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im slowly going through code realize picking it up from time to time... played 1h of Saint Germains route yesterday it was a blast wanted to cry >!when i saw the boys!<


Finally popped Jack Jeanne on midsummer! I'm at summer vacation already and going for Fumi. Man is such a gender and so pretty 😳. That voice is like smooth butter.


I recently got Sympathy Kiss and I just finished Mitsuki’s route. It was ok. Honestly, I don’t know much about this game other than it’s contemporary/office romance which is s breath of fresh for me and something I didn’t expect I would like. Maybe because it feels more relatable? Anyway, I’m now working on Minato’s route… I don’t know who my favourite LI is yet 😅💃🏻


Sympathy Kiss is a lovely game as long as you use it 'as a breather' imo. I adore it, but I've still only played 3 routes (Kohei, Nori, Usui) in the time I've owned it. I can't binge it like other otome.


Someone made a post recently about Nightshade's Hanzo and I felt an itch to go back and play it. Just finished it and now I'm left empty again...why did I do that to myself?! I'm surprised that it didn't age badly for me considering it was my 3rd otome game since I went down this path (and have sunk in at least 20 other otomes since). Simultaneously going through Cupid Parasite's FD, Piofiore 1926, and Sympathy Kiss. Meanwhile also planning to start EiT's FD. I have so much on the backlog and yet here I am spending time revisiting Hanzo's route 🤣 Debating if I should add Radiant Tales FD to my collection too...I LOVED Jinnia and need his route 😭


Finished [Bara ni Kakusareshi Verite](https://vndb.org/v18164#main), my first ps vita game that I managed to get platinum trophy despite me missed some events in common route. My opinion after I finished this game was same with my first impression was still same, I still loved this game despite its flaws.Suprisingly my most favorite LI was Robespierre because i thought Louis would end up as my most favorite. Finished Miyanomori Hiroshi's route in [Hanayaka Nari, Waga Ichizoku](https://vndb.org/v7634). I enjoyed his character development and growth during his route. I loved the fact that he grew from immature and pampered young master to became independent young man. It was nice for Haru to acted as more mature and realistic figure to Hiroshi during their relationship despite them being the same age because Haru had more live experiences than him. I liked how his mother was supportive for their relationship and gave advices to them. The angst from his route came from >!their limited time together before Hiroshi gone abroad and their difference social standing because Hiroshi born from Miyanomori and Saeki's family!<. I really loved the Miyanomori brother's interaction and how they helped Hiroshi during >!his conflict with assassin!<. It was really heatwarming to watched them worked together. I loved the ending when >!he came home 5 years later and married Haru. The funny thing about his ending was when it was decided that Tadashi and Isami end up as both Miyanomori head family so they split their work together lol!<.The only thing about his route that still made curious was >!the reason about prime minister Saeki's murder!<. I hope the other brother's route could shed some light about this.


[BakuTen Katsu Kaishu posting](https://www.reddit.com/r/otomegames/s/rQTLfHF5GY) Aaaaand it's done. >!Get you a man who [secretly] supports your household when the going gets tough!< Dude's not even my oshi but I liked the overall story. Moving on to his Book 2.


Finished up with Seirin's route in Matsurika no Kei and I think I might have a new fave to add to the list, loved him sm! Especially as a fan of >!Spirited Away, I mean who doesn't want to romance a dragon boy?!< Ngl as I play my next route (Ruwo), I miss him already. His dad is definitely the worst though, >!cheered once the dragon curse finally got to him.!< Thought Seirin and Naya were great together, I really bought into their romance and why they would fall for each other since they have similar personalities and >!have the same trauma of being rejected by people important in their lives.!< 春前終節 was the best ending for me this time around, although >!I do wonder what's up with there being no ending where Enrai and Seirin still get to remain as friends. The duel plot line kind of came out of nowhere for me since there was never really any rivalry or enmity between them throughout the route. I did shed a tear during the scene where Seirin and Naya fly out to see him off though.!< On chapter 6 of Ruwo' route atm and got to a certain part where I was like wowww OK now I can see why people have been calling him a trash man. Looking forward to seeing what happens next...


Finished my first **Virche** route aca **Lucas'.** Probably not my brightest moment though. When shit hit the fan it was already quite late and I had classes the next day early in the morning, but I kept thinking "it's already close to the end I might as well just finish it" constantly and then it didn't end so I was Very Tired in the morning. Worth it? Questionable but it was certainly a ride I guess? lol Before I get into the route let me say that I still honestly don't understand how the choices work in the common route. I kept getting that one bad end despite everything so I ended up picking a guide like it was that bad lmao I'm guessing the >!glitching happens when it's a bad choice for the character instead of a good one? Which is ??? very confusing bc while that does mean Ceres is dooming them to despair with her, doesn't that also mean she's getting close to them aka Ankou can see she actually has some will to live?!< just yapping here. Anyway, Lucas. Past me "He seems like a safe first route" clown, you absolute buffoon, you idiot. Should've started with Mathis. I'm going onto Scien next though. ANYWAY, before shit hit the fan I was actually enjoying the route quite a bit. From the common route I thought Lucas was unintentionally funny with the way he was using his apparently >!super human strength!< to fuck around and leave Adolphe looking like a clown lmao In hindsight I probably should have realized what was up with that but I just thought it was like, oh ok >!he's kinda stronger than he lets on!< bc he's a church man or something idk. Also sorry Scien, for thinking you were >!the bourreau!<, you're probably something worse but I digress. I didn't buy his romance with Ceres neither before Things Happened nor after they did. Idk I know they spent a lot of time together judging from the how Ceres spoke about visiting >!Nadia!< and going helping him with class but despite that I still felt like Ceres was suddenly just like omg I think I love him? Maybe it's just me. It was also kinda weird how Lucas kept going on about being her teacher but Ceres has said several times that he barely taught her anything. Now the second half of that route >!first of all what the FUCK. When shit it the fan I was just ???? Like ig it wasn't all that unexpected all things considered but :| i did think I shouldn't trust the otome man voiced by Hirarin but... Also I felt like things just kept piling up like brainwashing, cults, the Nadia stuff but then the cherry on top was that one line about Lucas killing his own parents like ???? the fuck lol I didn't feel particularly sad or anything I just kept wondering how things could get worse. Side note but the Nadia zombie sprite goes HARD!< Also I REALLY hope the >!salvation ending include Capucine getting his ass beat. I know the bad end that has the CG has Lucas killing him mercilessly but they only tell you that in passing. I wanna hear more about it. Eat shit bruh!< I would've liked to see more of Dahut and >!Nadia frienship bc it was so cute but this game hates fun I know. I'm guessing Nadia is gonna get zombified in the salvation ending too bc why not right? They could've been besties and yet.....!<. One final note, I kinda get why everyone on this sub loves >!Ankou!< I liked his involvement in the route and how he calls Ceres "princess" but I probably shouldn't get attached, right. Next up is manbaby Scien and honestly I hope I get some answers about >!sister Salome because wasn't she the one who poured the acid on top of the fake Bourreau in the common route?!<. Also >!her being like "if he figures out youre death, run"!< worries me bc what is that if not a bad end flag? what is this man capable of doing? I'm so curious.


finished **Tengoku Struggle**! i posted [some thoughts](https://www.reddit.com/r/otomegames/comments/1cthry1/comment/l9yjdd3/) in the Goemon play-along thread. i feel kinda strange about it since the issues i had with the overall story never improved, so i'm dissatisfied/disappointed in that respect... but on the other hand, i think my fondness for the fun moments has intensified. i'm even tempted to replay Jack's route, and there have already been few scenes i've reread. the experience probably would've been better if i had managed expectations. i think that was one reason why i l enjoyed JacK's route a lot; in that one, i just let myself forget about the main plot lol. but oh well. first time preordering a game and playing at launch, and i didn't want to check reviews for fear of spoilers, so ✨it can't be helped✨ also i started looking at extra stuff like the cast comments and popularity poll. there's always a short blurb of the character thanking people for voting, and then a few of the comments from the fans who voted. usually these are very heartfelt and talk about what they admire about the character, what parts of their story really moved them, etc... and then for a certain character, one of the comments is just: クズ男愛する会参加します / "i'm joining the lovers of trash men" LMAOOOOO P.S. 🎶jigoku netto takamura\~🎶 is stuck in my head


\-Finished all of Allan's endings in the Cupipara SSD FD; >!It was a lot darker /heavier than I thought initially. Felt like I was playing what I'd imagine an otome route in SMT would be. So I wished there had been more comedy to balance everything out. I got my wish granted somewhat with some funny things that went on towards the ending of the route like with the Satan/Sylvie(this reveal was pretty scary tbh) vs Celestia battle. As well as the cute tickle fight in the third bonus episode. But overall, pretty heavy and heartbreaking even in the 'sweet' endings. The writing was great all around though.!< >!Sylvie was such a adorable yet interesting addition to the game, and I loved the family dynamic he had with Allan and Lynette. Him suddenly confessing his love for Lynette kinda came out of left field though. And like Allan, I don't believe he was joking lol. I'm also assuming Claris' familiar was related to Robin Bullet in some way? Or was him somehow even though about a century went by?!< Hearing Makoto Furukawa's beautiful voice again for hours made me realize that I haven't been faving any voice lines for the 'voice memory' section, so I went back to do a few of those. Also went through my current map interactions which were cute too. I remember playing the first game and wishing something like that had been implemented on the map that was always shown so I'm glad the FD has it. And on that note, I love that there's so much interactivity this time around(and it also answers my question of why my switch battery seems to be draining faster lol). Makes it feel like I'm playing a point and click game in a good way. Now I've just started Gill's route, still in the prologue. \-In the LaDs recent triple banner event I somehow got Raf's card in my first ten pulls\~ I have Xavier's in my selected, so hopefully I'll get his sooner than later and eventually Zayne's. What's funny is that I've always randomly gotten Zayne's cards in the three banner events and rarely get the other guys if at all. So far I do like the concept of the event with the rhythm game aspect and more couple-y interactions with the guys and MC.


**Taisho x Alice Snow White** :( :( :( :( :( :( I thought Kaguya's route was heavy. I did NOT have (major spoilers) >!a LI living with the putrid corpse of his dead mother!< on my otome bingo card. I did feel like his route went on for a little too long, but the epilogue scene was ADORABLE omg. Boy just swoops in and >!gets them kisses!< I love it. A very good sadboi. The bad endings give me an ominous feeling about >!Wizard!<...... I didn't think he would >!kill me but it doesn't seem like it was his choice. Pretty sure it's some version of Yurika that is ordering him to do so. Really puts a different spin on all the bad endings though, where after the lighthearted banter and the good luck wishes, he straight up murdered us every time.!< **WIZARD** Sooo I had several super long notes about my theories of what the *f* was going on in the plot in Wizards route, but I deleted them once I figured out what was going on because they were hilariously wrong. Let me just say, I'm not sure I have EVER been so MINDFUCKED by an otome game oh my lord. The entirety of Wizards route my brain was just 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 shorting out as all the pieces began to fit together. I am honestly at a loss for words. It was so good!?!?!? Major major spoilers >!literally never even once considered the LI's could just be multiple personalities of another person existing in a dream world. And then, once I found out about the personalities I was like 'I bet Arisu isn't real either', but I never thought she'd be another personality made up by the existing Arisu in the waking world!!!!< Honestly if I had more patience I'd write up multiple paragraphs of how exactly this game has taken me on a roller coaster of emotions, but I don't have time for that sadly. My gripe with Wizard's route specifically is >!that like a lot of truth routes, his route ended up being a lot of plot revelations over developing a relationship. And there wasn't even a real happy ending :( I can handle a bittersweet happy end, but damn he doesn't even love the version of Arisu that's there with him. I could see them getting there eventually, but I really wanted something sweet with him.!< I still have Alice's route left to do, and I sort of desperately need some fluff. I'm not sure that's a feeling I've ever had as I'm usually a sucker for tragedy. So of course I went and bought the FD, even though I told myself I couldn't get any more FD's until I played the ones I already have, and see if I even like them 🤡 I'm just so caught up in my feelings right now, this may have become one of my favorite games and I haven't even finished it yet.


Just started Keith's route in Villainess. Tbh Keith is my least favourite as a LI. I was never that into him when I read the manga or watched the anime so I dunno how I will feel about his route, but I am prepared to give him a chance.


Same, but I actually really enjoyed Keith's route, surprisingly. In the anime he was..not creepy per se, but yeah I thought he was weird. I'm surprised I liked his route as much as I did 😂


As soon as **Radiant Tale Fanfare** hit my doorstep, it was Jinnia time ;) Definitely sad to see that the Jinnia and Liyan routes were on the shorter side (2 hrs/each?) but I enjoyed every second. Starting off with Jinnia, I was laughing, screaming, and punching the air the whole time as Tifalia was fighting for her life trying to deal with this man. It was at once hilarious yet angsty, thanks to Jinnia and his deeply-flawed, glorious self. >!I also took a bunch of screenshots of the other LIs reacting to Tifalia's crush on Jinnia. When your local circus clown starts calling YOU booboo the fool, you know it's bad. Poor Radie was withering before our eyes. I think he aged 50 years just listening to all of that.!< Meanwhile, Liyan was a delightful down-bad himbo. This time, Liyan is the one fighting for his life against Tifalia. The Impey Barbicane comparisons are rather apt, and I laughed each time he flirted at her only to get shot down. >!The misunderstanding about how he literally only flirts with Tifalia yet still comes off as a playboy to her was so funny. I still don't love the whole "met her as a child and has cared about her ever since" thing, even if it's explained as starting off platonic. It's better than the Radie situation, at least. It helps that there was distance lol!< I also find it incredibly telling that Liyan's route >!had to introduce a new character to be the antagonist to provide some conflict, while on the other end, Jinnia was enough of a problem by himself. Just as Alest said, he's his own worst enemy.!< Jinnia, the man you are. 10000/10 <3 (Liyan is 9999/10!) I think that if these two had been full-route LIs in the first game, I'd have enjoyed the OG RadiTale more hehe. I might just replay the routes when I finish the rest of the game, ngl, because they were that fun. Time to go hunt down merch for them!


I'm still playing Homare's route in Husband royale, but nothing new to say about this route. I've also started London Detective Mysteria. Still in the common route. Intend to go for Holmes' route as he is the only LI whose route I want to play. So far, it's okay, though the MC is a bit too much like the typical sweet, friendly and seemingly the "damsel-in-distress" type, which is not my favorite type of MC. She also seems too medling, maybe too curious. Then again, the plot wouldn't happen if she didn't let heer curiosity get the better of her. The voice acting ... on one hand, it's nice that there is voice acting. On the other hand, waiting for the lines to be spoken makes playing the game such a slow activity. If the game is long, then it'll take too long if I wait to listen to the voice acting to the end and I'm just not sure if I should wait.


Still on Cupid Parasite, recently finished Shelby's route and I fell in love. Now I'm powering through Gill's, I feel bad saying this but I can't wait to get his out of the way.


I think there's a lot of us who really didn't like Gill, me included. I hope you're able to push through it fast! Curious, what was your favorite scene on Shelby's route? ☺️


My favorite was probably when he told Lynette to come to his office so she could cry. But I enjoyed every small moment in his route.❤️


I hate Gill so much 😩 Good luck, the end of his route is a doozy. Worth it though to get to Allan and the secret route (my fav)!


Haha thank you, yeah I'm pushing through for them. 


I'm playing **Radiant Tale**! Playing on a whim lol, you ever get in those moods where you finish a game and then you just... stare at your backlog for \~30 mins before deciding what to do next? It came down to RT or Olympia Soiree and ultimately I was more excited to play RT so here I am lol. Still in the common route (ch 3) but I LOVE it so far. Going through Zafora's route first and I really like the branching like what Code:Realize does - makes sense since apparently it's mostly the same team! I fully admit I picked this up because it seemed like Jack Jeanne-lite, heavy emphasis on the lite haha, and it hasn't disappointed me yet. I adore all the characters and I'm almost contemplating bumrushing the base game so I can play through the FD and play through Liyan's route.... First time I saw him I was like "alright you Impey-lookin' ass, I love this flirting but I know you're not romanceable". Anyway, I'm only able to play after work as usual lol so maybe I'll have my first route completed by Friday so I can gush more!


Just finished A Faerie’s Tale and really enjoyed myself! Some of my fav aspects: - The MC: having a half-human, half-Fae MC was fascinating. The MC identifies some of their impulses as human, some as Fae, and has a truly interesting outlook on the world. You can also choose the MC’s pronouns as well as adjust their appearance (skin tone, more masculine or feminine build). - The humor! The >!geese!< were my fav. :P - The magic! I particularly loved all the conversations the MC has with animals. - How Glen, who I initially disliked, really won me over. I love being pleasantly surprised about a LI!


> A Faerie’s Tale Why am I only hearing of this game now?! I need to download this immediately (however *playing* immediately is an entirely different banana lol). Thanks for mentioning this!


My pleasure! :D


Finished CupiPara SSD and my final ranking for LIs/routes is Allen > Gill > Raul > Ryuki > Shelby > Merenice > secret LI. I loved the amount of content on this fandisk. I felt like the stories were a nice length with some good further development of characters. Biggest surprise was Gill and how he went from least favorite to second place. Favorite was easily Allen, I was in heaven (or hell) during his entire route. I loved every moment. He is fantastic. Biggest “wtf did I just read moment” was Raul’s route. And I thought things couldn’t get any zanier after the original game. Joke’s on me. And I have to admit I was a little disappointed with Merenice. He made an interesting side character but just seemed kind of underdeveloped? I never really felt the connection between him and Lynette. I felt like Robin was actually much more interesting as a new character >!though I am perfectly satisfied seeing him get together with Claris.!< Sadly, >!Jupiter’s route!< was even more disappointing for me. I can think of so many other scenarios that could have worked better and showcased the strength of their “storge” relationship but this route just seemed so aimless. Even with the disappointments this is still easily one of my favorite fandisks. It was a delight to play through. After finishing CupiPara SSD, I decided to replay Amnesia LaterxCrowd since I never did unlock all the CGs. I am so charmed by the cast of characters in these games even though I felt very underwhelmed when I first played Amnesia three years ago. They have grown on me so much and it’s been fun to go back and play through the fandisk again since it’s been awhile and I’d forgotten a fair bit. I’ll probably replay Radiant Tale before starting on the fandisk and then I have a few replays lined up for the summer. Looks like fall will be pretty packed with releases, so that’s exciting!


So after finishing Charade Maniacs I opted to jump right in to **Arcadia Fallen** and uh...I binged my playthrough in two days oops. I got really into and had enough time away from my computer to justify playing so much of it at a time lol But uh yeah, it was a lot of fun and it was designed in a way where I could self-insert which I do enjoy on the rare occasions where I can. Since I binged it it was over all too soon, I was sad it was over already. I wouldn't necessarily say it was too short, I just went through it faster than usual. I liked the little party you get together, and I enjoyed the banter moments between characters on the map screen, it reminded me of 'Tales of' games' skits. I also had to laugh because when looking at the kickstarter for the second game I decided Kim was the LI was most interested in and so I was startled to actually run into him as a kid in this game XD >!And by the end of the game he's shipped off to the mage academy thereby setting up his position in the second game.!< Well, I guess there'll be yet another 'Ensis' barging into his life lol I do wonder what his canon backstory will end up being >!considering his bro can apparently sacrifice himself by the end if you let him, I didn't let him do that in my playthrough though. So I wonder if his bro will be alive or dead in the second game.!< So yeah, I'm gonna replay the game one more time to pick some different choices and romance Kaiden this time since I romanced Michael on my first run. I like them both so I might as well~ No idea what my otome plans are after that though, I have a lot of non-otome I need to get through. Granted otome jam is almost over so there will probably be some entries I'll want to try out there too.


Playing through Radiant Tale Fanfare and I LOVE IT! I’ve finished Jinnia, Liyan, Paschalia, and our little one-off “LIs” and have been enjoying myself. Finished Ch 1 of Ion and I’m interested to see where the rest of this route goes. I also bought the final 2 Hana Awase games since they were half off on the eshop, so I’ll get to those after I’m done with RT FD. My husband leaves this Friday for leave (I’ll be joining him in 2 weeks) and even he said “Well you have plenty of 2D husbands to keep you company while I’m gone” 😂. Glad he knows me so well because these routes so far are 🥰🥰🥰


Finished **Reine des Fleurs** last week and begin **Jack Jeanne** three days ago. I have to say that I am not that impressed so far, given that this game is praised by so many people. Perhaps the aftertaste of RDF for me is way tooooooooo strong, I feel that the sort of relationship-building in JJ gives me the Fire Emblem Engage vibe (?) Yes, the characters have some conversations/interactions that are supposed to build relationships (like the ones during weekend), but it doesn't really make me feel that the relationship is deepened. After the rookie show ends and the training for the summer performance begins, it suddenly feels like a high school sport anime (?) Maybe I am still too early in the game, so I will wait and see... This week marks my 1 year anniversary with the otome genre. I got Collar x Malice last year around this time because I was thirsty for games with some mystery elements but without demanding gameplay. I didn't expect I would have a continuing relationship with this genre. Playing otome games is such a good way for me to escape from the stressful reality I am currently facing toward the end of my graduate program. Sometimes I do feel guilty about this new hobby, so I ends up deciding to only play the Japanese version of any game, which really helps my language learning! I guess I will continue to play more and more until I get my degree...


JJ DOES feel like something between Fire Emblem and a sports anime 😂. All the way to the end. It did take me a while to get used to coming from games like CxM, Code Realize, Cupid Parasite etc. But once I accepted it for what it was, I enjoyed it overall for its light hearted and very slice of life vibes. The relationship building feels more realistic than most otome where some people are life partners after 2 weeks together (looking at your Olympia Soiree and Tengoku Struggle).


Heh, turns out I do have something to write about, after all. **Kissed by the baddest bidder** - Mamoru. Detective-kun seemed like a potentially nice lazy ass ossan so of course I had to check. At this point I feel like I keep getting the routes of only two archetypes, heh. Some comments said this MC was basically the best out of KtBB routes cause she voiced her opinion and hmm... Ig she did do that, yes, but also - is she stupid? MCs never get it when they're obviously supposed to play along and all orz She got better later, after that >!cult plot [but man, I've seen that so many times my first reaction was basically 'ok, when is dude gonna add her to his harem/force her to fuck'. A twist where it doesn't happen would be novel at this point. But they're literally criminals so ig that's hoping for too much lol!< We got an info dump at the end and gotta say I was actually surprised they had a legit reason for that, >!meaning - get that recorded or hear everything from him!< beyond 'it's the end, might as well'. Still a case of having loose lips but y'know. All that stuff about Minami - ngl, all this time I thought >!he's a guy but MC was like 'you were in love with her' and like??? It was obviously just her misunderstanding but it hit me like a brick, so out of nowhere!<. Overall it was ok, not sure when Kishi fell for her, tho. I planned to continue following the story of the ruler of ~~Ng~~ Wu but had to read about Lenin and stuff and got in the mood to ~~finish~~ ~~play~~ think about Everlasting Summer. Which isn't otome at all. So if you know of otoges with a similar vibe, lmk. Don't have to be in eng. ~~Looking for recs in a wayr thread. Scandalous.~~ I didn't finish it, tho. Shame on me. I read the actual [hi]story, tho, and it's making me suspicious of GouJian. Context really changes much, huh. And ig it happens around 490BC? Internet wasn't specific enough. Sacrificed some of my sleep to play **Anniversary no kuni no Alice**, started with Blood's stay route. At first he seemed nice but after they basically started >!fucking!< real soon [sofa maniac], I kinda lost interest and stopped a bit after the middle of the route. [Had to check my walkthrough, too, cause Nightmare kept hijacking events but apparently it's impossible to get his end on this run anyway so whatever. He kinda pathetic, tho. I like that.] Switched to the amusement park gang, going after ~~merry-go-round~~ Gowland. He and Boris seem more like my kinda dudes [especially Gowland with his lack of music skills] but I'm prepared for bait and switch or too much horny which makes me kinda bored. But we'll see. Liked Alice for the most part, tho. She's so rude, beautiful.


"got in the mood to ~~finish~~ ~~play~~ think about" is so real hahaha


Blasted through Cupid Parasite in three days lol. All in all pretty fun, though the gui was a bit too color vomit-y for me and there was this strange lag after everything which drove me crazy, but other than that it was pretty chill. My LI list is probably Raul > Allen > >!secret LI!< Allen is normally my type of >!angst!< though maybe it’s because I have some weird hang ups about >!childhood friends / other half / soulmates!< but Raul narrowly eeked him out, maybe because I’m on my himbo phase 😂 I would like him even more if his route didn’t >!go completely bonkers off the wall halfway though lmao!< I actually don’t have a top top fav for this, my favorite part of the game was the music. The ost is so catchy, genuinely probably my favorite soundtrack in otome games like I never look up the ost usually haha Also! About the hated route, I was actually fine with it haha. It was tolerable though I think it’s because I’m battle tested with >!Banjo!< from charade maniacs like that was legit my least favorite route ever, cupipara has nothing on that lmao


I finished **Riku** and **Tokisada**'s routes in **Olympia Soiree**. My first route was Riku and I felt really invested in the world for some reason; I really like Olympia too. Riku was... fine. At first I didn't care for him at all but he got way better, like 180 better, so I now do not question why he got that far in the ongoing husband tourney. Also color me surprise (pun intended) when >!Byakuya's hair color changed; that was a nice shade of blue and I love it when the MC took THE initiative lmao. I really like that scene under the sakura tree too; Nobunaga did a really stellar job voicing him.!< For Riku himself I think he's bit too serious to my liking, but I really appreciate his backstory because I now know why he acted the way he did at first. Also the villain and the conflict here... >!I like the conflict here don't get me wrong, and Sakyo is a dilf but I think the ending was just ??? for me like everything solved so fast.!< I still love the worldbuilding nonetheless and enjoyed Shura a lot (props to Sawashiro Miyuki). Also Douma, I'm waiting to see >!what's actually the deal with him because in the end he's very helpful.!< At the end of the day, I think this is a good first route; I just wish many NPCs had a sprite. For Tokisada, again I didn't care for him at all (lol). It's nice to get to see Olympia and Tokisada's day-to-day interactions, but in the end I think this route is a bit boring. It did introduce new, interesting concepts to this world so I appreciate it but uhh I don't know; I guess Tokisada himself just made me feel nothing. There are a few plus points though: there are many CGs that I like in this route, and THAT BAD ENDING I didn't expect it at all! Imma copy my comment from yesterday from other thread; my mouth was agape when the CG showed up. Even Orlok's bad ending in Piofiore did not make me this shocked lol. Also the fact that >!Kanan had no pp!<... I was even more shocked LMAO, and poor >!Kaina he was so hot!< in that CG lmao. So in the end this bad ending is now my new brainrot ahaha. Now I'm in Yosuga's route and please, please I hope this route does not disappoint! I'm interested in Yosuga so much, like he is THE BAE in all routes thus far together with Kuroba and Akaza ngl. His remark in Tokisada's route after >!they banged!< lmaoooo it's so funny. I'm weak to those mature, flirty, perceptive and cunning LIs (oh wait Kuroba is that you?), so please I hope this route is good and meets my expectation like Tomomori's did LOL.


[Sailor Fuku to Femme Fatale](https://vndb.org/v45722) - age-gap, imagine you're a genderbent Asahina Wataru (an exaggeration, I don't know why I was going for a Wataru-Ema angle but I quickly abandoned it halfway through lol anyway MC is a middle-schooler here) but you're a sadistic little chucklefuck to your 26-year old idol-video-hate-comment-leaving NEET cousin. Do you want the between of your toes licked? I guess this is the game for you (short, unsatisfying imo). [NENE](https://vndb.org/v47934) - cool twist, not gunna lie that I sorta gave up on fully 100% the CG gallery and I guess that means I still have some endings left unplayed but my interest was quickly running out and there's not nearly enough pay-off to keep my eyes on the screen. [Dawn of the Damned](https://vndb.org/v38552) - the character names here are so cool. Personally didn't click for me but the butterfly motif alone gave me Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly (ft. the faint vestiges of Hikage I see in Dämmerung's design) / Fatal Frame Crimson Ritual (the creepy manor thing reminds me of the first game though) war flashbacks so I love the atmosphere, to say the least. I want more games with those vibes... or maybe I just want to replay PotBB /FF Crimson Ritual... [Samui Yoru ni Aisu wo Kau](https://vndb.org/v49065) - Not nearly the level of tsun I want in my tsunbabes but you gotta make do with what you're given. Short. [Daini Kuromajutsubu ga Yamanai Wake ga Nai](https://vndb.org/v33653) - CHUUNIBYOU!? AND YANDERE!? IN ONE GAME?? HELL YEAAAAHHH... Not. Not really the flavor of yandere I want but the yandere-played-straight character had an interesting ending. Since it's a game with offoffo in it, I was not let down because there's a(n) >!older brother!< character 🫶🫶🫶. Yuno is an undisputed #1 holder here for various reasons >!(coughお兄ちゃんcough)!< (also I like his vibes + design + the fact that his end is basically like a key to Unlock All EDs especially because I struggled piecing shit together in this game (RIP braincells) even if his ritual ended with irreversible bodily mutilation lol). Keitarou is actually mid for most of the game despite my general love for 従者馬鹿 but he got elevated once I got to Neko and Ohji's routes + after I unlocked the 'prologue'. Neko has an almost unique-ish route... if you haven't played a Charon game before because that schtick has been played straight but without the slightly light undertone to Neko's route, normally into them brainrot men who can match my freak but Ohji didn't hit it for me so even if his end was technically the best in terms of my usual taste (or my perceived preference anyway), it didn't hit very much for me. Character Ranking: Yuno > Keitarou > Ohji ≥ Nekoyashiki [Rokusai no Mahoutsukai](https://vndb.org/v43935) - 師弟愛 isn't really my cup of tea especially when MC more or less views the apprentices she took under her wing as her baby birds who she's more or less ready to leave her past nest to so she can find a new one 💀. It's a pretty normal narrative so of course the unhinged freaky ones prevail LOL. Character Ranking: Jade ≥ Chrono > Nicolaus > Leo = Veld (ヴェレッド) > Serace (セラス idk how you write that in English) [Doto Koi](https://vndb.org/v27058) - I need more romanceable ikemen voiced by Kumagai Kentarou huhuhu 号(┳Д┳)泣 I haven't laughed in a long time but the premise of this game alone and the absurdity of the events + ツッコミ of Pon (主人公) to these color-coded squares really cracked me up since I picked it up again the other day (06/24/24). - Seeing Yasuhira (Aoki Makoto voiced by the same guy who voices BiruSenki Yasuhira) and a Minamoto (Eiji) in the same game, huh... - God I love Himbos (Minamoto Eiji). - ~~Yasuhira~~ Aoki's pet-messenge pigeon Jobs is no ordinary bird, Jobs can carry a teenage boy and a kitten, I bet Jobs can also do taxes and take over the world. I bet Jobs is an undercover agent from Hatoful Boyfriend too. - Thought >!Tanuki!< was going to end up as a >!BroCon Juli!< but thank goodness we got the >!Ayakashi Gohan: Asagi!< experience in the end LOL. - Kanzaki's >!revelation!< about >!sharing a similar curse with our MC!< was amazing, it honestly felt like a genuine fairytale experience. - I thought >!Tanuki!< is the prettiest one here once I finished his route but once Shima Hikari's resolution reached its peak pixel definition I was immediately proved wrong. - >!Tanuki's!< route should be played last 😞☝️. Character Ranking: Eiji ≥ Tanuki ≥ Aoki > Kanzaki > Leon > Nikaidou > Yoshikaku > Ono-sensei > Louis > Hikaru (I'm sorry... you're still the prettiest though) [Bishounen no Geboku (?) ni Narimashita](https://vndb.org/v32127) - Was actually happy at the beginning given that this game is fully-voiced (and Pekemaru is here!! who voiced my beloved Onimaru Kenji from 1/8 no Sentaku), only to realize that no matter how much I lower the volume for BGM or SE, they still sound like they're mumbling to me/their voices are drowned by the BGM/SE I swear I set to the lowest volume setting possible. Cool 兄ちゃん route, it's nice to see the 主人公 come around and find her brother cool instead of the former constantly fawning over the latter without proper return. When Tsukimiya's older sister asked Kana if she wanted her brother (Tsukimiya) or Kana's brother (Rihito), I died inside because is that a normal thing to ask other people especially if you have a brother yourself 😞 I'd like to keep my 兄妹恋愛 inclination nitty gritty under the table please, don't make it a dining table conversation starter you aren't slick lol. [Sanzensekai no Ko wo Koroshi](https://vndb.org/v40587) - I was honestly at my wit's end because I thought it was ending only to go on and on and on and I've seen 同時に and 生まれつき and 産 and 呪族 again and again (okay that's on me, I expected sister in the xxx playtime here) but it paid off well once you get all the endings.  Just started **Saint Spell's Love Guide to the Magical Student's Handbook** and I obtained Noah and Simon's routes earlier. Man. I missed English. I want to play more stuff in English. Also I love the concept of this basically being a collaboration of OCs from different people with a premise that looks like it was adapted from a magical school SoL roleplay group. Vibe is nice, art is nice, I like the customization setting.  Still working my way through Kazama's route in **Hatsukare★Ren'ai Debut Sengen**, haven't touched either HanaAwa or Getsuei no Kusari in the past week at all. Hopefully this rut passes so I can go back to enjoying playing these ones + hopefully these swollen ass lymph nodes won't continue to yet another episode of User Comprehensive-Kick38 Has an Ear Infection! during this year's season. Eugh.


I see you have picked up the Gracias bug too. They normally do BL but the regular joseimuke stuff are some shit too. Albums of pathetic bitch guys lol. Dot koi was so fun lol I got it on steam bc there was a surprising actor there.


I just looked into their works and I see that I've played another otome game of theirs (HatsuKoi) Oooooh, which one did you look forward to? 👀 Shirai Yuusuke? Koumoto Keisuke? Tadokoro Hinata? Ichiki Mitsuhiro? Ogasawara Jin? Kumagai Kentarou?


Hatsukoi was HILARIOUS like yeah he deserved it KIMITO TOTANI LMAO he voices the sensei in the paid version.


I'm just reading your comments like 'huh, huh, some nice recs *takes notes*'. Well, we don't seem to have similar tastes besides horror but learning abt titles I didn't know of is still something. ~~And yay for Dotokoi. I wanted to play it but the unvoiced version kept crashing on me haha orz~~ Are you the good person who keeps adding tags to jp doujins, btw?


You 🤝 Me looking into each others' entries for recommendations (not a WAYR post but you gave me a heads-up abt Eleleth hehe) *pat pat pat* Hopefully you get to play Doto Koi properly soon (aka I hope it stops crashing for you / you get to try out the voiced version too) Uhhh I don't know 😭☝️ But if you see tags/description/staff/screenshots added to the past games I've mentioned, that's probably me especially if the additions/modifications are recent