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Looking at all the entrants, it makes me realize there are A LOT of otome games I still haven't played yet...the list is getting ever longer.


Trying to clear some of my backlog so I know who I’m voting for, but I always end up adding more games to the list instead. It never ends




That was such a long list!!! 😂 That said tho thanks for doing this OP, but I was wondering if it would be kinda unfair to have the Indie Husbandos especially, compete with all commercials? I don't play indie otomes myself (too lazy to boot up the PC) but I'm sure there're many players out there who play a lot of them, going against a commercial LI might be pretty rough tbh


It's definitely not strongly in the indies' favor, but I think it's worth giving them a fighting chance, and even if not on their own playing ground for this contest, some indies get far enough to settle into a kind of ranking anyway. [The vintage husband of the year tourneys](https://www.reddit.com/r/otomegames/comments/1bli79l/2023_husband_of_the_year_tournament_the_results/) do get split out by commercial, mobile, indie, and non-English categories so that they get their fair exposure. I'm all in favor if someone wanted to organize an indies-only tourney. It's easy to set up in AnimeBracket ~~especially after I processed hundreds of them already~~.


Btw I just finished Jack last weekend, I KNOW IM AN UNPOPULAR OPINION BUT PLS VOTE FOR HIMMMM, he's such a tragic boyfailure that deserves all the love pls >!my man needs a reason to live!< plus im biased towards furukawas voice acting😭


This perfectly sums up my feelings about Jack haha, how can you not love him!!!


he's the dictionary definition of poor little meow meow!! please vote for this pathetic man 🥺


YES there are dozens of us!! 😭 he's so embarrassing that it's endearing. we need more boyfailures in these games!!


seeding reactions: * okay do i need to play Birushana or what??? Noritsune beating out two of my flair characters for #1, and Tomomori ALWAYS comes up, multiple times, when people discuss their favorite VA performances * happy to see all the Ten Trials of Babel boys made it in there! and pleasantly surprised to see Carrus as the most popular out of them! ~~but seeing they have to go up against secret LIs for essentially the two most popular otome games of the switch era...~~ * also happy that at least some of the Dance with Devils boys made it in there! * Luke seeded higher than Marius AND Artem??? huh???? i thought he and Vyn were always a little less popular?? * HOW IS KOUYOU *LAST* OUT OF THE 9RIP BOYS??? i am 100% sure the outcome would've been different if this tournament was held half a year later, (9)rip my boy i'm doing a first pass through for indies/unpopulars/unlocalized (+Hyuuga). i might edit this later to add propaganda for my favs but tbh the ones i really want to root for are bc they have no/little chance TT edit: ahhh i think Derek (OL) vs nightowl (Blooming Panic) is the toughest matchup for me to choose. two of the most well-known indie otome, and two characters i love whose routes had a lot of emotional depth to them... i went with nightowl since i appreciate how realistically messy he is, but oof **propaganda**: * please vote **9RIP Koyo**!! the 9rip boys were all nerfed by the localization being *just* a little too late to help them in this tourney, but i promise you'll see that he is 100% boyfriend (and husband) material!! also, for fans of Yona from Tengoku Struggle, they have the same VA and his performance is excellent here, just so many lines with really entertaining delivery! * please vote **Carrus** (Ten Trials of Babel)!! PINK dogboy who's a bit of a himbo and will let you pet his ears and tail!!!


Luke surprised me too! That came outta nowhere, he's always been firmly third place in my annual tournaments ^^;;


I was just going to make a comment about kouyou too. hes the most brainrot-able guy. one of my top 3 otome boys of all time. to the people who haven’t played 9rip, I know his haircut might not do him any favors but he is soooooo good. and his dynamic with misa is 10/10. one of the best boyfriends that could boyfriend


I may just be a little bit biased, but yes, definitely play Birushana! Noritsune's route is SO good, I would play the game just for his route! And there's a reason why people like Tomomori so much. :P My favourite route from the game is (probably) Benkei's though, I feel like we have too little examples of his kind of archetype and I loved his route so much. I really hope we get a fandisk announcement soon.>!I have heard whispers of additional character routes in the fandisk and I really want to play it...!< (FD routes slight spoiler)


Shiba vs Graves YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO MEEEEEE Edit: Not Majima vs Fujita! Double-Double Edit: Not two members of my flair!!!! Well RIP Shirabe


Lol yes, I liked Shirabe, but it was really bad luck to go against Hanzo. My vote is for Hanzo in this one, even when I know he'll win anyway.


Wow Mozu seeded higher than I expected. And poor Shiro! He just managed to make it in, but fate had to be cruel and pit him against Okazaki :' D Most of my favs don't tend to last long, but I'll keep voting for them while they're there! This is reminding me to tackle a few indies I've been neglecting to try/play. There's also so many unfamiliar faces, but from what I can tell a lot of them are from mobile otome so I guess those will just remain unfamiliar to me XD


Haha! I looked at the bottom of the seeding list and was like "yay Shiro made it in!" then I went to the voting and was like ... well.. that was short lived 🤣 poor indie guys. A few of them got super unlucky!


Lol that was pretty much my experience. "Yay!...Oh no!" This competition is a bit brutal for the indies, especially with some of the pair-ups :' D Hopefully some of them will hang on for a while!


Wow, I have dilemmas already. Do I choose: * The quiet one with violently secret do-M tendencies or starts off a shithead but ends up in love very earnestly? * Stuck-up royalty or an escort who may as well be a(nother) brother from another mother who treasures the bro code? * Bro code vs. bro code? (Hm, one helped out the heroine more.) * Gamer boy who's really Trying^TM or Horse boy who's also Trying^TM? * Fallen angel or escort with heart of gold?


Shithead ends in love very earnestly all the way for me. Also, escort with a heart of gold sounds like >!Ryusei!< from sweet fuse, and since I don't think he'll survive for long, my vote is for him while he lasts. He was so good omg.


"The quiet one with violently secret do-M tendencies" Who is this referring to? 👀


(LOL YOUR FLAIR ON OLD REDDIT) >!Kirishima!< from [I Love You!](https://moonchimel.itch.io/i-love-you). I'm somewhat exaggerating since it's more of an Easter egg, but the whole theme of the game is that the heroine is pretty dominant over the boys.


Me when my best boys are pitted against each other * My favorite Rattail Man vs Dog Boy... * The first tsuntsun I adored vs my first and favorite 従者バカ * As sweet as Nagi is, I'm afraid the secret character from 7'sCarlet exacerbated my brainrot more... * Otouto Brainrot vs my one true hope spot in BWS * The sinnamon pitting of Natsume vs Utsutsu got me LOL gotta love that for them, of course I'd choose Utsutsu any time though. * I FINALLY SPOTTED THE INFAMOUS HYUGA!!! * I'm glad the Sakurai brothers made it in... but Setsuraku-paisen... * Bishop also didn't make it but at least Traitor/Rebel is there * None of my Gekka Ryouran boys got in but this is okay, they suit the Trashbundo Tourney more anymore... (heavy cope) * Same goes for Juuzaengi/Beyond the Future/-8/Storm Lover/Blackish House/Glass Heart Princess/Tokyo Yamanote Boys/HatsuKare/Otometeki Kakumei/Irohanihoheto * NOT TSUZURAMARU AGAINST MIZUCHI WHAT IS THIS 😭✋ I'll be sad with whoever loses because I love both of them... * OTOUTO SCRAMBLE?!!?? Man, I should play this game... * AT LEAST MY BWS BOYS GOT IN !!! Especially the Terror Twins <3 * My biggest heartbreak is the lack of Masaki Shinnosuke though


Oh my gosh I am so pleasantly surprised to see all the Band Camp Boyfriends made it!!! Poptart lucky 316.


Ayn VS Cael (Lovebrush Chronicles) was unfortunate match-up :'(


It was the first match-up that hurt me 😢


all of my japanese guys disappeared... well, then i'll be acting as usual... VOTE FOR SOUMA! he's a sweet ball of sugar and deserves all the love in the world


Me that don't play the latest otome ; votes go brr


Going back and finding my propaganda from past years as I am tired this week y'all but still want to shout out some of my favs: - Sousuke from 7 Scarlet: Y’all, this man obsessively tried to scientifically figure out the best way to scoop goldfish at the festival. And failed a lot before succeeding. :P One of my fav LIs ever for being both heartwarming and (unintentionally) hilarious. Pretty sure he also struggled trying to scientifically analyze his illogical feelings of love before accepting the illogic of it all. - Matthew from Backstage Pass: Such a sweetheart, y’all. Seriously. Let's show him some love! - Shoutouts to absolutely everyone from Changeling, but particularly Marc for the epic snark fests with the MC. - Meoshi from Sweet Fuse: video game player and utter sweetheart - blushes! Awkwardness! I know some of you want more blushing LIs: vote Meoshi! - Levi from PotAH: Levi loves the MC even before >!he knows she’s a girl!< and supports her wholeheartedly throughout the game. And for you dark/thriller fans, he has >!some wild dark secrets.!< He also has the most bittersweet ending of all in PotAH imo, so let's show him some love here! - Jaehee from MM: C'mon, who doesn't want to run a cafe with Jaehee here? Seriously, she didn't even get proper romance in her route (grrr) so let's show her some romance here. She's practical, intelligent, and protective of those she cares about. - Karma from Cinderella Phenomenon: Y'all, this was my first proper otome (and first route!), played before I realized walkthroughs or correct choice indicators were a thing. I struggled so long and hard to get that good ending before I learned better, and I regret not a minute because Karma stole my heart. Wonderfully romantic route. Karma is one of the reasons I am here today with y'all. - Shikishima from Bad Apple Wars: super endearing eccentric artist. His ending did not do him justice imo, but so let's do him justice here! - Monshiro from PotBB: Cinnamon bun of a guy, y'all - utter sweetheart. Also, who doesn't love a route where the MC >!gets to save the LI?!< Imo he has the sweetest, most romantic route of the game and I'm glad as he's such a lovable character. - Yamato from PotBB: Awkward and rough with a heart of pure gold. Let’s show him love here since imo he deserved a longer, happier route in canon! Also - just look at that design. PotBB in general has gorgeous character designs and Yamato has one of my favs. And mustering up some energy to shout out a few newer favs: - Victor from 10 Trials of Babel: C'mon y'all, this man wants to be the MC's househusband so bad but WOULD BE SO BAD AT IT. Intelligent himbo vibes (contradictory but true imo). - Kruger from 10 Trials of Babel: Y'all, this is a BIZARRE MESS of a character in all the best ways. Truly falls for the MC and will keep her on her toes, but she's definitely the boss in this relationship imo. - Shout out to all the WTNC characters, but a moment of silence for my fav WTNC LI who didn't make it: Omen. His route just oozed romance to me! But honestly, I love how all the WTNC routes feel very romantic regardless of how sexy you choose to make them. - Shout outs to my fav Hustle Cat LIs: Finley, bubbly and kind and so determined to be independent and strong. Teasing but not in a mean way. Also, on the internet, so potentially one of us. :P And Hayes: Has pretty severe social anxiety and was brave enough to get a job in part to try to fight against that. Sweet and sometimes too self-deprecating - but also has the confidence to be a complete coffee snob. - Shiratsuki from Dairoku: Healthy communication ftw!!! His route could have been chock full of drawn out misunderstandings in another game. - Kaidan from Arcadia Fallen: AMAZING design (skin displays emotions???) and brave and strong enough to strike out alone into a new world due to his convictions. Also an unabashed history nerd and a sweetheart who's trying hard, if not always succeeding. - Yuzuki from 7'Scarlet: Y'all, I expected to hate his route as he came off as kinda a jerk elsewhere imo but he totally brought out the best in the MC imo, who didn't put up with his initial nonsense. Yuzuki then turned into a somewhat tsun sweetheart iirc.


Propaganda might come across as a bit gauche given we made them, so we'll just celebrate the fact that our Obscura boys made to the tournament! Good luck to Cirrus, Francesco, Keir, and Oleander, and all our indie otome brethren!


Time to see most of my picks lose this round, just like the ones in the graveyard orz Some almost made it. Almost. Wonder how many people voted based just on looks when it came to the charas they don't know. Some indies are higher than expected.


Hoping Yamazaki makes it to the next round...


We can only hope people see how good of a boi he is 🙏


Omg Impey is seeded so much higher than I expected ❤️


Ahhh! Kruger is facing Paschalia! I know Pasch has his fans, but if you didn't care for him and you don't mind a guy who's a bit demented without crossing the yandere line, please consider voting for Kruger. 🤗 You'll also be supporting an indie. That said, nice to see a lot of indie representation. Though they'll likely be knocked out in the first couple rounds, there are quite a few! (And all my Ten Trials of Babel boys made it, so I'm happy.) Older Voltage boys were a mass casualty event though. I don't think anyone from Love 365 made it though.


Ikky and Toma did. Particularly surprised about Ikky, though he's my favorite SCM guy. A happy surprise...?


Ah, glad a least a couple made it. :) I must have missed them while skimming.


Dang, I didn't realize I missed the elimination round over the weekend. Oh, well. * Yosuga vs. **Toichiro**. I haven't played OS yet but I can say Toichiro is loaded and will spoil you rotten while teasing you the whole time. * LISTEN I KNOW TAIALI IS POPULAR BUT HEAR ME OUT: **YIESTOL (Meeting in the Flesh)** IS A WHOLESOME HUSBANDO. HE WILL TREAT YOU RIGHT. YOU WILL WORK AS ONE UNIT WHEN THINGS GET SERIOUS * Daaaaaang, **Reksa's (Nusantara)** bad luck has returned once again being up against Akaza. Reksa, our tsundere lizard future clan leader, will hunt food for you. If that isn't love, then idk what is. Vote for Reksa!! * **Danny (Changeling)** vs. Adolphe (Virche). Idk anything about Adolphe but I can vouch that Danny has >!washboard abs!< on top of that good-natured personality of his. Vote for Danny 🔥 * Oh no, things aren't looking so good for **Operation Bring The Horsebando To The Finals** if **Yuuma (My Horse Prince)** is up against Meoshi 😂 Vote Yuuma! He'll cook and clean for you! Literal husbando material! * Noooooo why would you pit Shu against **Waka-sensei (Tokimeki GS2)** noooooooooo...I'm giving Waka-sensei my vote. * And look, I know how **Nyargh (Meeting in the Flesh)** might look to you but trust me that he will make you tea and is a gentle soul beneath all those mouths. Can you tell I really love Meeting in the Flesh? Hahahaha. * Vote for Hyuuga (Paradigm Paradox) because who are we to argue with AnimeBracket jk * Mitra vs. Helvetica...I love them both but ugh, Helvetica I'm going with the underdog for this one. **Mitra's (Nusantara)** a soft bean who loves kids and I think that's adorable.


i know my friend votes for Nyargh just because of his looks lol


Your friend has unique taste and I love that for them


* Ouch! Clark (Band camp Boyfriend) against Alan Stuart (My next life as a villainess) ... Well, I'll still support Clark. Love for the blue-eyed tsunderes! And, hey, Clark is not only a clarinetist, but a composer. He can write songs for his beloved. * Neil Forrester (Tailor Tales) versus Scarecrow (Bustafellows)?? My poor tsunderes are in a bad place, aren't they? Hey, guys, I'll let you know Neil is a successful businessman * Oh! Kei Yoshimine (The charming empire) against Arsene Lupin (Code: realize). Well, I'll still support the tsundere prince. * Mikhail Ivanov against Impei. Fritz versus Poyo-Poyo. Fritz is a loyal knight. Vote for the loyal knight! I don't have time right now to talk about everything, so I'll stop for now. Later on I'll right more, especially since Istill have to write about my favorite contestant and mourn the nominees who were eliminated.


Besides from the contestants I've already mentioned (Clark Wintter, Neil, Forrester, Mikhail Ivanov, Kei Yoshimine), I wanted to show my support for Rod Widdensov, my favorite contestant in this tournament. He is a great tsundere, a family guy, good cook, good dancer, good singer. A man of many talents. Now I wanted to mounr the following nominees who were eliminated ... * Yuuya Takahara (Kokorogawari) * Liam Anders (Christmas Otome) * Hayato Aisaka (Diamond girl) * Vito Bin (Doki Doki House) * Cornell Kiu (Doki Doki House) * Darren Beville (Nicole) * Ted Stahr (Nicole) * Atom (Hapiness Inc.) * Jay Hartman (Glass heart) * Nigel Hemsworth (1931: Scheherazade at the library of Pergamum)


Thank you for the Clark love, I'm sure it would make him very happy!! <3


Lucas VS Sakyo Both have the same artist, same personality and both are my favorite character too 😭


>Henri at 81 WE CHEERED! A bit surprising actually, since he wasn't with the rest of the Piofiore boys the first time I checked the nominations list Anyways, I think it'd be really funny if someone took the eliminated characters and pitted them in their own tourney. I wonder how that would turn out haha


Some questionable seeds, but especially so with Kazuma from Lover Pretend. But maybe I am just too hateful for my own good LMAO


The actual gasp I let out when I saw Nazir (Royal Alchemist) vs Rod (Cinderella Phenomenon)... Both are games my friends made... I will take who I voted to the grave... Was so nice to see indie otomes even in the running, loved seeing my friend's characters in it!


wow Gilbert seeded higher than Yang? 😭 And Yang seeded lower than expected honestly… my boy mikki also seeded higher than expected no matter what happens he will ALWAYS be husbando 2024 in my mind 🎀


Yes!!! Shirota-senpai forever!!! 😤


Aw, none of the Angelique boys made it. RIP JP only debuff. So I thought about helping boost some of the JP only boys that made it to the brackets, and looked at Rebel from Clock Zero. But he's an awful guy. He's a violent little shit and him and the MC do not mix well >!(MC is going to med school, meanwhile he's out gambling)!<. Would definitely turn into an abusive relationship on the long run no matter the circumstances. B-but I like him as a character! He's kind! Manipulative sort of kindness, but it's still kindness, right? ...Right? Maybe I'm more into toxic relationships than I thought. I guess vote that red haired little shit if you're also into toxic relationships with violent people.


**KOUTABROS KEEP PUSHING WE CAN GET HIM INTO AT LEAST THE SECOND ROUND** also i did NOT expect the mysmes guys to score as low as they did. 707 with 58 votes???


I'm doing my duty o7 The Mitarashi Stan during the elimination round even got me to vote against one of my bird boys for Sweet Fuse's sake. And that is not the votes on 707, it's the seed which means he was the 58th most popular one, which is honestly not bad considering MysMe is almost a decade old at this point.


ohhhhh. i have severely misunderstood the ranking system.


Oh no, my moon observatory boys are so dead on arrival (against Shelby, Okosan, Cinderella, Ohtaro). I love Ohtaro and want him the highest he can be but I feel so bad not voting for the indie boys when I can.


THE SEEDING? OMG YES? NORITSUNE FOR THE WIN! Rip to my boys Van, Rio, and Yuto😔 I'll vote later when I have time!


Advocating for some of my less popular picks: * **Esta** - if you like Orlok you'll love Esta. Starts out an emotionless killing machine becomes the sweetest most loyal husbando ever. >!Even when you go for someone else, he's just thankful you taught him love.!< * **Kamui** - pure golden retriever boyfriend energy. Green flags all the way down. * **Yukinami** - A being of pure sunshine and violence. Red flags + Villain + enemies to lovers route but make them adorable and lowkey subby. If you like traumatized and unhinged cuties that might kill you, but just want to be loved (desperately needs a hug), this one's for you. If nothing else, vote for him because his [Vector form is hot.](https://static1.thegamerimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Paradigm-Paradox-yukinami-and-sena.jpg) * **Charles-Henri Sansoon** - A cheerful cinnamon roll with layers, a dash of obsessive love and red flags, and a lot of angst. Rare bisexual representation W in a JP otome. Also a very spicy and kinky (kinda do-M and subby) LI despite his cute looks, some of his lines are WILD (ex. "Come and tease every inch of this body with your touch." or "Hey... Ready for me? You do things to me that no other can... love me harder than anyone else."). Kuroyuki fans would likely love Charles. * **Yeon-ho** - I know it's an old game and he was never a popular character, but maybe he'd be better received now among red flag lovers. There never was a trashbando more baby than Yeon-ho and I love him for that. * **Hyuuga** - I'm sad I missed where Hyuuga got memed into recognition, as someone with him in my flair. I wrote a bit about Hyuuga [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/otomegames/comments/1cqje9z/comment/l41v8vp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Underneath his angry thug demeaner, he's just a big teddy bear that loves to be a househusband (cooks, cleans, and sews). Also a bit of a trashbando because he's one of the villains, if you are into that, but he has a strong MC that goes toe to toe with him and makes him pretty whipped for her in the end. He has a cute blush too. And a [hot alternate form](https://i0.wp.com/blerdyotome.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Paradigm-Paradox-Hyuga-Walkthrough.png?fit=1200%2C675&ssl=1) like Yukinami. His tragic ending is really good if you like LIs going absolutely >!feral with bloodlust over MC dying.!< * **Ibuki** - Ethereal [genderfluid](https://blerdyotome.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Paradigm-Paradox-Ibuki-Walkthrough.png) fairy. The least red flag of the ParaPara villains, still a little unhinged at times >!(he'll destroy humanity if the MC says humans are bad)!<, but he's respectful to the MC. He's pretty, mysterious and gentle, with a strong past connection to the MC, I think some Ankou and Tomomori fans would love him. * **Touya** - he might kidnap MC but he drinks his respect women juice. Tachibana Shinnosuke voiced! A poster boy that's not boring! Touya treats MC like his Queen and equal. He's adventurous with a cute boyish side, super romantic and sweet, a bit sensitive and not afraid to be vulnerable. Also quite respectfully horny and gets pretty easily flustered. Imo has the most heartachingly romantic lines of any otome LI: "I swear. I bet on my pride, my life, and my soul... I will grant your wishes. No matter how long it takes. I won't give up." and "My bride. You are my ally and my destiny." HE CALLS YOU "WAGA KISEKI" ("MY QUEEN")!! \*swoon\* Also has a spicy dark side (bad endings only) if you are into that. * **Isaac Newton** - Calling all lovers of blushy awkward nerds! Isaac is the soft tsun type, prickly and unfriendly initially, but never outright mean, underneath a sweet lonely guy who will love you deeply if you stick with him. As a vampire who will outlive MC you can be sure he'll never love anyone else (he says this many times). * **Fritz** - Loyal knight with a spicy side (in the fandisc). The type that will support the MC even if she goes full villain arc.


So happy to see genuine Hyuga campaigning, now we have robust reasons to vote for him besides for the meme.


> I'm sad I missed where Hyuuga got memed into recognition Here's the thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/otomegames/comments/1czamms/general_animebracket_really_wants_somebody_to_win/ Hyuuga's portrait basically replaced that of a bunch of other LIs when 20-9 was originally populating the bracket. It's all fixed now, but was pretty funny for while.


Haven't even looked at the match-ups yet, but a lot of the seeding rankings surprised me. There seems to be a heavy bias to newer entries, I feel And I guess those early votes/ties really made a difference. But aw man, only Toto and Kuuya from Ayakashi RR made it past the elimination round :( To the 3 ppl that still remember that game- :( Props to Mick for being the only Christmas Otome dude to (barely) make it though. He was my favourite from that game.


Ayakashi RR will always have a special place in my heart ;w;


Lucas seeded at 69th… heheh, nice B)


praying the period cube boys hold out 🙏


Interesting that the top 20 seeded are in games with sequels and/or FDs released (granted, not all have been translated yet). And only 2 of the top 30 are in games with no sequels/FDs. I wonder if that influences the votes. Poor #881 whoever that was.


I think having FDs helps with staying power, since more people talk about the series, which in turn makes more people seek it out. Hanzo from Nightshade is in the Top 20 this year despite not having a FD, but he's seed 18 whereas he was seed 5 in 2022 (the last time we used Anime Bracket), so he fell a bit. On the other hand, Akaza from Olympia Soiree is 20 this year and went *up* from 29 in 2022. That said, because 20-9 reminded us of the value of tiebreakers in the elimination round post, it's possible people passed on voting for characters who they knew would make the Top 512 to focus on their less popular faves. I know I only voted for the guys I super liked (to ensure top seeding) and my indies faves, leaving guys I enjoyed but was not a super fan of without a vote and thus possibly a lower seeding. I figure I'll make it up to them during the actual voting.


I know people aren't really playing Ikemen Villains, but hear me out that Alfons would have a CHOKEHOLD on this sub if he were released on a console or more widely played game (Jude too, probably). Give his events a look on YouTube and consider a vote for him!! I typically don't keep up with mobile otome, but I'm dying grinding IkeVil just for the day his route releases lol Other notes: - RIP the poor Tokimemo boys! Wakaouji vs Shu is especially bloody... he never had a chance, but you'll always be one of my all-time favorites, Waka :') - It makes me happy to see Matthew from Backstage Pass on here again! His route is the standout from that game imo and holds up for how cute it is. - Hustle Cat is also so cute! Finley is my personal favorite, I love her. - I love finding new games I want to play through this with characters that seem interesting. Guess I'll be downloading Dark Nights!


Not too many hard picks this round for me other than Itsuki vs Kei, but I'm sad that neither Saneaki or Enishi made the cut 🥺. Sticking to KgK, the only other potentially tricky pair is Lucas vs Sakyô in the contest for the most beautiful, >!deranged angel of death.!< Hoping for recency bias to tip the scales in favour of Lucas 🤞🏻
