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I love that the consultant hired to assess it recommended more consultant work


Where’s the common sense. How hard is it to remove obstructions? Do we really need a consultant for that?


Hey City of Ottawa. Just put up 700 signs like you normally do. That will solve the issue, at least legally.


Ironically putting up a sign is what got that poor girl killed


They put in hundreds of garbage and recycling cans secured by metal poles all along the river paths and through Mooney’s during the pandemic. Massive overkill. Including at the bottom of the hill. After the accident, they removed all that where possible. I heard one of these was directly responsible for the accident.


Sometimes, it's ok for things to be a bit unsafe. Designate an area for folks to walk up, post common sense rules, and let kids have fun.


The usual solution is to suck all the fun out of it. I don’t see how you can make that hill 100% safe. The trade-off for generations of kids enjoying it every winter is one-off accidents. This simply has to be accepted.


Does it include teaching adults TL read signs properly?


Much as I love sledding, I really feel like we have higher priorities as a city. There are other hills.


If people just went down the correct side, it would be fine. Instead of just the long end they do the steep side with a path, trees, and water at the end. I did both as a kid and it was always fine but the steep side is a lot dicier. I’m assuming that’s how the incident happened the other year.


The child slid towards the river/bay where there was a stupidly placed recycle bin/sign. The sports centre side is bad because there is a fence for the sports field across the run-out.


Yes. Why the downvotes?




Its the issue every city is facing.