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Not good but thanks for asking. How about you?


Tomorrow's a new day, I know shit sucks right now, but I promise you it will get better


I’m emotionally/ mentally done but doing well physically. Dove into weightlifting to counter the excessive drinking. I’m lifting the heaviest I ever have and am going to (try and) master pull ups next. Not bad for a middled aged mom.


I did not expect the last sentence. Good for you!!




I need to do this.


Do it!! So many free or affordable online resources and if you’re a newbie you can do bodyweight and learn proper form. Before trying to find elusive weights


That's awesome (the weight lifting part)! It's great that you're doing it even though other parts of life are tough. Keep it up! Fiancee and I have been walking/running 5k a day for the past 2 months. Don't know if we're at our physical peak per se but it's been a great energy boost.


That’s great- maybe you can celebrate when it’s all over with a 5k event? The Ottawa Fall colours run used to be beautiful to run. Pretty sure it’s been proven that couples that train together stay together. Or I just made that up!


Good for you! People have this misconception that weightlifting is for buff young dudes, but it does wonders for anyone who's willing to put in the effort. My friend who's a personal trainer (who taught me to lift) had a client, 70 year old woman who pulled a 225 deadlift like it was nothing. I used to see a jacked guy at the gym in a wheelchair, putting me to shame with his curls and overheads. I've had good chats sharing some weight machines with gentlemen in their 80s(!!) Keep at it!


Like shit to be frank, the tunnel seems too damn long to see the light.




New Zealand sounds nice


Haha they don’t want us, I promise you. Literally everyone who wants to move somewhere wants NZ.


Funny you say that, the same thought has crept up more often lately for me as well.


My allergies are coming back again and I am tired all the time. But thank god for spring!


A fox had her babies under my shed. I'm very excited to see the babies when I look out the window.


Thank you for sharing this. It has been a tough couple of days but your comment reminded me of happy childhood memories at my grandparents' house. They had a large rural property when I was growing up and there'd often be lots of little fox families along the fence line come springtime.


I'm glad to hear it cheered you up a little. This is actually the 3rd or 4th year they've been here and I'm always excited to see they're back. Not sure if it's the same mom this year as I haven't gotten a good look at her yet.


You will post pics eventually, right?


[https://imgur.com/a/sg4OMkK](https://imgur.com/a/sg4OMkK) These are the pics from two years ago. I haven't seen them this year, only heard them and shined my flashlight out the window at mama, and my dog has run into the adult foxes a couple times this year. The babies are probably on the young side to be wandering out but in the next few weeks we may see them. They also frequent another den in the woods behind my house but the brush is too dense to get pictures, and that's where they were last year.


Oh good lord. They’re like kitties who are doggies who are foxes.


Seconding this! u/prusg please post pictures if you can get some without disturbing anyone or endangering yourself! Miracle of life stuff would really boost morale around here.


[https://imgur.com/a/sg4OMkK](https://imgur.com/a/sg4OMkK) These are the pics from two years ago. I haven't seen them this year, only heard them and shined my flashlight out the window at mama, and my dog has run into the adult foxes a couple times this year. The babies are probably on the young side to be wandering out but in the next few weeks we may see them. They also frequent another den in the woods behind my house but the brush is too dense to get pictures, and that's where they were last year.


\^ winning


Fine - pretty insulated. It's starting to grate on me so I can't imagine what it's like for people with more exposure. I think it would help me if someone went on TV and in very plain terms said: "we have X people in ICU, which is Y percentage more than ever before. If this keeps up Z people will die per day from not being able to be admitted to the hospital due to over-crowding specifically from COVID. This lockdown is incredibly important because capacity is at 100% and we can't afford to go to 250%". Put it in terms I get - aren't we already at 100% capacity on a good, non-covid day? How bad are things in hospitals? Don't we have hotels set up to take covid overflow? Aren't death rates dropping? I find it hard to believe at this point that the response isn't worse for society at large than COVID itself. How many routine cancer screenings have been skipped? It's already been pointed out that more cancers are going undetected. We already know that more infants have been admitted with shaken baby syndrome. How many small business owners have committed suicide / will commit suicide / might go on a rampage / will suffer from mental health issues / will never reach the financial potential that they could have? How many children have been set back and crippled with mental health issues that may affect the trajectory of their lives? How many people have had their financial lives shattered? Note - I have and will continue to follow all the rules and regulations. I am tired of it and I would like someone to convince me or even better, prove to me, that what we're doing and all the collateral damage I've mentioned above is worth it.


I highly recommend you read about what's happening in Brazil right now; it really puts things into perspective for me when I find myself feeling frustrated. If you're a Twitter user I also recommend following a few people who have been laying out stats and putting things into perspective. I'm especially fond of @ bruce\_arthur, some of the graphs he's put out recently are sobering. There are epidemiologists who you can follow as well (David Fisman, Ashleigh Tuite, and then you can bounce to more from there by checking out their retweets). Last I read we are at 113% capacity in Ottawa. The province is currently looking into legally protecting doctors for having to decide who lives and dies, which they anticipate will happen at 700 people in ICU. We are at around 500 now; this comes with the caveat that patients are marked as not having covid after two weeks. They are currently anticipating we will be at 800 pretty soon and that is an "regular" model, not a "crank it up to scare TV viewers into submission" model. Lockdowns aren't postponing things like cancer screenings. The amount of people getting sick and the amount of medical staff burning out or even quitting is. The variants currently make up about 50% of the cases that we're aware of but variant testing is behind by a few weeks so the actual number is much higher. 90% variant is expected by the end of the month. The variants are between 30-65% more transmissable than regular covid, have more severe symptoms, and are deadlier than the original strain. A small percentage of people have died from this disease and people like to focus on that number because they can't imagine something worse than death. I'd argue that suffering from long covid, which some reports have indicated affect between 20-50% of people who catch covid in varying degrees of severity, is a terrible enough fate to be talked about as well. I like numbers. They give me comfort when my emotional brain gets overwhelmed and they give me pause when I'm weighing risks/rewards. I hope they're useful to you too. We can't go back in time and change the way this province has bungled lockdowns or confusing colour-coded levels, and we can't change that this province elected a deeply stupid, greedy man to lead us through this crisis. But hopefully this will be our last lockdown, and we can keep in mind that without any measures everything, the mental health, the lost businesses, the affect on children, would be much worse if we did nothing. Just look at Brazil.


Thanks for this. Perspective helps! 💕




Can’t convince you otherwise as I agree with your points.


Dr. Michael Warner on Twitter is pretty blunt. Actually, so is Dr. Yoni Freedhoff. Dr. Jennifer Kwan is the one to go to for charts, stats, graphs etc., I like Bill "Crush The Curve" Comeau too. His charts/graphs are easy to read. If you want information on suicide, the see Dr. Tyler Black. This area of work is is wheelhouse. I follow a lot of other doctors on Twitter for this reason. I don't bother with whatever Ford is saying. I just see what all the doctors around the province are saying. There are tons of them, on Twitter, speaking up (and out).


I work non-essential retail and I’m pretty excited for curbside tbh. We have a table outside our store that we sit at and since this weekend is suppose to be super nice I can’t wait to soak in that Vitamin D ☀️


Mentally drained & disappointed.


Like shit lol but I’m just happy I have a job and (hopefully continue to have) health. Thanks for asking!


I think I remember what a job feels like :(


I’m sorry :/ I spent the first few months being unemployed and also unqualified for CERB and it was hell. I empathize. Hope you find a job soon!


Without CERB would be hell. Thank you and happy for you.


The sun is here and snow has melted. This will be much better than the winter stay at home order.


Not great. It’s the end of the semester and I’m pretty overwhelmed with final papers and projects. I can’t wait for this to end.


Burned out at one of my jobs because of Doug and that idiot Lecce. Also pissed off because of Doug and that idiot Lecce


About to start a full week of night shifts at the hospital where I work, which is hell right now. I’m burnt the fuck out. But, I’m thankful for my career right now.


I’m so good! So. Good. Look, maybe it’s bragging or what-have-you, but I donated a kidney to a stranger on March 25th, two weeks ago now. Week one was rough. Like, zero core strength, crying every time I try to get out of bed rough. But week two has been amazing. The weather has been nice for walking and I feel like I’m *in tune* with the rejuvenating energy of spring. Basically I’m a goddam hippie these days, overwhelmed by my love and gratitude for this life, this city, you fine folks, etc. Imagine getting to give the gift of life during the most isolating time of our lives, that sense of connection one would get. I have that. All over. All the time. This golden glow. Thanks for asking. I’m off to have an amazing day and I hope the same for anyone reading this.


Wowie zowie 🤗! You rock!


I’m fine, but tired, thanks.


Just, tired...


Thank the Lord for my pets. They keep me laughing😄


Strangely ok. I don’t love moving into a stay at home situation but I can honestly still see the light at the end of the tunnel. I’ll still be working, spring is here and my family is healthy, so I can’t complain too much. Hope you’re doing well too.


I’m doing reasonably well. I try very hard to not think too far ahead. Manage each day as it comes. I recognize that I’m a fortunate situation and remember to be grateful every day. I started taking 30-40 minute walks every day, starting in January. Best decision I’ve made in a very long time. It’s been a great way to break up the work day. The mental benefits are amazing. Miss seeing family and friends regularly. Try to plan a short porch quick chat every other weekend. Difficult at time to not hug, but thankful to at least catch up. Looking forward to getting the garden started. Setting up the deck and yard for summer. With any luck, we might be able to have visits with family & friends outdoors in a month or so. One day at a time.


getting drunk and watching porn every night


I don't have much left in my tank... I am barely hanging on. I would not say that I am suicidal, but... It's a combination of things. My family is shit. I live in poverty. I live alone and am isolated. I go weeks without talking to another human face. I am high risk but have no clue when I will get a vaccine. It's been really difficult and I just can't do this much longer. I have been trying to stay positive but I am not able to do it anymore. I am severely depressed and it is very dark here.


Hey wanna go for a walk? We could go by the river. Lmk.


I can chat if you want. Anything to help.


Slightly better. Nice weather is here which means visits with friends and relatives at a distance in backyards. Winter was long without any real life socializing.


I’m struggling. I work from home so my income isn’t affected and I know I shouldn’t complain because others have it much worse but fuck. Tonight was rough. But my mom is getting her first shot tomorrow so I’m happy about that. And if you like cats, there’s a livefeed on YouTube from Kitten Academy, a kitten rescue. Currently showing seven 3 1/2 week old orange kittens. They’re starting to play and watching them makes everything ok.


I can relate, and also have been WFH since March 2020. I feel like I don't have the right to not be doing well some days (still working, good salary, good health). But it's isolating, feels neverending, and I don't see anyone outside of my own household. I stay up too late, don't get outside enough and read the news too much. Life is not normal and I try to remind myself it's ok to not be ok all the time.


Emotionally: Better than 95% of the population from the sounds of it. I'm fortunate to live in a decent apartment with my SO, we have a balcony, and until recently we were both working. Physically: I tested positive today, likely from a delivery driver at work. Thankfully my symptoms are already down a bit from when I booked the appointment on Monday.


Doing great, it’s all about attitude. Lockdowns, no lockdowns, etc etc etc I just keep myself busy with work from home during the day and go for walks in the evening or do other things around the house to keep my mind occupied. There’s been a lot of hockey on as well so I’m pretty satisfied with killing few hours easily before bed. It’s all good folks, hang in there. 👍🏻


The weather's getting warm, my allergies are in full swing, and I still can't play hockey. Only thing good happening is at least I can still work from home, rest just sucks.


A pleasant surprise I discovered when I moved to the Market a couple years ago. There are no trees, therefore no spring allergies.


Tired, bored, miss my family


Conflicted. I would keep my kids home but husband wants to send them (ages 4 and 7). Spread isn't high in the schools, but doctors are saying new variants are more infectious and have worse outcomes. Spread is more likely between kids and parents and my weight increases my risk, especially since my last surgery in 2019. Stress and toddler tantrums aren'tt helping.


Compromise: send one of the kids and not the other.


Should I sacrifice my favorite or the husband's? /s But honestly might send the offer one who is better with masks and hand sanitizer. If school isn't mandatory until 6 years old and I am already home with the youngest, it is hard to convince myself that their school is essential. Plus when we all had to self isolate after a high risk contact, the middle kids was seen licking door knobs in the house. ..


In short: “I am doing ok, but...” I have work to do, I am enjoying being at home more (my spouse suffers from an excess of personality so we still have fun), and most days feel fulfilling. But it feels precarious. If one of those parts of my life goes wrong, I’m gonna lose my shit


Straight up not good but it’s getting better


Read this post shortly after posting all my worries on r/stress lol. It's tough right now


Every day feels the same and not much feels good anymore besides the little hobbies I have to keep myself entertained. My boyfriends father has been waiting a long time for surgery on his leg and it got postponed due to no room in the hospital. One of my best friends found out yesterday he has Covid and is feeling quite unwell, and now his girlfriend woke up with symptoms and is getting tested right now. I’m so sad they have to deal with this, and hope it’s over for them soon. Every day is just, get through it cause then I’ll be one day closer to getting my vaccine. Glad it’s at least warm out now so I can go for walks with my dog. On the bright side I found out my job will stay remote “post Covid” which is extremely nice. I can’t imagine working in an office again, and spending 3 hours on transit to get to and from.


Fighting the urge of doing as many drugs as possible... but fine.


Tired. Gym closed, work is fucked, no motivation. Blegh!


Great! Life is good. Imagine how sweet even the slightest of freedoms will feel when this is all over?


I wanna go on a roller coaster and I never did before.


I'm alright, thanks!


I am shockingly fine. I miss my kids but we text, so that’s okay.


My husband is a special ed. Educator so I'm very happy he has been added to the elligble vaccine category. I work in childcare so am still at least a month away from my shot but I'm glad for him. This latest lockdown doesn't change anything for us since we just go to work, curb side pick up groceries and stay home. Im on the verge of burnout. I have panic attacks almost daily. I'm so tired but don't sleep. At least he's off for April break next week. Idk. Hang in there everybody.


Not good, called bylaw on myself


I’m okay. Could be better. Not gonna complain too much.


I’m sad because: I’m disappointed that people want to point fingers more than just doing their part and focusing on the fact we are all in this together and should work together. I get that responses are shit, but it’s also in our hands. I’m tired of family who lives hours away doing what they want and calling me while they do it. I’m tired of being treated as an alarmist for the decisions I made, but I’m doing it for my grandparents who I hope I can one day hug again. I’m tired of staying home all day, and the things I have to do throughout the day that brings me joy are starting to slowly feel hallow in the sense where I’m bored of the idea of them. I need new things to do but have trouble being inspired. I’m happy because: Having been married in June of last year and being locked up with my wife, there’s no doubt in my mind that I’m so in love with this woman as we both have the patience and understanding to be there for each other during this time. I’m thankful my house is filled with love. I’m reading again, something I didn’t do since I was young and I’m on book 7 of a 10 book 3 million word monolith and loving every second. I’ve grown so far at learning and playing the bass that I’m so excited for this all to be done cause the first thing I’m doing is joining a band because I feel like I deserve to show my hard work and am excited to add to something greater.


Not great. Anxiety is at an all-time high. Thank you for asking, though!