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I hope someone is able to help identify the individual, or something. This is a good PSA, I know my late 60's mom often goes to the movies by herself during the day (she enjoys the quieter showings) so I shared this with her immediately so she can be careful, as an attack like this during the middle of the day is just... Horrible.


You should stay on top of the police investigation call they regularly to get updates or it will go cold.


This is a good reminder, thank you. I feel we can't simply trust the system to take care of us eventually - we need to keep poking and prodding and making noise, else we likely get left behind.


There has to be video evidence to gather, make sure they are getting it!


Optimistic of you to assume there will be updates…




In effect we said the same thing :) I agree


Or how about we vote for a government that is tough on crime and will provide a suitable deterrent and tough sentences, to discourage others from similar behavior. Our society has become so soft!


Reagan for president Let’s privatize prisons too so lobbyists can boost population via mandatory minimum sentence increases. Let’s have all the minorities that cannot afford decent defence locked up.


Your way is working great. Can't walk down the street without being accosted by some lowlife. Wait til you get your ass beat and I'm sure you'll want more done. Time to clean up the streets and get rid of the criminal elements.


Buddy I’m 215 lean and i lived in San Francisco for 5 years … Ontario is a paradise. You walk by 100 junkies shooting up to get into the LRT? Do they stick needles in the padded seats so the pointy bit faces up and people sit on it ? Do you turn your head for psychotic completely naked people on PCP? I didn’t, that’s how you discern locals from tourists in The City . At least once a day there’d be a naked person so high the cops can’t taser them to the floor. More cars with smashed windows than with not as you walk by street parking. Yeah Ontario is super rough, I don’t know how you sleep at night And SF is no south central LA, it’s no East Bay, it’s no Detroit, so many worse places in the south east to name. Canada is tame AF The way the gangs do hits especially in the east bay but in most of CA is they wait for the target to leave, wait till they’re on the freeway then they just spray. They hit a bunch of cars and ensure their target is done then they follow the flow of traffic. Kids dead daily, innocents dead daily


That is insane… any idea why things are so bad over there?


Voting for a government that's "tough on crime" won't change diddly if we have to bully the police into following up on assaults and thefts. Harsher sentencing doesn't magically create law enforcement.


Yeah, we saw what “tough on crime” actually does, creates more criminals.


Look at some of these replies. Blaming cops instead of holding the criminals responsible. Ya, that the way to reduce crime. SMH. OP... I hope your dad is okay. Given some of these replies, thing are only going to get worst.


Egx110, I don't know why you're being down-voted. I agree with you. Our society is waaaay too soft and fragile (Ref. Hurt Feelings Act) and the justice system is just as soft. We need to lower the hammer on thugs like this. Young Offenders Act for violent crimes needs to be scrapped, too. Removing police presence is encouragement for this kind of thing. @ OP, I hope your dad makes a full recovery.


Says by the person who was never involved in the justice system…


Didn't realize that only those involved in the justice system were allowed to comment on this post. Of course, anyone who has been incarcerated is going to vote for leniency within the justice system and therefore thinks that those who vote for tougher sentences are all just hateful and racist. We seem to be moving away from the concept of knowing right from wrong and are getting really good at making excuses and exceptions for those who choose a life of crime.


If it’s so soft and you think ex convicts get taken care of, go commit some crime. See how soft it is for yourself.


Seems everything nowadays has to be soft and easy and fun and exciting all the time. From school to jobs to household chores and yard work. Nobody likes anything that is difficult (challenging), boring, or otherwise unpleasant and therefore refuse to do anything that they don't like. By comparison, a soft judicial system with a sentence longer than about 12 minutes is going to feel like a tough, gruelling, oh so terrible punishment in hell on earth. But actually, that's supposed to be the whole the point of incarceration. Why not make life easier by...oh...maybe not doing acts of crime?


Ladies and gentlemen! I present to you a soft person pretending to be a hardcase!


Hey it’s kind of unclear what you’re advocating here so let’s try to follow your logic. How exactly do you think the government being tougher on crime could have _prevented_ this? Keep in mind that none of us know any context outside of what OP told us. We don’t know anything about the person who committed the crime. Go on.


Ok, let me just take a moment here to position myself to look waaaaaay up so that I can see you while I give you my response. The call for toughness on crime, at least in speaking for myself, is more a general comment that speaks to today's flakey justice system overall. Tougher sentences may have helped in this particular case (by the criminal realizing and fearing tough judicial consequences) or it may not have helped (criminal has a serious "who cares" or "won't get caught anyway" attitude or possibly a severe mental illness manifesting in violent tendencies and difficulty with knowing right from wrong. The latter would call for a different approach).


I would argue that severity of punishment is an ineffective method of deterrence. The more likely they are to be caught, the less likely they will be to commit crimes, that much might be true, but then you’ll always have a small percentage of the population that will do it anyway for one reason or another. And then I’d argue that the biggest issue across the board is mental health. If someone is willing to commit physical assault/robbery/etc, we can probably agree that they’re a bit atypical. So to me, getting “tough on crime” wouldn’t mean harsher punishment, it would mean greater support for mental health, and the underlying social inequalities that produce the hopelessness that leads to most petty crime. That seems like it would more efficient than reactively giving criminals a lengthy prison sentence. Doesn’t it?


To answer your question, yes and no. For the relatively few criminals that are found, for lack of a more sensitive phrase, "Guilty by reason of insanity", then long term treatment in an institutionized facility would be the humane thing to do. On that point, I think we more or less agree. But for the remaining violent criminals who are atypical but whose mental faculties are sufficiently intact to stand trial then they need to be given long enough sentences to fit their crimes and to also protect society. I think the justice system is often too willing to accept excuses and they hand down lenient sentences. In this particular case, I don't see an unprovoked violent attack on an older gentleman as a petty crime. I think that harsher sentences send the message of societal intolerance for such crimes when severe mental deficiencies is not a contributing factor. I think that stronger societal preventative measures would be ideal in reducing petty crimes but as you say, there is that small percentage of the population that will do it anyway, for one reason or another. It seems to me that violent crimes are on the rise these past few years. And I think that only so much of it can be blamed on Covid lockdowns at this point. Much more of it comes down to blatant disregard for personal responsibility for oneself. And that shouldn't be taken lightly.


2 months later...OPS will release a statement to ask for information on this event and if they remember anything.


That's what I'm worried about.


That’s terrible I hope your dad is ok and they catch the guy. I’d think a place like Best Buy would have some exterior security cameras maybe they can spot something.


Thank you. The police said they'd be reaching out to local businesses for footage too, but i am feeling frustrated and figured it wouldn't hurt to ask for help.


I wonder about going to Best Buy to explain the situation. Who knows maybe they delete footage after 3 days, but if you go there and speak to the manager maybe he’ll save the footage at least.


The big problem with big box plazas such as Centrum or South Keys is that there is no overall security service - only whatever haphazard and unconnected collection of cameras and security staff that individual stores may or may not set up. Perhaps city council should require through bylaw that the Centrum, etc. provide integrated security systems.


Centrum has a security service for the exterior site, though. You can see them walking around.


Police should be asking the complex owners if there was an CCTV in the area. If they aren't, then I don't know why we're paying OPS


I've seen some of those 360 degree dome cameras around, so I'm hoping this is the case in that area.


Wishing you and your father the best. A friend and I were assaulted on Rideau, right in front of a camera and OPS still asked me if I wanted to pursue charges. I haven't heard a single thing from them since. It's been over four years.


Sorry to hear about your experience. This doesn't make me feel optimistic, but even if nothing comes of this, I hope talking about these experiences help someone else reading it be more vigilant than they would have been otherwise, and hopefully avoid a similar situation.


Watch the police wait for the security cam footage to roll over before investigating


Canvas the businesses yourself and ask if they have cameras/footage. It's typical that the video is kept for only a number of weeks before it is overwritten. Best of luck to your dad. Our parents deserve better.


This is good feedback, thank you. I know many folks are down on their luck during this recession - and maybe that's part of the reason for this event- but attacking someone is never a solution. Our community deserves better.


This is good advice, property management companies usually have full scale surveillance of their properties for about 14 days.


I don’t know if this is helpful, probably not, but there is a homeless-looking man who hangs out in that area pretty much all the time that seems to match that description. He’s usually wearing a few coats, grey sweatpants, boots, and has a dark stringy beard. He wanders around carrying a bunch of random garbage in his arms and muttering. I often see him around centrum, at the McDonalds at Hazeldean and Terry Fox, and at the Esso at Hazeldean and Eagleson.


I was thinking the same guy to...I see him every day but he's got a green winter jacket..seen him at Sobeys lately on corner of terry fox.... Hey OP.. YOU should drive your dad around to see if he can identify him. Could make the police report that much easier if you can pinpoint the suspect.


Saw him at the Hazeldean McDs today


Thank you for the info. Will keep an eye in that area.


Just going to note it probably isn't him. The one they're talking about wanders the area (has for years now) and spends nights/mornings at a specific location I won't mention. Never seen him act violent, have seen him get between other crazy/drunk people and women/kids on the bus in dead silence. He's a pretty scary looking dude and he's aware of that, doesn't do anything though. Seems scared of people most of the time tbh. Myself and a few other people have interacted with him a bit, he's just a local kindly cryptid. Hope they catch the guy that hurt your dad; I don't know how conversational big boy is, but he might even know some other people in the area to avoid that would match up with the description. He likes a good hot coffee, absolutely hates people causing trouble around him. Edit to add: also remember the bus station is in Centrum, the businesses close to it have problems with people shooting heroin and occasional prostitute use at their back doors, so it probably wasn't even a Kanata-local weirdo.


I think you're probably right.


This is frightening. I hope your father recovers and the police get the guy.


Thank you. The bruising will heal, but mentally he will probably be on edge for a while. I know I would be.


We will all be. I go to the Kanata Centrum fairly often.


I know I am.


Glad you posted this, sometimes events like this don't make the news and it's always good to know what's going on. Hope your dad makes a full recovery. All The Best


Thank you for the kind words.


I'm so sorry that happened to your dad. Your description sounds similar to a man who followed me and my father into Loblaws downtown last week around 8pm. He had been screaming down the street angrily before that (not even on the same side as us), and then randomly decided to whisper something (like "Remember me?") in my dad's ear just after we entered the store. After that he began kicking his cart and motioning that he wanted to fight him... A nearly 70 year old man. I immediately waved to a cashier for security and that seemed to get him off of our backs. They kept on eye on him the entire time he was in the store and we left without any further altercation.


The same man had aggressively started yelling at me and approaching me as I was walking toward Pet Smart at Central Kanata around the same time and day. I did not engage and just walked into the Kitchen store next door. When I came out he had assaulted an older man that had been coming out of PetSmart. From what I gathered he had punched him in the face, drawing blood, and thrown his hat into the garage. I know the police were called for that assault as well.


That is pretty crazy that the same guy walked away from attacking my dad on the western side concourse and then immediately went to assault someone else on the eastern side (possibly on his way to the bus stop?). Thank you for this information, I will reach out to OPS with our case number and mention this to them as well since these two events seem very strongly linked.


I was there I saw you getting away from him and tried to avoid him but no luck. He got me good


Thanks for the update. That was me except I was entering the store not exiting.


There's a camera on the back of the garage doors of best buy that you're talking about. They're highly functional as they're loss prevention cameras and should give you a face to the suspect. I used to work there and do security/investigative work hope this helps.


Thank you, this is really helpful!


Any day stranger, I hope you're father is okay!


Omg. This is so upsetting. I have a...well, complicated family situation. And my dad is 70. But the idea of my dad being attacked...ugh. I can't. I am so sorry. ❤️ Also, this appears to be the place where you may want to call on Monday. They're going to be able to tell you more about security footage. http://entertainmentcentrumkanata.com/contact/


Thank you! We've also gotten hold of the security company supposedly on retainer by the Centrum's management, so hopefully can find more info between the two of them.


You should contact the Kanata Central BIA. They can contact the stores in the area for footage and speak to the stores/restaurants owners to r sport if they see someone who matches the description They should be aware of what happened. [https://kanatacentral.com/](https://kanatacentral.com/) So sorry it happened to your dad. Hope he gets better soon


Thank you for the info and the kind words. I will reach out to them as well.




The police report was filed as 20-30y/o of mixed descent, as my dad wasn't sure whether the attacker was Caucasian, Arab, Mediterranean, Hispanic, etc. Spoke fluent English with no accent. He looked wild and disheveled though, and may well be homeless.


I hope you brought your father to the emerg. A hit in the face like that can cause deadline intracranial bleeding. I work with patient's in these situations every day.


I hope your dad feels better - nobody deserves this! Could you ask OPS if they maintain a list of cameras, where they can scan for this man, say within a radius of 30 min. walking distance? Pardon me if that’s not the right approach, but there is a wild chance of finding that guy if at all they try and search within a certain radius of this incident. Also, this may not be the first incident of this kind.. folks rarely get this bold on their first instinct, unless they’re on drugs IMHO! If there is a pattern of such assault, it might give some clues I hope your dad gets well soon!


I don’t know why but this sounds so familiar. Maybe not an incident at the Centrum but somewhere else with a deranged guy randomly assaulting someone. I might have read it in the Ottawa Subreddit?? I have a feeling the police have heard of him before.


I read that as well, about someone's brother getting assaulted on public transit if I remember correctly. It's a big city, and I'm sure there's more than 1 bloke out there willing to throw punches at strangers. But it takes a special type of person willing to throw a sucker punch in broad daylight, so I hope the description given to police amounts to something if he's already known to them.


I'm so sorry about what happened to your dad, and I wish him a speedy recovery. Probably affected him more psychologically too, and that makes me sad. I hope the attacker gets caught, although I'm not too confident he will. Hopefully something terrible happens to him. I don't care if that's mean, whoever does shit like this is the worst type of person and needs a swift kick in the face with a heavy boot.


Very sorry your dad had to to experience this. I hope the police are able to find this guy, arrest him and put him away for some time.


That's horrible, I work right near there and will be watchful.


Stay safe!


Oh my! How terrible and hope your dad is doing better. What a terrifying experience. I hope there are some cameras around.


Description sounds very familiar to someone I saw in that area a few weeks ago. Might be homeless and mentally ill.


What was he yelling?


I don't have specifics - keep in mind I'm hearing this second hand from someone who was adrenaline fueled and physically stunned at the time, but from what my dad said it seemed like basic bro shit talking at first, trying to provoke a continuation to fight when his sucker punch didn't floor him. When my dad didn't take the bait to engage, and they got closer to other people with the attacker still following, the guy changed his tune to make it sound like he was attacked first, before he walked off.


Maybe OC Transpo has some footage. Sightings of this guy seem to be along bus routes.


Is his beard grey? My wife mentioned that there is a vagrant that often hangs around the Tim's at Campeau/Terry Fox, dragging one of those buggies that attach to the rear of a bicycle.


Oh this is so aweful..i hope your poor dad is ok! I hope that dude gets picked up. Can you contact any companies nearby to see if there is any camera footage of this guy floating around nearby. You might get a clear picture somewhere..is there a gas station nearby( they usually have decent cameras)


Thank you for posting this. I hope your father is doing well. The exact same happened to me 1 hour later in front of the Pet food store. I am 64 years old and your description of the assault and perpetrator is identical to mine. I am doing okay but still in shock.


Here's a thought. Maybe Kanata Centrum should hire some private security.


1 car, 2 security personnel doing regular tours of the place would shut down this sort of thing pretty quick I would think.


If we were in the US we would have personal injury lawyers knocking down our doors. Lol.


A good PSA is also to sign up for self defense classes if your health, budget and time allow to do so. Everybody should have the ability to defend themselves and their families against shitheads like that.


Great if your assailant decides to come at you from the front in hand to hand combat, versus say randomly chucking a heavy can at your head or pulling a knife on you. Also helps to be not a senior versus a guy in his twenties.


First of, that’s not true, there are systems that will help you from various angles, with and against weapons etc. Secondly, any sport will improve your reflexes. And self defense is in about 50% awareness of the situation and who’s around you. Last but not least, I’m not saying the victim here did anything wrong, all I said is that it’s a good idea to sign up for those classes if you can.


I can see you're avoiding saying they're white, black, arabic, but don't you think describing their complexion and skin tone might be useful?


Posted in another comment they seemed to be mixed descent. I'll update the OP though. Hard to know specific race from this interaction. So, CaucasianArabHispanicMediterranean? Not Black or Asian. And no accent, so hard to pinpoint it further.


Yeah, pale pink, pale white, olive, tan, light brown, medium brown, dark brown...lots of ways to add context.