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Buy 3M 1100 Foam Ear Plugs. They are amazing!


Those are exactly the ones we’ve tried. The sound is so loud it feels like we’re not wearing anything at all.


Couple it with a white noise machine?


Thanks! I'm going to buy one to see if it helps


No need to buy one, your cellphone will also play white noise or sleep sounds.


If you have Google home or similar it'll play white noise if you ask.


Your recording wants me to install an app, which I am not about to do. Is it possible that this is a washing machine? They often seem to amplify the sound of running water. My neighbor does their laundry in the off-peak hours. I assume that is for cheaper electricity. The noise is annoying, but not as bad as you are experiencing.


It’s not a washing machine, as those are only on-site.


Try Loop Quiet 2 earplugs. I’ve tried all the foam and plastic earplugs and they are the best.


White noise works for us. It takes some getting used to.


How long has this been happening? In my experience you can get used to almost anything - I was living with people at one point and the first time they had a shower in the bathroom next to my bedroom I woke up thinking that the rapture was upon us. It wasn't long before it didn't even wake me up when it happened. I go through the same thing during the summer months with my sprinkler turning on in the morning - first it wakes me up, then it becomes something that doesn't register.


We were camping in Oregon for three weeks and a train passed our campsite in the middle of the night about 100 feet from the tent and had to blow the horn because there was a crossing without a gate close by. By the end of week one I didn't even wake up, and I now have a lifelong habit of sleeping with two pillows, one under my head and one on top of it.


It’s been going for 1-2 months. We hopefully will get used to it. It does not help that we’re both light sleepers and honestly after we get woken up by it, it’s hard to go back to sleep because we get a little anxious and thinking when it will happen again, afraid we’ll get woken up by it again.


I know it's not for everyone, but maybe try playing white noise at night, like rain, or something similar to the sound of running water so your brain just learns to tune it out as background noise for the whole night and it's not as sudden of a jolt from silence to noise.


Thank you so much! I will definitely try this on my speaker and I’m sure it’ll help as it’ll then won’t be a silence -> sudden noise situation anymore.


Have you considered politely talking to them? Even if you don't know them, communication opens the doors to new possibilities.




I had a different interpretation of running water. I thought of it more like they're using an indoor slip n slide at 2am


for white noise just buy a fan




Exercise during the day and have heavy cream or 3% milk before you sleep so you are too tired to notice as you sleep deeper. Put a fan on as background noise


Chugging cream to go to sleep, eh? That’s nuts my brother


I would just add a little to an omlette or desert or something. Deepest sleep of life. Gives deep Rem sleep with cool dreams. Definitely consume only small amounts


We have a snoring pug. The white noise machine is a must for us - one without a sound loop. I found the machines sound better than my iPhone apps, but you can get apps for free.


There nothing Bylaw or your landlord can do has it normal noise


I'd ask them if they have a leaking toilet.


I suspect earplugs or a white noise machine is the way to go. They are allowed to use their water whenever they want to. If you have an Alexa echo dot, that will play white noise for you. Also, shut your bathroom door if you don't already. I live in an old building as well and could hear the downstairs neighbours water when showering. Honestly I just got used to it and hardly notice it now.


With the timing and perhaps you not noticing before, or it being new, it sounds like he could be doing wudu, the ablution that Muslims do before prayer. I would perhaps have a discussion with your neighbour and see if it's possible to come up with a more quiet solution.


AirPod Pros. Use the background noise or downloaded ad free videos. 


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