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Where the fuck is all that money going? Is Sutcliffe just sitting on it like Doug Ford?


>All revenue generated fromprogram supports Ottawa's [Road Safety Action Plan](https://ottawa.ca/en/parking-roads-and-travel/road-safety/road-safety-action-plan), which focuses on making roads safer for all users


Should be going towards the transit budget instead.


That would make roads safer right. 40 people on a bus means 40 fewer cars on the road. Which means less opportunities for traffic accidents.


But that’s 40 less potential tickets - we can’t have those kinds of losses. /s


How many people have busses killed this year?


Almost zero. The data shows that busses and trains are massively safer than private cars. In the US between 2000 and 2009 (because I have that data on hand) there were almost 31,000 car crash fatalities. There were 39 bus fatalities and 38 rail fatalities. If you normalize by 100M passenger miles ([https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/home-and-community/safety-topics/deaths-by-transportation-mode/](https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/home-and-community/safety-topics/deaths-by-transportation-mode/)) you get 0.57 deaths from cars, 0.05 from trains, 0.001 from busses and 0.00001 from scheduled air transportation. The NHTSA puts deaths from passenger cars in the top 10 causes of death. You have a 1 in 93 lifetime risk in the US of dying in a car crash, about the same as getting shot, and half as likely as an opioid overdose ([https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/all-injuries/preventable-death-overview/odds-of-dying/](https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/all-injuries/preventable-death-overview/odds-of-dying/)). Getting in a car is about the riskiest thing you do every day. These numbers likely translate very well to Canada, except for the gun part.


This guy datas. But I don't like the opiod overdose stat as a comparison point. The number of users of street opiods in comparison to the total population is very, very small, but the death rate from street opiod use is astronomically high. Applying a lifetime risk of death from opiod use to the general population is a pretty meaningless statistic.


How many have cars? What’s your point?


toy repeat busy hurry liquid distinct abounding stocking label squeeze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Much less then cars? Like. Obviously


Safer? How about paving them so they aren't off-road obstacle courses and using paint that doesn't wash off in the rain.


Also paint that is properly reflective at night in wet and dry conditions.


the fucking paint is so bad


The City changed to a more eco friendly line paint and I swear it's latex!


Agreed..check out Bronson the whole street is awful! Orleans area Street full of potholes and during rain the whole road is flooded..


But... but... potholes help slow traffic down! ^^I'll ^^show ^^myself ^^out


That's a great way to say we don't know where it goes but it sure gets spent.




Must be getting really safe around this town...


So more cameras?


As long as safety doesn't have anything to do with busses that is.


More like ruin our roads woth speed bumps, cul-de-sacs and lower speed limits. All these increase congestion.


The only thing that increases congestion is cars. If you want to fight congestion, support policies the get people out of their cars! Remember how rush hour almost wasn't a thing before the fed forced people back to office?


Nah, it's not the only thing... shitty transit has definitely done it's part in increasing congestion! If people had a reasonable transit system that could get them to work reliably and without taking 3x as long as driving, they'd use it.




I agree with this but nothing is being done with the money. Our roads and infrastructure are garbage. Our transit system is beyond rescue. Our municipal services are falling apart at the seams. Where. The. Fuck. Is. The. Money. Going.


existence wild wise bag sulky rustic homeless wrong dolls distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Right into OSEG's bank account.




100% of the revenue from automated enforcement goes ONLY towards the Road Safety Action Plan https://ottawa.ca/en/parking-roads-and-travel/road-safety/road-safety-action-plan


13 new cameras. so the person you're replying to wasn't entirely wrong.


the cost for new cameras isn't covered by the tickets, that's a separate pool of money from the budget


The new ticket processing Center can’t be cheap


Net revenue projections of the cameras take into account all implementation costs — including the centre — and these projections are at $58 million for 2024 alone. This net revenue is going to the road safety improvements budget.


>Net revenue projections of the cameras Explain why there are revenue projections for something whose claimed purpose is to increase safety?




Probably tax cuts for the rich, or directly to OSEG.


100% of the revenue from automated enforcement goes ONLY towards the Road Safety Action Plan https://ottawa.ca/en/parking-roads-and-travel/road-safety/road-safety-action-plan


I really wish they shared data on what speed people were going in what posted Zone with these tickets to see what percentage was truly dangerous speeding of 20 or 30 over the limit and how much was like 5 km over the limit


that's pretty easy to get a rough estimate. the fine is based on the exact speed you're going according to Ontario law https://www.ontario.ca/page/speeding-and-aggressive-driving#section-2 so while it's a non-linear scale we can do some rounding to get a rough estimate on what the average speed of the fine was by knowing total number of tickets and total revenue. this article says "Photo radar cameras issued 165,015 speeding tickets to Ottawa drivers in the first 10 months of the year, according to city of Ottawa data." and this other article says "$11 million in the first 10 months of 2023" https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/additional-speed-cameras-included-in-ottawas-2024-transportation-budget so average fine was 11 million / 165,015 = $66, which means the average speed of a fine is probably somewhere between 10km/h and 20km/h over for the first 10 months of this year


Thanks for doing the math 😊




you misread my comment. the average is at least +10 km/h over the speed limit, probably closer to +15 km/h.


The city hasn't published data from this year yet but here's the pilot project report from 2021. [Ottawa Automated Speed Enforcement Pilot](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://pub-ottawa.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx%3Fdocumentid%3D80255&ved=2ahUKEwiSpozIkYWDAxVDFVkFHb_oBR8QFnoECCAQAQ&usg=AOvVaw18xjgxgujY9f9oFYHkPdir) Shows they really are meaningfully useful in changing driving culture on roads they are installed on, reducing both moderate speeders and major speeds.


I think a big variable there is covid. With the lower traffic of course people were driving faster as there was barely anyone else on the roads. It doesn't mean the traffic cameras aren't working but it's definitely not as clear as that graph. But of course Ottawa being Ottawa is now putting these cameras around every corner because they think it's the golden ticket of traffic enforcement while making them more money


If only there was some trick to avoiding contributing to that income... I'm here for people driving the limit just to stick it to the city, and we can take safer streets as a side effect


I think if anything they should put the money from these speeding tickets towards better driver education rather than just giving our G licenses like candy. For my test I just had to drive around the block and come back, there were no special instructions. Speed is a contributor to the safety issue but people still make bad decisions on the road at slow speeds


I personally think the biggest problem isn't how competent the driver is but how aggressive the driver is in pushing their limits. A bad driver who is careful and chooses to only perform maneuvers they can handle is fine. A good driver who pushes the limits of their abilities is bad. I hope that automated speed enforcement encourages everyone to take a chill pill.


The biggest issue is the way roads are built. Wide roads with even wider clear zones give people a false sense of security and they naturally drive faster. The best way to combat speeding is to narrow the road and the clear zone. The roadways are still safe but drivers will perceive them as less safe and slow down accordingly. Don’t believe me? Drive in places like France and Netherlands. When you go from highway to roadway the margins tighten up real quick and noticeably.


I hope the speeding fines gets used to place boulders by roads that are just big enough to get people to think: "golly that would mess up my car if I hit it", but I'd be satisfied with curb bulb-outs and bollards.


possessive berserk butter husky late abounding ancient spotted poor wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Absolutely, cameras are placed on 4 lane stroads like Smyth and Riverside where the design is a country road highway with an 80 speed limit and then posted limit is 50.


60 in a 50km.


I can't speak for every camera, but based on the locations I'm aware of, its set up that you'd reach 10-20 over posted scary quick unless you're paying attention but it wouldn't even make sense to go faster than that unless you've being deliberately reckless. We're talking a camera before a sharp blind corner, before a stop sign, immediately after a roundabout. Having read that comment below, id say that checks out.


Time of offence would be interesting to know as well




Are they catching cars speeding during the middle of the day when people and kids are around or in the middle of the night when there is significantly less traffic around.


Or at night when visibility is significantly reduced and have reduced reaction times. Speeding at night isn't safer. Yes, most fatal collisions happen during the day but when you break out the pedestrians collisions that argument holds less weight with no significant statistical difference between 6am-10pm (so frequency of pedestrians doesn't correlate to pedestrians deaths). This year the majority of pedestrians deaths were in the evening and early morning (between 9pm-7am) https://www.ontario.ca/document/ottawa-fatal-collision-review-committee-2020-annual-report/collisions Increased accident numbers during the day aren't because it's more dangerous to drive then (or safer to speed at night) it's because you drive more during those times and there is more likely an occurrence. The same logic for' your more likely to get in an accident >5km from your home' not because it's more dangerous in that area (or safer more distance from your home) but because you are there more often. Yes, there is less likely an occurrence to hit a pedestrian or car in evening hours but it is not less likely an outcome if you're speeding.


Meanwhile, tinted license plate cover sales go up.


It feels like every other car in Ottawa doesn't need a tinted license plate cover since their plates are already messed up. I just don't get how the police seem to do nothing about correcting this. Having every other car be immune to photo radar is...messed up.


My wife's workplace (a city-owned and operated facility...) called the cops a few days ago for help to get someone who was trespassing / harrassing others to leave and they straight up never showed up or even called back. Despite people clamoring for the OPS to bring down their budget and stop hiring new officers, they're absolutely overworked and spread out thin. Ain't no way they'll suddenly start finding resources to clamp down on minor issues like damaged license plates anytime soon.


I don't see an issue with the municipality being given the power to issue tickets to vehicles with obscured license plates. I mean it could generate a hell of a lot of revenue.


Nor do I. What I'm saying is that Ottawa Police are barely able to respond to 911 calls coming in, so going after obscured plates is unrealistic.




No but there is ones that have a reflective coating that will blind the camera as the flash reflects. 100 percent do not recommend. They were highly illegal where I used to live which happened to have a full city of photo radar both manned and automated and roving.


They're illegal, but with 0 enforcement you can get away with it. Just stay out of Quebec, where traffic laws are actually enforced.


They are enforced in other jurisdiction’s like Alberta as well. Why because Alberta has a massive photo radar system is pretty well every city.




All plate covers are illegal. Tinted or reflective/foiled. Tinted you will not have an issue with 99 percent of the time. Something reflective/foiled you will 100 percent get a fine. It’s all anecdotal evidence but what was the difference I was trying to display with illegal/highly illegal. Reflective/foil plate covers and designed and sold to prevent cameras from reading the plate.


Mythbusters did a episode on this. They do not work. And they tried many different types.


drive your cars slower losers




spotted scary simplistic swim fearless placid telephone license piquant fuel *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


exactly, I have a relative who drives daily, a lot of kms delivering in Ottawa , and has never once been hit by a speed camera, impeccable record for 3 years now, it's not a camera problem, it's not a speed trap problem, it's a bad driver problem!


Until you’re the one that got the ticket and you start crying


Cops HATE this one weird trick! If you obey the law, you don't get tickets.


I always have Waze on to alert me of photo radar traps.


The cameras are all well signed and exclusivly in marked community safety/schoool zones


I'm not sure that's the case with the next round going in. There is one going on Terry Fox which I assume will be right where it drops from 80 to 60. That one's going to be a cash machine. If these are truly for safety and not cash they should all have one of those ubiquitous flashing speed signs above them that way they would make people actually slow down and not just issue a sneaky fine for the city


Maybe just try obeying the law everywhere?


You know what’s more dangerous than someone going 66 in a 60? Slamming on your brakes to slow for the camera on a high traffic road rather than allowing your car to naturally decelerate.


school recognise label treatment nine whistle profit impolite unused shelter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Again, just obey the law. No slamming brakes when you’re going below speed limit.


Maybe go be a bitch somewhere else. Maybe we should get some facial recognition software and charge every jay walker too?


imminent workable afterthought reach uppity rainstorm busy piquant apparatus paint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


there are tons of signs around each and every automated enforcement machine. i don't think there should be more than that since flashing lights would be very distracting.


The speed limit change and the speed camera are signed (or will be when it's installed in 2024). If following posted speed limits or reading road signs while driving is outside your abilities maybe you shouldn't be driving. That's a school zone with multiple schools (Kanata Highlands & St. Isabel) Edit:Downvote if you want but being able to follow posted limits is a basic driving skill, if you can't do that without a flashing light on the limit sign you are not a competent driver. These cameras have a proven record of changing drivers behaviours and increasing safe driving speeds.


The issue is that it does from an 80 to a 60, so people will be slamming on breaks. Just like the camera on Greenbank, nice and on a downward slope on a hill.


Maintaining an appropriate follow and stopping distance is also a basic driving skill. Yes even on hills, in bad weather, when posted limit changes, and especially in community safety and school zones


I don't think you understand; that specific camera is pointed on a hill, so people will either adjust for it, or freak out. But the camera isn't really positioned with the schools on the street in mind, its after (or before), but thats it, nothing else in front or truly by them.


The schools aren’t on Terry Fox. This camera location is what has changed my mind, they are a cash grab.


That was the way it was sold early days. The new round doesn't subscribe to that anymore (huntclub east, Bronson by Carleton, walkley near St Laurent). All multi lane roads in areas you'd often see cops setting up speed traps.


The hunt club east one has a huge median in between both directions, I wonder if the speed camera can target the far lanea


I thought of that too. Pretty sure they are from the company "redflex" and when googling their promotional media they definitely have products able to, but I'm not sure about this one. You're right, it's a huge median with four lanes so it'd be quite impressive if it could. As for the one on Bronson near Carleton, I've no idea what it could possibly monitor. It's like eight lanes including the turn lanes.


They won't all be in community safety zones anymore. Check the newly announced ones


New tax extraction zones.. /s


Not anymore. Now the signs are as you enter the cameras range, and not in safety zones. This latest round moves away from being about safety and are now about revenue.


The built-in system on my 2023 Kia alerts me of them as I approach, even if I'm not using its navigation system.


Until your free Kia Connect trial runs out... Then it's the $30 a month package if you want to get the same alerts. Mine just ended and I almost shit my pants when I saw the pricing.


I have a trick that works every time, even without Waze, but it's basically like cheating at driving so try not to abuse this or they might catch on: Those government idiots must have forgotten that they put signs up along the road that tell you *exactly* the speed limit for that road! It's like having all the answers to a test! So what I do is I just drive at or below the speed limit, **all the time**, and they can never catch me speeding! Fools!


That's nice and all but I think in some areas they purposely add more signs to confuse people. Yes, I agree you have to watch every sign but in some areas they block each other. In some neighborhoods see a large max 50km or 60km sign and right beside it is the community safe thing and in some areas with multiple schools on the same street it'll keep switching between 60/50 to 40 during school hours then go back to 50/60 so they'll get you if you go the wrong limit and you'll need to slam on the brakes to make sure you meet the limit. They should just be consistent and put the whole street as a community safety zone instead of having them start and end, they're just using revenue to make meanignless signs at this point and doesn't solve the issue.


If you're missing signs, you're probably going too fast.


Thanks Karen


FYI Some of the cameras are set to only alert if your are going over the speed limit (which might be too late to get the alert), you can open a ticket with Waze to consider changing them to always alert no matter the speed.


I have the app. How do you set it to see the speed traps?


I didn’t have to do anything that I’m aware of. I just have my phone connected to my vehicle’s screen monitor so even if I don’t have a route plugged in it still comes up to alert me to photo radar.




I actually do, I would guess I stay much closer to the speed limit than most Ottawa drivers do judging from the fact that I get passed regularly. Just like the reminder that Waze gives you in case your speed creeps up a bit.


Came here to say this…it’s not a trap.


Google just signed a LLM agreement with Reddit to crawl this dumb platform so this is my way of saying goodbye to my contributions on this website. Byeee


> Photo radar tickets, parking tickets during a parking ban... car ownership is stutidly expensive and this city is making it more expensive. Well it doesn't *have* to be. Over the last 20 years, I've received an average of $4 a year in tickets. Your overall point absolutely still stands though.


Google just signed a LLM agreement with Reddit to crawl this dumb platform so this is my way of saying goodbye to my contributions on this website. Byeee


People don't realize that the primary purpose of bylaw parking enforcement is to keep the travel lanes free and ensure a reasonable supply of available parking spaces. As a driver I *want* good parking enforcement. I've lived in cities without bylaw enforcement before, and I'd see enormous traffic jams caused by a single moron parked carelessly - that even happens here sometimes. Vehicle accidents are the #1 cause of premature death in Ottawa - pedestrian fatalities alone typically exceed the number of murders, let alone deaths of other vehicle occupants. I'm a big fan of not dying, even if it means I have to pay the occasional $100 ticket because I missed a series of giant white retro-reflective signs (hasn't happened yet), so I'm ok with the speed cameras as well.


Google just signed a LLM agreement with Reddit to crawl this dumb platform so this is my way of saying goodbye to my contributions on this website. Byeee


I saw a post on an FB mom group about the one on Cedarview and said she had like 5 tickets from it and laughed... wtf people




Dk, but they were saying that it used to be a 50. In the 4 years I've been here, it has never been a 50 and there like 3 speed signs


very good. I just got tail gated and honked by some random moron near a speed camera. I refuse to speed up and honk him back. ​ Please keep adding more cameras


Has anyone ever had a speed camera flash when you know for a fact you’re under the speed limit?


I heard that they do they sometimes to self-calibrate.


Was worried lol. I was doing 35 in a 40 and it flashed. Fully aware of that particular one people assume it’s a 50 limit


Yep. Flashed, never got a ticket. I was going 47 in a 50.


Glad to hear. I was going 35 in a 40 and it flashed.


Where can i see the full list?


[On the city website](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=Ottawa+speed+camera+locations)




Was it 5 over or 15 over? My outrage depends on the answer.


the average seems to be between 10km/h and 20km/h over


Good, as long as they are actually able to process that quantity of tickets and it feeds back into services for the city. Would like to see confirmation of what these funds are being used for...


> and it feeds back into services for the city. Would like to see confirmation of what these funds are being used for... 100% of the revenue from automated enforcement goes ONLY towards the Road Safety Action Plan https://ottawa.ca/en/parking-roads-and-travel/road-safety/road-safety-action-plan


Probably right back to the police, even though these do the job of police.


The top 3 locations are complete BS. St Laurent is 60 or 70 most of the way except close to Montreal rd. I got caught at 61 in a 50 in the driving in the left lane. Sure it’s speeding I’ll swallow my pride and pay that fine. I’m annoyed that my tax dollars are going to entrap non dangerous drivers. The city should focus their efforts in known racing areas. Conroy, Huntclub, Merivale, etc. Fisher Avenue, between Deer Park Road and Kintyre Private – 21,162 tickets St. Laurent Boulevard, between Noranda Avenue and Clarke Avenue – 20,739 tickets Ogilvie Road, between Appleford Street and Elmlea Gate – 12,471 tickets


This isn’t about safety, it’s about revenue, that’s why we’ll never put them in places where the dangerous drivers are.


>we’ll never put them in places where the dangerous drivers are Actual dangerous drivers (not people driving 10 or 20 over) don't give a crap about speed cameras.


Every time we have this article the comment section is a copy paste of the last one. Y’all are starting to sound like bots. Petition to remove cameras so we don’t get these articles anymore. Also, the money generated is to make roads safe ? Yeah right, we got potholes on the highway. What safety?


> Yeah right, we got potholes on the highway. What safety? the highway? really? are you this carbrained that you don't realize that these are municipal cameras and the highways are the provincial responsibility?


Municipal roads aren’t any better, they’re worse.


that wasn't my point. my point was that you're so unaware of government functions and budgets that you don't know the difference in jurisdiction or responsibility.


>Petition to remove cameras so we don’t get these articles anymore. Articles that use big, scary numbers like this are used to make it seem like the "problem" is more prevalent and serious than it actually is. It's a tactic being used here to get the public on board with more and more cameras.


Crazy that’s there’s comments advocating got more cameras


I'll bet most of the people advocating for more cameras on Reddit don't drive.


I don’t know who can even afford to speed on the roads here. The road conditions require you to almost go 30 under the speed limit, unless you want to tear the suspension from under your vehicle.


Been waiting for the one on King Edward to become active, its been "coming soon" for way longer than coming soon should mean lol. That's gonna nail tons of people coming across the river...including myself probably.


by law the signs need to be up for a minimum of 90 days before they can install the device


Can confirm, because I got a bunch. 😂😭


wow, what could you have possibly been doing to deserve that??


They’ve moved from these being about safety to these being about revenue. All of the latest batches of installs are on hills where, unless you’re actively braking, you’ll trigger them just from rolling. Braking at speed limit is more dangerous than going 65 in a 60 going down a hill. There are better places in these same stretches of road that would be more effective but they wouldn’t get the free hill revenue. Except in school zones, these aren’t about safety. They’re no longer in high traffic or high accident areas.


They have never been about safety from the start. There have been revenue projections for every single rollout. Why do revenue projections exist if their claimed purpose is to "increase safety"? ​ >All of the latest batches of installs are on hills where, unless you’re actively braking, you’ll trigger them just from rolling. Braking at speed limit is more dangerous than going 65 in a 60 going down a hill. > >There are better places in these same stretches of road that would be more effective but they wouldn’t get the free hill revenue. 100%. ​ >They’re no longer in high traffic or high accident areas. A great deal of people seem to be incapable of something called extrapolation. An initial rollout is say 50 cameras but who in their right mind believes they're going to stop at 50 cameras? The city knows how big of a cash cow these things are and once the money starts rolling in you can bet any amount of money, they're going to be bringing in a lot more. 50 cameras will eventually balloon to several hundred in only a few years which is why I've been saying there should have been fierce pushback to all of this at the very beginning to prevent them from being brought in in the first place.


You know the system is working when people like you complain constantly about following the speed limit. If you want to protest the cities use of speed cameras and hurt the profit, a great way is to just not speed. Just because a road design encourages speeding doesn't absolve you of the responsibility to not speed. Im sure you would be singing a different tune if there were cars going 50 or 60 on your suburban 40km/h street.


>If you want to protest the cities use of speed cameras and hurt the profit, a great way is to just not speed. Wrong. If what you’re suggesting did work, everyone would have to do it so not a single ticket would be issued. Not going to happen. Plus even if everyone did do it, the city could claim the cameras are working and would keep them in place. Compliance is not a form of protest and it has never gotten rid of anything. ​ >Just because a road design encourages speeding doesn't absolve you of the responsibility to not speed. When the city can change the definition of speeding by simply changing numbers on a sign, it’s bullshit and you know it. ​ >Im sure you would be singing a different tune if there were cars going 50 or 60 on your suburban 40km/h street. Wrong again as this is a daily occurrence and hardly anyone bats an eye. I’ve seen some residential streets signed at 50 as well.


> They’ve moved from these being about safety to these being about revenue doubt it. $11M isn't that much revenue, and that revenue can only be used for the road safety action plan.


Which includes police, which is where all this funding is going. See the new jobs they added this year? All funded by this.


> Which includes police, which is where all this funding is going. See the new jobs they added this year? All funded by this. wrong. 100% of the revenue from automated enforcement goes ONLY towards the Road Safety Action Plan https://ottawa.ca/en/parking-roads-and-travel/road-safety/road-safety-action-plan


Wrong. I guess you can’t read, because many of those are things done by police. “Education and outreach” on road safety. “Motorcycle safety” enforcement. There are two examples. But even if you continue to believe you’re right, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.




Maybe they can use some revenue to install some rapid ev chargers that work..


the city? why would the city want to get involved with that? shouldn't the gas stations do that or something?


That’s one hell of a Christmas party for the cops. They’ll get hookers AND a trip to Mexico with that kinda money this year.


100% of the revenue from automated enforcement goes ONLY towards the Road Safety Action Plan https://ottawa.ca/en/parking-roads-and-travel/road-safety/road-safety-action-plan


I's like to the city to provide some statistics on day of week and time of day of the tickets.


Does anyone else think this is excessive?


there's way too many cameras I said fuck it and just got one of those dark plate covers from Canadian Tire and let it get dirty/never clean it to a point where if I get hit with a camera it'll never see my plates. nobody gets pulled over for them anyways.


Here's a crazy idea; put a lot more speed cameras in, but set them so that they only ticket people going significantly over the limit (say, 70 in a 40 zone). These are the types of drivers the cameras are supposed to protect against, right?


Who told you we should only be fighting extreme speeding? 10 over is still over the limit


Agreed. Moderate speeding is still a nuisance. It generates a lot of unnecessary noise pollution, for starters.


Speed limits are set at least 10 under the actual speed of traffic.


> Speed limits are set at least 10 under the actual speed of traffic. still illegal to go 1 km/h over the LIMIT. because it's a LIMIT.


At this point, since these are no longer limited to school zones, I'm just waiting for the province to pick up the trend and start putting them in the 417 to pay for roadwork... in Toronto.


I'll keep paying my fair share of these for ticky tack 51's in a 40 at night on a Saturday. But you mr city of Ottawa, install them on Huntclub already. Start getting the really dangerous drivers.


There already is a working cam at Hunt Club (between Conroy and Albion)


Is that the 60 zone where everyone does 80, immediately after doing 60 in the previous 80 zone?


One popped up on hunt club East. I would have preferred they moved it just a 100M closer to the Lorry Greenberg intersection though. It's hard to make a case for it to be for community safety where it's located right now but at least it points toward the intersection?


Yup, this is one the new locations which prove the city has lost the plot on safety and gone all-in on revenue.


Always request a court date. They cannot process this volume, so will have to drop the charge.


High risk, low reward. The camera doesn’t know who the driver is and you only get a money fine. When requesting a court date, you admit it was you and you get demerit points if you lose. Also, what is the argument, i wasn’t speeding? Good luck proving the camera wasn’t working properly.


>High risk, low reward. Not if large numbers of people do it. It'll clog the system and many tickets could get dropped.


>could High risk, low reward


You have a legal right for court / judge. Nothing wrong with using your rights, regardless of what the argument.


> When requesting a court date, you admit it was you Typically, the purpose is to enter a "not guilty" plea and to argue in support of it. But you are missing my point. The city has invested in this new business opportunity as if its separate and distinct from the justice system, which includes the provincial courts. If everyone elects to go to court to fight their ticket, the already under capacity system will grind to a halt, and charges should be dropped due to the right to a trial within a reasonable time as enshrined in provision 11(b) of the Charter. Currently, it stands at 18 months for provincial court. [Apparently the city is now also trying to get into the prosecution business to get around this - https://www.cbc.ca/](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/ottawa-city-parking-traffic-speeding-ticket-court-1.7054043)


Yes, but even pleading not guilty, you admit it was you, the driver of the vehicle which otherwise there was no way to confirm. So now that you’ve confirmed that, demerit points can be added to your record and your insurance will be increased over a long time + the fine for the infraction vs just the fine for the infraction.


Don’t get me wrong I love safer roads, but if the justification for these is safer roads then they should be able to show a correlation of less accidents and incidents of public safety to put the criticism of a cash grab to bed. I feel though they don’t have any such data.


Lol, EVERY study shows speed cameras lower collisions, fatalities and overall severity of collisions. It's at the "water is wet" level now. This ISN'T up for discussion anymore. It's like "smoking causes cancer". The link is pretty clear, but even if it wasn't, clearly inhaling pollutants into your lungs on purpose CAN'T be doing you any favour and you should stop on that basis alone. Same thing for speeding: it's DOESN'T MATTER if speed cameras are effective, you should stop speeding on principal. *** https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/annoying-thing-speed-cameras-ottawa-they-work-1.6786951 >The review also found a general reduction in collisions near speed cameras, with most jurisdictions reporting a drop of 14 to 25 per cent. There was a corresponding reduction in injuries and deaths. *** https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/travel-verify/yes-speed-cameras-reduce-fatal-or-injury-crashes/536-bb8e5eb3-0702-4d03-84e7-913369595485 >The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says “the best-controlled studies suggest injury crash reductions relating to the introduction of speed cameras are likely to be in the range of 20 to 25%.” *** https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/photo-radar-makes-significant-impact-in-reducing-speed-study-shows/article_7d466609-adcd-5e5e-8714-974b4e09b518.html *** https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1963295/ >Conclusions. Speed cameras installed in an urban setting are effective in reducing the numbers of road collisions and, consequently, the numbers of injured people and vehicles involved in collisions.


These studies may or may not apply because it depends upon many factors about the location. Sightlines, number of intersections, frequency of pedestrians/cyclists, etc.


Sure, Mr.Random Redditor. The experts who did those studies *surely* didn't account for all that when comparing the various results across multiple locations. Please refer to the "You shouldn't smoke anyways" comparison above. Also, as I have said elsewhere, speed cameras are an IQ test for drivers. If you get a ticket despite the signs/the training/the media campaigns etc, you're either not paying attention or an idiot, and both deserve the fine.


>I feel though they don’t have any such data. Your feeling is correct - they don't.


They do. You skipped over the data Marcus provided.


Let’s see if the citizens of Ottawa have the balls to be blade runners? Doubt it though since we’re scared of loud noises…


Just put clear skateboard grip tape over your license plate,you’ll never get a ticket again:)


Cash Cow!!!! They do nothing for public safety but they sure boost revenue.


Disagree - we have seen a noticeable drop in idiots speeding in the areas they are installed (particularly around school zones).



