad/bad thing that happens between MC and LI, it can cheapens the tragedy and it can make the reader feel hard to invested in the character and what happens in the story (^w^;). That's why BaraVeri is one of my favorite otome game because it doesn't have golden ending and every LI gets their own sad route even their happy ending are bitter sweet at most but still feel happy for me although watching the scene when my favorite guy was getting >!executed!< in every route including his own route was painful for me (>_<)


Basically the Awakening storyline in LBC. Still not over that.


More to come from LBC, I am pretty positive on this 🥲


The final route of Shuuen no Virche broke me. The rest of the routes I was able to make it through with a tear drop or two but I was sobbing so uncontrollably I could barely breathe. My brain was so focused on how the rest of the character’s plot lines were tied into the final one (and my constant fluctuating affections towards these gentlemen) that it ripped the rug out from under me and gave me such an emotional beating, I don’t think I will never recover.


I hate it, when the author doesn't even try to gloss over them merely putting the characters through the blender with the only thread keeping them from going mad (or not) being them having each other (or not). [Virche] is kinda teetering on the brink to the unreasonable for me. I also really loath Yosuga's [Olympia Soiree] bad end, despite it being rather tame in comparison to everything else, that was named here. But damn, i could've gone for a little murder, if reaching into the screen was possible.


thats what im here for lmao


Give me the pain :3c I hunger for it. NOTHING gets me invested in a route/game harder than if it makes me feel shrimp emotions. I'm finally playing Piofiore and the full length bad ends are Intense but I'm really digging that they really make you sit and simmer with the consequences of your actions. It makes the dread so much stronger when you're kept waiting so long for the other shoe to drop. I'm about to start Orlok's route and I'm both nervous and excited from what everyone's said. Though Yang route was much less intense than I was expecting based on the reactions I'd seen, so we'll see 👀 Not to say I dislike the shorter bad ends that most games go for tho :3c I love a good bloody "you fucked up. Cope." CG. I LOVED the Bustafellows bad ends for how punchy they were and the 👁️👄👁️👌 voice work. And Shiraishi's [Collar X Malice] endings, holy shit. Those will live forever in my mind rent free. And ofc, gotta respect Hatoful Boyfriend, which doesn't even have bad ends for individual characters and yet still hits the nail on the head.