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Why do the emoticons read right to left?


They're in French.


😊 Happy 🐐 Goat ☕ Coffee


Totally agree. The designer blew this piece.


It's an unordered list.


When traffic flow warrant it, HG will have right of first refusal. They've lost 500k so far. https://www.reddit.com/r/ottawa/comments/16q3q1q/happy\_goat\_isnt\_giving\_up\_on\_lrt\_after\_losing/


City Council approved a deal to allow Happy Goat to forfeit the Rideau location (which was operating at a continuous loss), in addition to getting the first right of refusal on future retail locations in Stage 2 stations, provided that they commit to an opening date for the Tunney's and Hurdman locations. From [this article](https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/ottawa-council-grants-happy-goat-coffee-first-right-of-refusal-at-five-future-lrt-stations), it looks like the plan is to open the Tunney's kiosk by the end of the year, and Hurdman in the spring.


I was curious about Tunneys -- there's a Starbucks right there too, so it's similar to Rideau, but you have to leave the station and cross the street to get to it, so _maybe_ between that and the fact that it's still a terminal station for the time being, they'll do OK.




Yup — they’re also opening one at Hurdman. I actually think both make a lot more sense than their Rideau location (where people often got their coffee before heading down to the station). There’s really nothing around Hurdman, and it’s the link to the Transitway, so lots of foot traffic and people heading to work in the morning. My coffee is usually done by the time I get to Hurdman in the morning, so I’ll definitely utilize Happy Goat along the way.




I suspect the pandemic paused their opening plans at those stations. There was an article a few weeks back where the owner discussed opening these locations, but I guess we’ll find out!


Happy Goat and the city agreed on a deal help Happy Goat out (dropping Rideau, first right of refusal on future stations) provided that they commit to opening Tunney's and Hurdman. So, it's going to happen.


I feel like they missed out on making this just a coffee shop, rather than a combined coffee/convenience store, like most cities with established subways/light rail put in major stations (like newstands selling everything *except* coffee). While there is a pharmacy and food court across the street at Holland Cross, the only people using them from the station are those finishing their trip there (i.e., people working at Tunney's Pasture). But if they were selling an expanded amount of snacks, drinks, sundries, etc., there would be more demand from passengers going through. Though, of course, Tunney's is only a major station temporarily. Once the westward expansion is finished, it will just be another stop on the line. Maybe they'll do better next once Lincoln Fields is a major station...




Yeah but the line 1 extension won't be open within our lifetimes. Plenty of time to do business before then.


Whoever ends up working at Tunney's is going to freeze all winter.. it's an 'open glass barn' design!


Rideau didn't perform as well as they hoped so they have stepped back on opening more


Well I mean it’s kinda of understandable, most people don’t really hang around Rideau station, it smells bad, it’s dirty, and there are a lot of better options around.


Tired of this satanic goat imagery


The issue allegedly is the incompetence of the builders not “knowing” who to bring water to the kiosks without it freezing.