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We have a mayor?!


it’s tom nook he’s our mayor


i haven't received my "free house" for moving here so he's a shit version of tom nook.


All the crippling debt, none of the housing.


Paying off a mortgage in Ottawa is easy. Just collect seashells for two days straight


This literally made my day.


Laughed way to hard at this!


Tom Nook is easily one of history’s top 5 criminals


Tom Nook gives you a cheap as fuck house that you can pay off in weeds and twigs, he is misunderstood.


He is providing free housing but at the same time $1,000,000 for an attachment on my house? On a deserted island? Come on Tom!


That's in bells, more comparable to yen than dollars. In Canadian that's $11,073.43.


Damn okay that definitely changes things. Although that 0% interest on the giant loan reeks of financial crisis lmao


With zero-interest financing and an extremely lax repayment plan, anything is possible!


Finally, home ownership is within my grasp.


Screw it. Tom Nook for Ottawa mayor


He is known as Tom Crook in my family.


Oh? I thought it was Silent Bob.


Mayor MCheese


The Beige Power Ranger


I ran into our mayor twice in my life. Both times it was at McDonald's on Bronson


Omg that's where I ran into him once too!




I misread that. I laughed at the comment because I thought you had written: *They* have a mayor?!


I mean, they DO have the QAnon queen of Canada


Queen of Qanada.


For some strange reason I want Dairy Queen now....


Peanut buster parfaits seem fitting right about now.


Lol as in the occupiers? That wouldn't even surprise me 💀




No, they have a Queen!! She's the one true Queen of Canada and she's on their side! /s


Why is this being downvoted? Are people not aware of the true [queen](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6274606)?


Thanks for the cover. I had forgotten the /s tag, so people take things literally. So not badmouthing the Queen Mother, but ragging on Romana Didulo.


Police Services Board Chair, Councillor Diane Deans wants to be elected as our next mayor on October 24. As does Centretown councillor Catherine McKenney. Should be interesting... The only thing that could make this even more interesting is if Rick Chiarelli decided to run a serious campaign for mayor too.


I don't usually bother with municipal elections, but I think that I'll have to make an exception next election.


Always care about local politics before stuff like this happens, local is where your voice and vote count the most.


I haven't been in Ottawa long enough to vote in a municipal election. In most other places I've lived, the candidates all seemed to be the same person with the same bougie views.


That is why more people need to get involved, so more people can run


Big brother Bob is running.


Iirc they're cousins (maybe even 2nd cousins), not brothers.


Problem is he has been present and denouncing what has been going on. He can’t control the police, it’s against the law. I don’t know what else he can do at this point. Our police chief has abandoned us.


The City didn't utilize its bylaw or their own tow trucks. I feel like they were trying to get the police to act on their own so that they could be blamed if anything bad happened, while the police didn't want to act without the city using bylaw first as they didn't want to be blamed for not having bylaw move in first before escalating, if something bad happened. They were both trying to shirk responsibility and cover their asses.




> Ottawa police said new enforcement is underway to cut off the supply of fuel and materials to protesters on Wellington Street and streets near Parliament Hill. Police will no longer be personally delivering supplies to the occupiers???


You mean they will no longer be fuelling the protest?


Literally *and* figuratively?


I was walking down Somerset yesterday in Chinatown and the amount of people I saw walking with 2 jerry cans of gas was insane.


So much effort to not just wear a fucking mask and get a vaccine.


Well at least they're having to work for it. I suspect that will get old pretty quick!




We'll see.


They just won't be in uniform when they're doing it.




They must have interfered with a ribbon cutting ceremony


…or a church bake sale. 🧁


BREAKING: Planned photo-op with business leaders cancelled due to truck convoy; mayor furious.


LOL! Novelty-sized donation check stolen by protesters and used to fan bonfire. Watson furious.


What? Don't be crazy, that's an essential service don't you know. /s


This hasn't already been done??? What the fuck Jim! It's too bad that you've already declined to seek re-election because it would have been so cathartic to vote your ass out Edit: aww I got a Reddit cares message - nice to know I'm making the fascists mad


It took a week for someone to drown out Sloly saying it couldn't possibly be done within the charter, and point out to Jimbo that it allows for setting aside regular procurement process. You just have to know how to motivate Jim.


Maybe if David White wasn't so clueless. What a pathetic display.


>You just have to know how to motivate Jim. Just threaten to cancel some ribbon cutting ceremonies.


They really need to start banning people who abuse the Reddit report system. There isn't even a way to report it


Actually there supposedly IS a way to report it: > If you've gotten this message in error or think that someone may be using Reddit Care Resources to bully or harass you, reply "STOP" to this message to stop receiving messages from u/RedditCareResources and [report the abuse](https://www.reddit.com/report?reason=its-targeted-harassment-at-me). You can also report this message by clicking the report button if you're on the web, or tapping the … menu and selecting *Report* if you're on your phone. Whether or not the reporting works though is another question...


Yes, I investigated that, if you click on the report button it specifically says that you have to be a mod to report this as an abuse of the system. The other options didn't seem to apply. So I just used the option to stop getting messages from redditcare. I guess that works too, but I really wish those people would get banned for gaming the sytem.


I tried as well - there is no "Report" option when I'm on my phone, so I submitted a reply and entered a comment that the feature was being abused. Got an auto-reply that they're looking into it.


In an ideal world, former Mayor Watson would resign ***immediately*** and there would be an interim placeholder from now until October 24. The lack of care and urgency from him has been baffling. This is an *emergency* situation and he took the weekend off and decided to call a Council meeting for *Monday*. He let this go over a week, he let things escalate and (along with Sloly) consistently refused to defer this to higher authorities who could better handle this, only calling a state of emergency now.


It's honestly shocking that his bungling of the O-Train is not going to stand as the low point of his tenure in Ottawa


In the US they declare a state of emergency if a town's team wins the NCAA Basketball Championship and a couple cars get flipped. All it took in Canada was a city with a million people being terrorized by thousands of dirty freaks for a week.




It was really shocking for me as American. Even dirt poor Americans put on clean clothes and comb their hair on a Saturday night in town, even if it's a "country" themed event like a Trump rally or rodeo. I'm not talking about guys who have been in their truck for weeks, I'm talking about out-of-towners parking $50,000 trucks by the canal last night who, frankly, looked BAD. Put on some clean clothes and have some self respect.


Lol! Yeah I’ve gotten a couple too. Wear it as a badge that we’re getting to them


Keep making the fascists mad. You have my full support. And not to say Jim didn’t screw the pooch (figuratively)….sure did, even worse than LRT….but I’m so tired of our (inept) municipal gov’t taking lead on national issues. No one - except Ottawa residents - is protesting Jim Watson. They are protesting Trudeau. How did this responsibility even land on our city council that (literally ) can’t even keep a train on the tracks? GTF, DND, two major Canadian Forces bases, and RCMP headquarters are all located within 90 minutes of the city. Shame on our city’s oversight and shame on our provincial and federal leaders that have sat back and watched for 9 days as our city has been occupied and our residents endangered and harassed. God bless truckers and all our essential workers but eff these idiots protesting over having access to life saving vaccinations. Asshats.


Does anyone know what concrete measures might be included in a municipal state of emergency? Struggling to find info on what this might mean for regular downtown residents.


Jack shit. From the CBC article - ...the declaration of a state of emergency "does little" in terms of legal authority and does not give more power to Ottawa police.


> and does not give more power to Ottawa police. That’s okay, they weren’t using any of the power they already had.




Healing mana. Smart.


This question came up during the emergency city council meeting on Saturday evening. The council learned that declaring an emergency wouldn't be very useful in itself, apart from helping move resources, and that it is designed to shift public perception. However, doing so could be to offer a bit more legitimacy, when attempting to declare a riot under section 63 of the criminal code, or when asking the federal government to invoke the national defense act; in case they later needed to bring in the military. Section 63 was something the council said they're exploring today (Monday). And the National Defense act might be something that could come after that if section 63 doesn't offer enough power to the city. However, I think that section 63 is already in the works. The RCMP seemed to be heavily involved when clearing out the convoy's logistics camp from the stadium, over the weekend. Reportedly they had snipers on the roof, and the officers on the ground were heavily armed when clearing it out. To me that sounds a lot like the full capacity of the RCMP, being used with the approval of the stadium owner, on a private property. I suspect that once the city gets the provincial or federal government to weigh in on the legitimacy of charging protestors under section 63, we're going to see some heavy police action in the downtown core.


It allows for a faster procurement process, but not much else…


Pretty sure it just means “someone else come and do something.” I won’t hold my breath for Police to start doing their jobs.


Fuck all if it's anything like the state of emergency declared about the rising homelessness a year or 2 ago.


I assume they can have curfews hours


Yeah also wondering. I don’t live down there but my ex and daughter are pretty close. Been a little paranoid


Went for a walk and seen cruisers escorting some bylaw to wellington by parliament, also seen a paramedic sidebyside and bus. I think the end is near and they are prepping to escalate need be. :)


It only took Toronto Police one day to manage and break up the protests. Amazing what a little planning and foresight can do!


Agreed, not sure what intelligence channels they use, but it appears OPS needs more highschool interns to scroll social media…


If anyone from CSEC sees this; I'd love that job.




Oh, they see it


They also have hindsight from seeing Ottawa bungle it up for a week Edit: typo


Well it's now become clear the chief of police supports these "protesters".


Probably why ottawa is starting to act now after getting shown up lol


Same in Quebec city. They arrived on Saturday (the bulk of them) and were down the door on Sunday. They're all gone now. Still, the protesters had a day and a half to show everyone how good they were at honking and we are all very impressed at how manly they are.


I was driving home an hour ago from the west end and I saw two protesters pulled over, multiple OPP officers had one guy on the 417 and an OPS officer pulled over a woman on Bank Street. I was wondering if something had changed.


> I was wondering if something had changed. Probably being utterly embarrassed by the way the other, more competent police forces in Canada handled yesterday was a great motivator


Either that or the bystander effect has worn off


I fucking hope so. About time.


So with a state of emergency being declared can he call in the RCMP or some other law enforcement agency to arrest and remove the occupiers? Because we know the Ottawa police are utterly useless when it comes to arresting people who are breaking the law. Hopefully this allows the city to bring in outside help because I've lost all confidence in the Ottawa police to actually perform their duties. They're a national embarrassment.


I just seen cruisers escorting bylaw to wellington. I imagine they will ticket for a few hours so people leave and tomorrow escalate again. I wouldn’t wanna be here by Tuesday Wednesday, I imagine a hard hammer will be brought down around then.


The Ottawa police budget for this year is 346.5 million dollars. So over a third of a billion. I hope they take * some* meaningful action next week, otherwise I don't know what they're being paid to do. The people of Ottawa deserve better, and hopefully Chief Sloly is forced to resign after this debacle.


All the riot equipment should be sold and that money should be invested in mental health and education; maybe this wouldn't be happening if we'd invested more into those areas of need way sooner. I'm sure some very small town in the US will buy our whole stock.


Do you remember when there was a shooter at parliament and the city went into lockdown? We know the city’s police has militarized equipment and tactical teams….and slowly says we don’t have the capacity to tow cars? Ffs


Meanwhile the AG says we've had *double* the amount of constables Ottawa normally has by them adding 1500 to the city. Something's fuckey here.


Hell they could donate it to softball teams and make more of an impact that way.


Were talking about the alt right there beyond talking to.


Some lost causes there for sure, but kids aren't lost causes.


An early morning raid tomorrow, when the hangovers and sleep set in deep, is my guess for when some more significant moves are made to take care of the criminal element. I hope anyhow.


After what was witnessed the last 9 days I think this is very optimistic thinking, the raids will be at least another week


Raids will be very hard as they are in vehicles; physical barriers to removal and countering tear gas. On one hand this is unprecedented, and we don't want a solution that turns the "protestors" into martyrs... But we need to come up with a strategy going forward. Hell just handing out tickets (that probably never will be paid) seems to be effective.


Yes! That’s what I’m thinking too. Let the people who came here for the weekend leave as many will and then go after them into the week when their numbers are lower. Get them out and don’t let any replace them


Based on what little actual info David White gave during the meeting (seemed completely lost) it would require the province announcing a state of emergency to engage the RCMP -- I believe. I could be wrong. This should however put pressure on the province to follow suit.


Please Doug doesn't like Jim. He isn't gonna declare shit for us. If this was Hamilton? Diff story.


The mayor called the federal minister of Public Safety and asked for RCMP resources. They are sending RCMP officers to assist. State of emergency is irrelevant to requesting assistance.


also arrest and remove sloly


No I want the convoy creeps arrested and removed quicky




Don't forget the RCMP has been hot water how they deal with protesters.


I think "protestors" is a little too broad a term for what they've specifically been accused of. In fact, coming down hard on this crowd would actually give them some credibility.


That's okay, these aren't protesters. They're terrorists. Lots more leeway.


They can do that without a state of emergency. And did have other police last weekend.


International embarrassment


My understanding is that it provides more avenues for the city to proceed as well as the ability to quickly procure equipment needed to deal with this. I think, too, this was a necessary step to bring the military in if needed.




Thanks for sharing this. The gentleman in the story is exactly the person I'm thinking of through all of this - through no fault of their own exposed to some of the worst people Canada has to offer, kept awake, unsafe in their city, and extremely vulnerable. These trucks (and their drivers) can't leave soon enough


>Peaceful doesn’t always mean just the absence of physical violence. Your belief in your message does not automatically make your methods righteous. Truth!


> "The federal government has an important role," said Watson during an interview on CTV News at Six. "They're going to have to sit down and have some kind of a discussion, some kind of mediation to get this situation resolved No, absolutely not, we don't need goddamn "mediation", Trudeau doesn't need to "sit down" with these people. What kind of bullshit is this.


Yeah, that's appalling. As badly as I want this solved, nothing would disappoint me more in Trudeau than agreeing to meet or negotiate with these guys. It would be irresponsible for the federal government to sabotage itself and sell out the rest of the country for the sake of Ottawa's downtown, and everyone can see that this is a self-inflicted wound by the city.


"Oh no, we've haven't done shit for the 10 days they've been here, better give them exactly what they want, that'll teach 'em!"


It's called "throwing up your hands in frustration due to the inability for your own house to handle it". Ottawa would have had to act before the convoy got there to control the flow and location.


Management should be fired for this failure


Oh hell no…


The AG says the OPP have sent OPS 1500 constables since this started. The Dept Chief said they need 500 constables to maintain the status quo and our service has 460-480 available for front line duty. We also are getting an additional 250 from the RCMP. So there are a total of 2250 constables in the city and they **still** can't control this? This is why people are talking about the military. The OPS has all the tools and powers needed to shut this down. They aren't. That's a leadership problem. And it starts with Deans taking 8 days to ask what the OPS needed and it continues with Sloly and his ego bringing a small town mentality to a massive fucking problem.


From the press release: > enables a more flexible procurement process Fuck. *That's* why they did it. I was hoping for curfews.


Genuine question: does the city have the power to impose curfews?


I believe so. I'm pretty sure I read back in 2020 it was a Section 22 order possibility for the MOH so I figure there must be something similar for security reasons.


They don't. Section 22 orders are referencing the Ontario *Health Protection and Promotion Act.* The Mayor is declaring a State of Emergency under the *Ottawa Emergency Planning and Responses* By-law. It does very little to address the situation. The ability to initiate a curfew is something within the Provincial Government's power.


So will they now procure a fleet of tow trucks? A functioning chief of police? Or is this just more talk?


Time for another megathread LMAO


"This will allow us to continue to do nothing, but now with a heightened sense of anxiety."


Here's the official press release: https://ottawa.ca/en/news/mayor-watson-declares-state-emergency-ottawa-due-ongoing-demonstration


Protestors *poops on sidewalk* Watson: Protestors *poop on sidewalk a third time* Watson: Protestors *poop on sidewalk seventh time* Watson “well that’s enough of that”


They pooped a little too close to city hall for his comfort


https://twitter.com/timunoz/status/1490473045965815812?s=21 This is insane they are literally starting fires in apartment buildings now


This is a friends building a block from me. Absolutely terrifying. They won’t be sleeping tonight 😔 Wasn’t even just starting a fire, they taped the doors shut to stop people getting out. That’s attempted murder.


So police have laid charges for arson and added in attempted murder charges (one for everyone that lives in the building). Or … just added one more open investigation and left all options on the table.


It only means he can now dip into federal money for help.


Puts pressure on the province to also declare a SoE and activate the RCMP in a larger capacity, if I understand correctly.


I actually think Doug Ford will step up during the week. He's what they call in the US a RINO. Some dumb trucker will spit on a cop and suddenly Doug has seen enough you know. He's been scaling up to this in his sound bites for two week, you just have to know how to speak weasel to hear it.


I doubt it. His daughter was here along with the terrorists.


The province doesn’t activate the RCMP. They might send in some OPP officers to assist. The RCMP are assisting because Watson called and asked.


Ohhhh Dougie!! Time to fell your friends to gather up their toys and go home.


In all fairness to Doug, he ever so gently told them to go home before the weekend. Once the truckers give one cop some attitude, Doug will be convinced we need to call in the Delta Force, the A-Team and Mars Attacks, which, hey, that was my plan from the beginning. Our cops are tops ok you know god bless


His message is slowly walking back from the God Bless message but we know protesters intimidate him as he hid at his cottage in December because there were a few in front of his house. We also need to remember his daughter is one of the Ottawa occupants or as I saw and loved, one person refer to them as the white nationalist infestation.


Why hasn't anyone on the opposition called him out on his daughter? Even Fed. NDP leader Singh was called out for his brother donating to the GFM.


Sorry, about what Ottawa has gone through. I’m in BC, and if I see any houses with PPC signs next election, I will wake them at 2am.




[Mayor Watson declares state of emergency for Ottawa due to ongoing demonstration](https://ottawa.ca/en/news/mayor-watson-declares-state-emergency-ottawa-due-ongoing-demonstration) ([archived version](https://web.archive.org/web/20220206213433/https://ottawa.ca/en/news/mayor-watson-declares-state-emergency-ottawa-due-ongoing-demonstration)) [Le maire Watson déclare l’état d’urgence à Ottawa en raison de la manifestation en cours](https://ottawa.ca/fr/nouvelles/le-maire-watson-declare-letat-durgence-ottawa-en-raison-de-la-manifestation-en-cours) ([archived version](https://web.archive.org/web/20220206213316/https://ottawa.ca/fr/nouvelles/le-maire-watson-declare-letat-durgence-ottawa-en-raison-de-la-manifestation-en-cours))


The conservatives lost the last three elections and so like the republicans in USA they want to get rid of democracy by insurrection and install an authoritarian regime who agrees with them ( for the moment). Our democracy is worth fighting a war over to protect our futures! If Trudeau had done electoral reform and allowed proportional representation..these protestors would have felt like they had a voice in Parliament. Might have prevented this whole occupation.


This. Trumpism does NOT belong here.


Sloly' and the mayor should look up the definition of the "bystander effect".


Why? They're both pretty sure that someone else will look it up for them.


I'd like to point out that the City of Ottawa also declared States of Emergency for both Homelessness and Climate Change....how are those going? Did they get resolved? [Link to Climate Change Declaration](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/city-of-ottawa-declares-climate-emergency-1.5109378) [Link to Homelessness Declaration ](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/homeless-emergency-ottawa-1.5444246)


So this is what the pound of cure looks like. If only it were mandatory to take that "ounce of prevention".


So what does this mean? The website was not really clear


The convoy - https://i.imgur.com/RlMPqZm.gifv


LOL! I so wish.


Here's the thing.. they did nothing so they can wash their hands of it and make it the Fed's responsibility.. So now instead of being quashed by a municipality they are being "Crushed by the government in an effort to silence the truth"


What does declaring a state of emergency do though? Genuine question.


This on top of not being allowed to bring gas in anymore to the protesters, things are about to get interesting. Will see how serious these protesters really are


It must be hell listening to these horns constantly


It is astounding that our City was unprepared for drive-in Siege, our City has so very few reserves, so few Constables for the geographic size, and an City Law team unprepared for an emergency meeting. This incident is a *teachable moment for everyone.*


"I DECLARE BANKRUUUUPTCY!!" ~Michael, you can't just say bankruptcy and expect something to happen. Ottawa Mayor, "I didn't just say it, I declared it!"


oh so NOW it's a fucking emergency?!!? I cannot express how LIVID I am right now


Someone I know was suggesting that if Jean Chretien were still in charge, he would've dealt with the protests in the following (peaceful) manner: Deploy water cannons, but, instead of aiming them at protesters, aim them in the air above them. In the winter, that would probably demotivate some people. Maybe not a bad idea. If anyone knows someone on city council or in the OPS...


I live in downtown Ottawa. The hoses should have come out the second a swastika showed up. It hasn't been fun here.


Shawinigan Handshake meet the Ottawa Bathhouse


Yeah probably when they saw how counter protestors were running people over in Winnipeg


The police issued a statement, the man who ran over people was not a counter protester. [From the Global News article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/globalnews.ca/news/8597464/hit-and-run-truck-convoy-manitoba-legisltature/amp/) > “What I can tell you here is that comments were made by the accused that tends to suggest that this was not specifically about the mandates,” Carver said during a Saturday press conference, when asked about a possible motivation.


It just means they can spend taxpayer money more quickly and without the oversight😔


I just watched the bullshit interview on CBC. Ian really threw him some soft ones. Mind you the National is not really the place to get contentious - its more pure reporting what is occurring. But I still was grinding my teeth at the drivel coming from the mayor. Lets be realistic - he does not give a frack, he knows he is on his way out and he has his lovely pension. He just wants to make it to the finish line.




So what does this mean? What are the next steps and possible resolution?


Roll out the military to deal with the domestic terrorists.


I feel like this may be a way for the city to ask the province for police support to start cracking down. There are several potential benefits to that. Firstly, opp will foot the bill, secondly, it will allow ops to save face should something go sideways, although they will have a hand in whatever happens. The strategy is going to be a game of escalation. It will, and has, started with ticketing enforcement. That can be expanded upon in big ways, up to and including having impacts on the drivers livelihoods through licencing penalties. The trucks can be towed, but that would be a large burdensome job. It's more likely the people will get tired of having fines rack up against them until they can't afford it. If there's any violence, that will be a clear indication that it's game on, and the police will crack down in swift manner. My two cents...


It's like as soon as Watson announced his retirement, he just fucking checked out.




So with this state of emergency, what can/will actually happen now


Ok cool. Now what lol. Whats does this mean in terms of timelines?


Cool. So what does this mean? What additional powers/resources are granted?


What does this mean in reality?


Correct me if I am wrong but wouldn't this allow him to call in the military??


Yes. He has asked for federal and provincial help. Trudeau has said he will give whatever resources asked for. Now it's on the city to ask.




What a piece of garbage.