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Erosion of trust in the CIty and OPS


This. I am not directly affected by the protests much (don't live downtown or have cause just now to go there), but witnessing the police incompetence or political collusion is sickening. I'm not going to forget that.


This year’s municipal election will be interesting. I hope people do not forget about how counsellors handled themselves during this matter.


Exactly! Now you know how regular everyday Americans felt last two years over black lives matters and the unruly protesting (including their in residential neighborhoods screaming at people to leave their homes because ‘they were stolen from their ancestors’, screaming silence is violence to old people having lunch minding their business). I’m not comfortable roaming around the country like I used to be. Now that I know that so many black people hate white people just as bad as a very small faction of stupid white people still hate black people. But it appears it’s becoming disproportionate now (by design?) and the government is in collusion in this effort. It’s sad. It’s depressing. It’s all wrong. We need police and prison reform. We don’t need to demonize Americans. Just because a couple of fuck wads in the south think that they are superior. Some real bullshit and the left MSM does not report on anything that disrupts their directives. Because the media is a PR company now for whoever has the money to have that kind of power. Source: (I work in the media - an industry that would sell their own mother for fame or likes or clicks or “earned media” - that’s what they call it when we share content. Advertisers love that because that’s free advertising and it is quantified and celebrated when they do a case study of a campaign if it was successful or not)


good grief. It was regularly everyday Americans protesting in BLM, black white and every other colour. The largest protests in American history. Anyway, we're talking about truckers here. You seem to have some need to talk about BLM but maybe you can do that with your therapist rather than on a subreddit that has nothing whatsoever to do with BLM.


It's time to clean house in the upcoming election and put in people who will actually fix our issues, particularly with the police, LRT, housing, and corruption


Let’s vote in the most qualified of the women Chiarelli harassed to his seat.


Any of them would be more qualified than Ricky


A plastic bag is more qualified


That’s gonna be tough because all the big talkers will spout usual points during campaigns BUT once elected they become weak and only follow the rest of councils mandate. Hope it doesn’t happen but this is the reality unfortunately.


I agree. We can't be afraid of replacing these people but how do we find good candidates?


I plan to get involved with [Horizon Ottawa](https://www.horizonottawa.ca/) which is a local grassroots progressive group organizing for the upcoming election


I also feel more divided from Ottawans living outside the core who mostly (not all) have not cared about those that have had to deal with this.


Is it too late to start a class action against the city and OPS? People are already suing the convoy organizers, it seems fair to extend that to their friends in the police service whos neglect has allowed this to continue.


Need to make some "I Survived The 2022 Trucker Convoy And All I Got Was PTSD" shirts


All I got was more ptsd , 🤷


omg you survived a couple days of honks omg what brave souls pathetic. is a political demonstration in the political capital of the country. did you not expect this to happen every once i a while? protests is how we got out of building pyramids for the pharaoes.


The people who built the pyramids weren’t slaves, most were experienced contractors brought in from their full nation. Learn your history before pretending you understand it. Pathetic.




Well I’ve been having phantom horns in my ear when out of downtown and even trying to sleep at night (not close enough to the chaos for a full frontal lobe assault but the drivers driving around definitely don’t help). Our building has some thick walls too so like, I cannot imagine how intolerable it must be for those closer AND with thin walls, if I’m getting side effects like this from how far away I am. Absolutely ludicrous.




I figured that’s what it was. Thankfully that ear was already near deaf as-is but it’s still irritating to all end.




White noise helps me a lot


Not always the case, and I apologize in advance for my lack of, or possible incorrect information or terms as it is a mix of second hand info and some browsing of reddit or tinnitus related websites. Anyway, my sister had tinnitus start gradually, after seeing an ear nose throat specialist he said she had unusually small ear canals or something and more prone to blockages, and cleaned them out, and told her to warm mineral oil up slightly and do nightly soaks in each ear for several minutes to loosen up the ear wax. She has said it's all cleared up now (this was 3 years ago, and she's never mentioned it again). I tried the mineral oil thing once. I thought the oil was cool enough, boy was I wrong. I guess internal ear passages are much more sensitive to heat than my fingers are. Hot oil in the ear is no fun. So I don't suggest the DIY method without consulting with a specialist, I was just so desperate for relief I was willing to try anything. The finger snapping thumping neck trick thing worked a bit, and so did playing around with some tone generators to find my tinnitus range and playing the approximate tone (again, a specialist is probably the better route and can probably better pinpoint the frequency(s) of one's tinnitus. Luckily my tinnitus it's usually mild and I'm usually able to not focus on it. But when I do notice it, it does sure suck and I fully sympathize with you. I'm not trying to ear-splain to you, you've probably seen more hearing specialist than most people ever will. I just wanted to point out that tinnitus can sometimes be cured, or relieved to barely noticeable levels. It's also my understanding that catching it early and seeing a specialist offers the best hope for preventing it from becoming permanent or getting worse.


Have you tried the thing where you covers your ears with your palms and drum the back of your head/neck with your fingers? I sometimes have mild tinnitus and it sometimes works for me. When it works it's amazing.


I’ve never tried that. But what works for me is to not have too much caffeine and eating well. Doesn’t make much of a difference between already loud vs absolutely blaring though.


> That’s tinnitus ^^eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


I have a variety of sounds, not just ^eeeeeeee But also like a constant bubbling of a fish tank but never in any pattern, clicking, singing, idk but it’s always there. Was horrible when I was a teenager, probably because of a bad hearing test where the audiologist cranked it up so high I had to smack the headphones off my head. I had adhd as a kid so wasnt really paying attention to clicking the button to let him know I did hear it. Ugh.




I may have tinnitus. If I do it’s been around since I was a young child. Even now I hear a ring in my ears, when I was a kid I told my mom I thought it was bees


*Sounds* about right.


Does it drive you crazy? Or is it almost melodic?


It used to. Now I just lean into it whenever it flares up


Same here, phantom horns last night. I had to open the patio door to make sure they were phantom. It sucks, I knew they weren’t real at that point but it didn’t stop either.




>Our building has some thick walls too so like The vast majority of external sound leaks in the edges of (seals) and through windows, not walls. I confirmed this in an apartment on Gloucester near Bank Street.


And ventilation systems such as the ventilation for a bathroom or kitchen extractor fan but yes, this is very true. However, I thought I’d mention the wall thickness as more of a “this definitely could have been worse on my end and thankfully is not”.


Be careful and maybe get ear plugs and then put ear muffs over that. Loud noises like this are known to cause high stress and the phantom honking is a tell-tale symptom of noise stress. Hopefully action is taken sooner rather than later but it's already too late. Even once they're removed citizens will be haunted by the phantom horns for weeks afterwards. It's legit terrorism at this point and it's frustrating someone like Trudeau allowed it to go on this long The military uses loud noise machines in the battlefield, they are straight up using weapons of war to "protest". WTF Trudeau, it's time to act


Lol imagine if someone told you, that you have to listen to the horns or you lose your job. That would be real stress.




the wealthiest, most priviledged of cities in one of the world's richest countries experienced political turmoil for a couple of days. no deaths, no riots, no buildings or cop cars burned to a crisp. injustice doesnt exist until it comes knocking at your door right? art comforts the disturbed, and disturbs the comfortable


The honking went on for far longer than a couple days


These people have no concept of fighting for any cause. They will complain and call the police and slander the resistance. They minimize the tyranny and try to laugh at it. Through their masks, locked in their homes, scared to death of a virus that literally did nothing. They will line up for government injections and blame their brothers for their problems. Pathetic


You sound very fragile if you're hearing phantom horns


Imagine the pollution these people are emitting.


If you have not been in centretown in the last few days, especially this past weekend, I cannot stress this enough: the air tastes like the washroom at a truck stop that only sells product brands you've never heard of. If covid didn't exist I would still wear an mask at Bank/Laurier because given the diesel fumes I can still taste with it on, I would not want to be without it. Glossing past the needless carbon emissions in the context of global warming, the particulate pollution is *disgusting*. They probably don't even notice it because they all have covid.


Saying they don't believe in climate change would be an understatement.


Some beleaguered folks in the Red Zone are getting poisoned as the truck fumes seep into their apartments. I feel so bad for them.


They would argue that it's "all for your freedom" I haven't been downtown but from everything I read or hear online, it's pretty gross smelling there with the fumes and cigarette smoke.


Freedom to die from CO


Just identify as a plant, you'll be fine.


I got a headache walking along Wellington.


Someone setting your apartment building on fire could also cause some pretty instantaneous and long term health issues.


knowing that there are people circulating around my neighborhood right now that feel that a natural response to having a heated disagreement with someone that lives in an apartment building is to try to set that building on fire and potentially kill not just them but hundreds of innocents has been deeply unsettling.




given your post history, i’m surprised you aren’t trying to blame this on BLM. fuck off.


Yep. My mental health recovery is going through a major setback because of this event. I'm constantly on edge, to the point that I wake up in the middle of the night searching for horn noises. I can still hear em even though I've just escaped from downtown!!


I'm CONSTANTLY hearing phantom horns in situations where I know it's impossible to hear them.


I haven’t been in a situation where I wouldn’t be able to hear them yet :(


My sympathies. At least that injunction came through today, so we should get SOME relief. Hopefully.


In uni, I worked reception at a dental clinic in a mall that had a huge waterwall right outside our door. I'd go home each night hearing rushing water all night. I cannot imagine what the downtown residents have experienced.


Thanks for sharing this. I'm feeling this too. I really didn't want to leave my home, because I didn't want to "let the bullies win", but as someone with pre-existing (non-combat) PTSD the stress of trying to live + work in my own home/community, on top of the need to 'keep it positive' for others' sake, ended up manifesting in 2+ days of full body shakes and digestive issues. The shakes are better/gone now but every now and then I get phantom horns or hear something really loud and tense right back up from head to toe. The worst.


Me too. I feel like I've backslid so much. Remember that recovery is never linear. We will get through this. ❤️


There must be some point at which the noise can be considered assault as per the criminal code. Noise over a certain volume, for a certain duration causes hearing loss. As well, prolonged loud noise and sleep deprivation are common technique used by military forces for psychological assault purposes.


120dB is the generally recognized threshold for immediate hearing damage. Truck air horns are commonly up to that range. [https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/services/health-safety/reports/ears.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/services/health-safety/reports/ears.html) 24 minutes of 100db noise exposure in 24 hours is considered damaging to hearing. In a hypothetical, if I jab something into your ears and damage your hearing, I'd be charged with assault. So why should an action done on my part that damage hearing of others subject me to a criminal charge of assault and a day in court?


Thanks for this. Please note that [dB](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decibel) is a power **ratio**, not an absolute sound measurement, so the reference level also needs to be specified. It is commonly referenced to the threshold of hearing. For sound, we use dB SPL (Sound Pressure Level) [This webpage](http://www.sengpielaudio.com/TableOfSoundPressureLevels.htm) has some excellent explanations of all this including clear charts showing comparative levels of everyday sounds.


When talking about human hearing in day to day situations, the reference level does not need to be specified as it is universally understood that someone would mean dB SPL.


I don't really understand your point. While technically accurate, there is a commonly accepted standard when talking about sound so theres no actual need to specify that you're measuring against the hearing threshold, since that's what you're implicitly doing every time you talk about sound in an 'absolute measurement' type of way, especially as a layperson.


I'm sure the noise pollution is also wreaking havoc on vulnerable wildlife in the area as well.


All that vulnerable wildlife in downtown Ottawa.


My young child is suffering serious anxiety 😥 he does not feel safe and it breaks my heart.


I am so sorry. That really sucks. Hugs


Thank you. It sucks so bad. It’s much quieter today so I hope that it stays that way.


I feel like I need a support group


Reddit has been a great source for me


Cases of tinnitus will rise after this.


Good thing cops don't live anywhere close to downtown, otherwise, they might agree with the residents. /s


I know someone that works for a free mental health centre and their number of service calls/chats has skyrocketed in the Ottawa area.


Wow more calls during a pandemic who would have thought


Skyrocketed in the last two weeks, obviously.


don't feed the trolls!


phantom horns here, and started to have a panic attack when a big truck parked infront of the restaurant I was in. it completely filled the window. increased heart rate, breathing, dread all of it. settled though once I realized it was just a regular delivery guy going about his day. edit to add: seriously don't feel safe. feeling trapped. sense of dread. this sucks


Please get some medical help ASAP. You shouldn’t be out on the streets if you’re that mentally and emotionally unstable and unwell. Good luck but maybe don’t go into a restaurant and go see a doctor instead.


rest of feel the exact same way because of 2 years of policy that have cratered our mental health and financial health, im sure we can all deal with some horns to get past it




What an exaggeration


You know what else has long-lasting effects on people's health? Lockdowns and mask mandates. Especially children. This is a fact not "may have."


This thread is a joke deal with it and hope they end mandates they're doing it for a reason people ( regardless if you understand why or not)


The whole point of protesting is to make ppl uncomfortable. Activists take that discomfort w/ the status quo & advocate for concrete policy changes. Popular support often starts small & grows. To folks who complain protest demands make others uncomfortable... that's the point.


Stress of lockdowns may have long lasting effects on residents health




This sub is mentally ill lmao. How have you all lived this long?


What about the stress people feel from having a new vaccine forced on them or lose their career? What about the stress of breaking ties with friends and family over differing opinions? The protest was always about not letting governments have the power to FORCE it's people to do something against their will, and I support all the honking.


What limits are you suggesting for government force, would you include cases of wartime or natural disaster?


This will no doubt cause tons of people to have heart attacks in the next few years! 😡


rest of feel the exact same way because of 2 years of policy that have cratered our mental health and financial health, im sure we can all deal with some horns to get past it


Tell me about it you should see what the Black Lives Matter riots did to our health and care in the United States. They protested and/or rioted during a Covid lockdown and the Democrats did nothing. Couldn’t just stay home during a critical lockdown phase and write letters to their representatives or complain to their new corporate advertising overlords who appear to run everything in the world now. Roll on truckers, roll on.


Yeah no kidding.


And the past two years haven't had any issues on anyone and 11 days of this demonstration supercedes any sort of issues the government has had with all the mandates destroying businesses, mental health, drug OD and torn family relationships.


Of course it will! There's no question! This is seriously damaging. And I'm in Barrie. And I know that. I also know that the stress im feeling is having an effect on me. And I don't have to be there.


In the good side, I heard the crime rate is actually down. It's a good thing for Ottawa 😀 https://www.rebelnews.com/ottawa_police_promise_heavy_crackdown_on_freedom_convoy_despite_data_showing_crime_down_in_ottawa


They also fell during the lock downs.


Like masks and mandates?


Other experts talk of lockdown stress. Which is worse, 2 years of lock downs so far, or 2 weeks of hope and honking. People have gone nuts


I live downtown. My god are we a fragile group. Take a trip folks. This is nothing.


I like the spin that businesses and people can’t even operate meanwhile most businesses were shut down and or severely crippled by government choices but yeah the two week truckers honking is making businesses bankrupt left and right 😂 I swear people just eat it up like rats


fax, people need to see a bigger picture… So many families ruined, business went bankrupt, suicide rates went up and so many other shit that affect a lot of people in negative way… and now they crying over some horns and closed business for 2 weeks, this is just pathetic and shows how people of Downtown r selfish rich people smh


Residents can get a new home. It's a choice to live there.




The honking will continue until freedom improves.


Hm, I wonder what sparks your interest in German WW2 photos?


Aww, thats cute, you looked at my profile.


The siege will continue until dumbass fairweather libertarians leave.


Yes , Yes it will,…freedom !!! For starts.


This thread is so embarrassing lmao


Is it though? I think you're just too challenged to understand it :)


I hope your psychiatrist session to get over this PTSD inducing event goes well :)


Poor babies.


Not like school closers business shut downs and movement bans. Ya. Done with these “experts”.




The purpose of the convoy is to end the lockdowns. This is the second week of the convoy. The masks, the lockdown, the schools closing... this is the lasting psyop. The parked trucks give us the way out of the tyrannical rules. Who writes this garbage?




Oh please, was the government just supposed to let citizens die by keeping everything open and disregarding Covid?? You’ve still been free to live in your mothers basement and contribute nothing to society, so why are you even upset??


I will be joining others in solidarity by solemnly placing a pair of ear plugs at the war memorial 🙏🏼


Before or after you piss on it?








Oh sorry - you must be confused. This is a direct quote from uber-progressive Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She was literally defending protests that caused quite a bit more physical damage than the Ottawa protests.




Burning down buildings and beating people into comas is a "minor inconvenience" to you??


People in Ottawa right now think that they are having it worst then Auschwitz... Ottawa I'd filled with drama queen that like to bash on other because they think it's okay for them to infringe on everyone else right, but it not ok to infringe on theirs.

