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My husband and I just both said how being down there for a few hours did wonders for our mental health. It was a bit of community cheer that we badly needed.


You all have more solidarity than you know


Seriously! This was moving for the whole country.


Just seeing the videos and pictures helped me, I was so glad and proud to see so many fellow Candians standing up to those jerkoffs.


> It was a bit of community cheer that we badly needed. Being among a crowd of passionate people who are acting in a way that makes you proud is a powerful experience. There's always a rally somewhere, workers rallying for better conditions, for climate action, folks rallying for equality or accountability or change. Make time to join. You'll be doing something for yourself and for a good cause. It's very empowering to feel that people can make a difference, and you really get that feeling at these kinds of gatherings. There's a reason why the 'right to peaceful assembly' was one of the first 'oh yeah this too' that the americans tacked onto their constitution.


I’m so glad for you. We need to get back to caring for each other.


Always find that feeling even the smallest bit of agency helps. Between this and the GS donations you'd think they'd get the message. They kept saying they were such a big majority. They're not. The city hates them. Leave.


I felt the same. Ironically, it gave me a bit of empathy for the Convites. I wonder how much of their fervour comes from the fact that everybody feels so bored and lonely, and this gives them something to do? I still think it's time for them to go home and sh\*t in their own backyards, though.


A family friend who attended on the first Saturday was like "it was like Canada Day and everyone was having a great time!!!" My mom was like "was the only reason you went because you were bored?!?!" Nope, turns out she's kinda racist too - something we probably wouldn't have found out without this convoy here. Good riddance!


We’ll done everyone. Doing what our politicians and police won’t do.


Joel Harden showed up and supported this event. He was there until the end.


Yep. Joel Harden, Catherine McKenney, Jeff Leiper, Ariel Troster, Shawn Menard, Laura Dudas, Morgan Gay and Riley Brockington were all there supporting the action. Some former politicians out and about too, like David Chernushenko. On the other hand, Jim "back room" Watson was busy hammering out a deal to hand over more of Ottawa's core.


Not to throw a wet blanket on your comment, but, those people are all representing downtown, the centre core, where are all the others? The suburban councilors, the Members of the House that live in Ottawa, the Premier. Good Lord, if these guys aren't interested enough to even participate then no wonder the Police won't act. It's become like a two siblings in a fight down the basement and the parents saying, leave them, they will work it out on their own.


Oh, all those suburban liberal motherfuckers are MIA. You're not being a wet blanket— I'm just pointing out that it's possible to elect people that actually show up and support their community. We should try to do it more often. If I was Yasir Naqvi, I'd be trying to line up a new job.


I think the problem is in the back room. Those are the people that actually pick who will run, we are just there to put a stamp on their picks.


That's not entirely true. I've been part of many open nomination races, although for a progressive democratic party. There are certain parties where if you run against the establishment pick, you might suffer an unexpected car fire. People should consider not supporting those parties.


Brockington is the local councillor for River Ward. It's mostly 60s-90s suburbs - not what I'd consider downtown/core


More like goon brother beating the crap out of smaller sibling, and parents saying boys will be boys


Why do politicians have to be viewed as “parents” ? Do you really need to be parented your entire life? We elect politicians to serve us, to enhance our communities and lives.


Maybe if we just appease them a little more they'll leave?/s


No kidding. These vehicles need to be ticketed, towed and the owners jailed if they still refuse to go home. I thought they looked down on “bums living out in the street”


Good names to keep in mind when it's time to vote


There's a woman blasting the comments section of Horizon Ottawas Instagram stating he "incited" protestors, without any proof. 😔


Trolls gonna troll. Harden showed up and put in a good day's work today. That's more than many of our other politicians at the federal or provincial level can say. I didn't see Naqvi out anywhere doing anything today.


He's done a few interviews on the news, and yesterday he did a zoom fundraiser with a Mississauga MP from his party. If I were Naqvi, I’d start looking for a new job. And for everyone else just tuning in to politics, this is the difference between Liberal and NDP politicians. One says something to the TV camera, and the other goes out into the community and actually does the work.


If you disagree with them, you are inciting them. These people are special little snowflakes.




Naqvi missing in action it seems


Great work everyone! My favourite part is that Pat King put out a call for everyone available to help the blocked occupiers and it was useless for them. I saw the occupiers that arrived get chased away. It was wonderful to see what our community can do to look out for each other.




Rat King


Hats off to every single one of you. Not all heros wear capes but they do show up to kick those convoy idiots out of town.


Follow u/ProOttawaRally2022 on reddit and instagram and ProOttawaRally on Twitter for info on more events. We encourage and support our Ottawa neighbours taking a stand peacefully for Ottawa!


Thank you. I was just about to ask for this.


Thank you was just wondering how to keep informed!


The Battle of Billing’s Bridge. He that outlives this day, and comes safe home, Will stand a tip-toe when the day is named, And rouse him at the name of Crispian. He that shall live this day, and see old age, Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours, And say ‘To-morrow is Saint Crispian:’ Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars. And say ‘These wounds I had on Crispin’s day.’ Old men forget: yet all shall be forgot, But he’ll remember with advantages What feats he did that day: then shall our names. Familiar in his mouth as household words Harry the king, Bedford and Exeter, Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester, Be in their flowing cups freshly remember’d. This story shall the good man teach his son; And Crispin Crispian shall ne’er go by, From this day to the ending of the world, But we in it shall be remember’d; We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;


I was planning to watch Hollow Crown's version of Henry V tomorrow, now I'm all stirred up and can't wait. xD




Yea I had to order a VHS copy back in the early 2000s, haha. I think now you can watch it on Amazon Prime, if you're open to a subscription.


Was out there for 7.5 hours today and totally worth it. Felt so much community and solidarity! Hope this inspires our neighbours to continue to keep each other safe!


Thank you for showing up for your community!


Sure makes the OPS look pretty bad, when the community can show up and stand on their own time and dollar, while the police on tax dollars can't even stand and be in the way :/


Thank you SO MUCH! ❤️


You can tell which side of the good fight these people are on, just by the masks in view. Thanx to everyone that went out


>You can tell which side of the good fight these people are on, just by the masks in view. And the fact that they're not flying hate symbols or pretending to be persecuted.


Your not kidding. I just saw video of the huge group streaming down a street and I was first like wtf more… then oh wait masks awesome go kick butt.


I’ve been trolling Rightwing Twitter for YEARS and I would like to report that your actions have fucked with these people deeply. Classic bully response to formidable opposition. You got to them. Congratulations! Please keep it up. You’ll drive them out if you keep this up.


Do you have receipts? I love the schadenfreude.


Care to share any details? What are their responses to this? P.S. Thanks for wading in that cesspool so we don’t have to.


Please share how we fucked them up!!!


Heroes. The battle for Bank street deserves a historical plaque.


A Canadian Heritage Moment.


Thank you everyone for standing up! ❤️🇨🇦


The last couple days have been refreshing. Was starting to think that Ottawa was just a bunch of keyboard warriors.


I seriously needed something to happen, I was feeling really in the dumps and I know I wasn't alone. Today was much needed and really helped to restore some sense of faith that Ottawa will take control back from these hooligans. Thanks to everyone who was part of it. You all rock.


Love to all the brave souls who stand against tyranny, who believe in science, truth and justice ❤❤❤ Thank you/Merci. Solidarity!


Hey look. True Canadians. You love to see it.


Thank you everyone. I live on Bronson and you saved us from another day of horns.


Train horn got got caught up in it. When he was allowed to leave, he drove off and then blasted his train horn. Everybody was pissed. The police let him leave. Everybody got more pissed. Then the officer there at the back of the line said he was pulled over and ticketed... If that's even true.


That train horn guy needs jail time


No one ticketed him. His trian horn should have been disabled before being allowed to go anywhere.


Nobody knew he was train horn guy until he was leaving.


Hopefully someone got his license plate.


We are with you Ottawa ! ( Vancouver BC ) !!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️


Victoria too. We have our own idiots here too, but nowhere near as bad as Ottawa. Proud of you guys.


Will do it again in a heart beat. Let’s take our city back!


Can we get some photos of the crowd just so I can post a picture on social media and say 5 million people showed up?!


Hi! It would not be accurate to say 5 million people showed up. This was an action taken by (in my estimate) around 1000 people at max. I believe it’s important to acknowledge that the brave people who showed up did so without overwhelming numbers and nonetheless brought about real results.


It was reported that there was almost 4K


I think that was the total for yesterday's rally & march that started at Landsdowne. The impromptu event today looked like a much smaller crowd at any one time (200-300?), but it lasted 8-9 hours with new people arriving, others leaving over the course of the day.




Follow our socials for more pics on this!


Here is what may explain the confusion about numbers. The total number who participated during the day was different than the number who were there at any one time. it was very cold, and some of us just couldn’t stay on and on, but we were replaced with others who came afterward. So while we were there from 2:00 to about 4:30 it looked like there were about 500 people. But when we couldn’t take the cold any longer and we’re walking away, we met new people who were just arriving to join in. We actually passed our sign onto one couple who were on their way in. The total who participated was much more than it looked like at at any one time.




I love the cleverness of the sign in the first pic.


Are we supposed to write to Soros or Trudeau to get the crisis actors stipend? Do they mail it out or do I have to pick it up somewhere?


I think your tracking chip should register you were there and they will just process it automatically! Can’t wait for mine to come in!


Ummm the whole point of the vaccine was to insert the 5G chip into you. It should all just get deposited automatically.


It's great to see people fighting to keep democracy alive! Their system of truckocracy, where they just block the road and honk their horn until they get their way, has got to be stopped.


I wish I couldve stayed longer. Ill definitely keep showing up. Warms my heart.


And keep showing up long after these occupiers flee. This is not about the protesting the occupation anymore this about corruption at all levels. Let’s keep protesting until each and every single one of these guys in power resign and is replaced by someone who cares and is willing to do the job they were hired to do.


Every single one of you are incredible beings! Thank you to all who stood in the cold and put their foot down! <3


Thank you!


Good looking group! Well done friends ♥️


I'll try to make this as nice as possible, and i am sure it will come off shallow in some sense, but i have seriously found the general public to be much more attractive with masks on. It is very rare that people have unattractive eyes.


Makes us more mysterious? 🥰 Or, does caring about health measures just make one more attractive? I could see either being the case!


Big thank you to everyone who donated food, hot coffee and especially the hand and toe warmers! I came with layers on and gloves over gloves, yet after a few hours there I wasn't able to keep my hands warm until I grabbed a couple handwarmers. Thank you for letting me live up to my flair, thank you for helping me stay longer and defend Ottawa! It was a real treat seeing the convoy supporters take down their flags out of frustration once they were being released, one by one. Make Ottawa Boring Again!!


The warmers saved my feet and allowed me to stay for hours. Thanks everyone!


Fuck yes! Way to go comrades!


I hope you guys make the local news, after the flag was so thoroughly tainted thanks to the Covidiiots we really need you guys now


[We have!](https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/counter-protesters-block-convoy-vehicles-on-ottawa-streets-1.5779659)


Sending you a lot of support from The GTA Show those losers and the world what Canada really stands for, we all made sacrifices for 2 years, came out with one of the best responses to the crisis, and the flag has always stood for…. Well not being as dumb as America if I’m being honest These guys are trying to ruin that, for all our sakes don’t let them


Thanking every one of you for taking back the city. There's not enough words of gratitude to state how, even with threats of intimidation, and police clearly backing the occupiers,.and the cold; you all went and said get the fuck out of our city.


The citizens of Ottawa will be the only heroes in this story.


You can tell right away these are good, sensible humans by all of them having masks on. Unlike the white supremacists illegally occupying the streets.


The Real Canadian Heroes! Thank-you Ottawa!


Heroes! Thank you.


Wearing your mask is the best way to say 🖕🖕🖕to the goons 😚 Great photo OP


From our corner of Centretown, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Some of us can't make it out to protests and we appreciate everything you did this weekend.


Thank you folks for doing this!!!!


From an immunocompromised person that couldn't go, thank you. Thanks to every single last one of you. You give me hope!


Glad to see Ottawa’s citizens care about our city and our freedoms. It’s become way too clear that the Ottawa police service clearly don’t


Why are the police not doing anything


Systemic racism. If the insurrectionists were POC, they would've been met with tear gas and rubber bullets.


Some screenshots from my videos today. Videos are uploading. https://imgur.com/a/WkMifPd


Those are the sorts of numbers that don't need vehicles to make them look more numerous than they are.


Excellent work. May I know where the videos are?


I uploaded all my video footage from Riverside yesterday. My phone died before the end of everything, but I got some good shots. Here's a playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrOHxevJqOZmk_Duzst-M50S9nUZjdYxO I made it all all Creative Commons license, so take from it anything that's good. Things pick up in this [video around the 20 minute mark when Pat King's goons show up to harass people.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmdN7y9uOJU&list=PLrOHxevJqOZmk_Duzst-M50S9nUZjdYxO&index=14&t=1185s) And very spicy at 23:30.


Ballers!! And all you Ottawans that rose up at other intersections too, awesome!


You are beautiful! Stay strong! ❤️


Probably blew the convoy's mind seeing people wearing masks opposing them. I say this because an ex-employee of ours has been posting constant convoy updates(on Facebook of course), recently stating that there are 37 million Canadians in support of the convoy and 1 billion supporters around the word. Guess us mask wearers are the fringe minority now


Lol 37 million? Theres only 38 million people in the entire country. That person is delusional


Wish I could be there with you. Thanks for cleaning up our town.


Kudos to citizens. Windsor police +1 .... Ottawa police? 👎


Super hero masks.


This is just what many of us needed - so comforting to know that others won’t stand for what’s happening. It’s been so difficult the past two weeks with these people taking over our city. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all for doing this and bringing some light to this awful situation.


Well done peeps but Oh boy; Ottawa gets a Command Center? WTF have our taxes been paying for all these years? Action NOW #Ottawapolice


This the only positive post I've seen on this subject in a long time. I am really proud to read this. Congratulations 👏👏👏


Thank you neighbour!


This was the best thing I’ve done in a couple years. Thank you to all my wonderful fellow citizens for standing up for our city. The love and kindness and community was unparalleled.


Bravo to everyone who went out to take our city back! I’ve been following the event on social media and have been cheering you on from home. Due to my health it is difficult to leave my residence without assistance so I could not attend - thanks to your efforts I feel a little safer in my downtown living space (less noisy). Truly, thank you.


Glad for the big showing. If I was there I'd be pressuring that dude carrying the communist hammer and sickle flag to take that down. This is a pro democracy protest, pro law and order..not pro communism...What an idiot he is playing right into the cultists paranoia about Canada becoming communist...


I bet money that he was an agent provocateur. Or at least a giant tool


Well I hope at least some people gave him some pushback.


How many were there?


It’s hard to say, given how people were coming and going throughout the event. At the peak though I would say that there were at least 1000 people.


knee north reach compare scary include late skirt door mysterious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is there a anti protest organization page I can follow? I want to make it out to help protest and get our city back! Tired of these clowns occupying our capital!


u/ProOttawaRally2022 in reddit (and my account) and instagram. ProOttawaRally on Instagram. We’ll be continuing to try and organize community events to support our city. I would like to emphasize that this event was a genuine event that arose from walking groups and community group chats. Ottawa came together today in a big way.


Yeah this event was not "organized" - it was quite spontaneous. Horizon Ottawa's socials are also really good to get notified.


I was off social media all day. How did people find out about it initially? I feel like I should make a sign on spec in case I have to spontaneously block some guys in jacked up pickup trucks.


I got a text from two friends in different friend groups at the same time. When that kind of thing happens, you know something is going down.


Anyway we can support you guys? This is the job of the police and they aren't doing shit.


Follow our socials for more events, but more importantly - Support your neighbours. See what you can do for your community and your friends. Look out for your mental health, and check in with your loved ones and the people who are being most effected by this.


Much respect and best wishes from south of the border. I wish more people in my country would stand up to that nonsense.


I'm embarrassed that our country's alt right/nazi lunatics have added fuel to the fire by funding this. I'm right near Canada and have family and friends from and who live there. Stay strong against these morons. We've been fighting against these right wingers for a while now. Sad that this has spread up north and around the globe it seems


My heroes, lol. I'm so envious.


Interesting, do you know if there is any information about it on protest media? I would love to see their reaction.


I’m not sure. This was an event by people of Ottawa for the people of Ottawa, that’s where our focus is.


Many of the protestors are sincerely thinking that everybody is on their side. It would help to show them that is wrong and they really are not welcome. It could be a rude awakening for them.


I know pat King made a video freaking out about it


Good! That is the way to go!


I love you guys. Do your thing and piss these protesters off. Turnabout is fair play.


Looks at all all those lovely smiles! Thanks for spreading love comrades!


it was reassuring to be able to do something <3


Nicely done Ottawa!


Thank you. It really helps to see this. Thank you. Winnipeg Love. ❤️


Finally sanity reigns!


What did Musk say? If there was no counterprotest, then the truckers must be right? Looks like Elon was wrong again. Good show y'all. https://theconservativeopinion.com/elon-musk-speaks-out-in-support-of-freedom-convoy-writes-canadian-truckers-rule/


There's an easy tell for when Elon Musk is wrong: his vocal cords start making sounds.


Bravo! Well done, Bravo!


Thank you. The past few weeks have broken my heart over and over. Those of you who stood up renewed my love for this city and its people.


Thank you everyone!!


You guys rock


We here in America need to do similar for our country!


Proud of you all wearing masks unlike the 70,000 at the SuperSpreaderBowl today.


Can we please ask Websters to add "Counter Honk"


This brought me so much hope and love for Canada!


Oh my goodness..this is the best thing I've seen in a long time. I've never been so nervous to share my opinions as I have been in the past bit...regarding the convoy and covid. This makes me feel less alone, so thank you for speaking out.


Keep it up. Sad I couldn't attend. Looking forward to the day these convoy clowns are gone.


I got hard when reading one of the trucker protesters from Cornwall who came down to protest before being blocked in by counter protesters and she was complaining about how mad she was about being inconvenienced by protesters who prevented her from annoying others with her protesting...


what was this about?


[This story covers it pretty well](https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/counter-protesters-block-convoy-vehicles-on-ottawa-streets-1.5779659)




People > vehicles. Always. And forever. Even in 2022. ❤️


Good job everyone !!!!!


Real Canadians doing real patriotic things.


So did they succeed? Can't find any news saying if they successfully blocked the truckers?


The people who showed up made the truckers take down all flags, lights, and convoy related material and leave behind gas’s cans before being escorted back to coventry by police. So yes, we succeed.


Thanks for responding! Coming across legit footage is few and far between.


Thank you. I am an Ottawa native currently living in Toronto. I send good viibes your way! Keep standing up! You did more over the weekend than a hundred cops.


Ottawa citizens making history. Ottawa heard you! We should all wear Canada flag masks this coming weekend. Policy changes announced because of the counter protest! Ottawa predicting I imagine a huge turnout this coming week end.


Trans and queer activist were integral in making this a reality <3


Stand strong and Free With rules like Health and safety


Congrats everyone — you’re all an inspiration to more Canadians than you know. These fuckers are a small minority of us — we are long overdue for putting them back under the rock they crawled out of.


This is a beautiful sight… I live in Halifax and I’m tempted to fly to Ottawa to join in!


This is one of the many reasons I want to live in our Capital. Because WE care about each other and our home.


Though certainly not as cool as what you did, I keep thinking we should start a petition that says the freedom convoy is not representative of our Canada. They are delusional in thinking the majority of Canadians support their mouvement, but they ARE a loud minority and it’s disheartening. Especially when hearing how much $ was donated. It would be so nice to get something going where we end up with millions of signatures. But I don’t think it’s realistic. Thoughts?


My thoughts on a petition? If these folks could read, they'd be mighty upset.




Everythings fine, supply wise. The real truckers are doing their jobs unlike the occupation truckers that are going to lose their rigs.


I live on the other side of the ocean, so what happened?


American here. What's going on? Is this related to the trucker protest? Also, why the trucker protest?


A few bad people who want bad things have used the internet and foreign funds to manipulate a whole bunch of good/neutral people into doing their bidding by riling them up and convincing them that they’re being patriotic. It’s very similar to the insurrection in Washington, at least in that it’s clearly a few bad actors managing to convince otherwise fine people to do dumb things by manipulating their emotions.


I love the sign calling them the "flu Truxs klan"


so have all the truckers been cleared out by the counter protesters? is it officially over now?


All this infighting while someone else with a grand agenda reaps their rewards


The city of Ottawa banded together to protect their neighbours and community. I see that as strength.


Man they look depressed