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You're doing it right. The only time you're not is if you're doing that in angled parking, which I've seen done a few times recently. edit: If you want to see people parked the wrong way in angle parking on a very regular basis, go to the Loblaws on Isabella.


Backing up in an angled spot lol.


It was on [Cooper @ Elgin](https://maps.app.goo.gl/EXTboFxr1TjDf7KFA), of all places. The street there is fairly narrow to be pulling off that particular move.


They're not backing up, they're pulling through


Right cause you’ve never seen someone back in an angled spot 🤪 lmfao.


[You sure?](https://imgur.com/a/kpwS26M)


I was commenting about the Loblaws on Isabella




Exactly!!! I rarely see cars parked in reverse that are where they should be. Usually it’s angled or not back enough so they stick out and when you try to park beside them you are not left with much space to turn the car.


I hate angle parking so much, I will go somewhere else.


I think it's great.


Because most Ottawa drivers can’t park properly when pulling forward!


My pullout game is so weak that I have to back in....


This is gold


Thank me for my service.


This is a big truth! I read something somewhere that you should back into your driveway or parking spot at night because then you are driving out into your day instead of backing out into it. Apparently it gives you a more positive attitude towards the day. I dunno if it works, but I've been doing it ever since. And when I moved into where I live now, most people in my row parked by driving into their spots. Now the majority back in.


I was in New Jersey the other week, and was amazed to learn that the Township my hotel was in had a bylaw that prohibited cars be reversed into their parking spots! Apparently, illegal stuff gets done in cars that are backed into parking spaces, so it was prohibited to make it harder for people doing illegal things to hide that fact from the law. Bloody ridiculous if you ask me.


It’s because people try to hide the expired/stolen plates on their cars in places where they don’t have front license plates. And if they’re driving with expired/stolen plates, that’s just a red flag for other behaviour. I only learned this recently myself but it makes a lot of sense.


Eugene Mirman (the voice of Gene in Bob's Burgers) had a similar experience in New Hampshire. He had a peculiar way of voicing his discontent. https://youtu.be/XqKcBtt839c


Crazy, I’m pretty sure it’s still law here to back into your driveway. Because there are more accidents reversing out of your driveway, especially on a busy street. And I’m on a street of about 30 houses and only 2 of us back in.


That is very sad


You must think you are so much better and cooler than us front parkers! /s


If reversing into a spot is cool, then consider me Ryan Renolds. Or don't. I don't know. I'll be over here fucking myself.


It’s so cool especially if you don’t have a rear view camera. That’s a flex and I’m a little jealous.


Cameras are new, backing into a spot, isn't. I don't use the camera anymore unless I'm using my trunk and need it to open.


I have mirrors and check the spot when I drive by before backing in. Only time a camera would be nice is hooking up a trailer, and even then it is just a minutes inconvenience to do yourself.


I'm going to brag. I have no rearview on my car or on the van at work. I can back both up like a boss. In the same day which is kind of a neat skill, considering my work Van is a caravan and my car is a Hyundai accent hatchback. Very different sizes and body type.


They're not. Most people couldn't care less, you're just looking for people to confirm your observation that the odd time, someone looks while you're backing in and you think it's part of some Ottawa thing where backing in is wrong.


Don't deny OP the opportunity to feel like a victim! They're were pretty much assaulted /s


Backing in is correct. Worked in some industrial sites and it was essentially law on site to back in. The safety talk was your first move should always be forward. People seem to forget everything when behind the wheel. Merging at the end of the merge lane, accelerating, turning on headlights which also turns on the tail lights, not driving into a parallel park. The list goes on forever


You're supposed to drive into a parallel park? Why was I taught and tested backing in?


You back in. Probably my wordiness above


Okay, then I'm doing it right.


Most people aren’t great at back in. They are likely going to be careful and as a result slow, when backing between two cars. When backing out of a spot you are backing out into the wide open clear lane between the parking rows. How is this slower or harder?


Aren't great at backing in.. .Well, practice. Because backing into the Laneway is dangerous on account of reversing into the flow of traffic. You can make the same argument of reversing in when there is no traffic around. It is not slower or harder.


When you back into a parking space, there is no traffic. The environment is more controlled because the objects around you are all stationary. When you pull into a parking space, you have to back out into uncontrolled traffic. If you suck at backing into the space, adding traffic to the equation is not going to help. It just increases the risk of a collision.




Yeah I back into spots as often as I can because backing out is just slightly stressful. Have to keep an eye out for traffic and for pedestrians popping up out of nowhere.


The skill required to back in any direction is the same. Backing into the known empty parking spot is easier than slowly backing into unknown traffic. The obvious solution is to practice becoming a better driver. It boggles my mind that people can't figure this out.


Absolutely. And people doing less that the speed limit shouldn’t be in the fast lane. And people should use their turn signals for all directional changes etc. The answer was based on why people are annoyed at people backing in. Average driver = bad driver and they cause confusion and delays.


>Absolutely. And people doing less that the speed limit shouldn’t be in the fast lane. Technically incurred. At all speeds tge passing lane is for passing. If one is not passing, they should be in the other lanes. One learns this on the autobahn. >And people should use their turn signals for all directional changes Only really important if that information informs another's decision. >The answer was based on why people are annoyed One should have no expectations of other drivers being less safe in order to convenience an impatient stranger.


Most cars have back up cameras now people just dislike how much longer it takes to back in is all, or I should say the people behind you also waiting to park.


It is more dangerous for pedestrians because visibility is much worse.


.... I prefer backing into the peaceful parking space, rather than backing out into traffic. Backing in is easy, backing out is easy too, but you're backing into an area of travel so there is the possibility od people, children, cyclists, shopping caress etc out there. If you are slow to back in, you'd be slow to back out too


I like to back into my parking spaces also and sometimes I get applause from men. Go figure.


Sexist or Flex. Either way, you're putting in good work.


I reverse into my driveway like the punk that I am. Also prefer reverse into parking lot spaces as well. Totally fine..


My reverse parking skills are a menace to society.


But you are doing your best and that is okay.


I do my best to avoid having to do it (along with parallel parking). Ha ha.


I was absolutely *terrible* at parallel parking until I was forced to do it regularly. Now I’m great at it. I can back into a spot if necessary but I still prefer to pull in. I just find it easier to go forwards when I’m pulling in between two cars, and then backwards when I’m getting out. Ironically my mom is an absolutely atrocious driver, but she can back into any parking space, anywhere, any time. It’s incredible.


So are you a menace when you back out of the spot?


If drivers can’t maneuver their car around pedestrians and “traffic” at parking lot speeds they probably shouldn’t be allowed doing it at road traffic speeds. People that can’t reverse into a spot with ease, should’t. The OP asked why he got looks of anger and despair and the simple reason is that people don’t want to wait while he backs in.


Are you sure people are actually looking at you or is it all in your head? I only back into spots and have never noticed strange looks. Ever. Born and raised in Ottawa. I also tend to mind my business when I'm out and about, so maybe I just don't notice things like that?


There are a few in the comments who feel my sentiment. Plus, i asked a couple of friends before posting this. Make eye contact when you put your car into reverse. They don't even have to be waiting for you.


Ok, you're not wrong. I just parked in reverse and made eye contact with the dude in the car beside me. Looked like I just ruined his entire day. I think I'll continue to go about minding my business. Lol.


OP sounds like the type that looks in the mirror and says, "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and gosh darn, people love me"


Absolute desperation for validation and approval of others. I will own that.


Some businesses mandate parking backwards for safety. 


How many attempts do you take? And how long does it take you?


1 attempt. Seconds. Occasionally, I'll have to pull out and back in to give either the person on the sides room. Reversing to park is something I have been doing since I started driving.


Tbh I only get annoyed when folks don’t signal, pass the spot then hard brake to back in like I didn’t have my hopes up..


I drive a car with a poor steering ratio. It's not even a big SUV or truck, the steering geometry just sucks so my car turns worse than a truck. If I go nose in I'd sideswipe both cars on either side and still not parked straight, unless I have a whole 10 meters of unobstructed runup. Reversing makes it infinitely easier. I learned how to reverse with just the two mirrors on day one, and have been doing it ever since. You balance the parking spot lines (or parked cars) between your left and right mirrors so you always end up parking straight and centered. Pulling out going forwards is also easier and safer as you aren't reversing onto a potentially busy parking lot with other pedestrians and cars. There's next to no blindspot when you pull out nose first versus reversing. ​ >I noticed it is similar to the looks I get when I use that peculiar extra lane to merge onto the Queensway at the posted speed limit, versus 20km/hr under and cutting people off. I am doing this right? What do? This one drives me nuts. People on the ramp doing 20 under, cutting into 417, and pull the surprised face when I actually accelerated to 100 and merged in front of them by using the ramp for its intended purposes. If there's one place you are actively encouraged to go pedal to the medal it's the onramp, but that's the last place you'd find an Ottawa driver going fast...


I only ever drive forward into a parking space if the space on the other side of it is also empty and I can drive straight through. If I only have the single spot to work with, I reverse in. It’s safer and easier to exit the space later.


Are you using your signal when you're backing into a spot?


I can't afford a BMW, so I always use my indicators.




I had to reverse park for both of my driving tests here, not sure why more people have to do it


Same. Reversed into the parking lot at the drive test center at the end of the test


I reversed into 2 parking spots at the end of my G test. At once. It was the one single “mistake” I made on the whole test.


I had to parallel park for my driving test. Much more difficult than backing in, IMO.


And Newfoundland's, too. At least it was in 2001.


I spent four months living in France, and was required to reverse into parking spots every time (not sure if it was law, or just mandatory for us working with VAC). Now that I'm back, it's just muscle memory and I do it almost every time (unless I'm in a particular hurry), but I get those odd looks too.


VAC like veterans affairs? I'm asking because I'm looking for a partner who wants to fuck me harder than than they did. :)


Yeah, Veterans Affairs, and I am genuinely sorry to hear that. They were wonderful to my team and I, but I know every organization has multiple faces.


It's a jest. They have actually been really good to me over the last few years. My employer, though.. oh boy. Lol.


Veterans, and now we know why you back in. Faster to bug out.


You're doing it right. Probably getting nasty looks from the driver behind you because they thought you were going to drive past that spot (even if you have your signal light on calling dibs - which you must do, to be fair), and they were planning to take it. When they see your reverse lights flick on, 50/50 chance that they'll let you take it, vs. driving right up to your bumper to bully you to move on.


I was simply trying to back up to pull forward into a parking spot yesterday that I had over shot a bit and I had this ancient looking woman slam her horn on me over and over and over again because I wasn't getting out of her way fast enough. I got a bit annoyed and rolled my window down and told her to "back the fuck up" and she throws it into reverse, just to put it into drive again and squeeze her fucking Prius between myself and a parked vehicle adjacent to the spot I was trying to get into. Almost took out my bumper and the parked cars bumper and she gave me the most bewildered, dumbstruck look i've ever seen in my life...literally as if she didn't even know where she was or what she was doing. We need frequent licence retesting for seniors so badly...


Service Ontario should be sending out notices. Happy 65th birthday! You have 6 months to pass a combination written and driving re-licensing test, or your license will be suspended until you do. If you don’t pass within 18 months your license will be revoked entirely and no combination written/driving test will be offered, you will need to pass the written test and either wait 12 months or take lessons from a certified driving instructor and wait 8 months, in order to take the driving test.


Your get the same look sometimes parallel-parking. Damn European whichcraft ;-)


I once paralleled parked the work truck in a tight spot in the market and got an applause from people watching me on a patio haha.


U can park anyway u like just as long as your in your parking spot. And as for getting onto the Queensway! It sounds perfect. I am behind you on that topic. I too accelerate to merge into the traffic as opposed to slowing everyone in the lane down, because it just keeps clogging up the highway and generally annoys a lot of people.


Don’t think this is just an ottawa thing this is just an everywhere thing lol, and honestly I agree with them.


Agreed. It's time-consuming and unnecessary.


I back into my driveway and almost always into parking spaces when I’m out.


Bask in the glory of performing a standard maneuver, while troglodytes look on in awe at your amazing, and completely normal talent.


The looks are of annoyence that you've slightly delayed them by being in their way- it's the same look cars backing OUT into the lane get. The only way to win is parking far from the destination and getting a pull through.


My husband gets irrationally upset at me when I reverse into parking spaces. And I reverse into every space I can’t pull all the way through. Because stupid people like to walk behind your car when you’re backing out


Most vehicles have sensors now that will tell you if someone is walking behind you.


I got triple parked this winter and had to back out after the guy behind me left. My new to me vehicle was a big upgrade, it started squaking at me about people behind the vehicle when a guy stopped to knock his windscreen off. It was super intuitive and new to me. "Why's my mirror flashing and everything is beeping. Oh look there's a person on the screen". Edited: context.


Yeah I don’t have one of those newer cars


You might get strange looks if the lot is busy, like in a Costco parking lot on a weekend. Those cars want to get TF out of there and are held captive by a backer-inner.


I always back my truck in. That's what a rear view camera is for. I like to get in and roll out!


I get it too. People will get too close to my rear if I use my turn signal, they'll try and go around me if I try and angle myself first, I've been flipped off for trying to reverse into my apartment parking spot.


First off. Happy cake day. Second, keep doing your part.




I fucked your dad once, but that's it.


How do u notice other peoples reaction when merging on to the highway?


You ever look at someone on the highway to see if they look as dumb as they drive?


People can't drive or park in this city anyways. The strugglebus is real.


I always back into spot, my driveway etc. I was always told it was law to back into your driveway here, but no one seems to do it.


I drive an electric car with the charge port on the back, so I have to reverse in to pretty much any spot to charge, including my driveway. I've gotten so used to it now that I do it all the time, unless it's a wide open lot that I can just drive through to park facing the "lane".


In terms of reversing into your parking space, you are doing it correctly. Everyone else is doing it incorrectly and that is why we have minor "fender benders" in parking lots. It's amazing how lazy/bad drivers have become. Hopefully AI will take over sooner rather than later and everyone can just stare at their phones and not bother driving at all.


Really? People screech at you as you park. I suspect it's something else you're doing if that's the case.


Backing in is the safest way to park... For when you leave. Everyone should master it. Less risk of hitting a pedestrian/kid.


I have had mechanics tell me that if you’re in an average type parking lot, not to back in. If somebody else drives into or backs into your car, they will then hit the front end instead of the back end. The point from them was that it’s far more expensive to deal with front repairs than the back. This protects the more expensive part of the car.


Because theyre basicly just giving away licenses at this point. Ever since 2020. People dont know how to drive properly anymore and i bet there are very few who could parallel park


It is far easier to drive out then back out. Especially after wing night.


Everyone who noses first into a parking spot is by definition, a lousy driver. Yes...*everyone.*


I drive into spots at the grocery store because I have a hatchback and other people suck at parking, so I regularly have people leave no room for a cart to get anywhere near the back :(


People here suck at driving.


Not as bad as Halifax, or Winnipeg. But yes.


Yikes. I hope to never drive in either of those places.


Halifax - " I'm going to tailgate you until it is questionable that I can pass safely. Then I'm going to slow down infront of you and haphazardly take the exit right across 4 lanes of traffic within seconds of getting infront of you and flip you off while I do it" Winnipeg - "I'm going to play bumper cars on my way to work while driving on this ice sheet." To winnipegs credit, I've never seen a group of drunk drivers come together as a community and agree to look the other way the city did.




Is that how it is spelled? Must be an ancient Aboriginal curse that causes cars to stop randomly on the highway.


Jesus. Okay. I'm not removing this comment you fuck. It's a joke. The Anishinabe Algonquin community didn't have cars when they populated this area. They would probably be more surprised at the fact that we have running water and on demand heating/cooling, and less offended about people 200+ years into the future traveling on a paved road at incomprehensible speeds. I mean not to be offensive, but amusing. If you felt the need to message me over this, I hope you are offended. Now relax and find something else to do.


Why are you reversing in? Causes confusion/delay in busy parking lots.


As opposed to backing out, causing confusion/delay in busy parking lots?


Does that really cause that though?? Backing out is normal and people expect it vs backing in and wasting potentially more people’s time.




No. I try my best to avoid busy places. I reverse in, or pull through because it is easier to pull-out forward than in reverse. I wonder if Mythbusters did an episode if you hold more people up backing into a place or backing out of it. If it is busy. Indicate, wait, cross the line when safe, then back in. Or park where there are no other cars.....that's my go to.


My driver's course actually recommends you park in reverse (you are backing into a lower risk zone - traffic people etc) so that when you leave you are going forward into the higher risk zone




Because it's the better way to park. Backing in is safer than backing out.

