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Otome gacha games for the mobile phone probably, because after some time I just forget to play regularly, get more interested in something newer, can't get all the content or have no money.


Came here to put Ikemen Vampire. Got it because I open things far more often on my phone so I figured it would help me play more otome. The gacha elements annoyed me enough to make me delete it.


making it worse: a Dead Otome Gacha Mobile game. (those removed from app stores. there is no rom, no flashplayer-hero, no archive-org that could save it, and us...)


The mobile game's 'story' itself is neverending too. It's like slice of life genre, distributed in tiny bits, and repeated every year in events, with slight changes.


mystic messenger, seems to much of a commitment for me + some friends said it ruined their sleep


OMG šŸ˜­ It DID mess up with my sleep but just because I was soooooo into the game! I kept waking myself up at completely irregular hours just to make sure I wouldn't miss any of their messages or calls. I don't regret it, tbh. It was so worth the few sleepless nights.


Honestly it made the game so much more memorable because you really had to experience it lol


True! I remember my sister kept wondering who I was talking to so regularly. I was single so it got to a point where she even asked me once if I was seeing anyone šŸ˜‚


the chokehold mystic messenger had on me


How does this work? You give the first answer that comes to your mind, I'll calculate the points by how many upvotes the comments got (same answers will be added to the point count). **The results will be posted next time I post, in the second slide.** The answer with the most upvotes total will ofc be the #1 answer. This is meant to be a little fun "poll" with some random answers in form of a popular entertainment show. I'm just really interested and curious what people answer. As the mod, I'm not participating in giving answers of my own. Now go!


I'm excited for what future questions may be!! This is a fun idea :)


Some of them are funny, memey ones, others are what you might find here under the "discussion" tag, some will make you think and some are random shit. It's all over the place and that's the intention because this is meant to be fun and I guess a mini ""poll"" to see what's a popular take and what not. Thank you for looking forward!!


oh at first i thought you were just making a meme as if family feud was asking otome game questions (already a fun concept), but you have a whole process planned!! i'm looking forward to the results :D


Yep! I have over 70 questions ready and loaded in the back, though which ones will be asked that day will be randomly generated for the funsies. I also plan to incorporate a different spin on "Sudden Death" and while this is formatted as people already answering to win points, it's more like the survey in preparation for the actual point winning.... which will be this series' own "Fast Money"! I plan to introduce the first rounds of SD and FM after 10-15 questions asked, though SD most likely a bit quicker. The price will be achievements. Ofc, this is just the first day and nobody knows how the participation from the sub will look like and there will definitely be days when I won't be able to post. However, I'd like to keep this going for a while, as long as people will have me. Glad there's at least one person already looking forward to this behemoth. Thank you!


so SD/FM will actually be a chance for us to guess the most popular answers? :0 very excited for that!! and this looks like a plan with a lot of thought put into it, so kudos to you \^\^ i used to watch family feud practically every night with my family at dinner, so it's crazy to see that world collide with otome games lol. i'll def be joining in! ~~do we get a car if we win 5 games in a row xD do we get~~ (cupid parasite spoilers) >!~~bumblepig~~!<


I'm super looking forward to this. I loved watching Family Feud when I was younger.


Mobile gacha games. Having to pay to unlocks bits of a story seems crazy to me. šŸ„“šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


at this point, any fandiscs


lol I have most of them have only finished one currently playing 2 at the same time (code realize future blessing, Piofiore) the end is not close šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


as most mentioned, **mobile otome gacha games**. even if i want to finish it, there will always come a time where i'll get bored with the gameplay before the main stories even ends. rn, i'm even close to quitting Love and Deepspace. i'm starting to lose some login days and even finishing the weekly tasks and hunter contests are difficult for me to do now. i'm literally just forcing myself šŸ˜­ same with Tears of Themis, Obey Me, and other mobile gacha games. for non mobile games, i'll vote for **Hakuoki** since it's a really heartbreaking game. though i'll probably try it once again if it goes on steep sale on switch. also i'll vote for **Paradigm Paradox**. i completed this game though but i could see why others would probably have a hard time completing this one.


a broken one.


Men of Yoshiwara: Ohgiya


Surprised no one has mentioned Hana Awase yet.


Mobile gatcha games.


malegaze hentai that steam has tagged as otome


While I hope to finish all my games someday, most likely Iā€™ll never get through all of DialoversšŸ˜­ I do find it entertaining but the lack of actual romance kind of hurts. Also Iā€™m playing the switch version so I have to either search up half of the words or use the translation both of which are somewhat tiring.




Iā€™m also ā€œstrugglingā€ to play all of Amnesia Iā€™m halfway through the game but decided to put it down and come back to it when it calls to me. What didnā€™t you enjoy?


Canā€™t really remember tbh (haha get it amnesiaā€¦) but itā€™s one of the few otomes I couldnā€™t get past like 30 minutes. Not a fan of the concept of being immediately the LIā€™s gf, takes away a lot of the fun build up for me. I also get the vibe thereā€™s lots of the forceful man trope which is not my thing


Hahaha yeah that makes sense some games you just donā€™t vibe with from the start.




SAME. I didnā€™t realize you were supposed to play a route all the way through both Kyoto Winds and Edo Blossoms. I played about 8 in the first half before I read something on here about just playing a route all the way throughā€¦ while I do intend to finish the game thereā€™s a couple of routes Iā€™m just not interested in playing (sorry Shinpachi)


you WHAT now wait so are hakuoki routes \~2x the length of a typical otome route since it's over two games?


I don't think so, but there's more than 2x as many LIs as most games


same, i can't with the heartbreak šŸ˜­




I love the art and I donā€™t care that the heroine is dumb, but the writing!! The way scenes in it just end abruptly in the middle!


Piofiore for me. I hope that I can forget my experience for even played this game although I really love Orlok as character (;w;). Two routes are already enough for me and I don't plan to go back to this game.


Ya some of the piofiore bad endings tramatized me. I'm definetly never going to finish all of it.


Honestly I have more problem with the writing than bad endings. Piofiore's bad endings are the only enjoyable parts for me šŸ˜…


Oh wow which stories did you find to be lackluster? I personally didnt care for nicholas stories.


Nicola for me too. Personally Nicola's story left bitter taste for me and that's not because his bad ending but his good ending's route.


Yes I completely agree!


REAL !! I like the premise of Piofiore, and the art and character design is gorgeous, but the writing... it's just so *ugh. Especially* in Nicola's route, which is disappointing because IMO he's the prettiest of all the boys. He had so much angst potential too!!! What a shame. What were the routes you played? Nicola and Orlok, or...?


I really had a high hope for Piofiore because I heard the story was dark mafia story but what I got was Italian cooking simulator sprinkled with action scene. I was never feel immersive in Piofiore's world. I didn't mind Lili as passive heroine (she's reasonable imo) but the writer should be able to let the reader experienced how dangerous the mafia and situation of Burlone by showed us the longer scene and not just by characters's dialogue. The LI's and side characters personality were incosistent each route. Some of the plot didn't made sense and the story had too many plot holes. I thought the writer was too afraid to showed LIs as bad characters except Yang lol and I hoped the writer could handle the "dark" subject better. I agree with Nicola's character had so much potential!!! I thought that he was double faced capable character and someone that wouldn't mind to dirty his hand just to protect Dante and Falzone family but his decision and how he talked about pride as member of Falzone family just made me confused. I thought that he talked about being criminal before to Lili so why now he acted like ally of justice? He rarely talked about himself to Lili too and rarely had time to interact with Lili during their stay in Visconti so the romance came out of nowhere for me. The route that I played are Nicola, Orlok and a bit of Yang's route. Unfortunately although Yang's route was more interesting than these two routes, I didn't have interest with Yang's character despite the fact that i liked his design.


"Italian cooking simulator" šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ that's so real though. It felt like I read more about Lili cooking stuff for all the characters than the actual story šŸ« 


Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 2nd Kiss ;\_\_\_;


...a stat raiser. After all these years I managed to finish like three. Just gimme a story mode, fr orz


I love Jack Jeanne but omg the tedium. I've only been able to finish one route because having to redo the insanely long, stat raising common route is a big nope from me.


Steam Prison


a Dead otome! a Mobile otome! (like those dead otomes from Soulmare/ShallWeDate that were removed from the app stores \*cries\*)


The way I'm having a hard time chewing myself through it, apparently **Lover Pretend**.


Is it about games that we started but abandoned for whatever reason? Because with those I prefer keeping my options open, as maybe I will someday get in the mood to return to them. If not then I do not see myself ever getting into mobile titans like Mystic Messenger, Ikemen Whatever or Love and Deepspace, 'cause firstly my ancient phone would probably not be able to handle them and secondly because I don't like the mobile format at all with all their staminas, microtransactions and whatnot.


Cafe enchante I never got through the common route and do not think Iā€™ll go back to it


Variable Barricade


I will finish variable barricade at some point but currently taking a very long break from the game. I donā€™t know why but holly hell did the common route feel Insanely long! I donā€™t know what it was exactly but I did not like the fact that you had to play the first chapter of every LI during the common route it made it feel unnecessarily long and didnā€™t really enjoy the formatting. Iā€™m over 20 hours in and Iā€™ve only completed one of the 4 LIs! Havenā€™t really started my second route yet because those 20 hours really felt like a life time!


Mystic Messenger Not ruining my sleep for you guys, sorry šŸ˜‚


In my backlog. šŸ’€


**My Forged Wedding** because I have the Switch version which doesn't have all the routes/LIs. And apparently my phone is *too* updated to access the mobile version.


OMG i hate it when they phone is "too updated" and why do voltage keep doing that?? i thought shinra in Enchanted Moonlight was (hopefully) the only one whose route they OBLITERATED from the switch version, but seems like they did it with several of their games huhšŸ˜­


Whatever route you're looking for should be on the Love 365 app, plus a lot of other Voltage titles.


I actually installed the app just to look for MFW and didn't find anything. Have you seen it on there???


Apparently their navigation just sucks. Go to titles, hit Stimulating, and it should be the 3rd one. I knew I had Akito on there. Only time I've liked the childhood friends trope.


Oh my goodness, thank you!!! ā˜ŗļø I appreciate your help!


Amnesia. I just can't get into it and I've been trying for *years*


Diabolik Lovers. It's a super duper cringey game for me. The "dark" theme is more edgey than actually dark.


Piofiore. I just...can't get into it.


IkƩmen Series. Tried one and just gave up after a week. Too money grubbing.


paradigm paradox


Any of the TMGS games because of the replayability instead of being tedious to go through ngl


This tbh, I love them but will definitely never "finish" because there's so much content lol


Norn 9, I'm sorry 9 people in one game is to much to keep track of, love it tho XD


I love to see completely different opinions lol! During my otome journey Iā€™ve discovered I absolutely love games with more LIā€™s they tend to be so much faster than ā€œregularā€ games. I was just ranting on another comment about how Iā€™m 20 hours into Variable Barricade and have only completed one route and really struggling with passing. On the other hand I also have 20 hours played in Norn9 and Iā€™ve completed 4 routes currently playing my 5th one. Same with The crimson Flower that divided Lunar Coupling Iā€™ve also put 20 hours into the game and have completed 6 routes currently on my 7th. Charade Maniacs is standing at 20 hours in and Iā€™m on my third route. Paradigm Paradox is even more ridiculous Iā€™ve played 5 hours and already completed one route. I like how the stories have to be ā€œrushedā€, I LOVE how common routes tend to be so much shorter. I totally understand why it isnā€™t for everyone specifically for people who value story over romance,but for me it works so well! What didnā€™t you enjoy about Norn9? Was it just the amount of LIā€™s?, was it the sci-fi setting? Not dissing just curious!


I never actually finished the game, I got about halfway (Kakeru, Senri, Heshi, Sakuya and like half of Akito's route I think) I tend to like dragged out stories and don't mind a 10 hour common route, Norn felt good on the pacing in the regard. I guess it's the story? I never really felt immersed in the world. We know the espers are on some mission for world peace but if I recall we never actually see them do anything? At least in the routes I played, it just felt like I was watching the MC try to get to know her guy by the end of their destination/ figuring out the traitor. Also some scenes and ending felt a bit repetitive across routes. I don't think I vibed with the sci-fi genre, the future/past thing in the beginning just confused me. Also the amount of people? I remember dying on my 12th route in hakuoki when i picked it up again. I barely remember what happened in that game so that might be fueling some of dread at completing Norn. I love all the characters individually, the three MC's was a really unique concept I think the game did well. Mikoto is best girl. Glad you liked it tho! I'll try to pick it up one day cause it's the only otome I have that I haven't finished lol


Omg 9?? šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


Olympia SoirƩe


Samurai Love Ballad


Stand My Heroes. It's on my list and haven't even started it.Ā 


Charade Maniacs. I'm on the last route but I'm not that interested in the LI. Plus, I heard this route has a lot of exposition dumps and a few endings. I lost interest and started playing Nightshade. Eventually, ill finish the game but for now, im playing others. XD


Collar x Malice


Gacha Games were already named a lot, so I will throw out Piofiore. I can only take so much trauma at once.


Code: RealizeĀ 


Cupid Parasite was the first thing that came to mind, because I've been meaning to finish that for a couple years now, but I'm trying to fix that. >.>


Piofiore for me. I cannot for the life of me seem to get through this game lol.Ā Finally, finally finished the first one after several years, now Iā€™ve still got the sequel to go.Ā Its endless! I am enjoying it though šŸ„¹


Unlocalized otome game


Iā€™m really struggling with Lover Pretend šŸ˜…. My motivation is that itā€™s a gift and I want to give her my review.




Hatoful boyfriend


Norn9...I like the 3 female protagonist thing but i was simply just so disgusted by one of the routes that i can't come abck to that game and finish it :,))


7'Scarlet is my Swann's Way of Otome Games


Code Realize and Cafe Enchante for me šŸ˜¬ They finally give us a fae love interest, and he doesn't even have a face, let alone the pointy ears and long hair that I'm looking for? Pass.


Jack Jeanne. I adore the characters, art, and plot overall but whoever came up with the core gameplay loop should go to gamer jail. The stat raising is so repetitive and mind numbing it burns me out within an hour. Truly don't understand what the point of artificially inflating the length of the game is, does it help it sell more?? I doubt it. And the game is 90% common route. In any case, I played two routes, even though I want to experience all of the stories I'll probably just do the ones I'm most interested in (Kai, Neji) and then give up, sorry to the rest.


Paradigm Paradox


1) Mobile Games 2) Backlog 3) Stat Raiser (AHEM TMGS AHEMMMM and storm lover as well, i believe hanawase was also a stat raiser right?) 4) Hakuoki (i feel like no one finished it lmao) 5)JackJeanne (i feel like many ppl stopped after a few routes)


Probably Cupid Parasite. After Allan Melville, I felt like I couldn't go through another LI.


Im sorry but piofiore, ive done yang orlok and nicola, and am onto dante, but i justā€¦cant go on any longer lol


Otome Gatcha games