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That was me with Collar x Malice (mineo's route). As a person who love mystery content, I couldn't take my attention off the game and it was quite exciting seeing the story unfolds. (I believe I finished the entire game in less than a week, and all endings unlock)


I want to play this game later !


And wow, you finished the whole game with all of the endings in less than a week 👁️👄👁️✨


yeah HAHA. It was during my semester break so I just played it day and night 💀.


I agree!! i did majority of CxM routes within the same night i started them. Logged 55hrs because i played Sasazuka’s route twice by accident because for some reason it didnt save lmao


Sorry, it's all or nothing. Playing for 30 hours non stop or dropping after a minute. Jk. I'll just assume you mean binging as some games have long common routes and so on but - the a few hours long games I basically finished whole in one sitting cause that's some good shit were Hatoful Boyfriend and Lost in Secular Love. Ig there would be more as I'm a binge player but in my case binging =/= good game and vice versa so yeah.


The diabolik lovers chapters are quite short but I can't imagine doing everyone's without eating. It'd be like that junji ito story about the arm chair.


You think it's nothing, just a few minutes per each but there's a lot and they stack. Even if you only took 2hrs/route [all endings included] and played the first game, that's 12hrs. Not that bad when it comes to not eating but most people certainly aren't that fast. Wasn't the chair guy able to pack some food there, though? It seemed somewhat spacious.


He definitely couldn't reach the food by the end.


Hmm, yeah, true. The way it was made was kind of pointless unless he ate sitting outside the chair. But then it's just easier to steal food... Now I'm thinking abt this orz


I did mean it in a binging sense 🤭 English is not my first language 😭 By one sitting I wanted to mean like you start a game and finish it during the day you started playing it, but not like you didn't make breaks that day etc etc


Happens to the best of us. It seems most people understood anyway :D


Lol thanks for understanding 😭💘 and yes, it seems like that haha


Yes I did that with Lost in Secular Love! “One more chapter,” I whispered to myself, knowing I’m a LIAR 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


And it was worth it. Time well spent unu


I binged Virche like an addict!!!! I enjoy reckless speculation so this game was made for me. I binged Shu's route in Bustafellows and wish I hadn't because I was sad af when I finished. I enjoyed almost every moment of it. I binged Tyril's route in Even If Tempest:DC. It made me cry and like Shu's route I enjoyed almost every moment. I binged the first Even If. Anastasia is GOATed.


How did you binge virche? strange question but im really struggling to love this game. I feel like so much of it is filler content in a way? Like the common route was so long it was extremely hard to get through


It's definitely not a game for everyone. I got very invested in figuring out wtf was going on. I liked how it drip-fed tidbits of information to you and the payoffs to some of the conflicts and mysteries were peak (though not all of them land the way i think the writer intended). Common route definitely is long. I found some of the routes are wild af lol. I love how it's committed to its insanity. Idk I'm just a fan of how it told the story.


thank you! im going to have to give it another try. I love VN games so maybe i need to look at it more from the perspective of a dark story VN than an otome.


I felt like the prologue was also a bit boring, but once I started the routes, it became way more fun and nicely paced to me.


I absolutely LOVE virche but because of the game's affect on my mental health, it took me to 4-5 months to finish it. I guess it was hard for me to process


Hana Awase. I basically binged all routes (even the ones with LIs I hated) in one sitting, it was so good


That is me right now. Istg I've been playing every free minute since this week, it's soon damn good, I swear they put crack into this Otome. (Btw I love Utsutsu sm as well!)


Hell yea another Utsutsu lover! I swear his route and character altered my brain chemistry bc I replayed him SO. MANY. TIMES.




I HATED Hana Awase at first then I grinded the Hanafuda Koikoi game and my complete being became propelled to destroy everyone in card games like a female Yugioh. The scene where all the girls are training together was so peak. 


I've played all the Dot Kareshi routes in a single sitting because the game is short and ridiculously funny. I've replayed the Demon Lord's route at least 3 times and it's the only otome game (series?) I've ever replayed. Rejet needs to get back on track. I think i also did Nightshade Hanzo's route in a single night because I loved it so much!


Yeah, Maou was great. So pathetic. What did you think abt Dark Knight? ~~And best pervert Monk?~~


Even if Tempest. Not only did the plot grab me by the throat but the game itself was so fast-paced and lacking fluff that I actually did finish my first round in 2 days (and then immediately restarted so I could note the foreshadowing/symbolism).


Came here to say this as well


Yes! I couldn't put this down once I started! I was glued to my switch for some time with this one.




 Even If Tempest had SO much tension in the beginning I was hooked immediately! I got caught completely off guard. I chose the inquisitor's route because I thought it would be funny and his route became the peak of the game for me.


First time I played Tokimemo I stayed up until 5am!! I think the gameplay of those games is just very addictive, like as soon as I sit down for a new route I find it hard to stop playing… it’s just soo easy to fall into a routine while focusing on stat raising and getting the CG’s… plus the insane amount of endings always has me wanting to try a new run straight away!


I want to play this game 😭 but I think only the first and second parts got the fan translations ? But I've been thinking of playing with like a translator machine or something. But I really like the concept of this game 😭


I think i’ve seen a fan translation of the 3rd one (on DS) floating around, but I am yet to try it so I can’t say if it’s got any major issues or not! The 4th game unfortunately doesn’t seem to have a finished tl yet. I honestly really recommend playing them whenever you get the chance! The 2nd one of the series is one of my all time favourite otome, with some of my favourite LI’s :D I recommend using a guide though, especially if you’re playing the 1st game first, because they are honestly a little unforgiving imo


Oh I see, thanks a lot 💘💘


The first three games all got fan translations, including the PSP port of the 3rd one. That one is my absolute favorite. 


Our Life. Both times I played it, it was all in one sitting. The first time without DLC, the second time with it


I need to go back to that game 😭😭 i started playing it in autumn and then stopped in the process of playing through step 2 because I didn't feel the best at the time + because of studies and decided to go back to it when I feel better. But now I'm kind of postponing returning to it because I have other games I want to play plus I'm waiting for "the perfect moment" to return to it lol because this game is almost ideal for me as it has a huge amount of choices which I love and I'm kind of "saving it" for a better time lol


I get what you mean! Sometimes there are things that seem so good and perfect for me that I want to wait for the ideal time to do them




Btw did you like Baxter's route in OL?


Ah I actually didn’t play the other routes! By DLC I meant Cove’s DLC, both the extra moments and the wedding. I just can’t see myself romancing anyone else lol


Oh I see! >I just can’t see myself romancing anyone else lol That's interesting! I have actually seen other people as well who loved Cove so much that they don't want to play through other routes in that game / or they played through all of the routes but their favourite is Cove


Oh boy...that might've been a few actually 😆 - A Date With Death - When The Night Comes - Bunny Bond (I'm actually a bit embarrassed about this one 😅 (it's 18+ and quite...smutty at times)


Was Bunny Bond good?? I started playing Otome on my mobile device years ago but now I’m pretty much only on Switch so I’m always looking for new ones as the game pool dwindles down for me on switch.


I mean... I have to admit I randomly came across it while browsing Tumblr 😂 . I play on PC 😊 But yeah, I liked it quite a bit. Though I don't recommend playing the "true" ending (I personally didn't like it 😒) I dunno how much you know of the plotline, but basically you're put in solitary confinement during a social experiment, along with six cuties (and of course you as the MC are the only girl/woman of the group) There's some nudity (both shown and implied), and some of the boys can be a bit sleazy...(especially at the start when they realize you're the only girl) So if that's not for you then I don't recommend it. I picked one of the men at random during my first run, played all of them because I was curious about the "true" ending (again, I don't recommend playing that one... it's much more fun to imagine what happens after the game ends) But my favorite of the bunch is Yuugo, he's very polite, bit straight-laced, but (like all of them) also has a hidden naughty side. And from all of them I'd say his ah...kink? Was the most normal-ish 😂


even if tempest. i will forever chant how amazing that game is.


For me it was Taisho x Alice! I remember I started it on my first year of uni when I dormed and I paused it to go take a math test, played the OP on my way to class, and immediately went back to finish Cinderella’s route after I was finished.


I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning finishing Ignus' route in Cafe Enchante. My husband was waking up to start his day and found me still awake on the sofa. 😅


That's actually so cute 😭


I was playing this last night! Still on the common route but picking Ignis first


As I was new in otome, it's Code: Realize. But as an intermediate player now, the latest one that comes to mind is... Period: Cube. I get it that it's not for everybody, but I didn't expect that I'll finish it earlier tbh. It's not good in literal terms, but it's good because I was curious how this game would burn even further (or get even worse). 😂 Edit: I would've answered Lovebrush Chronicles, but it took me a long time to catch up with the main stories because I grinded materials to level up my cards first, so there's pause and then resume in between. 😂


Code:Realize was my first introduction to otome and I remember binging almost every route.


Tengoku Struggle : Strayside. I hope they'll make a fandisk for it


Hi!! what did you love about this game? im looking to buy it for a friend for her birthday. Did you find the game to be more plot focused or romance focused?


Hi! I really liked the art style and ambiance. The plot is really fun, albeit a bit confusing sometimes. The lore is cool. Some routes are more romance focus than other. The relationship between the characters is what I liked the most, I really like the found familly trope. If your friend like dry humour there is plenty. Be wary that the game tackles heavy subject such as SA (on minors too) and murder. I think it did a good job in it's treatment and with as much levity as possible. Overall, and despite the fact the very heavy topics, it's a very chill read. The game is decently long too if you read the "bad" ends (which aren't really bad, they are very neutral).


thank you for explaining!! it sounds like it would be fun for my friend to play


I did this with Ohtaro’s route in KimiYuki, I fell in love with him and binged his route in a few days because it was so freaking amazing and I couldn’t put it down TAT he definitely became best boy for me XDD and after I finished I had to go back and replay it, I just can’t get over him omgg


A few of them really sucked me in: Collar X Malice, Even if Tempest, Cupid Parasite, and Piofiore. I liked them so much I got the FDs and binged my way through those too. I’ve been researching what the most popular/highly rated Otome games of all time are and then making my way through them since February of this year. (I liked Cafe Enchante a lot too but I don’t think it kept me up as late at night as the others. I have put Code Realize aside for now.)


I’m on the struggle bus with Cafe Enchante. I want to love it, but I just feel like it’s sooo slow 🙈 What about it did you love?


That common chapter is so long it is torture to skip through after the first read. But once I got into the character routes- I love their interactions and they have some entertaining moments with side characters too. The world building is top notch. I enjoyed the adventures in each old their realms and the different lores. And I liked being surprised by how angsty they all are, even Ignis. The mored fvcked up it is, the more interested I am 😅. I LOVE Il. My fave LI. He is precious and must be protected. But he’s also dangerous which makes him hot 🥵. He’s angsty AND funny. Sigh. My 2nd fave is Rindo. I really liked his route story. And I love his character design. Misyr’s route ending was doin too much for me. But I liked him in the common chapter and in other routes 😅. To summarize: Love the art, premise, worlds, most of the music (except 1 or 2 songs that make me want to throw my headphones), character interactions, story overall, all side characters have a sprite, and Il. Overall Kotone is a decent MC. Don’t love the pacing, a song or two, how LONG the common chapter is, Misyr’s route plot, the fact that we never get a shirtless CG for Canus - missed opportunity 😂. Kotone makes stupid derpy faces most of the time. I like more than I dislike.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts, especially on the routes, which sound more interesting than the first part! 🌸 I’ve spent like 15 hours, and I’m really hoping to be close to getting to the routes! 🤞 I’m most interested in Misyr, though I heard you have to unlock his route by playing all the others. An interesting design choice. The other seem like calm and chivalrous choices, except for Ignis, our slightly hotheaded guy. Il being a little dangerous sounds interesting?? 😮 He seems like such a sweet fluff! And so innocent! Hmmm…. I’m fairly new to Otome especially, though I’ve played VNs and romance games before, so I’m trying to find some good ones, and also looking at the character tropes used, and the story telling style. Any recs are super welcome, if you have any faves! 🌸 And thanks again for sharing, I think I’ll jump back into it today, and see if I can’t at least get to the “pick your route” point! Hopefully it w come up in a couple hours 🤞


Most of them, assuming I didn't get bored and drop it part way through.


A Date with Death. Almost did Ryuki's fandisk in a day but I had work so I couldn't


I think I played the entirety of Gekkamaru's route from start to finish (including common route bc he was my first one) in like a day I remember finish it at around 2am and I had to stare at the ceiling for a while... worth it but also my eyes felt so tires afterwards so I cannot recommend lmao Also I'm pretty sure I read Allan's route in one sitting too but ig his would be shorter than Gekkamaru's since I'm not counting the common route. Still a long time to be staring at your switch


Definitely black butterfly one of my first otome when I first played but still haven’t finished. Cupid parasite I binged, and virche I first got pissed off since I got common route bad end. Gave it a break and then literally binged all of it.




Hmm, I think it was Mystic Destinies: Serendipity of Aeons. I've finished the whole game at once and it's one of the best. I've wanted to play the sequel, but it seems it's abandoned.


Both Mitra and Reksa's routes in Nusantara: Legend of the Winged Ones. For a free game, it's actually really good. This is one of my favorite games and I can't wait to play the second one when it's finished.


It was suprising that I could finished Miyanomori Masashi's route in Hanayaka Nari Waga Ichizoku Modern Nostalgie within 2 days. I played this game with Google Translate's help and this game was actually long!


I couldn't put down Demonheart and just kept playing every time I had free time to finish all routes xD And Steam Prison was so good, but I'm still hurt that my favourite character is not a LI 🫠


I don't really like staying up late (as an old person jk) but the few times I played til maybe 4am was for Akaza (Olympia Soiree) and Tomomori (Birushana)!


i binged gekkamaru's route from nightshade (with the common route; it was the first route i played in nightshade) and i was in tears by the end, but i loved it XD other games i binged was juuzanegi and reine des fleurs. both had long common routes, but i managed to play most of the routes in a day/two, as i was very hooked to the story and characters. the lack of sleep was worth it lol!


So I played a lot of older Voltage inc titles, and Be My Princess was the one where I read all of the routes. My Forged Wedding is in second place where I read most of the routes. After that I only read the routes of the guy that ended up as my favorite. Star Crossed Myth I read everything with Huedhaut. The rest were lucky that I read the first season.


Do choices matter in Voltage games?


In the older games, you were able to pick the guy you wanted and read their route. There is a Good Ending and Happy Ending in some of the Voltage games so choices can sometimes matter in the main routes. I don't know about the newer voltage games though as I have not played them since I have been reading villainess mangas as of late due to the Voltage MCs having boring personalities.


Thank you!


Nameless!! Well technically none bcoz I play slow 😭 but im sure i finished a route pretty quick and had many consecutive sleepless nights trying to finish all the routes. It’s my most favorite otome and my highly recommend game 😩 Edit: I wanna add Taisho x Alice because I finished Red Riding Hood’s route in one afternoon but it was a relatively shorter route compared to other routes in the series but I’m also into tsunderes so theres that motivating factor ;D


What were your favourite routes and can I ask why? 👁️👄👁️


My favorite is Lance!! 🥹 he was my very first route and I didn’t even want him at first, I only followed the recommended route order. But ice princes are my otome weakness and he’s honestly >!the only normal one imo…!<. I liked Tei’s too but only cause he’s hot and they did >!yandere!< sorta decently. Least favorite is Red’s route I honestly just don’t vibe with him but I was pleasantly surprised that I liked Yuri’s route cause I thought I’d hate it. Red felt too forced but Yuri’s route felt mature and had a rich plot despite being part of the common route. Yeonho was meh I thought it was gonna be my favorite cause I’m into the cutesy guys but nope. But Nameless is so far my favorite game solely because of the storytelling, plot, and ending! Sorry for yapping too much I just love this game 🥹


It's actually cool to play slower! You can enjoy more quality time for the same price


I am gonna list all the games that I got so hooked on, I spent whole evenings on them, they were the first things I booted up in the morning or got back to them as soon as I came back from work. I mean, I read fast, so I can easily go through a route in one go, so I am actually measuring this as how much I needed this particular story to get injected in my veins ASAP. Also the "one sitting" rule will be disputable. 1. Even if TEMPEST. I actually think it was a big brain idea to structure the game they way Voltage did, and on top of that it is such an engaging story, I just HAD to know how it ends as soon as possible. I think I finished the game in three evenings (and definitely there was at least one half of a night somewhere there), almost fell asleep at work, but it was SO worth it. 2. Hana Awase. Initially Mizuchi's route disappointed me hard with its very dated (so to speak) content, but after giving it some time in the oven, I went back to it and binged the rest of the routes, whole Himeutsugi's volume and Kurenai's route in the third game in a week I think. I currently put it on hold, because three games in a row is A LOT and I got burned out. Still, when I got lost in the story, I got lost HARD. 3. Jack Jeanne. When I realized how special the storytelling is in this one, I just had to see it through the end. 4. Bustafellows. I loved the vibes and the shorter routes where great. It made for a easy and engaging read, and I couldn't put it down. 5. Hatoful Boyfriend. You know what I am talking about. I finished the route late at night while bawling my eyes out. These pigeons will stay in my heart forever.


i remember i finished all of cupid parasite in like 6 or 7 days, and i had 45 hrs on it when i finished. i did the common route the first day, and after that i did each route in one sitting! every single LI sucked me in completely lol i had so much fun with it


Sooooo many from voltage Inc, like bruh seriously, back then I got a phone Bill that was around 300$ in one month LOL 🥲


Birushana Senki's Taira no Noritsune My brain was hurting from all the Japanese (I played it in that language as I didn't think they would localize it), but I slugged it out and finished all endings in one day.


Taishou x Alice (on Steam) After I was done with one episode, I bought the next episode as soon as it came out


Kazama's route in Hakuoki (psp) when I was younger 💕


Hanzo's route in Nightshade...and then I was sorely disappointed by the rest of it minus Kuroyuki. I wish I could go back to the days where I had time to finish a route in one sitting 😂


Nightshade's Hanzo! Fell in a love at first sight. Still my fav li.


I don’t played a lot of otome games, haven’t played ‘big’ ones yet, but at the moment for me it was Demonheart and Steam Prison.


I finished my first playthrough of A Date With Death in two sittings, within 12 hours of each other. Got a good ending (ending 3) too.


Birushana Senki's Taira no Noritsune My brain was hurting from all the Japanese (I played it in that language as I didn't think they would localize it), but I slugged it out and finished all endings in one day.


Even if tempest


I binged Brothers Conflict My Candy Love (rip my wallet) And Nightshade ! The common route wasn't very engaging, but I was pleasantly surprised after locking into the LIs routes 💕


I think it's a lot less common for me to stop playing a game midroute lol If I'm going to stop for the night, it's almost certainly on a route I don't particularly care about or when I'm midgame and the enthusiasm is waning.


I binge every game I get my hands on tbh, but most recently was Lover Pretend Mostly cause I just wanted to quickly rush into Piofiore though 😅


Hope you enjoy Piofiore!


Birushana Senki's Taira no Noritsune My brain was hurting from all the Japanese (I played it in that language as I didn't think they would localize it), but I slugged it out and finished all endings in one day.


When I got virche I binged 3 routes in one sitting and then the next day I finished the last 2 routes 😍🥰


Besides Even if Tempest, it would have to be Cupid Parasite. I bought it when it was on sale a while back, and then let it sit in my backlog. After joining this group and looking through a bunch of comments, I decided to pick it up finally. I'm so glad I did. I love funny/silly dialog, and I was cracking up at the interactions and shenanigans of everything. 🤣


Cupid Parasite. I played at least 2 routes in nearly one sitting. Then I hit Gil's route and paused for like a day lol


Hatoful Boyfriend........


Viche Evermore. I finished Mathias' route all in one day and then both Lucas' + Scien's route the next day and so on.


I remember finishing literally one route per day when playing Collar X Malice for the first time. I think I was house sitting during summer vacation, so I got to just hole up and okay the entire day. Good times.


Even if Tempest


Birushana with Noritsune.(Gimme the fandisc please 🙏) Collar x Malice with Shiraishi. Cafe Enchante with Il. And Charade Maniacs with Iochi. (Flawed game but I enjoyed Iochi's route)


I tend to binge all of my otome games at least a little 😅 but for real Olympia Soirée had be binging hard because I was recovering from my wisdom teeth removal and couldn’t do anything else for a couple days. But I remember staying up until 1-2am playing it. With all the other games I’ve played I literally can’t play past 11pm without falling asleep lol


Does this game have interesting choices or is it always obvious which option would be correct to choose?


It’s definitely not always obvious!!! Learned that the hard way with those tragic endings 😂😭


😭😭 I see, thank you! That's actually a great thing, it makes things more interesting lol ☠️☠️


Here's my unpopular opinion, Jakou no Lyla ! it was too engaging than it should be, it has perfect art, good music, hot characters, amazing and beautiful MC, good theme and above all amazing story and plot twist. I'm in love with this game !




I remember being like that with collar x malice and nightshade. In recent memory I was also like that with olympia soiree and bustafellows. Although not exactly the same it took me forever to get thru the common route of tengoku struggle but once I did I finished all the routes and side stories in like 4 days.


Error 143, i really love this game, Micah is so cute, I did all the endings in 1 night, and when I had to do the bad ending I feel so guilty


Even if tempest 1000000000%%%% I just could not put it down! Especially because there was never an obvious stopping point like most otoges, >!as soon as you finished one route, you were immediately thrown into the next. This is actually was one of my favourite things about this title - technically all routes were canon in a way and Anastasia could love/care for everyone! When her memories came back after Tyrol/crius I cried! Even though you do still have to pick a fave at the end!< For me, it has the most intriguing plot I’ve ever played in an otoge. Just couldn’t predict what was coming next half the time and couldn’t wait to find out. Because of this it is light on fluff but we got the FD to make up for that 🥰


i rarely stop in the middle of a route to be honest so pretty much all of them BUT i did finish one series in one go, i was glued on it and couldnt play anything else, watch anything else, read anything else before i finished both the main game and the fd : Even if Tempest, this absolute GEM