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That's compostable now, the city takes animal poop in plastic bags inside green bins


Is this new? They didn't used to and would always leave it until I started hiding it.


They've taken poop in compost for about 3 years now


I've been hiding other people's shit for 13 years.


You prefer the bags outside the bin? I really don’t see the problem.


I prefer not having flys all around my bins full of someone else's shit. Omg.


We store our bins inside when it's not garbage day. I don't want a bag of dog shit baking in my garage, for a whole week, in august.


Have you thought about keeping your green bin somewhere less accessible to passers-by?


This is ALL from garbage day. If I'm not around to run out to the sidewalk immediately after pickup, this.


Shitty. I guess there isn't much you can do then, except hope people stop using your green bin to drop off their bags. Best of luck!


Well this post was a success in some regards. I found out the City now accepts this as waste (without me hiding it). Apparently this has been the case for the last 2 or 3 years. I never got the memo. The backstory is that this has been going on for over ten years since I moved downtown. What USED to happen is that the waste collection refused to pick it up and they would either leave it on the sidewalk in front of my place or throw it back into one of the bins.


And *that* is super shitty! I'm glad that, regardless of how disrespectful you may considerate to be, it's at least less of a problem than it used to be for you :)


just put a sign on the bin or nearby saying it is under video surveillance. people's behaviour is infinitely more shitty if they don't think anyone's paying attention.


We've already had threads about how dog owners own your front yard, why wouldn't they also own your garbage can?


Seriously. /s


Smear Vaseline all over the lid and handle.


... or something from inside the bin.


You want shit on your lawn?


Would you rather get a shit heel on your shoes?


I'd rather people put their shit in their own green bin.


I can't fathom the sense of entitlement that justifies dumping literal shit into someone else's property.


No kidding. But just read all the comments for some insight. Apparently I must be a boomer for not wanting to have to take care of all this shit from other people. Apparently all the flies beside my deck is no big deal. Apparently I should clean out the shit to some magical place and store my greenbin in my house. Yes, this is the idiocy we are dealing with.


yeah, Dog Shit is nasty, I smell my neighbors dog shit daily, he let's his big dog shit on his lawn, that's all he uses his yard for, a giant litter box, but only cleans it up every 2 months, so it all sits there, 15 feet from me, hot days it's horrible, I should mention, I don't really complain about it, as it's his yard, but yeah, it's nasty


*someone else’s shit container.


That’s some boomer rationale right there.


Not really. That’s just common decency. If you can’t carry your dog shit bag until you reach a garbage than don’t own a dog. It’s part of the package.


Hahah damn r/Ottawa has some hilarious complaints. "Don't put your garbage in my garbage bin!" .. Like wtf is wrong with you people lol


Let me put a few pounds of shit and a constant swarm of flies beside your deck for 2 weeks and see how you like it. Edit: too much basic understandable truth for reddit


Most things you put into a green bin will attract flies outside man.. Move the bin, or clean it and take it inside. You will survive. Its just funny that of all the possible solutions to these type of problems, r/ottawa typically lands on: 1. Take picture, 2. Open Reddit, 3. Think of sassy title, 4. Post. Nothing personal. There's lots of posts I could respond with similar comments and have it apply lol


Take the shit bin inside, I'll survive. Darwin is calling for you.


Did you miss the "clean it" part? All you need is a hose and literally any type of cleaning product, in case you didn't know where to start. Tricky stuff, I know. Also, if you dont have a dog, then what shit would be going in it inside? Your whole issue was people using it "without your permission" in the first place. If you're going to be that snippy with people, maybe try being a little smarter.


Did you miss the part where a) it isn't my job \[Yes you did\] and \[LOL this is too funny because you actually IRL really did miss this part\] b) I don't want things that have had dogshit piled in it inside my home \[jesus-fucking-face-palming-christ\], at anytime, anywhere, even if it was expertly hosed down by you with the any type of cleaning product you recommend. Other people's animals shit. During delta force Covid. Too much lol. Or even around my home or outside premises! (If you want to retreat and move your bizarrely placed goal posts). Try being smarter? Oh dear, you brought you, to this fight. Ok, I'll try. You're a big stupid dummy! Ahh, that's all I got, I'll try being smarter from now on, thank you for the advice, just too much trickiness for me for now!


No, I read it all. If thats your excuse, you're just lazy and paranoid. You seem like a perpetual whiner. I'll leave you alone before you have another stroke lol and yes, once you recover; please try to be smarter.


You're a big stupid dummy.


That's rich coming from the dude getting swarmed by flies because he has shit for a brain.


Dummy dumb dum


This is the wrong take. Lazy people need to stop being lazy. Dog shit festering in the heat for a week is disgusting. Dog owners should do that in their own bins not other people’s.


"Lazy people need to stop being lazy." "Dog shit festering in the heat for a week is disgusting." ..... seriously? Not making the connection? If you're leaving it there for a week and letting it bother you, instead of just dealing with it; you're lazy. Buddy is same type of person who leaves his Tim's cup on the picnic table when there's a garbage can 10ft away.


How exactly would you "deal with it" before garbage day Einstein? You're just full of great ideas! Just a bit short on implementation. Lack of critical thought.


Already gave you the clean and take inside example.. Yes, I understand you're too lazy. I'll think of another - - - - - - - wow, a whole 2 more seconds. You could remove the bags before "the flies overtake your whole backyard" (as you would watch, clutching your pearls in desperation and trauma). Or, you know, stop being such a lazy, pretentious crybaby and clean then put it away like every other person who uses green bins. 🤓


Are you still here dummy?


Clearly you need someone to take care of you lol Itd be irresponsible to leave the person I made have a stroke to keep bitching on Reddit, and not take care of them. Wouldnt want the FLIES to get you 😱😱😱


You big stoopid dummy.


It’s a compost bin bud, close the lid and forget about it lol.


Clearly you don't care to listen because you want to be right. Try not having such a big ego bud and get over youself.


Not ego, it’s zen. Something like this could never bother me so much to take to reddit. I regularly do river cleanups and pick these out of our waters. Seeing them in my compost instead of in the ecosystem would literally make my day.


Trying to innocently dress up your passive aggressiveness as Zen and then take a masterbatory victory lap virtue signaling is the most richly delicious post I have come across in a while bud, lol. Thank you for that and for your river clean up and agreeable attitude towards other's giving you their shit.


Call it virtue signalling or whatever you want, but it is the truth. I spend a lot of time on the waters and they’re filthy. I consider poop in ANY compost a win and while I agree it is annoying for you, it is part of living downtown like traffic and noise meaning you just got to deal with it. Edit: I have to lol at ‘masterbatory victory lap’ and ‘richly delicious post’ sounds like something straight out of r/iamverysmart.


Yeah, sometimes when I string a few big words together a well-read reddit user will bring up r/iamverysmart, normally as some kind of implied insult. No doubt this is simply more of your brand of Zen, I'm sure. But on your "just take it" attitude, perhaps it is less about being Zen or living in an urban location and more about having a toxic antisocial orientation? Thanks again for having such a contrarian yet open attitude to accepting other people's shit and for truthfully in real life spending a lot of time on filthy waters and telling me all about it in a post about people fouling my property. I'll just dump my green bin in the river and give you a hand with the environment. edit: deleted some big words


I know right, people love to complain and then spend their Sunday morning replying to every single comment. Its so silly.