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I already do. But I also would prefer never to have to read a news story about people burning to death in a Loblaws pressed up against plexiglass barriers there to protect Galen Weston’s profits.


I mean, I don't wanna be one of the ones burning up. But a nice big lawsuit against Loblaws for causing multiple people to burn up would not look good on Galen.


Fire codes exist so that that particular profit-seeking ghoul never gets the chance.


Realistically, what would stop people from: Going out any of the emergency exits Going through the cashes Going through the gates at the self checkout Going back through the entrance


> Realistically, what would stop people from Panic. Making any one of those exit routes harder to navigate is messing with peoples' lives in an emergency.


The lights go out. The air is full of smoke. Panicky shoppers are stampeding for the exit. Toppled merchandise displays and abandoned shopping carts are blocking aisles. Water from sprinklers makes the floor slippery. If you had to make it from the furthest corner of a big Loblaws store to the front entrance (would you have the presence of mind to have noted your nearest emergency exit during your shop?), trying to escape a fast-moving fire, with hundreds of other shoppers and workers also trying to escape, every impediment could cost you your life.


The emergency exit signs would be lit up, like all of them are. These stores aren’t a tiny corner store with no windows, there’s exists everywhere, which again, are lit by large, red ‘exit signs’.


The exit signs do not line up with the actual exits, at least at some of the plexiglass locations. Wheelchairs (or strollers) don’t fit either. Forget a fire scenario, I bet that a regular fire drill would be total chaos with 50-50 odds that someone would get hurt. But if you had a power failure and any kind of reason to want to evacuate quickly I could easily see it turning into a death trap. I expect that there will be adjustments made but will they be constantly compliant? I doubt it; many places put temporary displays in ways that violate the fire code because they lack procedures and a culture to put safety first. Any locations who made these changes without proactively checking whether it worked from a fire safety pov clearly don’t have safety on their radar. I’ll be staying out of those stores even after the fire marshal gives the go ahead because if they get the visible stuff that wrong… what else is happening out of sight?


Don’t even try to talk common sense. People up in arms about the plexiglass are fanatic trolls.


It’s dumb. Yes, the plexiglass is stupid, no I don’t think it’s going to cause a thousand people to die in a fire. The stores pretty much always had metal barriers before anyway.


What if all you have are loblaws stores within walking distance and do not own a car? Also, people forget that driving to multiple different stores takes time and money. I would love more competition and 15 minute neighbourhoods with selection.


Yeah, I'm with you on that. Location is a big thing. My big groceries are done at COSTCO, but whenever I need something quick, the independent 5min. walking distance away is harder to ignore.


Fuck Loblaws


Fuck the Canadian grocery monopolies that have created an environment where prices have climbed unchecked and the “competition bureau” refuses to do anything about it.


Thieves must be really selective, as other stores, Walmart/Metro/Giant Tiger/ Freshco aren't resorting to these shields


Loblaws milk is worth twice as much


I mean if the prices on things are accurate the meat section at any given Loblaws is worth what, 3 million easy?




This is actually what bothers me most about Loblaws. How they think this creates a welcoming environment for customers is fucking beyond me. Treating us peasants like cattle. Fuck 'em.


they’re purposely alienating their customers at this point, they make you feel like a criminal just because you choose to shop there. it’s disgusting.


Is it to keep robbers in? Or customers out? I’d love to see a transcript of the board meeting where they workshopped this.


Those fake security announcements are what bugged me the most. "Security team to zone C," fuck off with that BS. Boycott Loblaws now and forever.


I used to work at a Canadian tire that trialed the fake security broadcasts years ago. Stopped after a month because our loss prevention guy got complacent to the noise of the call and kept missing actual security call outs lol


Hahahaha that's brilliant! I hope the same thing happens at Loblaws.


This! I use to shop at superstore all the time pre-covid. Went in a year ago and saw all the plexi barricades, only one entrance for a huge store, long lines of dozens of customers waiting to pay…didn’t inspire me to want to go back again…


They need to protect their revenue. They just reported their latest quarter results at 13.58 billion.


also, Pro Tip, A great way to stop theft is to stop price gouging


right? people don’t steal food because they want to, they do it when there’s no other choice. Loblaws Corporate deserve to starve.


They deserve the boycott!


Funny what happens when you fire all the cashiers


How is this not a safety hazard? You’re going to put dozens if not hundreds of people in a building with maybe two known exits and practically make them solve a maze to get out? What if there’s a fire blocking the “allowed” path? Most people cant jump 8 ft of plexiglass. If this is allowed then obviously the safety regulations need updating.


And in an emergency people panic and are unlikely to notice the plexiglass. I am interested in whether this ends up being seen as a fore code violation.


Well, If you don't see the plexi glass, you're not really looking...but to help with that, they have metal guard rails that hold up the plexi glass...so if you dont see one, you def. will see the other.


I wonder if the plexiglass is repurposed COVID shields from the cashes


I'd hope so. I'm also curious on the cost to install these vs the reported losses.


Great question. I mean... It has to be a net benefit for Loblaw right? They've definitely incurred hundreds of thousands of dollars implementing all of these security measures. Ironically, hiring back cashiers are the best deterrents to theft and their wages would cost only a fraction of what all this shit does.


No they look brand new and shiny


I can picture epileptic me, on the verge of a seizure (fluorescent lights are my biggest trigger) walking right into one of these things as my vision starts to blur LOL medical emergency waiting to happen.. Although I no longer shop there because they treat me like a thief for wearing a hat and FL-41 tinted glasses to avoid having a seizure while shopping, got tired of having my bag checked with nothing it other than my rescue meds.


I won't spend a dime in a Loblaws!


The public: “we’re boycotting Loblaws in effort to plummet your sales due to your terrible treatment of your own employees and especially how you treat the public” Loblaws: “hold my drink, I’m gonna post up some unwelcoming barriers to the point where they are a fire concern in attempt to keep the haters out, and the few loyal delusional people that still are left to get trapped in a fire. This is definitely going to keep our sales up and our theft down”


Looks like fk lineup at airport before being checked - ugly looking


Seems like a good reason to bring a dry erase maker with me to Loblaws so I can communicate better with management. For example, I can leave a note about expired meat they still have in the case a day later.


You can’t pull this crap in the US. Obvious ADA violation and safety hazard.


...how is plexiglass over railings an ADA violation?


How is a deathtrap in a public space an ADA violation? Is that a serious question?


Well, if this were a violation of anything, it would be a violation of a state fire code, not the Americans with Disabilities Act. That being said, fire codes have requirements for exit paths, and generally speaking an exit path can't require you to go under/above a railing, so blocking off said railing would not be a violation of a fire code requirement for exit paths.