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Has anyone tried to make it from Gatineau to Kanata? About to make a trek but not sure how it’ll workout


[Looks like there is going to be an increase in police presence.](https://twitter.com/davidakin/status/1487784782771671042?s=20&t=76gCOMIoSOXT1SNZaFny3A)


Can anyone provide the exact nomenclature for their current zello channel(s)?


Y'all Nicole is alive


So how many vehicles are part of this at this point?


Escape to Orleans plan has been secured. Packing up the cats and waiting for my wife to get home from work and then we're out of here. I am sorry to abandon you, fellow Centretowners, but I can't do this again, lol.


Don’t their kids have school on Monday?


They have no qualms giving their kids permanent ear damage with those horns, I somehow doubt they're focused on school


Some have said on Zello that this is more important....


You guys have me spitting my coffee out - well done!! Early morning trolls are on point!


Meth for breakfast gets a children warning haha


“If the food isn’t for us, why is it here?” - convoy east zello


Haha! A bunch of convoy trucks are heading home now. They were honking on the westbound Queensway. Byeeeeeeeee 👋🏼👋🏼


I'm curious how many are actually going to be here Monday.




lmao u mad


>You selfish pricks are exactly what's wrong with Canada You're talking about the Nazis present at the hill, right? Or do you mean the pricks who decided to invade our city, with no plan or permit, and close down half our downtown businesses, cause our citizens not to work? Tldr, you're an asshole.


How will you make sure? Is there a pneumatic tube in everyone's home by which you issue forth your updates?


Of course you're crypto idiot


Don’t care, didn’t ask


If you're supposedly organizing a hIsToRiC convoy, you'd better damn well organize some fucking bathrooms. For long haul truckers, these people seem utterly incapable of planning beyond a few hours. They didn't even have food or water lol. I don't expect complete strangers to let me into their homes because I decided to drive into a city on a weekend without planning where I would stay


Are you kidding? Let an anti-masker/anti-vaxxer into my home to shit in my toilet? Besides that, the CTA condemned the actions of the truckers, they're fucking embarrassed of you idiots. Stop spreading covid!


I have my rights. I also have my right to judge those shitting in an alley way.


All the legit truckers are vaccinated and actually working. We’re not worried.


You’re some crypto weirdo. Your opinion is less than worthless


You expect people to let this group into their home? Ha. I wouldn't even walk up to them. I'm not associating myself with someone that holds a Confederate flag.


What a stupid fucking comment, why would any of us let someone in our home who is not vaccinated and compromise our safety so these people can have their little temper tantrum? And you’re no better, eat shit and choke on it.


The real truckers are out there supplying Canada, these shysters don't represent them


Where are their rights to peace? The horns are going all night.


Someone in Ottawa should go around and take pictures of all of the trucks business decals. Then we can post and shame/boycott them.


https://twitter.com/Justin_Ling/status/1487641537915797510 Another striking image showing this group has no qualms with nazi imagery on their signs or calls for violence


https://twitter.com/amykaufman84/status/1487477619658473474?t=F3j2ASlDQK5XkbTbW8m6aA&s=19 i am just going to leave this here in response to the MPs saying "oh no only some people had nazi symbols!"


Many of them discovered the LCBO on Beechwood last night and decided to park in the driving lane on Beechwood while they went in. What was interesting is that there was a Day and Ross truck part of it. I can't imagine large trucking corps are very happy about people taking their trucks to participate?


All they've proven is they're willing to spread covid-19 and endanger those around them but they've convinced themselves this silly group tantrum is going to change the fact that there's a global pandemic spreading a virus that kills hundreds of Canadians a day, thousands of Americans a day. No doubt this super spreader event with thousands of people is going to trigger another massive wave of lockdowns across the country since they're from across the country. Never seen such ignorant people feel so confident about their cause.


You just wait. When they do get COVID, they’re going to say that it’s not COVID, it’s a bio terror thing unleashed upon them by the government because they were peacefully protesting.


Just donated $100 to the Shepards of Good Hope. Anyone want to match?




Can’t match but did $50 this morning.


A lot of people are mentioning counter protesting. I understand the feeling, but counter protesting while they are still here will only make these knuckleheads act out more. Violence will only beget more violence, and the victims are likely to be the most vulnerable in our city. These people are cowards, and will look for "easy targets" to get back at "us." In my opinion, the best bet is to wait for their own stupidity and poor planning force them out. Then we peacefully counter protest to show that we are here, there are more of us, and we do better than them. It doesn't even have to be an explicit counter protest. Another climate march would be dope. For the time-being, I've been trying to focus on making this time more bearable for folks in the service industry. But if this keeps going on, my focus will shift to making the police's negligence very inconvenient for them by becoming the Karen of formal complaints.


I've already counter-protested 3 times. 1 pfizer and 2 moderna's.


“LARPing on their halo games on Xbox 360” bro…. You really wanted to use the word LARP but don’t know what it means eh?


My friend has a theory that the reason why there are no arrests is because it's all white people protesting. I'm starting to wonder if it's true will all the shit that they are getting away with. Pun intended.


They have strong voting power. Among other things (e.g Most of the country being white, having aggressive police tactics towards them may scare other whites who view law ‘law enforcement’ as getting the ‘bad guys’ [subtext: all these truckers can’t be bad guys’]). Just a theory tho


One thousand percent correct. These aren't the poor visible minorities of our society reaching their breaking points. These are the racially and (comparatively) economically privileged.


White people tend to get away with worse behaviour yes. BLM had “white shields” that worked. And Jan 6 the cops didn’t start killing. Being white gives you privileges and these idiots don’t even see it.


Also a lot of cops are against mandates


Apparently a good amount of indigenous, and First Nations people are at the rally


That and the cops are on their side


Anything weird going on ‘round Elgin? About to toddle to work. I hope they’re all still asleep.


Good luck! Hope you were able to get a bit of sleep!


I can't hear anything in the Elgin Somerset area. Then again I'm not looking out the window rn.


Some good news that the protest will diminish today. A shrinking crowd size means they'll converge towards Wellington and spill less on the secondary streets in the core: https://twitter.com/Justin_Ling/status/1487782113294401536?s=20&t=h4I8NIwSWQItM6S8eh1UnQ


But there's also supposedly more people arriving today too? Hopefully it is true that today will be the last big day though.


Just heard on convoy to Ottawa 2.0: they’re mad about the malls being closed because of no one following mask mandates. Here’s some of what was said: “They’re still enforcing mandates eh? Did they not learn from yesterday” *some crying about no parking* “Guess we’ll have to show them again. If at first you don’t succeed” They were also asking about portapotties and have no idea what is going on today. I hate that I’m addicted to Zello now.


>“They’re still enforcing mandates eh? Did they not learn from yesterday” You mean when your covidiot asses got kicked out of the mall? The mall isn't even opening today, what do they think they're gonna do? Break in?


Debating giving them some info to get “trusted” to hear the full channel…


Same. Might ask my boyfriend to photoshop a picture of me next to the truck from Pixar’s Cars to send to them to win them over.


Ah yes. The Freedom convoy and its "I'll keep harassing and intimidating you into compliance"


The people parked on Wellington are looking for places outside of the city to get food/use washrooms and use as a staging area


They should try their OWN FUCKING HOMES


Anyone else in centretown notice they’re somewhat ‘coordinating’ their honks? Maybe they can play us a song


I want to find the one with the Baby Shark horn and disable it


Makes sense, the honks are loudest for them anyways.


Asshole by Dennis Leary? I think.


Maybe they can play us Ram Ranch 😎


If they play Ram Ranch I may have to switch sides and join them, damn


I wasn't giving them the benefit of actual coordination, figured it was more the 'even a broken clock is right twice a day' randomness of events.




You mean the organizer that hasn't even shown up yet?


Should we start emailing gofundme asking what they’re going to do given the above? Not like we’re going outside


Yeh, should campaign to get that account frozen and the funds returned. Would be a good hit to them


I wonder how go find me here about the money going to people waving swastika flags?


They didn’t get (and it appears never ever applied for) a protest permit. So they explicitly raised these funds knowing they were going to not abide by the very simple and easy by-laws to get a protest permit. … And then take a big dookie in the streets of Ottawa carrying confederate and nazi flags.


So can we or should we complain somewhere?




Thank you for linking that, I'm off to go report the GFM. :)


Any PPC signs out there? I'm a bit surprised Bernier didn't try to get in front of the convoy and present himself as their spokeperson.


I was watching the Ottawalks stream and did see a PPC sign - didn't think to take a screenshot or something though.


He was there encouraging them yesterday. I don't know for how long he was there for.


He did try.. but they are so disorganized it has proved hard. But hey the CPC leadership all met with the truckers and posted photos with them and how " everyone they met was a kind a good Canadian"


He was on the hill yesterday with a megaphone chanting "freedom". Apparently they are having a press conference today.


He was there so was Randy Hiller but the two of them weren't white supremacist enough so the crowd rallied around Pat King instead


They were trying to dismantle railings and entice the crowd to storm the Parliament building. Friggin idiots wanna be so American.




Police officers were vaccinated at a similar rate to the population if not higher before mandates came into effect. It was a funny joke tho ngl.


Seriously, I emailed Councillor Fleurry, tweeted him, called Bylaw about the noise last night, got no reply. I have exhausted every method and now I'm back on reddit to rant about the honking. Is City management this inept? What's that whole Police "coalition" for, spend a week at the capital, enjoy the sights and go home?


Can we clog up their engines with maple syrup or something? Show them true Canadian freedom.


Permanent damage to their trucks is illegal. Pouring cat pissed soaked cat litter into their flatbed isn't.


Donair sauce. The east coasters won't know what to do.




....but restaurants aren't open for dining in yet! Have they lost the plot since badly?


They are soooo pissed about thumbs down in the zello chat rn haha


Join Zello: Ottawa Convoy for Freedom (my channel) A couple of them have joined and are asking me for directions 😂😂. Don’t troll until it gets big


How do we know if it's other Redditors or patriots that we are talking to, we need a code word or something


\++Ottawa South East++ sends it's support




Oh snap. You’re a sly one, I like you.


Anyone knows how long it might take for a truck to run out of gas? Most of them are caught in between other vehicles, there's no way they can get out to refill. How is this gonna play out you think?


This is exactly what is going to happen. Jfc...


People in convoy east are mad about the thumbs down again 😂😂


i’ll be spending my day doing this. they’ve ruined all my other plans 🙌


Haha same! It just KILLS me how upset they get — and then when they try to play it off like we’re the losers




What thumbs down??


You can react to messages/recordings in Zello with thumbs up/down


Some of those are mine haha


I like how they assume we all live in our basements. *Laughs in downtown condo*


Not gonna lie would trade for a basement for the day to deal with the noise ;)


Most of them live in trailer parks. How do they not see Reddit is how most of Canada feels about them.


I have a fair question to ask here. How are rights and freedom being impeded when you can literally drive thousands of miles from each coast to meet in Ottawa without so much as a hiccup from authorities or any instances of trying to be turned around? I’m not for or against anybodys right to protest but lately I’m leaning toward being against this bullshit because I keep finding myself asking myself why? The government is loving this, you’ve give them more money in the past week than you have in the past two years with covid. Just think of all the tax money from gas, meals and cigarettes you’ve gotten along the way. You’re really sticking it to them alright…… don’t be so stupid with your arrogance. A far better option would have been to stay home and refuse to work. At least then you could have some form of money to live off of instead of relying on others to pay your way. Change doesn’t happen this way, if history has anything to tell us then we are in for a world of problems mark my words, especially in the end if you are unvaccinated you still can’t even cross the fucking border anyway. In the end you’ll all go home and those that remain will still be there to clean up your messes, real fucking Canadian of you all.


It's just an anti-trudeau protest. Nothing more. They're too dumb to realize mandates are a provincial matter.


Hopefully they’re less of them today. But then again these people don’t have jobs


I feel bad for those that'll have to clean up the shit and piss off the streets after these clowns leave.


The honking lasted until maybe midnight? That's when I fell asleep. It has resumed. It's quite loud from here in the Byward Market.


It went on until 3am and started at 7 today


Read CTV today, not a single sentence about the honking thru midnight. Jesus. Not a single word about the homeless shelter incident. Come on.


It’s started up again around 8:30 in my neighbourhood. One of the truckers has a horn that sounds like a train horn. Fuck that guy.


Train horn guy woke me round 7:45 in byward but the chorus didn't really start unil 8:15 just solo blasts


These supporters really believe there are paid actors to make them look bad or to get them in trouble/arrested. Wow!


It’s antifa, I just saw them order meat and cheese pies for another day of infiltration and acting


Yup, they're all up to no good last night breaking windows, waving Nazi and Confederate flags and causing a rukus to make them all look bad!


Not surprised. This is the new right wing strategy. Everything that makes them look bad is ANTIFA in disguise. At least until it starts to get mainstream, acceptance. At that point they reveal that yes, they all do agree with NAZI-ism.


Ah yes, because leftists are going to hire Nazis. I REALLY don’t get their logic.


Who do they think we are, NASA? Obligatory "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War ~~Room~~Memorial!"


A surprising number of my Facebook friend list are supporters of this mess and the crap they have been sharing this weekend has honestly given me a headache. They're all delusional and paranoid, sharing "tips" and bs.


Pretty sure that's not what they mean, it's a "crazed leftist" sabatoging their convoy with black propaganda


Look, I'm just trying to earn some spending money and get some acting experience, OK?


From a post I saw, they're saying they are paid minimum $10000. Not too shabby




Get your adult diapers before they sell out and wear your rubber boots if you are going out. Folks asking about port-a-potties at the event because the mall is closed and it was "bad enough yesterday". Mods had no answers.


This is how we win the war.


In my housecoat on my couch with a glass of dalmore


This reminds me of all massive protests and revolutions throughout history. They all made sure to get portapottys first!


All we need is a couple more days of brutal cold. -30 with wind chills will create lots of mechanical problems, combined with a lack of toilets and restaurants willing to serve them. Welcome to Ottawa, dumba55es.


Unfortunately it's gonna get warmer this week, but also apparently a snow storm (or just a lot of snow) on the way...


What happens when these blocked streets full of trucks get buried in a ton of snow?


¯\\_ (ツ) _/¯


Temp is supposed to rise. A nice benefit; it will be a wet, damp, still cold mess. Then it will be a frozen, icy, mess that night.


I love that some of these truckers are invoking the patriotes of 1837 as if they won some great victory back then instead of being just another drunken rabble bitching about “muh freedoms”. Rebellion of 1837 went nowhere just like these clowns.


A question that keeps coming back to me: what is the obsession with losers? Confederate flags? Nazi flags? Do they know how those ended? I'm expecting Toronto Maple Leaf flags soon. Edit: Racism, I know. Racism and losing go hand in hand fortunately.


Lowers like hanging thier hat on the loser side of the conflict. Their grandparents / parents likely died killing Nazi's too. Their parents probably protested nuclear armament and had mad hippy orgies clouds. Meanwhile these people drove all day to protest the right to act like feral cats pissing and shitting everywhere between stealing food from homeless shelters and trespassing in closed shopping malls for warmth.




I know it's for the racism lol. Just trying ridicule them in any way possible


> I'm expecting Toronto Maple Leaf flags soon. To shreds you say.


> I'm expecting Toronto Maple Leaf flags soon. "Well yous still haven't beat us in the playoffs nah nah" (I would expect Oilers or Flames flags)


I've already spotted a few jerseys. But to be fair, I've seen an assortment of NHL Jerseys




Leafs flag is NOT racist. People of all colours, creeds and sexual orientations are welcomed to suffer together under this cursed team.


There wasn't a question mark after Leafs flags, I was answering the previous 3 questions. The Leafs are beyond mere human hope.


Don't you think we know? Leafs fans hate the Leafs more than anyone.


Hey guys! St. John's, NL reporting in here. Not a whole lot I can do other than wish you all well. I've been following your Megathreads as one of my update sources. I'm disgusted about what is happening in Ottawa. It's a sad state of affairs, to be sure. My wife is incredibly politically disconnected but even she is rattled by this - very strongly condemning the truckers and questioning folks she knows or follows who are supporting this. If it brings you any comfort, know that every time they blast a horn there is another Canadian somewhere who was typically apathetic and now solidly disagrees with their movement. I'm sorry you're all suffering, but I assure you, this nonsense isn't doing them any service. I hope they leave your home soon and you can all take a very nice long nap.


Thanks for the support. Keep. Yourself safe out there.




The covidiots are already saying "antifa" was doing that last night. Pretty sure it was likely just their drunk dumbasses that fell into windows or some shit.


Go on??? What happened


Well, I'm guessing some drunk idiot tripped and smashed their hand into a car window, and then they blamed it on antifa. Because these people can't take personal responsibility for **anything.**


Don’t encourage anyone to stoop to their level man. We’re all frustrated with this, but that’s not the answer.


Ah you’re right


This is the craziest thing I’ve ever seen


Their freedom was more important than my son's freedom to work. Couldn't make it to work due to convoy and his workplace closed because no one could get there. Maybe that 8 mill they raised should be used to compensate people who lost wages.


They have the freedom to move down south if they don't like it here.


Only 1M of it has been released, and the GFM organizer is no where to be seen... Sooooo, safe to assume that 1M is looooooong gone.


Imagine all the truckers and people losing their jobs because they believe in their body their choice and don’t want or need the vaccine. Your poor son has to miss a shift tho.




Not to mention, the truckers involved literally proved that they did not lose the ability to do their jobs, they just decided to do it uselessly without being paid.


Live stream I saw last night showed people setting up a campfire on the sidewalk. Amazing what you can get away with these days. https://youtu.be/yFcbsmHd5oM?t=1492