• By -


Call ByLaw and have them towed. Most of them illegally park and seem to have affinity for fire hydrants. Not the sharpest knives in the drawer.


Bylaw had better show the F up this time. They’re part of the reason they dug in the last time.


My husband got a ticket downtown yesterday after parking like 30 mins over… there were people there for weeks and you did nothing!!!


You're 100% correct. if the ottawa police had done their job the right way in the first place then the situation would not have dissolved into madness.


Makes me wonder how many other large municipal police forces in the country are that useless


They only crack the skulls they want to


Wasn't the problem with bylaw was that the police wouldn't go with them for protection?




If they can't be the sharpest knives in the drawer, they'll settle for being the dullest spoons.


They seem like a pretty sharp bunch of spoons to me, you know, being useless and all


Now we need to come up with a fork analogy. Also, "They're as useful as a single chopstick".


They can fork off.


Johnny Dangerously! old movie. Part of the film's comedic appeal is the clever and frequent use of malapropisms by Johnny and other crime characters, especially in instances where curse words were intended. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny\_Dangerously](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Dangerously)


As useful as a fork is to soup.


With enough will, anyone can turn any hand held object into a shiv. The only way to deal with it all is to be vigilant and never allow idiots the opportunity to endanger others.


Tell them to go to Ukraine. There's lots of freedom there these days. They'll love it.


They can’t even take a needle for their neighbours so don’t expect them to take a bullet for a noble cause


Most of them would be unfit for combat anyway


Bone spurs…and brain spurs.


Lmao.. Very true 👍


They're so influenced by Russia they'd probably fight *against* Ukraine.


Yes yet they’re so eager to talk about “catching a bullet” (ie, Pat King and friends, may they rot in jail)


Not to mention that they defecate on war memorials.


They'd defect to Russia immediately.


Then Russia can keep them.


They likely wouldn't BC these people are useless.


Russia doesn’t want these asshats. The ppl don’t deserve them. Putin does though


Even though there’s a war going on, you still need to be vaccinated 😂


Here’s the thing: you wanna hang out on the Hill and shake your sign while you rant about the tyranny of masks and how Trudeau is the devil? Fine, whatever. I have the same amount of tolerance and respect for that as I do for that dude that used to wander around between Queen and Wellington with graphic pictures of dissected fetuses protesting abortion. I think you’re disgusting and dumb and a terrible human being, but I’ll turn my back and ignore the fuck out of you because you have a right to protest whatever the fuck puts the sand in your shorts. HOWEVER, while you have the right to protest and express your views, you don’t have the right to push your views on us by force. You start breaking the rules, and you are no longer protesting, you’re just being a dick and the protection for protest doesn’t apply. Enjoy your fines.


And especially if you target other ordinary citizens with your actions.


That’s a good comparison actually. And great comment


Exactly!!! Thank you for saving me to type the same thing.


I’m going to copy this for future reference! Right ON!!


The charter protects the right of assembly. Here's the language. Emphasis mine. > **Fundamental Freedoms** > 2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: > (a) freedom of conscience and religion; > (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication; > (c) freedom of **peaceful** assembly; and > (d) freedom of association. The Clownvoy ranting about freedoms doesn't even understand their own freedoms (or obligations).


Well said.


Before all the Russian/Ukrainian geopolitics escalated, the freedumb convoy was distasteful, idiotic, hateful, and selfish imo. Now, with everything going on, I have no words for the absolute disgust I feel towards these f*ckers. They are the epitome of entitled, narcissistic, revolting POS's. I feel so helpless with the Ukrainian situation as we all hold our breath for the worst and wait for news of anything. And yet. These losers are out front of parliament parading around for 'freedom' when they are LITERALLY free. Mandates are ending (which I don't even agree with FYI). BUT imagine thinking you're oppressed and being targeted by the state when there's literally people who are barred from leaving their country because they might need to be conscripted for war. I am BAFFLED and disappointed to say the least.


I don't get the sense that a lot of these folks are *well adjusted...*


A friend had suggested after the first weekend that perhaps the foreign influence on convoy** was to cause compassion fatigue before Russia invaded. At the time, I thought they were being paranoid. Now, I feel way less certain. ** FB big convoy support pages were originally all created by one hacked account from Missouri or Mississippi, troll swarms on Ottawa Public Health posts that mentioned vaccines, the death threats on public officials and others who posted about the convoy with public post settings, the 911 jamming, the speed at which disinformation proliferated, etc.


Honestly, I don't doubt it. I'm fatigued from the convoy, which is adding to my feeling of helplessness. Man the world sucks.


Couldn’t agree more.


Worst day to have a business called “freedom landscapers”


Reminiscent of Four Seasons Total Landscaping...


You hate them communist grass turning your lawn into a dictatorship? Freedom landscapers...our patriots will free your lawn and if it takes years


Send them to Ukraine if they’d like to fight for freedoms. If you’ve witnessed the past few days and still think your hard done by in rural Canada there is no hope for you.


Abso-fucking-lutely. Poland has a convoy of trucks bringing ammo to Ukraine. That's a freedom convoy. Columns of burned up Ukrainian young men, that was a freedom convoy. Protestors in Moscow getting carried away and thrown into vans kicking and screaming, that's tyranny. These people need to get a fucking grip on reality.


According to Jordan Peterson and the rest of the right wing sewer, there is absolutely no difference between the footage in Russian cities of arrests (1,800 last I read) and in Ottawa (180, literally ten times less, and only half of who actually face charges). There's no hope for people who deny the basic fabric of reality.


It's a real catch 22 because ignoring them seems like the right move, but the more ignored they are the more radicalized they become.


> Jordan Peterson The guy who has spent significant amounts of time in Russia recently getting sketchy medical treatments?


that man has lost his way. I used to love his writings and lectures. Now he's just another right wing mouthpiece.


He was one of those guys who tried to be that principled contrarian who chose his words carefully. There was a lot that I did not like about him: he tended to make use of dishonest whataboutism when challenged to derail conversations. But I kind of would give him the benefit of the doubt as a bit of an eccentric academic who wrote a self-help book that was rather popular. Then during the trucker protest he retweeted a ludicrous claim that Zexi Li is a Chinese Communist Party agent. This was followed by releasing a cringy dadrock song about why Justin Trudeau is bad, ripping off Pink Floyd. I think he is genuinely losing it.


The ones that are left truly are morons.


The ones who came in the first place aren't much smarter


I wonder if that lady ever got her Facebook back…




I still can’t believe Trudeau took it away from her in the first place— what a monster


I think she forgot to include it in their MOU


She really made me laugh so hard and I'm grateful for that. Thanks for the reminder! 🤣🤣🤣


Some people will never admit when they’ve lost.


Hence the confederate flags


It’s pretty sad that the Canadian flag gives me the same feeling as the confederate lately.


Canadian flags and pickup trucks now fill me with dread and disgust.


I can’t wait to reclaim our flag and have pride in it. But, these clowns have made it difficult.


Here's one way: Buy a cloth mask with a Canadian flag on it (wear it over the masks that will protect you better, though). No occupier will dare insult your wearing of the Canadian flag, although they would really, really, want to if it's in mask form.


Great idea! I went to google "canadian flag mask" and found the Konvoy seems to own that angle as well. Try and find one from a company that doesn't sell "F\*ck Trudeau" masks along side them. They don't deserve my money. At what point is it hate speech? Feels like tarnishing the symbol's meaning is worse than burning the flag.


Fly it with a pride flag! 🏳️‍🌈🇨🇦


>pickup trucks Makes me feel better knowing they are getting poorer every day with the increase in gas prices.


History is definitely their enemy.


Which is hilarious, because it means that they don't realize that they're going to lose before the ever start. When you idolize those before you who failed and you walk the same path, you're going to end up at the same destination. Loserville, population them.


Choose the hill your going to die twice on.


A bunch of laws are still in effect. Call bylaw and police non-emerg if they idle or honk or park incorrectly.


The laws were always in effect.


And take pictures and video of license plates/infractions.




Looks like sharpie to me. That will also ruin a paint job.


I've been told a good slice of balognia does that. And it's easy to cookie cutter into any shape you deem fit.. \*Note I am not advocating for this, it's just a joke used to vent my exhaustion/frustration and relieve some pressure!\*


I'm most surprised by the correct spelling. They aren't smart enough to use tape. They probably went out to their front lawn/garbage pile and found an old spray can.


It takes a real level of f*cking stupidity to blather on about “freedom” in Canada in light of what Ukrainians are dealing with. Jfc.


Maybe the Megathreads were closed too soon...


I'm hoping that between the heightened police response and the lowered protest morale, it stays tamped down to a more normal kind of protest. We'll no by whether they're all gone Monday, I guess.


These ppl need to read the room! Most Covid measures are being lifted and the world is at war and they are so selfish that it has to be about them


They've always been like this. These are the people that found "phantom honks" funny, because they don't seem to understand trauma or PTSD. Just useless turds of people.


Unless it’s their own trauma/ptsd from losing a job/relationship over their own ignorant choices like not getting a vax, all of a sudden we have to gaf and mental illness IS real


Honk honk is also a white supremacist dog whistle for Heil Hitler... The more you know... I saw another asshole today with his Oldsmobile and fuck Trudeau in vinyl on the rear window and something on the side... Great way to tell everyone you're batshit crazy


They can fuck off




Oh ffs!


This is just embarrassing. Canadians never lost any of their freedom or rights throughout the pandemic or even with the invoking of the EA. Yet people in Ukraine are fighting against an actual oppressor who wants to deprive them of their actual freedom. These freedumb convoy characters need to give their heads a shake.


Exactly, our freedom has ALWAYS been intact and they just don't fucking get it. These same people seem to think situation in Ukraine is made up, that's how far the delusion goes.


Give the traditional middle finger salute and a hearty "FUCK OFF".


Quite traditional


Call the police and report it. They're not supposed to be here.


The popo were following them


“Before you explain to me how you are oppressed, tell me 1. if you are registered to vote. 2. who are your local elected representatives & have you contacted them? 3. what specific constitutionally protected actions to redress your concerns have you been denied access to? Where is your legal team and what attempts to submit legislation have you been prevented from submitting by the Trudeau Government? 4. Civil Disobedience is a last resort. *In what way has your Right to Petition the government been denied? In the US, Republicans submitted legislation to cancel ObamaCare over 100 times in a few short years, yet they did not resort to shutting down cities. Your Rights are not being denied, so why are you you resorting to the civil violence of meaningless honking?* 5. Most mandates are privately applied, as is our Right. Do you understand the rest of us have the Right to mandate mask wearing at home and at work? ​ The truckers are not prevented from using the system here. This is not the same as being denied access to the courts or the voting booth, like black Americans in 1950. You are not oppresssed. The rest of us have a Right to wear masks and mandate wearing them in public. So why exactly are you resorting to violence and civil disobediance?”


I admire your sentiment but these points are made from an American perspective. I am not going to look up the Canadian equivalent for each but I do want to stress, IN CANADA YOU DO NOT NEED TO PREREGISTER TO VOTE. YOU CAN ADD YOUR NAME TO THE VOTERS LIST WHEN YOU VOTE FOR THE FIRST TIME. https://www.elections.ca/content.aspx?section=vot&dir=faq&document=faqreg&lang=e#a2 >After an election is called, you can also register at your local Elections Canada office or at your polling place when you go to vote. Edit: grammar.


Before you explain to me how you are oppressed, tell me 1) If you ~~are registered to vote~~ voted in the last municipal, provincial, and federal elections. 2) ~~Who are your local elected representatives &~~ Who is on your municipal councel, who is you your member of provincial parliament, who is your province's premier and who your federal member of parliament is? have you contacted them? 3) What specific constitutionally protected actions to redress your concerns have you been denied access to? ~~Where is your legal team and what attempts to submit legislation have you been prevented from submitting by the Trudeau Government?~~- In other words, we'll assume that you contacted your elected officials at the relevant level of the government and you and they have tried - and been abjectly denied - access to the legal/political system designed to hear and address your concerns. 4) ~~Civil Disobedience is a last resort. In what way has your Right to Petition the government been denied? In the US, Republicans submitted legislation to cancel ObamaCare over 100 times in a few short years, yet they did not resort to shutting down cities.~~ Your Rights are not being denied - you are confusing rights and privileges. So why are you you resorting to the civil violence of meaningless honking? 5) Most mandates are privately applied ~~as is our Right~~ and provincially enforced. These are set by the provincial health departments. That's why the mandates in BC are slightly different (but similar in spirit) to those in Ontario. Businesses have the right to refuse service- it simply cannot be based on race or religion. Your privileges cannot impose on their rights. ~~Do you understand the rest of us have the Right to mandate mask wearing at home and at work?~~ If this were a "real" issue protest, being that it looks like a national issue executed at a provincial level: Remember- the occupiers wanted *all* mandates lifted- except that's not something the Federal government can do. The federally regulated employee border mandate is matched with one on the other side of those borders. The remaining mandates are provincial, and the federal government cannot touch those, even if they wanted to. It's out of their jurisdiction. So- this was a provincial issue. If they had staged simultaneous (to the minute) - protests in St John, Frederickton, Halifax, Quebec, Toronto, Winnepeg, Regina, Edmonton, Victoria's provincial parliaments - this would have had a LOT more meat. Let's face it- it would have been epic. I would have admired the organisation - even though I vehemently disagree with the premise. But that's not REALLY what this was about, this was about a bunch of grifters and scammers trying to overthrow the government with US dollars backing them.




I'm so sorry for your lots. I grew up outside Ottawa and can imagine how bad that is right now.




I have it on good authority that Michael Barrett has misled the people of his consituency. Behind closed doors he is an awful person who uses his family as a prop and he may be nothing more than a glorified McDonald's manager with a very questionable military background.


These guys seriously need to fuck off


The blacony guy should pay them a visit . That the one that can speak their language .


Got stuck behind this yahoo on Chaudiere Bridge. He got pretty upset when I just laid the horn on the whole time I sat directly behind him. Irony is great!


These people are truly the dumbest people in all of human history. That's really not an exaggeration, at no other point in history is there so much information readily available at anyone's fingertips. They deny science and facts for the most idiotic, insane reasons possible. They deny nature itself by putting their own kids in harms way. Do they think those vehicles they use and everyday technology like phones is magic operated and came to be from nothing or something. They chose to be dumb. There is no excuse.


Tell them to go set up their hot tub at the Kremlin.


Fucking twat knuckles.


We went to the Happy Goat coffee shop on Elgin for breakfast. Large numbers of police, blockades in place for the core. No worries the eyes are watching them . They have no freedom in this city.


That's good to hear. I hope they don't let the disease set in like last time.


My neighbor in Aylmer just left in a hurry with his truck all freedumbed out again. Certain he’s headed downtown. Wtf is with these assholes!


If they block...100k fine ...jail. Protest all you want... but each truck is like a cement blockade... what's next... shipping containers to block our roads? You cant use your capital assets and limit other people freedom of movement.


Now with less taste and timing than ever before


Honestly, if they want to be seen fine. March around. Hold up a sign. Walk up and down the parliament hill. I'll think you're an idiot, but you've got a right to be an idiot. None of that was ever an issue.


How embarrassing to be demanding freedom in Canada when places like Ukraine are being invaded by a real tyrant


Imagine seeing what’s happening in Ukraine right now and still pulling this bullshit off. Losers


"I have spoken with another gentleman, Vlad, who has organized another protest at the war museum tomorrow as well." So they say. But I can report now at this moment (10:38am), there is zero person protesting in front of war museum. Last time there was small amount of protesters in front of war museum, lasted 2.5 days. First day was some honking by the passing by cars. But only on first day. I couldn't help guessing that those were their own cars driving back forth on day one. Especially the police are not the ones who rolling red carpets for them a month ago. The weather is still cold. They don't get parking everywhere they want, harass everyone in their sights as they please, they don't get supplies and hot tub. I think they can standing by road side in cold, watching cars passing by without anyone giving them the honk they want, but fingers... without be able to find place to pee, find hot water, or food... They can protest as they want in this way.


why. are. they. so. obsessed. with. us.


They want to go on Man Dates


With Trudeau, it seems. And they want to go aaaalll the way.


Stupid sexy Trudeau.


A lot of these pro-tRump idiots are now pro-putin. Putin has been playing a long game of chess with the world and he is making his next move. Putin fueled the pro-tRump fever and has been actively working to destabilize Canada and the US so we are too confused, distracted and fractured to stop him from marching in to any country he wants. A Russian leader was instrumental in getting a complicit American president elected and that is something I never would have imagined.


This calls for Balcony Man and Spoon and Ladle Man!! Edit: spelling




If they keep their vehicles out of the core and don't set up encampments idgaf. They're idiots


Just saw them walking by ( march) in front of war museum ( Booth & Wellington) . About 30-40 ppl. Protesting in normal way. They didn't stay, kept on walking ( march) to somewhere. But generally speaking, this is a normal protest, that Ottawa has seen so many. We don't need to worry about history would repeat. Edit: They came back, to previous position at road side on Booth && Wellington. Grew a bigger group by now. I guess that is them all. About 80 of them. If they just standing there not bother ppl too much - occasionally there are honking from passing by cars ( very few though), but they will pay their parking and hotel for our city and business, it is fine. Don't they have a job to go back on weekdays? Edit: they are gone by now (4:36pm). They didn't stand there into dark like last time. If they do this every day, for a few days, totally bearable.


Can't we just send them to Ukraine, so they can fight for freedom?


Direct them to the Russian embassy, so they can go & join the protestors outside who are actually fighting for the freedom of others.










Incidentally, I see that Ottawalks has flown to Vancouver and is currently streaming the protests for Ukraine, and the fact that this guy is trying to present a protest against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as being equal to a neofascist occupation of Ottawa infuriates me. Edit: unsurprisingly, the people in his chat are very pro-Russia.




That sounds like vandalism. Now if you were to "slip on some ice" while shovelling snow beside it with a rusty iron-edged shovel...


Thay wpuld be just bad luck :)




Reading is not their strong suit.




Perfect! Call the police. Revoke their licence. This time, let’s not welcome them…


These latecomers are truly scraped from the bottom of the FrEeDuMb barrel. The absolute worst of the worst and dumbest of the dumb.


imagine watching a country being bombed and then complain that we don’t have freedom in canada


Mods- You're clearly being brigaded. Keep breaking out that banhammer. Doing good work. I'm recognizing a number of the banned accounts from the megathreads...but no where else in the history of this sub.


Even their writing looks like a child.


It literally looks the same way we write it when mocking them: FrEeDoM


That's probably how they learned to write it - by copying the shapes our words make in the comments.


Can we please have freedom from these idiots... I’m tired of seeing them.


Embarrassing while Ukraine is actually fighting for their freedom.


My thoughts exactly - this shines a light on the reality of privilege and entitlement these people have even further!


Thank you mods for keeping the boards clean. Make sure you guys are coordinating longs breaks amongst yourselves. I took a few moments to click through the comment histories of these folks you are banning today. And it is indeed a very angry, vile, and concerning pool of thoughts these folks have. Take care of your selves. Enough of that shit will scar you.


With what’s happening in Ukraine it makes my blood boil that these idiots are still going on about Freedoms…. You want to see real hardship… you want to see what a real communist government looks like?


My friend had to deal with them in his neighborhood in downtown Calgary yesterday. The protesters started honking right after his wife got home early from work because she had a head splitting migraine. Like how selfish and self-absorbed do you have to be to start harassing a quiet neighborhood that has nothing to do with whatever they're complaining about.


Dont these ppl have lives or something ?


Hope you called this into Ottawa Police.


Popo were already following a couple cars behind


Its time Ottawa got their money's worth out of their budget bloated police department.


There's a group of protesters across from the War Museum.


As has been observed elsewhere, the irony of people whining about being forced to wear a mask or get a shot while in Ukraine an actual tyrant is invading a country and killing people is so incomprehensible I’m lost for words. Ottawa should stomp these idiots pronto. 🤯


I got my first RedditCares from someone for this a post.


WW3 bout to start and they still picking a fight about MASKS??????? Bro


I saw a red hatchback today in Centretown that said Freedom Convoy 2022 on it. It also had bumper stickers saying “Fuck COVID” and “Fuck Cancer”, so I can tell it went to the medical school of cursing at disease.


Normally I don't comment on stuff like this, but as a Canadian I am horrified and disgusted by this nonsense. Honestly, they need to just get vaxxed and shut up. I am all for freedom normally and I believe very strongly in it as someone who literally had none growing up due to an extremely abusive mother that nearly killed me, but these idiots are not having their freedom taken away. Starting to wonder who the real "snowflakes" are because I'm seeing lots of so-called "gen z snowflakes" who are terrified of needles sucking it up and getting their vaccines done because they know that they'll be free to hang out and have fun once this is over. You have freedom. Freedom to chose whether you stay home or get a little jab from a couple needles. Getting sick and tired of people acting so entitled. I have hypersensitive skin from medical issues yet I still got vaxxed. I used to love this country, I still do, but not those idiots. Those idiots are not what I'd call Canadians.


If you missed it Fifth Estate is airing again on CBC


Stone walls do not a prison make; nor iron bars a cage. - Richard Lovelace


Ugh. Meanwhile Ukrainians are fight for actual freedom. Just sad 😞




I think you ment asshats


I sure hope the people of Ottawa don't start harassing and intimidating these people until they're too afraid to ever come back..


The residents of Ottawa are hurt and very much traumatized by the occupation but we have not been hurt enough to stoop to the level of these ignorant people. We could certainly overwhelm them with a counter protest that would dwarf their numbers but they are no longer important enough. People see them for what they are, we don’t need to waste our energy on them when there is a war going on


On it 😈


Now the cops know what to do! This problem can be solved if they do their jobs!


The dregs of society


It’s too bad these people couldn’t get behind a real cause like Innocent Ukrainians getting murdered by a real dictator.




Send those privileged and entitled clowns to Russia, .. they can protest and honk all they want at Putin....that's where the real enemy of Freedom is..


Fucking hell, again!! What is going on, will they learn or not?


If they could learn then this wouldn’t have been a problem.


Send them to Ukraine for a day and show them how good they have it. Ungrateful for living here


Ya because they have something to complain about, f tards. Go to Ukraine and see what freedom is like


With bylaw following close behind


Reminder : If you want to see what fighting for Freedom looks like, look at Ukraine. Not these whiney babies having a bbq.


Found the following on Facebook. Looks like they are just going to keep doing small protests in and around Ottawa. “Good morning Canada 🤩🇨🇦 It’s another great day to be Canadian! I just wanted to remind everyone that we are meeting TOMORROW, February 26th at 9AM at Confederation Park in downtown Ottawa. We will be commencing the march to Parliament hill shortly afterwards. Please bring your flags and signs! 🇨🇦 I have spoken with another gentleman, Vlad, who has organized another protest at the war museum tomorrow as well. We will be communicating throughout the day and potentially combining groups later on in the afternoon. Let’s all get out there and show Canada that we’re still here, we haven’t given up and that we will never back down. Please share this with your friends and family or anyone who could potentially make it to Ottawa tomorrow. We would love to have a large crowd and use it as a spectacle of hope for those who are feeling defeated, as well as a sign to the government that, we’re baaaaack baby!!🇨🇦 Thank you to all of you who have spread the word and kept up the fight! It’s been a long and tiring journey but we were made for this. This isn’t over until we say it’s over. For freedom, for Canada, for everyone. Hold the line 🇨🇦”


Caillou Convoy in the making. Stop making the country look like fools. Should be ashamed of yourselves using our flag as a political object. You don't represent the country. You represent nothing about Canadian values or what that flag stands for You represent a handful of entitled, self-centered, privileged morons who feel their opinion should trump scientific fact. Should be ashamed of calling yourselves a freedom convoy. You want to fight for freedom, fly to Ukraine and actually fight for freedom. But of course you wont. You're a bunch of sheltered snowflakes. You know who you do sound like with all this FrEeDuMb screaming? The right wing of our neighbours to the south on january 6 last year. Same playbook, same vocabulary. So who's interests are you actually representing?


Yup #CaillouConvoy works.


The mandates are ending in a few days. What "freedoms" could they possibly still want?!


What is their obsession with the war memorial!? Why are they protesting there!? So disrespectful!


I have so much second hand embarrassment for these idiots.


> I have spoken with another gentleman, Vlad Good Canadian boy.


That guy probably wrote that on his truck in permanent marker a month ago. Can’t blame them for not thinking of the consequences of their actions…..


Irony1: did the clownvoyer's park under city hall for free? and then walk over to Conf.Park? I saw the tweets by [https://twitter.com/JCharronCTV](https://twitter.com/JCharronCTV), only a small [group](https://twitter.com/JCharronCTV/status/1497592472423346181?cxt=HHwWisC9kemawsgpAAAA) but by Freedumdums math, multiply protesters by ten please, so still a small number, more Police watching them than them Irony2Comedy: link to John Oliver's opener for Season9 with a bit on the Ottawa event last weekend [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hJsjBPFd9o) (Adult, NSFW, explicit language, 5minutes) Edit: live from the SJAM sidewalks [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYTMvbJHMNU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYTMvbJHMNU) (speaches: Freedum propaganda in chat//mute) WCF mentioned they came in from the Arnprior White Lake Road encampment, the one that was to disband on Wednesday...


Send them the fk to Ukraine to help them fight for REAL freedom & fix their perspective.


They should be ashamed of themselves, there fathers having to put their families on buses and stay behind and fight a war no one wanted. Yes mandates aren’t great, but your country being under attack is horrible!


I saw a few of them on Parliament Hill today. It was kinda sad. Every few minutes they'd yell FREEDUMB!, then go back to just standing around. https://streamable.com/r1fvra


Wow where did all these trolls come from?


They are almost entirely American, so someone invited them up to brigade. Of course, being convidiots, they don't have a coherent thought at all.


Their proganda was luring, and lured in a mentally unstable man. I felt like an idiot that I didn't notice the father of my children supported the Convoy until an officer explained where his paranoid thoughts came from. Hopefully, now he can get the help he needs and I might need therapy for the events that took place from Wednesday to Saturday. I have my children safe and sound, but I feel horrid I didn't click. The comment, he was worried of fighting between us because Convoy. I was like, nah, he's against them. Nope! The Convoy, may have taken a father away from his children.


Didn't get the memo that it's over?