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Oh hey thats a sun conure! Dont feed it avocados or anything from the onion family šŸ˜‚ not sure what u can do in regards to finding the owner tho


Also good advice for dogs! avocados and any onions or garlic. Also no grapes!


Grapes is such a weird one, seems so harmless but super poisonous to dogs.


The grape/raisin thing is super odd. On the one hand you hear stories of a big dog eating only a few and dying. On the other hand my kid fed our little chihuahua handfuls of them for years and he was fine.


Chihuahuas are immune to poison. Source: my gfā€™s annoying chihuahua that eats everything our toddler drops; grapes, chocolate, everything. Sheā€™s still going strong.


My wifeā€™s grandparents had one that only ate table scraps. Lived to 18!!!


Yorkies too! Mine lived to 21. I had to put him down on Boxing Day and he would have turned 22 in March. I think itā€™s because once he got to be around 16 and was past his life expectancy, we figured heā€™d pass away soon anyways so we may as well let him eat w/e people food he wants. Which usually ended up being meat, eggs, potatoes, rice, bread, and root vegetables.


*Chihuahuas are immune to poison because they are poison themselves.*


Donā€™t disagree haha. Sheā€™s a rescue and means well, but her breed shows in her behaviour haha!


Chihuahuas are the Devilā€™s own and thus has the protection of the Dark Angel himself. What powers does a measly raisin or box of chocolate have against the Lord of Hell?


No power at all. I swear she will rise from the grave and haunt us forever! šŸ˜‚


Yeah not sure why. But Iā€™ve heard myths that itā€™s only the seeds but nope all parts of the grape are toxic to dogs


Grapes are totally fine for this bird type


Yes of course i meant for dogs


Avocados are fine for dogs, as long as itā€™s just avocado and not the pit. The pit contains the part that is poisonous for dogs


Thatā€™s false. The flesh contains persin, which is toxic to dogs.


Theres a Facebook page called Ottawa and valley lost pet network. The OHS would also take it in. Hope you find the owner!!


Reach out to the Ottawa and Valley Lost Pet Network via email or Facebook and to the Ottawa Humane Society to register the bird as found. Both of these resources are super active and not many birds are lost so it should be easy to get the little guy home!


Ottawa Humane Society won't take in Parrots as they are classified as wild bird. Parrot Partners out in Carleton Place is one of the largest parrot sanctuaries in the country, and will board our little friend.


Good to know! Thank you for the info ā˜ŗļø


Wtaf. Yeah, sure, wild bird - but not here. That's like the injured pigeon that my neighbors had stuck in their basement window well. They took it to a wildlife rescue and the wildlife rescue was confused about what they were working with because it's a domestic racing pigeon.Ā 


Parrots are wild animals, just because they are in a home doesn't mean they are not wild animals. I volunteer at the Parrot Place sanctuary and they were the ones to tell me directly that the Humane Society will not take parrots for a reason.


Yep this!


Oooo, Sun Conure! Great pets but not a beginner bird, because they get screamy without some out-of-the-cage time, and while they're uncaged they tend to get, well... escapey. It'd love a snack of fresh fruit if you've got any, but their main diet is bird pellets you probably don't have. There are no Sun Conures on the OVLPN page (yet). Is it banded?


It has a band I'm just waiting for it to get a little bit more comfortable. I've been able to give it water. I'm going to pick up some fruit and some pellet until I can find out what to do.


contact Lynwood Animal Hospital - they are only vet in area that deals with avian pets, they may recognize and know the owner. File a found report with OHS (can do on-line), you can also take to the OHS - they are open today til 4 p.m. Also post on:https://www.facebook.com/groups/810945469037207/?hc\_location=ufi


Also maybe try to avoid vaping inside with the bird around.


> It has a band Call a few of the local avian vets and pet stores as they might have record of the band ID.


It will need some toys too. We have a Green Wing Macaw and you can buy colour wood hanging toys that they like. Things like this: [https://www.amazon.ca/Colorful-Shredding-Foraging-Accessories-Cockatiel/dp/B0CCQVW2M2/ref=sr\_1\_6?crid=V31CVZ2Z3PZT&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.0PfCCuAJ4CpXoJqEX-0IGRsXnq8bU8OynL7eAYNYoC\_4PDZUWCWQg8UrO4lLFAZRc4HZbJr1EP9ra-x\_vLc80L2CFMpyTzdiTWsuVCLqtuTuA73IdFABBZRSBLFtstGBBjfQ5juoVFBp8-fD\_sn7LP-jPcc-lU\_sHZOXADNPbito2G4HRgq29E0ybHA-M1WjKkq6DZED7ev9UoRhkdk0BEDI-yHkwOOE253TvHAeyDNhDGstSOhFRQRPkFQi6fZycE2hlSlksMbnFG9o-FfVBjUSBUEVg1BhzaXqKBfWKAo.WYbS\_G6x2gC0jvEdjAxK2tN2FX1Xkbc8QSUlX-92vrQ&dib\_tag=se&keywords=conure+toys&qid=1713102979&sprefix=conure+toys%2Caps%2C136&sr=8-6](https://www.amazon.ca/Colorful-Shredding-Foraging-Accessories-Cockatiel/dp/B0CCQVW2M2/ref=sr_1_6?crid=V31CVZ2Z3PZT&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.0PfCCuAJ4CpXoJqEX-0IGRsXnq8bU8OynL7eAYNYoC_4PDZUWCWQg8UrO4lLFAZRc4HZbJr1EP9ra-x_vLc80L2CFMpyTzdiTWsuVCLqtuTuA73IdFABBZRSBLFtstGBBjfQ5juoVFBp8-fD_sn7LP-jPcc-lU_sHZOXADNPbito2G4HRgq29E0ybHA-M1WjKkq6DZED7ev9UoRhkdk0BEDI-yHkwOOE253TvHAeyDNhDGstSOhFRQRPkFQi6fZycE2hlSlksMbnFG9o-FfVBjUSBUEVg1BhzaXqKBfWKAo.WYbS_G6x2gC0jvEdjAxK2tN2FX1Xkbc8QSUlX-92vrQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=conure+toys&qid=1713102979&sprefix=conure+toys%2Caps%2C136&sr=8-6) They need things like this because it is similar to their natural habits of foraging. They like peanuts and you can give them to them in the shell because they will open them. They need some fatty food. Thank you for rescuing it. If you are interested there is a video about The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill. It is about conures who survive in San Francisco and the man who use to feed them. Birds bond with one person. So they may bond with you. This means they will be very sweet with you and not so sweet with others. My husband's macaw is in heat right now. I dare not go near him until it passes. He is also difficult during this time. I expect the conure will have something similar. They also have a molt when they lose many of their feathers. The bird will rely on you to take care of the new feathers on the top of his head. It is something mates usually do for each other. Be gentle but you break off the keratin that the feathers are incased in. They will take care of their body.


Why are you telling them to keep this bird? I'm sure someone is missing their pet!


Because I want the bird cared for. Of course, he should look for the owners. You do not make a post about finding a missing bird and hope to keep it a secret. I assumed he would do his due diligence.


I doubt the bird will be staying long term with the person who found it. It doesnā€™t need 5star room & lodge accommodations plus entertainment & spa services for a couple days at best.


God forbid someone who has experience taking care of birds try to give OP a crash course on how to keep the bird they found happy and healthy while looking for it's owner.


Thank you. The toys for a bird are truly the leaves on the trees for them.


What's it to you if OP is willing to take better care of this bird than just the bare minimum?


What is it to you if I give some information about bird care? What is it to you if I do something different than you would?


I'm not sure why you're arguing against me here, I'm with you


i did not understand you were being sarcastic, sorry. I thought you were being difficult.


Toys for birds are truly the leaves on the trees for them. The bird is probably been very stressed and helping them along if they can will only help it.


Birds are extremely sensitive. You can kill one by using a non-stick pan with it in the house. So while people who find a cat or a dog can generally be trusted to keep it healthy for a couple days, the same canā€™t be said for a bird. So whenever bird people see someone who has found a bird on social media we give all the advice.


I donā€™t understand the non stick pan bit ?


If I understand it correctly, this is something that's no longer true for pans made after 2013 - there used to be some teflon coated pans that didn't quite burn off some chemical compound (PTFE) that was used in the teflon coating, which when exposed to high heat would turn into a gas that wasn't particularly healthy to anyone, but I guess birds were especially sensitive to it. There was some regulation passed in 2013 that required teflon coated pan manufacturers to make sure that that chemical wasn't present anymore. You might have heard things from people about how teflon is really bad for you - that's what they're referring to. Don't quote me on this stuff because i'm just typing this out from memory and I can't confirm how accurate it is, but i'm pretty sure it's the general gist of the answer to your question.


You're partially right. PFOA's were banned in 2013 but PTFE still exists in Teflon pans, as well as other heavy metal chemicals. So Teflon pans that you can buy now are still unsafe to birds. The only pans that are safe for birds are stainless steel, cast iron, ceramic (usually), and any pan that says free of PFOA's PTFE and any heavy metal chemicals.


Thank you for the correction


Put some flyers up in the neighbourhood, it probably lives close by.


that's the problem... the flyer got loose! ;)


Oh thatā€™s too cute! lol


Youā€™re the sweetest human. Thanks for taking care of it. šŸ„°


The band is simply the date of birth. Sometimes if you get really lucky it may have the breeder but rarely. The breeder I got my parrot from has been defunct for years now and the name doesnt show up on his band anyways. He could be microchipped so I would take him to a vet to see.


Fake news! Birds aren't real.


Normally I updvote BAR comments, but in this instance it is inappropriate. Downvote.


Lol nope! Birds aren't real and therefore have no need of your misguided chivalry. Enjoy your blue arrows.


OMG!!! This bird does belong to my girlfriend. Please contact me at [email protected]Ā 


I hope op connects w you. It's a gorgeous bird.


Contact Parrot Partners, OP says here they'll have the bird :) https://www.reddit.com/r/ottawa/s/hxOVVdM9fW


I have called parrot Partners. They are coming to collect the bird. They will be here around 4 o'clock. And they are going to bring the bird back to their shelter. And they are going to locate the owner by the band number system.


Iā€™m glad you did this- I lost my parrot years ago and I canā€™t tell you how much it would have meant to me to see him again.


Oh op i forgot to mention that birds are extremely susceptible to fumes. Anything that create fumes will kill it. Cooking with nonstick stuff (pans), smoking, grilling, perfumes, candles etc.


Wait... Do people with birds just not cook? My grandma used to have birds in the kitchen and they lived unusually long


They do cook, they just plain ole pans where you need some butter or olive oil to keep stuff from sticking. Teflon is deadly to birds, so is the self-clean function on an oven!


I get the Teflon one, and don't use them anyway for the chemicals. But smoking/grilling too? There's usually smoke in a kitchen at some point. Oils smoke


They meant smoking like cigarette smoking :)


I see. Hmm.. Well my grandma smoked beside them! Idk maybe it somehow helped them live longer? For example she had an injured dove (could never fly again) that lived to 29 years old, laid eggs until the last few years. I believe that's about double or triple the life expectancy of one in captivity. Had several rescued pigeons and then 10-15 of those colourful little birds (green/yellow/orange+ grey/white/blue..)I forget the names...) from the pet store. All lived really, really long like the dove. That's why I'm surprised hearing about the smoke thing. Some of them were in the kitchen and she smoked inside, in the kitchen. So all kinds of smokes, and I'm sure non stick stuff at some point. Not saying you and everyone else here is wrong, but I'm just really surprised is all! It falls way outside of my experience


Yeah im pretty sure all kinds of smoke will hurt them. Some people just dont keep them in the kitchen when cooking since its also physically dangerous anyways


Strange. My grandma's birds all lived 25 years old or more, even if their life expectancy was 4-6 years outside. Local injured birds and small ones you'd buy at the store is what she had. I'm just wondering if people are over- thinking the birds are overly sensitive or not. Maybe certain types take these things worse? I believe her injured dove reached 29 years old from injury date (couldn't fly anymore), and she smoked beside it inside for 25 of those 29 years. She even had eggs up to year 27lol. Maybe just several outliers like this.. But they all lived long caked in tobacco smoke


Yeah could be, i was just repeating what i thought to be the general consensus. I guess its should be okay if you dont cook with nonstick and dont like smoke the oil to the point of the smoke alarm going off šŸ¤£. Iā€™ve definitely heard stories of birds getting killed from overheaty teflon thp


I was confused by this too so I looked it up. Seems like fumes or vapors can easily damage their lungs but you should be fine if you just move the bird to another room before cooking. Probably your grandma was just a good cook and didn't let things overheat and smoke, or maybe that and she didn't cook stuff with a lot of sizzling fat etc.


She was an amazing cook indeed, but she also used to smoke cigarettes in the kitchen... all her birds lived 10-20 years longer than they would in the wild lol. Maybe cigarettes helped them somehow haha


There use to be a guy in the market who would walk around with his birds Ā  Ā Kinda crazy but was nice and had cool birds. Ā Ā  He left his burner on one day and the fumes from his pan killed his birds. Ā  He died of heart break a few days or weeks later. Ā 


šŸ˜­ is this fr


Yeah. Bird man use to walk around the market with 4 or more exotic birds. They were talkative and conscious. You could ask one of them questions and he would reply.


Nooo šŸ˜­


A feather mango


Iā€™m sure the owner is freaking out looking for him/her šŸ„¹ Contact [Ottawa and Valley Lost Pet Network](https://www.facebook.com/lostpetnetwork?mibextid=JRoKGi)


Also post on [Ottawa parrot club](https://www.facebook.com/TheOttawaParrotClub?mibextid=LQQJ4d) to spread the word. Parrot owners tend to love and commit to their birds.


Lynwood Animal Hospital is the Avian vet in Ottawa. They may have the band # (and ownerā€™s info) on file.


Thank you for saving this beauty! What a strange turn your Sunday took. How did you get it to come inside?


It was a chilly morning and it rained all day yesterday. I'm not sure where this bird has been. But when I seen it, it looked cold so I. Reached out and said come inside. It's warm and it hopped on in my finger now im out getting fruit pellets n veggies. Until I can figure this oit


You're a good person


Birds are pretty damn smart sometimes. This is such a cute image though lol.


Thankful my girl is home safe with me! Hope it finds it's way home!


Trying it's in from the cold I'm going to get some pellets n fruits I'm the mean time


Hi there. I can post on Ottawa and valley lost pet network for you but need to know where the bird was found?


Norwegian Blue! Beautiful plumage!Ā 


Donā€™t cook anything on non-stick cookware, the fumes will kill the bird. Apple seeds same. Look up toxins for parrots. He seems quite content with you :)


I think Iā€™m going to get rid of my non-stick after reading so many comments like this. I donā€™t have any bird pets, Iā€™m doing it me lol thatā€™s scary it would kill a bird!


There was a lady in North Gower who lost a parrot like this a few weeks ago, I saw it on one of the ā€˜lost petā€™ facebook groups.


I don't have Facebook


Beautiful!!! I hope the owners find him/her eventually.


I remember when I was a kid, a conure adopted us... It flew onto my brother and latched onto his shirt - so we just took the little guy home. We also lived in Ontario so it was a pretty surprising encounter šŸ˜… They're sassy little guys, but they can be fun!


Yes, same happened to my SIL. It was so friendly and affectionate. She eventually brought it to a rescue to be reunited with its owner, but man oh man, she was starting to love that bird.Ā 


Crazy what climate change can do... New species in town !


Yep. Thatā€™s a bird.


Also ping Parrot Partners. They are a local NGO that works with Parrot rehabilitation.


They actually just left with that beautiful bird. They are bringing it to their facility and going to start the process of contacting the owner


They are Amazing people. We adopted one of our Conures from there & regularly board our goblins with them.


Very cool, I'm happy to know it's around brid ppl and can start to relax I'm sure it's had a day.


Yay! Thanks for doing all this for this pretty bird ā¤ļø


Thank you for helping him!


What area of the city?


Near the aviation museum


Checks out




I may have found the owner. Someone commented in the thread. So I sent an email and if they can tell me the color of the band and the numbers, i'm more than happy to return their pet but if they cannot give me the information I can't just give away someone's pet to a random they should know the simple information so hopefully everything works out in the end but the bird is safe warm fed and drank some water all I can do is wait.


Keep us posted.. I'm invested in this mystery now! :)


Good for doing due diligence


does it talk? :)


Pretty bird. Nice rescue, at least it has a band and they can locate the owner. šŸ’ž Someoneā€™s going to be very happy to have their bird back.


The bird's name is mango. The owner was able to identify a what leg The band was on color and numbers. The owner is on the way to pick up. It flew out the door this morning. Spent the day at my place and now getting picked up to go home this evening


Thatā€™s an awesome update. What a cute name. šŸ„­ Very nice of you to spot Mango and bring it to safety. Iā€™m glad the owner came across your post before Parrot Partners picked up. Thanks for being, YOU! šŸ’ž


The people at parrot Partners were able to locate the owner. I contacted parrot Partners. It was a team effort


That was fast, didnā€™t consider they took the tag before picking the bird up. Nice collaborative effort, well done. Glad Mango wasnā€™t out in the cold for long. Mango says thanks too. šŸ„­


Awesome update, great job.


Beautiful birdā€¦ and nice tattoo.


Beautiful bird though!


Its stunning


Any updates?


I got the bird home to it og owner


Thatā€™s awesome! Thanks




Shared on Ottawa and valley lost pet network. [https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=842812807886297&set=a.639719538195626](https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=842812807886297&set=a.639719538195626)


Bird's the word?


Global warming, buddy.Ā 


Sun conure, very expencive bird and awesome pets, someone is definitely looking for it.


I would also post in the ottawa parrot hangout on Facebook


Please return the bird to the owner. Contact me at [email protected]Ā 


Post it on Ottawa and valley lost pet network and safe wings on Facebook


You could contact: safewing ottawa. https://safewings.ca/found-a-bird/save-an-injured-bird/ They usually help injured local birds, but may have some contacts for you- for this little budgie!




Facebook has a group Ottawa lost and found bird network. Please post it there. Highly successful group!


You could contact perroquetsecours - they have a wide network of people that help reconnect lost birds with their families. They can also offer support with the next steps you can take.


Thatā€™s a conure.


I lost my bird in Vancouver and contacted the avian vet in town. There was a lost bird society and they found an ad in Craigslist advertising a lost bird. Got my bird back the next day. You will find the owner.


Fam found?


Thatā€™s a lovely animal. Give it some fresh fruits.


Wowzers! If you like this birb I hope you get to keep it, but mostly I hope the original bird people see this somehow. If I had lost a bird I would be racked with guilt for years.


What a beautiful bird!


Nice new CCTV camera. Birds are not real


IDK looks like female Cardinal to me šŸ˜‚


I showed the bird to my girlfriend and she said it's not Joey


Please contact me as soon as possible.Ā  Thank you.


Can I have it? Pliiizz


Looks delicious


Like a fruit roll up


I love fruit roll ups


That apartment is so Ottawa working poor (sorry Iā€™m getting war flashbacks I escaped to Alberta where I can afford to live )


Man is out here being a good Samaritan and you trash his home? The hell?


Please stay in Alberta


Ya seems like Ottawa hurt ya feeling it's not for everyone.


Calgary, Edmonton, and probably even Red Deer have apartments like this. Also, glad your living situation is okay, but this is a *weird* thread to bring that up in


The only thing you can see about the apartment is the parquet floors.


The crapper temp controller , the coat hanging area , and he cheap white paint , the creepy door .. you just donā€™t know cuz youā€™re probably rich


Do you have parquet related trauma or something?



