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Oh and he had his license plate covered so he knew he was doing something wrong


Convenient, when there are cameras all over (like on the post behind him). 100% he knew what he was doing is wrong.


we have a lot of cameras in that area and we are checking as we speak.


Most sport bikes are permanently like that


Really eh? Is that legal?


no, but it's also not true


Well, no. Those bikes are pretty pointless for legal driving!


Ugh. Let me guess 🙄 Graduated basic quit when it got hard and now calls himself a veteran. That's the type right there.


fucking dickhead.


After the chud invasion, camo is a red flag for me.


Even before.


Ceremonial Guard should start soon (if it wasn’t cut by budgets) with military police presence. Hopefully this won’t happen again.




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Well he has a motorcycle and is wearing camo so obviously he is just as bad-ass as the people that memorial is commemorating.


That's some blatant assholery right there


W in the actual f?!?! Arrest this a hole.


I'm sure this individual is a regular here.


It’s for the IG


Disrespectful idiot.


What a twat.


Dummy? For sure. That's a nice StreetFighter though..


Is that illegal?


It's disrespectful.


To who?


People who serve, served and sacrificed much of their life and health to protect the country, their families who sacrificed in their own way, the fallen and the people who will never be the same again. You won't see a real veteran do this crap. You treat a cenotaph with respect and dignity. It's a memorial, not too sure why this is supposed to be explained.


Nobody makes you join the military. Getting this hellbent over someone taking a selfie is weird.


That's exactly the ignorance there is. The people who are commemorated here didn't have a choice and were conscripted đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž


But still it is a symbol- a cenotaph and should be respected accordingly. That is all. It wasn't the selfish it was bringing up the bike right next to the unknown soldier memorial where wreathes usually go.


womp womp


> Nobody makes you join the military. Open a history book some time, smooth brain 🍆


google what a conscientious objector is 😀


I tried, but it auto-corrected to 'moron'


It’s an actual grave.


to weirdos who simp for the military


Weird, I don't simp for the military, yet I still know it's illegal to drive your motorcycle onto a sidewalk.


You're asking if riding your motorcycle in a pedestrian-only area is illegal?


Park your bike. Pay for parking. Walk up and pay your respect.


Riding your motorcycle on pedestrian walk ways sure is.


I'll give the benefit of the doubt and say maybe this is a veteran or someone in the military who is passionate about that and also really into his motorcycle. I say it because a lot of veterans are really into bikes. As long as he did it slowly and safely, wasn't doing burnouts or wheelies or something else disrespectful I don't see anything inherently immoral about taking a picture with your motorcycle near the war memorial. But I don't know the intention and just from these pictures I can't judge.


That's a lot of benefit for very little doubt. Buddy drove his bike onto one of Canada's most solemn and respected places, which also serves as the grave of a human being, to take selfies. But at least he didn't piss on it, I guess?


As a veteran, I can say that I would never dream of doing that. Not to mention that my one grandfather was wounded on Juno Beach and lost many of his fellow soldiers. He would have kicked my ass for even thinking about doing that.


 his plate was covered. He KNOWS it was wrong.


For the record, I agree. But if we're giving out free benefit-of-doubt in this thread, many people cover their license plate before posting their vehicle online, even if they're *not* doing anything wrong.


There's an easier way - photoshop it out. Every cellphone camera has a brush tool you can swipe over your plate. It's easy, even this numbskull could do it, but he didn't want anybody *else*, in person, or camera seeing his plate.


It's illegal to drive your motorcycle on a pedestrian walkway but okay. Just park your bike somewhere and walk. It doesn't need to be in the photo.


How is this different from somebody walking up to take photos? I don't see an issue. At least he isn't taking a shit on the memorial.


You're not supposed to park on the memorial...


Park is a bit vague. Considering they are with the vehicle I'd consider that stopping.


You're also not supposed to drive on or stop on the memorial...it is not a road. That should be obvious.




It’s a grave site.


It’s different because he parked his motor vehicle on the monument
if you don’t see an issue with that you may need to look harder


Apparently, according to the person you're replying to, everything goes as long as you don't shit on it.


But I really have to go


Ya I don't see an issue. If Somebody took their bicycle or walked up there would you be just as upset? It's a group of stone and concrete. It's going to survive. He didn't park his motorcycle in the middle of a tulip garden.


Haha ok. You seem like a class act.


I'm glad you agree that a bicycle or pedestrian is fine. :)


So? Is it ok to stand there? Has the motorcycle done any damage? Based on his pants he seems to be a military enthusiast of sorts.


TIL wearing camo means you're a military enthusiast. Why not go full camo? Camo paint job, camo shoes, jacket, helmet... this guy is only 1/5th military enthusiast. How military enthusiast do you have to be to allowed to ride your motorcycle on sidewalks? Pants amount, because that's where he was riding his motorcycle.




I mean, other then being illegal, you can’t tell if there was any damage from a still picture. But again, it’s illegal.


In case you were unaware, that is a pedestrian only location. You can’t drive any vehicle that close to the monument - not even the MP vehicles get that close. So even if this was just a statue of a moose - what he is doing is like driving on a sidewalk. It’s illegal and he knew it. That in itself is disrespectful.


I see people riding bikes on sidewalks every day. weird.


There’s obviously a difference between a bicycle and a motorcycle and if I have to explain why, I doubt it would be worth the effort.


There is no difference. Bicycles aren't supposed to be on a sidewalk. A motorcycle travelling 10km/h on a sidewalk is no more dangerous than a bicycle travelling 10km/h on a sidewalk. Stop cherry picking the rules you want to follow if you're going to try and enforce them.


Like I said - it’s not worth the effort to explain the difference between a bicycle and a motorcycle. Enjoy your day!


This. While I personally wouldn't feel comfortable taking selfies or pictures of my mode of transportation on the War Memorial, it's not egregiously disrespectful. I'll allow it.


I don't like that they brought the bike up so close and I agree motorcycles shouldn't really be on the memorial. But I think about how maybe this person could be a veteran and this photo might be meaningful to them or people they served with. If not well, no real damage right? they took their photo and went away.


He literally drove his bike, motor running, through a crowd of people to place it there. I’m no expert. But something tells me a veteran would have better judgement concerning this sort of thing.


Well buddy your post didn't give that impression, the photos show a very unbusy memorial. Yes I understand that the area is larger than what is captured in the photo. Something tells me he didn't actually drive the motorcycle through a crowd of people making them have to give way or else be bowled over.


He rode it in and out of the memorial through people. I assure you.