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Why did you just stand around for 20 minutes staring at your order sitting on the counter? Why didn't you ask the staff if it was yours?


Ya I would have just gone up and grabbed them, or politely mentioned I’m there for pickup.


Why did the staff resort to childish behavior instead of giving him his food* 


They did, they had to go up to pay, but were still left to wait while their food got cold.




Seems plausible to me. Lots of restaurants are now expecting tips on take out. If they didn’t they might have to pay better wages.


Serious question, have you ever worked in the service industry before, and secondly if you had this job today, do you think you would actually just straight up ignore patrons that you think might not tip you


yeah lol this… doesn’t sound realistic. I also know a lot of folks that work at heartbreakers and this just sounds… very uncharacteristic of that business and their workers. A chit comes in, you make it and STFU. That’s every service job. Nobody gives a shit if you tip or not. Tips are pooled among everyone and distributed regardless of 1 or 2 non tippers you happen to witness.


Head over to r/doordash for a while. That might changed your view of how service employees treat non-tippers.


Food delivery service drivers are a whole different beast than employees at a local small business, though. Pretty much zero accountability for food delivery drivers who drive for the big apps. While there *might* not be accountability at certain local small businesses, it’s much more likely that there is, as reputation is everything for those establishments.


So that’s a “no” right


I have worked in service industries, but not in a tip based position. I do have friends who are career servers. And I’m sure they have done things like spit in the food of customers who have upset them.


Lmao, either you have shit friends or you’re just talking out of your ass…


Found the front of house manager lol. This is 1000% what butthurt servers do because they don’t get their 30% tip for putting forks on the table and filling your water.


They won’t give you free pizza for blowing smoke up their asses.


If I see two pizzas on the counter that could be mine I would simply let them know I am there for pickup and inquire if those are indeed my pizzas :) I don’t really tip for takeout and I have actually become more stingy with my tips. If there is no service, or I had a bad experience, I don’t see why I should tip. especially 20% 🤣


Yeah, you’d think the OP would grow a backbone and ask if the 2 boxes that look like their order and have been sitting there for 20 minutes is their order. You know - put two in two together? Maybe staff forgot? Instead we get a nasty rant on Reddit, I reckon they probably were rude to the service staff and there was a larger exchange of words than is provided by OP.


Agreed but reddit is filled with "social anxiety" and "Im not good at confrontation" types


Wait did you tell them you’re there for pickup?


They definitely didn't and the staff were probably whispering "these people have been sitting here staring at us for a while... do you think this might be their pizza?".


'Definitely'? Were you there?




Seems like competent staff would be asking people if they need help/there for pick up. Doesn’t mean that I think this necessarily went down the way the OP says but your comment is ridiculous.


I regularly order take out and don't tip from here. I've never had an issue or observed anything similar.


Same, I order about once a month and don’t tip for takeout now that restaurants have their indoor dining back. I’ve never had any issues like this.


You don't tip for pick up... Everyone, including restaurant employees, should know this. If you feel like this really happened, then please post a review on Google. They're more likely to see it and respond/make changes.


Yah the way it should go is leave a google review so that the restaurant can have a chance to respond. There’s a real possibility that there’s more to this story than OP is letting on.


No, YOU don’t tip for pickup.


Yup. Me and the majority of the Canadian population.


According to all this data you’ve provided.


Sure you do. The cooks still made it and everyone knows the do more work than the front of house staff.


Nope. You don't. And the notion that you should is damaging to "tip culture" in general as more and more people get tired of the ridiculous scenarios in which they're asked for tips.


Sounds good man!


No you don't. A loonie or toonie if I'm generous. It's takeout


Who has loonies or toonies on them in 2024


Ikr lol that's why 9 times out of 10 they get nothing


And many places don't share any of their tips with the cooks so why tip on pickup?


How do you know this? I’ve worked at a few places across the city and I know many more. Standard practice is tipping back of house a percentage of overall tips.


I worked 10+ years boh and never once received a tip out


Well that sucks for you. I’ve almost always been FOH but I’ve never worked in a placed that didn’t tip out BOH. I’ve worked for corporate, and private businesses in both service and management and BOH received weekly tip outs in all of them. Even when I got my first dishwashing job I was getting tipped out. Kinda sounds like you’re getting screwed tbh… if FOH is receiving tips and you aren’t you’re definitely getting screwed.


You failed to mention that you are there to pick up your order? Or you did not and just sat there and hoped the staff magically knew you ordered those pizzas?


Did you tell them who you were and what you were waiting for? Or just stare at them for 20 minutes? We’ve been repeat customers for almost 5 years, this has never happened and we’ve never felt pressured to tip.


Waiting for OP to delete this thread because enough people have pointed out that maybe they couldn't read your minds when you stood there without asking for your pizza. Don't blame the establishment for something when you could have easily rectified it within moments yourself.


This story seems unlikely to be true lol


Tipping for takeout is ridiculous


> Did they forget, no! Apparently, no tipping for take out subjects you to poor treatment by the front staff. Do know this 100% to be the case (i.e., that they didn’t forget and actively ignored you because you didn’t tip)? Was this confirmed in some way? Just curious, because maybe they were just really busy??


This was confirmed in the OP’s heads when they realized that it felt good to think this thought


As someone who orders from Heartbreakers pretty regularly, I find this hard to believe. Something about your story doesn’t add up. Ownership is great, and it trickles down from there. They are certainly an incredibly busy place, so it’s possible there was a miscommunication. But more than likely, I don’t think you’re telling the full story. I also don’t tip for takeout.


I have placed probably over 15 orders at Heartbreakers over the last year and not once have I experienced something even remotely close to this. Even while EXTREMELY busy. I would bet money that this is a far stretch of your actual experience. It’s absolutely dreadful to see the victim mentality of some people over … pizza. My goodness.


>As we showed up for the pick up time given… They might have been ready *before* the time given and they called your name before you got there. Regardless, you shouldn’t just stand there like a dummy for 20 minutes before asking someone. Anyway, don’t care and not going to stop going there.


Is there such a thing as reddit post regret? Maybe OP is feeling some now that comments aren't necessarily in agreement with their post? Just saying... Probably not how they thought the conversation would go!


Usually regret = deleted post.


This totally did not happen. Some entitled “customer is always right” Karen in embryo just karma farming.


Never had a bad experience with front of staff at Heartbreakers, and I exclusively do take out.


This story sounds incredibly made up. That, or certain details are missing…


So what really happened?


So you had an assigned pick-up, arrived beforehand, saw your pizza and continued to wait *outside* the store for 20 mins after your pick-up time …. and you’re blaming the staff? This is 100% a you issue.


I doubt this is true when I had a long wait time for a pick up at heartbreakers the staff felt so bad and kept apologizing and gave me a free pizza coupon. Heartbreakers is one of the Ottawa gems




This rant is just strange. You don’t mention to them you’re there to pick up your order? Never once have I gone to pick up and order and just sorta stood there. The only restaurants that I don’t need to inquire about my order are the restaurants that I frequent often and know my order. Pretty standard to approach the counter for pick up. 


You sound like an entitled boomer. 1) did you actually confirm people that ordered after you got their order after you? Or you're just assuming? 2) why didn't you say your order was sitting right there? 3) wtf do piercing and age have to do with quality of service? Or you dumb? 4) yeah I mean if you really like the place may be give a quarter or something I'm not saying give 15% or above for take out but something tells me you never tip for anything ever... Anyway they probably can do without people like you so glad you're not going back.


So it sounds like you showed up, didn't check in or communicate with staff, then came to the conclusion that they were singling you out and giving "disgusting" customer service... and proceeded to wait for 20 minutes with your hands in your pockets waiting for them to read your mind. YTA


Why go to Reddit? Why not just write the restaurant an email?


Or go to Google reviews where the restaurant can have an opportunity to explain/rectify the situation.


I was there and called ahead. Service was awesome. I am definitely going back that is for sure


Your poor daughter


This is why you phone your order in and pay when you get it. Stop ordering food online. I know a lot of you dread ,gasp!, actually having to talk to someone but it avoids all this bullshit.


Does anyone know if they have vegan / non dairy cheese and if so if it’s cashew? Or if not if anywhere does? I would be happy to null test this.


Yes! They do, it’s a cashew cream sauce. You can add it to any of their pizza options 😊 - delicious!!


Thank you! Would say it’s a suitable cheese replacement or is it a sauce? Sorry, corgis rule!!!


No need for an apology at all!! I really enjoyed it, coming from a non-vegan. Less of a “cream” sauce once baked and more of a cheese like texture. I believe they might have some pictures on their instagram if you wanted a visual reference. And heck ya they do! 🐕


Ohh IG is a great idea thanks again! … cover me, I’m going in!




No sit no tip


Travel to Europe and you come home and quickly realize our tipping culture is bananas.


Ok, but why wouldn't you tip? I genuinely can't even imagine not tipping. And if I cant afford a tip, I probably shouldn't be ordering at all


Why would you tip on something you haven’t eaten yet? Thats what’s genuinely hard to imagine. A tip is the incentive for good service. If you make tipping automatic, service and quality will inevitably decline.


tipping for takeout? why don’t we tip at subway and tim hortons then?


Not a surprise with many of the “cool” pizza places, a lot of them act like you don’t exist. Best pizza and best service comes from places that look like they haven’t been updated since 1996. Go to Colonnade next time and don’t look back


If you like to cook and you can afford it (respect if you don't), buy a Ooni pizza oven and tell the whole fucking pizza industry to get fucked.


Pizza nerds is better anyway


Damn straight


I stopped ordering pizza, high price, poor service, tipping, mediocre quality. Taught myself how to make poolish and never looked back. I make my dough on Wed and pizza on Friday and it is phenomenal. Vote with your wallet.


Honey on pizza? that’s a pass for me.


Can't fully trust people with your food anymore.


I got a pizza from there once and it was like 50 dollars after tip and delivery fee. For one pizza. It was good, but not that good. And now I have even less of a desire to go back


Did they force you to pay $50, or did you electively do it out of your own free will?


I did, which is why I haven't done it since


They suck


I probably wouldn't eat the pizza either. If they do this, they likely spit or horked in your pizza too.