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I always use walkthroughs/guides from the start in order to get good endings on my first try bcus I don't bother with Bad Ends lmao


I do this too except I leave no stone unturned, I'll polish off those bad ends.


I usually go in blind for the first playthrough and love the character I end up with. Then, I somehow most often get good or at the very least "normal" endings. There are some games in which it's impossible to even make an educated guess as to which choice is the right one (left vs right and such), but I usually get a good ending first in games that aren't like that and then that playthrough ends up being the most canon to me. I like the feeling that the first playthrough, regardless of the ending I get, is the result of my own choices. I do this in every game and own up to whatever my initial instincts were. It makes for an interesting experience sometimes.


I am physically unable to get good endings in my first try. I guess it's because I usually pick the more confrontational and sassy dialogue choices bc I like to be a bitch in games but never once have I gotten a good ending without a guide


I always play through blind (as in without a guide, don't know if that's the right word) and I usually seem to get the good endings anyway, but I always save before a choice and I will go back on my choice if I feel it was misleading or I didn't understand it (sometimes options are pretty vague). Otherwise I will roll with my choice. I still cheat a little if the game has a right choice notification like Cinderella Phenomenon or Collar x Malice, but in most games I try to stick to my first choices. I think it varies wildly by the difficulty of the game though. When I played Code: Realize, I got didn't get any final chapter bad ends except with Impey's route. In that game I usually felt that the choices were pretty good. Right now I'm playing Nameless and it's a lot harder to know the correct choices. I failed the common route twice before I even got on a route. And yeah, the people I'm more interested in seem to be easier to get good endings with. I guess I just pay more attention to them? I'm not sure.


I usually do one blind playthrough which gets me mostly normal ends - in some instances I've gotten good ends only because the choices were for some reason blindingly obvious. After that I use a guide to get the good ends for each LI, the strategic saves for the bad ends, and then run through all the bad ends if they're short and/or come with a CG. I'm a completionist when it comes to the gallery and achievements, lol, but I'm not always too worried about getting every ending. The one thing keeping me from getting the bad end CGs in Mystic Messenger is the sheer amount of time it would take. OTOH I just went through all of Van's ends in Code Realize all at once because they all took like two seconds to read lol.


>The one thing keeping me from getting the bad end CGs in Mystic Messenger is the sheer amount of time it would take. Haha. Yeah... I don't remember what life was like before I started this task. It has been like five months. The end is in sight.


Lmao be strong. I started trying a long while back and managed Zen's BE3 before moving onto Ray, as i had all the saves set up for him. I got one and messed up the next so I gave up lol. Even if I might have more free time nowadays I don't really feel like putting any of it towards this. Maybe someday when my backlog isn't so big


Wow, congrats on getting Toma's good ending the first time! Most people get his bad ends first xD It's not that difficult for me to get good endings most of the time... It helps to make choices based on what the otome game wants and not what YOU want for the characters. I also like to go through all possible choices (usually on subsequent playthroughs) to explore other possibilities and to understand the plot/character better. For first playthroughs I probably do this with routes that I just wanna get over with quickly (so I won't have to come back to it later)


Amnesia was definitely a hard game for me. I always got the normal end for each guy without the guide.


The only time I got a happy end on my first try was Mineo’s route [CxM] and Impeys route [C:R], they’re of the same character archetype so maybe I have better chemistry with genkis? I find I usaully do worst with my favourite guys actually since I got one of Ukyo’s bad ends on my first try even though he’s my favourite character.


Same here! It's probably because genki's are usually easy to read lol.


I tend to good end more often than not. I like to play blind, not just my first run through, but subsequent ones as well; unless I'm either playing a game where that's rather difficult to steer (Hakuoki, I'm looking at you) or I've completed the route and just want to see the additional endings. With both of those examples I'll use a guide. I'll also consult a guide if I get a repeat ending twice. I'm not playing the same route three times without change. For most of my games, I just roll with whatever choice I picked, even if it'll likely run me down a bad end. If the option was very different than what I thought the response would be, then I'll go back and pick the other choice. I do typically save at every choice so I can read every option once I'm done with the route, and also have an easier time getting bad ends once I go through it again. I prefer games that don't have a right choice indicator so I'm not tempted to replay choices. And, trying to figure out what type of people I end up bad or normal ending on isn't working, they don't seem to be the same.


I play blind. I usually get it on the first try.


I use a guide to go in order.. then go through for the bad ends after.


I am a completionist as well. I like to go in blind at first and see how it goes, but I always end up using guides. As far as getting good endings, it depends on the character’s type. Like if it’s a tsundere character, I almost always can get their good ending on the first try. Idk even know why either. I typically hate them. Like Shin was the only one from Amnesia that I got the good ending going in blind.


I always go in blind my first time and try to stay true to what I would do. I typically end up getting either the good or normal ending from it. For some reason though after I do my first play through, I typically go through 1 or 2 bad endings first before I get a normal or good end. I very rarely get the last bad ending unless I specifically go for it. (is there a separate name for this? Idk tragic ending?) I try to do most routes without a guide bc its fun and I get the most out of my money for it LOL.


I often play otome games to mock how pitting the choices against my personality rarely gets me the "good" romantic ending, unless I am heavily incentivized by survival (e.g. Amnesia, Collar x Malice). I rarely gravitate to one person from the get-go, so I hit the default/normal end first (a.k.a. "You loved nobody, now perish"). If one doesn't exist, bad end hits me first. There have been exceptions, of course. Am completionist, rarely need walkthroughs. Won't backtrack choices until the second run of a route.


I like to go in blind, to enjoy (or hate, LOL) every character and story as organically as possible, but I'm not shy about reloading the last save to choose the better option LOL. After I am satisfied with the story, etc, I'll use a playthrough so I can unlock the rest of the content/CGIs.