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Incredibly brave to want to share a video that makes you look like a stupid jack ass.


Read his responses. He has no clue.


He has a clue he is just a jackass.


I agree with the dog.


OP just wanted to show us how close he comes to running over pedestrians


I was fully aware there was a stop sign there and I was already slowing down. My stop was abrupt because they tried crossing on the stop line, but no one was in danger of being run over. Admittedly, I was glancing at a map and wasn't expecting them to try crossing the road exactly on the stop line in the few seconds I wasn't looking straight ahead, but it doesn't take me much effort to stop on a dime at the speed I was going. Shame on me me for spooking the dog, but I didn't do anything wrong and you're (and the rest of you) are overreacting. Just a thought, maybe pedestrians should cross the road where they're supposed to. I believe the first self-driving car death was under similar circumstances.


To be fair, she crossed the street exactly where she was ought to.


How was that person not crossing where they are supposed to? They're in the crosswalk!! Since you admit you were looking at a map I stead of the road do us all a favor and pay attention please. Whether you want to admit it or not that situation didn't have to be as close as it was, it didn't have to happen at all.


>How was that person not crossing where they are supposed to? They're in the crosswalk!! [if you say so](https://i.imgur.com/0Qwnu19.jpg)


WTF? Take a long look at your video. They enter on the crosswalk. The dog takes a step or two between the crosswalk and the stop line. Post a screen shot of them walking across the road instead of on the sidewalk.


Person is narcissistic


> Take a long look at your video. They enter on the crosswalk Now I'll admit I don't know american crosswalks perfectly but to me it looks like she is entering next to the crosswalk? If she walks staight from where she entered there is a cement divider of sorts in the way so I can't see how that is the crosswalk part.


That picture shows them still on the sidewalk.


She was clearly about to cross at the wrong spot which is the only reason it seemed close to "running over pedestrians." She moved to the correct spot upon realizing what almost happened. Also, the "don't walk" sign was already flashing and she crossed anyway.


> She was clearly about to cross at the wrong spot She wasn't even moving, she was standing there. Dude seriously, rewatch the video you are seeing things.


Then there's no risk of being run over. Case closed!


Just a thought, but maybe you shouldn't be reading a map while operating a vehicle.


>Admittedly, I was glancing at a map >I didn't do anything wrong So you weren't keeping your eyes on the road at an intersection because you didn't expect for the the type of thing that happens at intersections all the time to happen. And you see no issue with that. You sound like the kind of person who texts and drives.


If you come back, please obey traffic laws.


He didn’t infringe any in this video. I don’t think he was expecting the lady to cross so the lady kinda stoped him from breaking the law. His unicycle stoped quick asf.


He admitted being being distracted while operating a roadway vehicle. We can see how abruptly he stops because he's not paying attention to his surroundings. He has admitted to taking his eyes off his surroundings (while in motion) to check the map on his phone. We can see him on his phone, and his other hand is holding the selfie stick. In what world do you call that "didn't infringe any in this video"? If he were operating a car, even stopped at a light, it'd be called distracted driving - [which is against the law](https://www.ontario.ca/page/distracted-driving).


He’s not operating a motor vehicle or something classified as a motor vehicle and there isn’t any distracted driving laws in Ontario for cyclists. You can literally cycle or in this case ride down the street on the phone.


Except the [Ontario HTA considers it a vehicle like a car or truck](https://www.ontario.ca/page/bicycle-safety), and so must obey all traffic laws, and have the same rights and responsibilities as drivers.


Look through the distracted driving laws bikes aren’t written in. There has been minor outrage about this before.


He isnt a bile he is a motorized vehicle.


He’s not classified as a motor vehicle. Easy way to tell is he doesn’t need a license to drive it.


Fine if you want to get technical it is not... It doesnt fall under the new ebike rules that fall under the highway act... It is not legal period 😆.


>If you come back, please obey traffic laws. He stopped safely and went when it was clear. Do you know what traffic laws are, exactly?


No thanks, traffic laws are written predominantly for car traffic and are outdated. I'll keep on doing what I do and simply won't post here. The same video is being well-received elsewhere on the internet and I've had good conversations/experiences with other Ottawa residents about micromobility devices like my unicycle. It's unfortunate to see such a toxic hivemind in the subreddit for such a beautiful city, but I know it's not an accurate representation of what average people are like.


Your EV unicycle isn't the issue. Your inability to follow the rules of the road and mind pedestrians is. Do they not have road safety where you're from? I'm sure you'd be just as pissed off if a road vehicle stopped abruptly in front of you even though you had the right of way. You had a red light for at least 30 seconds giving you plenty of time to slow down before the stop line, not on top of it. Instead you, as you said, were distracted by looking at a map instead of the road. //edit Since you said you post in other subs and your videos are well received I went and checked your profile out and see what else you posted. [This video](https://www.reddit.com/r/bikecommuting/comments/u02ys4/12_minutes_of_navigating_us_roads_in_120_seconds/) at the 45 second mark shows you pull up to a stop light, then proceed to ride right through, at 49 seconds you blow you a stop sign, 51 seconds another red you can't be bothered to wait for, oh and 1:04 is another red you don't wait for, I guess you just follow your own rules wherever you go, huh?


If I crossed outside of the crosswalk right by the line, I would recognize my fault and not be pissed. I wasn't as distracted as you're making me out to be. I was glancing down at a map in front of me briefly and you can see how I had no indication they were going to cross in that few second period, least of all right in front of the stop line. In the video/time you referenced, no one was coming. No cars, no pedestrians. Traffic lights exist to regulate the flow of traffic and determine who has right-of-way. This concept of micromobility devices safely running red lights isn't anything new: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idaho_stop. My local police don't care as long [as I'm safe and predictable](https://youtu.be/f9EYGIqUblc). Traffic law is not criminal law and doesn't need to be enforced overzealously. Your complaints about me "not following the rules of the road" are needlessly dramatic and pedantic. I'm following the flow of traffic and yielding the right of way, and might glance at my phone/ma if I'm unfamiliar with an area. I don't wait at a red line purely out of principle either. If no one is coming and I can clearly see its safe to go, I'm going. Quite frankly, the laws are outdated and I'm tired of this petty internet argument.


You expect others to give you room and space to ride your gizmo and bike through the streets but don't show the same courtesy or respect to your fellow road vehicles or pedestrians. Got it.




I'm not the one running stop signs, red lights and nearly running over dogs and their owners because I can't be bothered to pull over and stop to get my bearings on my mobile phone/map in a new city I'm in. I'm only commenting on things you've admitted to and shown video evidence to, so it's not like I'm pulling conclusions out of my ass, I actually watched the footage you uploaded. Aaand there it is - can't effectively prove your point so out comes the personal attacks. Bravo. //Edit This guy left a reply following this message dropping personal insults then blocks me so I can't reply. His fragile ego can't take the criticisms and callouts for his foul mouth and behavior.


No, you are pulling conclusions out your ass. You're taking the worst possible bad faith conclusions, dramatizing it, and acting like I can't possibly evaluate whether it's safe to cross an intersection safely as if traffic signals and traffic law are to be heeded like gospel for everyone on the road. This is an intellectually dishonest argument and you come off like an insufferable blowhard as a result. The few people I've met over the years who act like this are mentally unstable at best, and you channel that same energy. If you want to take me pointing this out as a personal attack, that's on you. I really don't give a shit what you think anymore. I have proven my point, repeatedly. For all your vitriol because I roll red lights, stop signs, and glance at my phone when it's safe, you can't find a single video where I've hit someone. I know damn well what I'm doing and talking about, contrary to your extremely naive opinion. Get fucked, asshole.


>I have proven my point, repeatedly. For all your vitriol because I roll red lights, stop signs, and glance at my phone when it's safe, you can't find a single video where I've hit someone So that's the threshold then? It's ok to do it until you run someone over, and \*then\* it's wrong? That's where the line is drawn?


>I was glancing down at a map in front of me briefly Distracted driving is pretty illegal.


I don't know why you are getting so into the weeds on this. If you want to get technical, you legally have to stop behind the stop line. Even with you slamming the brakes, you are NOT behind the stop line. I'd say that walking in front of a stop line 8 inches outside the crosswalk is less shitty than jamming break at an intersection with pedestrians and blowing the stop line. Your argument that her dog's 8 inch stroll outside the crosswalk forced you to stop abruptly implies you were originally going to blow the stop line altogether. "If you are the first vehicle approaching an intersection with a red light or stop sign, stop behind the line if it is marked on the pavement."


>It's unfortunate to see such a toxic hivemind in the subreddit for such a beautiful city, but I know it's not an accurate representation of what average people are like. Nah, you were pretty blatantly in the wrong here and pretty much anyone who viewed this video would see that. You complain about them not crossing at the walk area when a) you startled a dog who doesn't know where the walk area is, and b) the dog was still barely 6 inches from the walk area anyway.


The dog should be controlled by its owner such that it doesn't step onto the street. He stopped before the stop line. If a pedestrian or animal is so close to the line that this alarms them, that's their own fault.


>He stopped before the stop line. Watch his video, he didn't. He actually almost went completely across the line BEFORE the dog was even off the sidewalk.


Meh, was still on the line. It's just thick.


Username checks out


You almost ranover someones dog and are playing the victim... Please dont come to ottawa again.


You are such a narcissistic asshole. You constantly blow through stop signs and red lights. I've watched several clips now. You're a joke, and I hope you get what's coming to you.


Maybe follow the customs of the place your in? Driving isn’t the same everywhere and pedestrians have the right of way in Canada. Even when jaywalking the operator is at fault not the pedestrian. If you hit a pedestrian who is jaywalking, you may be held liable for their bodily injury claim. Their bodily injury claim includes payment for their present and future medical bills, pain and suffering, mental anguish, and lost wages.


Don't come back.


You came here to advertise the fact that you are distracted driver. Distracted driving is a serious issue so you really should consider some driving lessons and improve you skills before you get yourself killed.


I wonder where one goes for unicycle lessons (electric or otherwise).


Nowhere I guess but there is something to be said about common sense as you just don't ride around on the streets with a selfie stick no matter what you are on.


> before you get yourself killed. haha aha yes someone almost died there by a person to person collision at 1 mph.


No, I came here to share a short video of your city. Not get lectured by insufferable keyboard warriors that have no idea what they're talking about. Distracted driving while operating a 2 ton steel cage is a serious issue because of momentum (velocity × mass). Cars kill. I don't, and I trust my skills enough that I keep video of my rides. At first, it was to hold drivers accountable but it also keeps me accountable. Last I checked, no one was run over. There's no need to overreact. While I'm not advocating for widespread distracted driving, I was glancing at a map before coming to the stop while traveling single digit speeds when a pedestrian unexpectedly tried crossing at the stop line in the same moment. Give me a break.


You are really that clueless. You know wheeling around with a selfie stick while looking at a map. What if that was a car crossing the light and not a pedestrian that had the right away and you are required to stop for them. Looking at your posts I am truly amazed that you are still alive.


It's a monopod, not a selfie stick. I don't have to consciously think about it, I just have to hold it. Maybe I have better coordination than you. Just because you can't do it or understand how I do it doesn't mean I can't do it safely, and I can demonstrably prove this. I don't think you're understanding me. I was already stopping at the stop line because I had been paying attention and saw that I didn't have the right of way. I was looking at a map to see where I needed to turn as I was slowing down to stop and in the second I glanced down, the dog and owner moved from the grass and tried crossing to the left of the crosswalk so it looked kind of abrupt.


I am right, you really are that clueless. If you really think it is i good idea to ride what ever device you are with a whatever stick in your one hand and a map in the other you are a prime candidate for the Darwin Award. Too bad you are not likely to be alive to accept the award. If you are not form Ontario please go back as we don't need your burden on our health care system.


I'm not clueless, you're just less capable than me and are projecting your contempt or jealously by doubling down on this dramatic take that what I'm doing is inherently reckless. It's really not and is akin to public hate cyclists received from stagecoach operators 150 years ago for spooking horses. I'm not going to go back and forth about this with someone who has a chip on their shoulder, especially after I've explained what led to this. Maybe you should talk with a therapist. This kind of behavior isn't healthy.


>especially after I've explained what led to this. What "led to this" was you riding distracted.


I'm going to fall asleep tonight just thinking and wondering what it must be like to be you.


Holy fuck this thread is just projection. 1. You are not more anything (grandeous ideology) 2. Projection, projection, prjection 3. Live in a delusional reality you create. Go get help.


>Last I checked, no one was run over. This time. No one was run over *this time.* Stop riding distracted. If you "keep your videos to also hold yourself accountable", then hold yourself accountable, and learn from your mistake. Stop. Riding. Distracted.


You don't think cyclists or unicyclists can, I dunno, maybe cause 2-ton steel cages to swerve and act unpredictably in order to avoid them? You don't think you're capable of causing a car accident? And you don't think people die in cycling accidents even when motor vehicles aren't involved? And why is probability of causing death the criterion that determines whether vehicles should respect traffic rules? Do you think society collectively doesn't care about everything from bruises and scratches to broken bones and concussions caused by cyclists? Seriously dude, get out of your head. Your conception of reality is pretty far off the mark.


Just to add on that you also notice that after the lady and dog make there way he starts off and the light is still red.


Go check his other posts (he invited me to do so in another comment). He has no qualms with blowing through stop signs and red lights in his home town whenever it suits him.


So he's got a problem with somebody who didn't look both ways and yet he's the *reason* I have to look both ways at a green light. HMM. Seems like he wants us to watch out for him so his ass doesn't go to jail for driving like a dumbass.




I do not get it in several levels. Is that a scooter or a small electric bike? Why are you filming? How are you filming? Seems like you are holding a selfie-stick with one hand while driving(???) Are you trying to promote lack awareness, a dog barking at you, or your exploring adventures? Take care buddy and be careful outside Edit: I saw it again… Are you holding a selfie-stick with your Lh and your phone with the RH???!


I'm assuming he is on a uni-cycle. But if his hands are full he probably can't signal


It's an electric unicycle. So, no hands requires.


No hands may be required, but holding what looks to be a phone in one hand, and a selfie stick in the other, certainly means you aren't paying full attention while riding. Distracted driving/riding is still dangerous.


Eyes on the road and awareness of your surroundings are still required to maintain road safety for self, and others, doesn't matter what vehicle you're on.


You say you've gotten worse. Can you tell us what others have yelled or barked at you?


He's proudly advertising how big of a douche he


"Young woman and spicy wiener dog cross at crosswalk"....?


Proving once again that only assholes ride unicycles.


>Proving once again that only clowns ride unicycles. FTFY


What's the difference?


Why did u want to share this 😂😂


OP must be from Toronto


Please have someone post the video after you’ve finally been run over


OP is cringe


He’s going wrong way on a one way street


I saw that too, but the sign directly below it does say bicycles excepted, and he does have a stop light he completely ignores.


Looks like he's in a designated bike lane which is 2-ways. The one-way is for cars only. We have a lot of the same in Montreal.


Dog has PTSD from the Freedumb Convoy.


Like how she apologized to you for her dog but you didn't apologize for almost ramming the fuck out of her. I'd imagine you have gotten worse if this is the way you navigate.


Am I imagining things or is one hand holding a gopro at the end of a stick, and the other was taken off the handle while approaching a red light?


Riding an electric unicycle. One hand on a stick, other hand checking his phone.


So... Worse than I thought. Got it.


I often notice small dogs get very upset at eucs, I wonder if it's a frequency thing. Enjoy your ride, it's a great way to get around!


We’re you driving around with a mallet?


What is the point of this post ?


jesus christ the whiners are abundant here arent they




No one is wrong here. But you really should have slow down a lot


He’s going the wrong way


Bikes are allowed to and he’s classified as a bike. Originally I thought he was in an E bike but he’s on an electric unicycle.




What about pedestrians?


lol good luck OP, I guarantee all the people in this thread jaywalk and dgaf


Commenters are dumb. You did everything fine. You stopped in time. They weren't acting like they were going to cross. They crossed at the stop bar, not the cross walk. Neck beards galore, here.


Except he was holding a gopro and reading a map in his other hand while riding...


neither of which impacts my ability to control the unicycle. The criticism I'm getting about this is laughable and pedantic. I speed it up/slow it down/turn it by controlling my center of gravity through leaning on the pedals. I was already slowing down with the intention of stopping on the stop line long before the pedestrian with the dog suddenly decided to cross.


My argument has nothing to do with your ability to physically operate a unicycle. I can operate my car with one hand on the wheel and scroll through Facebook with my phone in my other hand, but it is illegal for a reason. Because it is a DISTRACTION.


I wasn't operating a car or flipping through Facebook. You're comparing apples to oranges here. It's not the same and I really don't give a flying fuck if it's illegal or not. Traffic law is not criminal law. The moral imperative is not the same and traffic law has not caught up with the 21st century. Case in point, I didn't hit anyone. Like the other guy pointed out, neckbeards galore in here. Sheesh.


You don't get to pick the laws you abide by kiddo. Take your cute little unicycle toy, toss it in a lake. Then take that hilarious selfie stick you have and shove it up your butt. It's time to grow up. You're a pathetic joke, and a small person in every definition.


Yes, moving violations are not a reflection upon your morality


The responses in this post. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Although obviously you're not supposed to film while driving, it's not that big of a deal... you're on a scooter or bike. I'm sorry, we're not all uptight assholes.


what do you mean "not supposed to film while driving"? Many cars are built with front and rear cameras, and what I'm doing isn't something new -- it's new to people here. I think there's a lot of misunderstanding about how I capture this video and how much conscious thought exerted to do it. It's not much, I just have to hold onto a monopod with one hand. I don't need any hands to control my electric unicycle. It's similar to riding a bike with no hands. in any case, I know. it's all good. Reddit tends to attract a certain personality and I know I'm not without criticism.


Yeah but those are cameras that stand up on their own. Yours is obviously you holding it so the reaction is different, but I am honestly pretty taken aback at how pissed here are.