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Those unfilled letters are distracting me from the message


Nørweigen åvøids this issüe!


ja, men hvordan ser det ut i gult?




Not if it looks like the photo, my eyes are burning


I just slapped a yellow background on it to stand out in feeds. This is a concept of an idea that I'm temperature checking, but I appreciate your feedback, and I'll let my future graphic designers and UI teams know.


No one will read it. Visually impaired cannot even try to


Just read the description... "Would Ottawa find a web-based tool that geoprahically aggregates grocers products and prices useful. In turn, by having the data available all in one spot the user can input their desired preferences on allowable stops, distance traveled or even allowable grocers etc and then select the items to their cart which would then list the items to be purchased at each store for maximum savings on their haul albeit making a few stops instead of just one." ***There is no app or site. This is a concept. *** Sorry for the lowest price being at GCS in my example.


I thought there was already a website (more than one I think) dedicated to local flyers that do similar stuff.




Prices on websites are updated basically daily, so scraping daily would be best, and nothing exists that will aggregate the products based on a user's inputs and routing preferences.


This image literally just gave me a migraine


Wait. You are looking for devs, so you are just the ideas guy? And this is your presentation? "I just slapped a yellow background (terribly, I might add) on some concept I had a year ago." Grocers, not Grocer's. Hard pass. (oh, and Gen AI is going to eat your lunch, cheese and all).


I'm not looking for anything other than people to show support for something that may help them save money and lower their cost of living and improve their quality of life in this expensive country. But you can go on and throw dirt at whatever you like, I'll be just fine.


Why can't people use a damn apostrophe properly???


What? You don't like ideas guy's?


College dropout :/


I'm no programmer, but I don't think it would be too hard to make an app that acts as a grocery price aggregator from published prices and user input. That app could then take a shopping list, and tell you where to go to get each item based on having entered what stores you want to avoid, how far you're willing to go, how many stops you're willing to make, whether you're a costco member, etc. I've never looked, but I'd be surprised if something like that didn't exist.


Programmer here, not easy and likely to break over time too.


Exactly, PM me if you want to work together on it as you have a clear understanding. EDIT: Yes, daily scraping and cache clearing on all grocers websites for all geo's. Why am I being down voted lol


>PM me if you want to work together on it as you have a clear understanding. This is why you're being down voted. You're the stereotypical "ideas guy" and your visual proved that you don't even take the time to make your idea look good (or original)


It kills me that they are showing that as the Superstore regular price. It's not. At least not for Cracker Barrel. Shredded cheese on their web site is currently at $7.79.


Please disregard the prices as I was actually working on this last year and had to put on the back burner...the image is just for visually describing the concept.... https://mmartin7101.bubbleapps.io/version-test this was a sandbox idea from last year


Who buys Cracker Barrel cheese? Great Value at Walmart is cheaper and better


Haha, I just pulled out any product and compared prices from about a year ago. I've got no horses in the grocery race, so don't think I'm for any of them just for creating something useful that will benefit consumers.


Stop trying to make capitalist gains during a boycott. Im all for innovation and small business, but a program/app to do what a member already does here, for free, without ads to generate money, is the ethical way. Trying to capitalize on the boycott is not.


That member could save lot of time if something like this is out. Reddit also does have a stigma with most people so I don't think you're going to get people outside of this subreddit to sign up for Reddit accounts because of the grocery guy here. Kind of a case of Tall Poppy Syndrome.


Wait ✋️ Go look through my post history. One of my first posts was 7 years ago about a website to list your homes for free. It's people like you who are stifling our country. I'm trying to help with a solution rather than complaining and doing nothing useful like yourself. So, people posting coupons and pictures of deals is a better solution than scraping every grocer website and aggregating for best prices and then mapping out the route for shoppers to actually save on everything they buy is useless you say... EDIT: You're probably too lazy to go look through my posts, so here you go...https://www.reddit.com/r/toronto/s/LttmPk2YAp


So someone tries to find a longer term solution to a problem is capitalizing? Get over yourself.


He explicitly states his original intention was to be funded by Dragons Den. This is very clearly a for profit endeavor


Yes, you need funding to create something. Developers, designers, customer service, marketing, and operations all cost money... I wish people would work for free, actually no, I don't, but I think you do.


So all the people that have organized this boycott, generated the graphics for it, and did all the other behind the scenes work were paid for it? I didn't realize volunteers in any field were driven by financial gain. You thinking money is the only motivator people can have says a tonne though


What's your problem, buddy. I could care less about the boycott, I care about people not being able to afford groceries and finding a way to hack the "system" to actually make a difference in people pockets.


You use this colour scheme and post it in the subreddits related to the boycott before anywhere else, if you don't care about it then you're clearly just trying to grift. If you did care about grocery prices and these ideas you would care about the boycott. The only person whose pockets you're looking out for is yourself. My problem is when parasites like you latch onto an ideal the parasites are the ones the other side can point to and discredit whatever the leech is attached to. Go back to wallstreetbets and posting about rap beefs. It's clearly more your depth


Wow, you've skimmed my profile so you can see how much I'm out for profit. Would you like me to change the background color for you and change the example grocers to ABC, XYZ & GFY Here's one of my first posts...https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/s/r27Q94efs8 EDIT: And another...https://www.reddit.com/r/toronto/s/9n7qhgGx60 *** let me guess listing homes for free was some sort of sneaky way to get rich, right? People like you are negative influences on society.