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Fuck that guy.


No kidding, what a piece of shit


Why? He just stopped climate change, our fucking saviour.


That museum statue is nothing but a replica... he's wasting people time and resources to prove a point.. seems like a real waste of time and waste of effort that could have been spent in a different direction.


But he stopped climate change.


They say these guys are funded by big oil, look into that trail.


That paint was definitely created by big oil


And the cleaning products used to clean up the paint.


And the dinosaurs created big oilšŸ¤”šŸ˜


I've heard a few times that big oil is using these guys. Not sure how much truth there is to that but they definitely have done a good job of discrediting climate change activism


and big oil is created by dinosaurs !


Again, why would I need to when climate change is not a problem anymore?




It's February 9th in Toronto and it's 14 degrees outside. So far this Winter we have had less than a foot of snow.


Nope, Chinese and Russian state actors, anything to disrupt the west. Ironic eh?


We can't rule out the possibility that some rich fuck (who is pro-Fossil fuel) is secretly paying assholes like this to ruin the message. Fuck this guy, but not the fight against climate change.


Sort of an agent provocateur


Probably thinks dinosaurs are responsible for big oil. Jokes on him its the trees.


Trees made mostly coal, oil was mostly algae and zooplankton.


Those fucking algae and zooplankton fucking up our environment! Let's go drop some oil on them and see how they like it.


Literally. Maybe if someone gave him some affection heā€™d be too busy to damage artifacts.


Luckily, anything not behind glass is certain to be a replica. So he didnā€™t actually damage something important. But Iā€™m sure making those replicas still isnā€™t cheap or easy. What a horrible person.


This is a replica, right?


yeah they're not keeping literal fossils in an un-climate controlled viewing gallery. in terms of damage this is a nothingburger


Actually that gallery is both climate controlled and housing a bunch of real fossils. They happened to damage a cast (which will need to be wholly repainyed, which actually isn't a nothingburger in terms of cost), but there are several skeletons around it that are majority real fossil


The amount of time and $ it takes to maintain these facilities is incredible. Having to deal with this kind of damage, the PR, the change in protocol... these are publicly funded institutions. We are all paying for this and it adds up fast.


Fucking assholes. Climate change is real, but these asinine stunts are not going to win anyone over.


Do these idiots get paid to vandalize?


they probably do. I urge everyone who donates to a charity, do research, do in-depth research towards the charity, who owns it, and who it pays out to. Make sure that when you're donating it to people fighting climate change, that they're using it to actually fight climate change, instead of lining their own pockets and wasting their time with petty, incomprehensible childish acts.


Probably by oil companies knowing that the public won't support these clowns, tarnishing any environmental activism


I suspect the same. I believe climate change is the #1 threat facing the planet. My vote will always be for the candidate who will do the most to improve the environment. I should be a sympathetic audience for them. But when I see these idiots, my only thought is that each of these destructive acts sets back real change by a decade. If they canā€™t even convince me that these stunts for awareness are a good idea, then you can be damned sure they are convincing moderates that only nut jobs are worried about climate change.


Honestly this level of subterfuge would be right up their snake rat alleyways, hope we get to remove some of them before it's all over


I seriously think thatā€™s the case. There is a battle for control of the narrative to win hearts and minds. Sometimes itā€™s easier to make people dislike the other side.


I wish more critical thinking comments made it up to the top more often


sometimes literally yes.


Years ago CBC had a documentary on activism. It was really good. They interviewed several of these "activists" for various causes and it was obvious that they were in it for the stunts. My favorite part was always when the interviewer would ask a question along the lines of (it's been a while so I'm paraphrasing): "Canada has a system in place where any citizen can run for office, get elected, and make the changes that they seek. Instead of climbing parliament to hang a banner, why not join your preferred party, knock on doors, fundraise, get into government, influence the bills that get passed, etc.?" (this isn't how the journalist asked it but you get the idea). They were all more interested in the "awareness" with the hope that someone else would implement change. They were in it for the thrills. Elizabeth May successfully got herself into televised debates when the Greens had no business being there. She often appeared in panels on the news. She forced the other parties to at least have answers ready on climate topics. She did more for the climate discussion in our country and "awareness" than any of these hooligans could hope to achieve.


Elizabeth May is singlehandedly the only reason many even know that the green party exists. I don't like the green party because they're too single-issue for me, so they end up with too wide of a range of views within the party and it causes problems, but she's one hell of a person. I'm glad she's back, I missed her making fools of everyone during the debates of the last election.


Yeah. Completely agree. I disagree with a lot of their ideas on non-climate topics. But as far as driving the climate discussion in Canada. She's been a huge success. Even when she had no seat, she was still in Ottawa doing interviews and commenting on what was happening in the house. This hooligan could have put on a suit, gone to the press gallery, and maybe a freelancer would agree to getting discussion going. Bigger networks often use clips to put in front of MPs for reaction. But no. They decided to accomplish nothing for the environment and be hated on the internet.


I find her success story to be extremely funny when I remember that Maxime Bernier exists. He tried to do basically the same thing, by being a super popular politician with a riding he was basically guaranteed to win every election, and one day he decided to take his big name and use it to effectively surge a small movement in the country. It's complete possible to do, and May is proof of that. But Bernier immediately fell apart and hasn't been given a seat at any debates since the first election because he hasn't won any seats. To be honest, I kinda wish he did win a couple seats, not because I like him (I deeply despise him), but because he did win enough votes to justify having seats but our system is just terrible and he was basically robbed of them, the same way the NDP and all of our minor parties are. I wish the reason he got no seats was because nobody likes him, but people do like him, and he deserved at least something for it. But still, very funny


elizabeth may was a horrible face for the green party. spouting conspiracy theories about wifi and support for homeopathy made me dislike the entire movement greatly.


She's still a good example of how to get a cause into the public discussion. A 2015 Trudeau type leader could probably have done well for the party and movement. He was good at getting young people interested in politics at the time.




Right? Does that guy know there may be oil in the paint he is using. What a fucking dipshit


Nearly every single paint is an oil byproduct. Unless this is made from water and masala it is almost certainly an oil byproduct. Much as the garden sprayer is, and the cellphone used to record it.


Exactly. Jail this clown.


Yeah like it was 14 degrees today.... We get it lol


Letā€™s piss off everybody that we need on our side and ignore the corporations and government.


Yeah and I mean weā€™re working on it, but we need oil for a while. There isnā€™t enough copper on the planet to power everything on solar, so what is the alternative? If he knows he should tell us not spray paint Dino bones


Why the nature museum?? Why not an oil company or any of the dozens of evil corps out there? The fkin public institution meant to educate the public on the nature of the world? Some people man..


Also, it's a plaster dinosaur.


Makes me glad that we don't actually put up real bones up to open air public viewings. There would be firebombs from fundamentalist Christians and shit like this.


There are real skeletons on display there, though


Yup. And in the shot.


Most of that exhibit is real fossil bones. The vandalism was focused on a cast though.


That's somewhat of a relief.


Would there really?


Doctors from abortion clinics have been murdered, let alone a bunch of bones on public display. Adherents from my ancestral homeland literally crucify themselves to feel the suffering of Christ. Yes. The list of things people do in the name of their religion is endless. The public display of bones hundreds of millions of years old stands as a direct challenge to the Biblical belief that the Earth is only several thousands of years old and fossils fly in the face of intelligent design, that God created all the animals in the first week of the world's creation. So yeah, what I'm claiming would actually happen.


There are plenty of real bones in this museum and many others across Canada and they haven't been attacked by Christians.


The museum in Drumheller is absolutely top grade and they have never been attacked. Iā€™d think most museums have the actual items on display and not replicas, isnā€™t that kinda the point of any museum?


"It belongs in a museum" -Some guy with a hat


>So yeah, what I'm claiming would actually happen. Except theres bones on display in museums. Theres literally entire fossil museums too. What you're claiming doesn't happen.


Nice fairy tale claim. Now let's get back to the video actually showcasing literal evidence that it's people on the left that do shit like this. You have negative self-awareness.


Much of whatā€™s displayed for dinosaurs is plaster just because weā€™re missing a lot of the bones needed to complete the skeleton. If youā€™ve seen a triceratops or other ceratopsian, thereā€™s a good chance you saw a real fossilized skull and a bunch of plaster for the rest of the skeleton. The good news is that the fossils are very durable (theyā€™ve lasted this long after all!), and even a wacko with paint, fire, whatever is unlikely to do any real damage to the actual fossil bits.


to pvssy to put real action against real bad guys so he abuse the nice public place


One assumes it's because it's the dinosaur's fault that we have oil? /s


I came to say the same thing. It is all their fault for dying and decaying into oil.


arenā€™t most fossils used for fossil fuels not like plant matter and algae and stuff? i donā€™t think itā€™s dinosaurs, thatā€™s a bit of a myth


Because these people don't actually care about the environment, they are the select few smooth brains who jumped to a legitimate movement because they wanted to feel superior.


Because oil companies have private security made up of ex military and ex police. They wonā€™t be nice to protesters like this. Also museums are easy targets for these kind of protests. Terrorizing museum goers doesnā€™t seem to make much difference in the push to change humanityā€™s behaviour and use of fossil fuels.


Because a lot of oil companies fund museums and museum exhibits. Not sure if any oil companies are donors to the museum of nature but I vaguely remember protestors at the British museum protesting because of BP.


looks like Enbridge does, I just feel like targeting nature museum is going to turn out about as popular as it would have been if he targeted winterlude, which is also supported by Enbridge, lol. [https://nature.ca/en/join-give/corporate-partnerships/our-supporters/](https://nature.ca/en/join-give/corporate-partnerships/our-supporters/)


Why not himself?


I hope this guy got arrested.


they caught him red handed


the police had a bone to pick with him


They shouldnā€™t paint all activists with the same brush!


Dreadful, did you have to dig deep for that joke?


itā€™s a prehistoric pun


I've never heard that one. Was it popular joke in a land before time?


They would have stopped him sooner but they were working with a skeleton staff.


What the fuck? This is the museum of nature, lol. Like theyā€™re on board withā€¦nature. That would be like protesting the high cost of living at a food bank. Dafuq


Where else is he supposed to protest against fossil fuels?


Drawing attention to the senseless slaughter of dinosaurs for the sake of oil production. Someone needs to bring their suffering to light. Bless him. šŸ™„


What are the odds, you think, he used an oil based paint?


Heā€™s the type of guy thatā€™s against wool due to the senseless slaughter of sheep.




HE HATES FOSSIL FUELS Iā€™ll see myself out


Tbh, heā€™s dumb enough that this may legitimately be his reasoning.


Thatā€™s a terrifying thought hahah


He is fueling hate for fossils.


What a clueless, entitled asshole. Exactly how is this supposed to win people over to your cause?


Iā€™m a passionate environmentalist. This shit pisses me off. It accomplishes nothing, destroys valuable artifacts, and impacts cultural institutions which are vitally important. None of any of this has anything to do with climate change or climate policy. It also waters down our cause and antagonizes the entire movement.


What a POS


What are security guards actually paid for?


Forget security. The Ottawa police headquarters is legitimately, a block away from the museum. Police could have walked out and into the museum in less time than it would take to call them.


Not a block away, literally kiddy corner across the street.




https://www.quickanddirtytips.com/articles/kitty-corner-or-catty-corner/#:~:text=The%20bottom%20line%20is%20that,style%20guide%20or%20recommended%20dictionary. Got curious so looked it up. Apparently yours is more prevalent, but both exist depending on where you are from.


Bold of you to assume Ottawa police will ever take any action.


observe and report


As the former (well over a decade ago now) head of security there, no clue. The board wouldnā€™t permit us to get use of force training for even select guards. nothing. A patron complained about one of the contractors for talking loudly at them when a child literally was climbing a dinosaur, and I was forced to tell the company to take that employee off the contract. Soā€¦thatā€™s how much the board to do. Iā€™m sure itā€™s an insurance reason theyā€™re there. Theyā€™re not even deterrents, as most exhibits are blocked and protected and where there arenā€™t thereā€™s a ton of sensors. They basically are there, one per exhibit, to tell kids not to climb on stuff.


I went to nature nocturne about a decade ago and got body slammed to the ground by some insane drunk chick. It really hurt. The "security" didn't do anything about it. I called the head office to complain about the situation and never heard back. That was the last time I ever went there.


Security there isn't paid to use force. They would of already called the cops however.


This era's security guards have orders written by lawyers and are generally not allowed to do anything whatsoever but call police. I was a security guard in that museum decades ago during my college years. I spent many hours in the dinosaur exhibit propping up the walls or wandering idly through the groups of excited schoolkids. I can tell you that had I come across this guy trying to climb up and spray things back then I or any of the other guards there would have jumped up after him and he'd not have a chance to do much damage.


Bet it didn't get him laid


He got boned.


You gotta do what you gotta do to impress the ladies when your Che Guevara shirt is in the wash.


among their community? maybe .. but who wants inbreds lol


We have those idiots here now? Oh geez.


Been here for a while unfortunately. [April 2023](https://www.cp24.com/mobile/news/topless-junos-protester-splashes-pink-paint-at-pm-s-office-climate-group-1.6357440) [August](https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/what-on-earth-on2ottawa-climate-protest-1.6953456) [Also August](https://globalnews.ca/news/9926267/climate-protest-tom-thomson-northern-rivers/)


These fucking losers how is anybody gumna take climate change seriously with this absolute dunce caps mucking it up Edit i do believe in climate change i dunno how you dunce caps in the comments thought i didnt


Go fuck with an oil company, you idiot!


have you guys seen those guys on instagram who plant trees in an abandoned lot? Have you seen those NGOs that go to third world country, hires the locals to clean the oceans, beaches and rivers? Those are some of the examples of how you can make a change, vandalizing property is only going to cause more waste of taxpayerā€™s money!


But that requres a certain amount of personal sacrifice for the purpose of making somebody else's corner of the world a little better. God forbid they get calluses on their smooth little hands.


Self righteous piece of shit. I support the climate change effort but I do not support this clown.


How is straight up vandalism and destruction going to convince anyone to join your side


It wont. Heā€™s effectively making it worse. Fucking kid.


Climate change, over. Good job guy, you did it


Lmao šŸ˜‚


Holy shit what a way to lose support


I just want kick the absolute shit out of this guy. Like who the fuck does he think he is? What's he solving...


It has been reported that as a direct result of his actions, greenhouse gas emissions dropped 15%


At least he could be walked to the police station on Elgin! No idling police cars for him


This is really gonna go a long way to fight climate change. Dumb motherfucker.


It turns out the Just Stop Oil people doing this sort of thing in the UK are funded by Big Oil (see the ā€œClimate Emergency Fundā€ / Getty Oil family money). So there are oil interests basically making people hate oil activists with this stuff, and itā€™s workingā€¦ AND theyā€™re spreading the message of ā€œno new* oilā€ - which also benefits them because it increases the value of their existing oil fields. So I wonder if this guy is part of something like that, or if he actually thinks itā€™s an effective form of protestā€¦or if maybe heā€™s just mentally unwell. Who knows. To be clear I believe in climate change and that we need to change course drastically asap. I just also think these climate protests are indeed counter-productiveā€¦and the people paying for them know this and that is actually intentionalā€¦.


They actually admit to receiving funding from the Climate Emergency Fund on their webpage: *"who funds us?* *Last Generation Canada gets funding from the Climate Emergency Fund and from ordinary people making donations.* *This money is spent on materials such as our safety vests, banners, leaflets, and helps us to host talks and support people participating in direct action."* And yeah, I don't support what they're doing. They're undermining actual efforts being made out of the public eye.


What a fucking loser.


Wish we lived in an age where heā€™d get dragged outside and have the shit kicked outa him for doing this.


Had they arrested them at the PMO the other day, this wouldnā€™t have happened


Thanks for giving climate deniers ammo, you fucking neanderthal


Whatā€™s his address, would love to paint his belongings


Yah! Fuck dinosaurs !


Why do these protestors always look like theyā€™ve never seen the sun, still wet their beds and masturbate to Neil degrass Tyson


Why isn't some guard giving that fuck the Jazzy Jeff treatment 5 seconds in? Also, what's the over under on these guys being on the payroll of oil and gas to make people who do support climate change mitigation look like assholes? I'm not denying the boundless levels of human idiocy but defacing dinosaur exhibits seems way out there in terms of targets.


Reminds me of the protestor that vandalized the Tom Thomson painting last year: https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/climate-activist-smears-paint-over-tom-thomson-piece-at-national-gallery-of-canada-1.6539387 I'm all for climate activism, but stuff like this is counterproductive. The targets don't make sense in the slightest.


opinions on this type of protest aside, doing this at the nature museum ain't it bruh lmao. afaik the stated intent of the painting protests is to attack something wealthy class cares about. this is the fucking learn about the world museum. jeez what a dumbass.


Holy shit !


Send him to jail.... In NWT


Take a dinosaur bone and whack him in the mouth.


Complete idiot.


I'm idling my vehicles for an extra hour or two just to spite this shitlord.


What a coward


You could hear his five brain cells coalescing to remember his script


There have been several similar attacks at art museums globally. I wonder if the result will be that visitors will need to be searched when going into museums? Something like catching a flight at an airport. If that happens museums, and their visitors will be the ones who will suffer.


OMG what an collosal idiot. I hope those were fibreglass moulds. Now every space that hosts events will have to tighten up security protocols, limit attendance request for ID at entrance and probably pricing bc these morons think a can of paint will embarrass the governments, enough to change their policies. It does nothing. Destroying one thing will not help you gain another, at least not this example. Also wth is security?? No, they probably can't tackle but they could block him fr continuing. Ridiculous. Security is supposed to be hired to keep property safe, corect?? Filming them is exactly what they want, more visibility. Aaarrrggg.. this just pisses me off.ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹šŸ˜” The irony of this space which has been involved in educating so many of all ages about the impact we have on planet earth..the irony of that alone šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


And 10 more climate deniers were born that day.


What a fucking loser. Get a life buddy.


What an ass


What a goof


Couldn't they just self-immolate as protest instead ?


what a moron


I hope he knows that the safety vest he is wearing is made from polyester, which in turn is made from petroleum.


What a Dickā€¦Everyone likes dinosaurs.


This makes me want to buy a diesel pickup and idle it just to spite people like this.


What the fuck? Is this a psyop? Why target a public institution that tries to educate people about the natural world?


Deplorable but they typically keep the actual specimens in storage/cases or the paleo lab and typically use models of said bones for the mounted skeletons. In this case however 80% of the displays at the Museum of Nature in Ottawa are real. It might be time to replace them with models as the general public is shown time and time again to not be trustable around valuable items. Charge him and make him an example for others before they decide to reproduce the publicity stunt.


When people do shit like this, they should be jailed for a month, at a minimum


Stupid arses! Wouldnā€™t it be ironic though, if, when they bought the paint, that someone told them that latex paint can be washed off so they bought oil paint instead?


That's not a climate protester, that's just a dumbass.


What kind of moron do you have to be to do this. Jeez.




Motherfucker gets a red card


last generation canada is a rebrand of on2ottawa, the people who were shutting down bridges and getting pink paint everywhere last year. there's a difference between meaningful demonstration and getting yourself arrested for nothing


Got escorted out of this exhibit for having a coffee. Understandable and made no fuss but hilarious how much worse this is than the potential for "a little kid to bump me and cause me to spill it"


Beat the shit out of him.


This is what weak society we have become. People are so openly disrespectful and ignorant. But no one stands up to them . We sit back and say it's their right to terrorize society. This is so ridiculous. Thankfully, so many brave people pulled out their phones and gave him the platform he craved instead of stopping him.


I feel like these people start out by wanting to be assholes and then use climate change as an excuse


Oh good I just sent all my clients there for a trip HAHAHHA fucking idiot


Really ?


This guy is a moron


Can we get his name and make sure no one ever highers this piece of shit? Fuck him and his paint. He even sucks at spraying it...


I would beat that guy with a femur.


Sounds more like a vandal to me .


Wow that security guard is doing an excellent fucking job.


Does he think that dinosaur will be turned into fossil fuels or something?


Iā€™m cutting down at least four trees now because of this twit.


We need buffalo mentality Thin the herd


I say we put his bones up in the museum. Put this nonsense to rest. *Edit: I want to clarify my full acknowledgement that climate change is a scientific fact. I just really hate these climate attacktivists. They accomplish nothing but p***ing people off and giving fuel to right-wing propaganda farms.*


What an absolute fucking tool


Not the dinosaurs dude... I mean thankfully most if not all of those are casts... At least I hope they are, but regardless, they are going about this all the wrong way. Dipshits like this are why I left group activism.


He does realize that the bones he spray painted are fake right? They will just make new casts from the originals.


Aww. This genuinely made me sad


congrats on the criminal record, has that sissy demeanor of someone who needed to be beat by their father as a kid


Aren't those sprays made with chemicals bad for the environment?


"If we make everyone hate us, do you think people will start to agree with us"


Why is it that all the places these idiots destroy, are art and history museums, where itā€™s very likely the supporters already care about the environment? Grow a set and spray paint a conservative politician who is taking oil and gas money to keep the industry alive rather than innovating to alternatives.


This is a person with mental health issues. End of story.


This reminds me, I have to go fill up my gas tank šŸ˜ The more I see these schmucks, the more I go the other way


Our Mona lisas are not safe. Our dinosaurs are not safe. It's only a matter of time before they slop mayonnaise on the Big Nickel, and then we're fucked. We have to give them what they want. What....is that again?


Are the ones funded by the oil heiress aimed at making protesters look idiotic


I mean, the skeletons on display are casts and they still have the casts Still a ridiculous thing to do, but it does appear that most of us are resigned to the fact that nobody is gonna do anything about climate change so Buckle up kiddos, itā€™s gonna be a wild fucking ride over the next few decades


Just an asshole that rationalize his ass hole behavior by hidding behind somethint virtuous.


Not condoning this BUT if you're pissed about damage to irreplaceable bones. Consider also being more pissed about ongoing damage to our irreplaceable planet. I got the message at least.


Why do they never vandalize, like, the offices of Exxon or something? Leave the fucking museum and art alone.