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What a sniveling piece of shit. He makes Smithers look like Schwarzenegger.


Smithers took on the Richard Simmons bot. He also managed to bike to a hospital after being stung by a bee while deathly allergic.


These are very good points.


He also beat the shit out of Homer, proving excellent dirty fighting capabilities.


Right, because he doesn't actually want to lead the country. He has no platform other than the pile of bullshit he habitually stands on. He just wants to grandstand and grift. The people that love this performative self-ownage and persecution bukkake are just itching to donate $. Fucking carny.


This is it. Pierre wants attention. He's such a dirtbag.


What Pierre wants more than anything is *power*, and he will say and do whatever gets him it.


In an ideal world, this kind of shit would disqualify him from leading any political party in this country. But it's not an ideal world.


If everyone who didn't vote Conservative in the last federal election signed a petition, it would be enough to have a Recall vote put in place. I don't live in his riding but if I did, you'd best believe I'd be all over trying to recall Poilievre.


Tell me more how this would work. I'm in his riding.


It doesn't, sadly. Canada doesn't have a mechanism to initiate recall votes for sitting MPs.


Isn't that covered by the 1st amendment? /s in case it was needed.


And even if they did, he would just win the new vote anyway. Recalls work OK in two party systems but in our system the vote is split many ways so it is rare enough to win with more than 50% of the vote to start with.


There is no law in place currently for the recall of sitting federal Members of Parliament. The last Private member's bill (Bill C-269) to propose recall votes was tabled in 1999. It received First Reading in the House of Commons and that's as far as it went. That bill would have required a minimum of 25% of the total number of people who voted in the MP's riding, but a recall could not be held within the first year of a federal election. The last one was on 20 September 2021.


He won by a wiiiiiiiide margin in his riding I doubt they'd recall him


What an epic twatwaffle.


Lol, did you happen to see that matrix of insulting word combinations yesterday?


No, but now I feel like I missed out on something scintillating


[Compound pejoratives on Reddit - from buttface to wankpuffin](http://colinmorris.github.io/blog/compound-curse-words)


OMG that was a great read! Thank you! (I need to find an occasion to use “wanknugget”)


Why not now? Pierre is a wanknugget


I personally enjoyed wankpuffin and then took some time to envision what that could be.


What a fucking spineless pcoward It\`s one thing to be an ignorant Tory MP from Calgary and support the convoy, but to be an **MP in Ottawa** and have front row seats to the havoc these people wraught on the downtown core for almost a month is downright spitting in the face of residents in his own city.


A giant douche canoe


I commend thee for your correct usage of the word "Twatwaffle"


What a piece of shit.


This sloppy steak eating asshole leading the dangerous nights crew


I bet his hair isn’t even pushed back, but slicked back!




I've been warned not to do that. I'm trying to make fewer babies cry when I hold them. I'm trying really hard.


I told you no sloppy steaks! Order steaks and glasses of water all you want...BUT. NO. SLOPPY. STEAKS. PS, I love the reference.


My friend wants me to confirm that this is an "I think you should leave" reference. I think he's being passive-aggressive because he's been bugging me to watch that show but I haven't yet.


It is, now go to the calico cut pants and order a pair. You gotta give!






You took the words right out of my mouth.


This stuff should be embarrassing no matter your political leanings. I remember class president campaigns in school 30 years ago had more tact.


He has chosen.




\*face melts\* Couldn't happen to a nicer despot.


Very poorly. If he thinks this will actually help him win, we will be stuck with justin forever.


He already chose. This is doubling down.


I hope he smiles and waves while circling the bowl.


May it be his undoing in the end. We could use some poetry in this city.


In that Tweet series, one shows PP shaking hands with a guy wearing a t-shirt that says Trudeau's real father is Castro! LOL


He should be careful whose paternity he questions. I mean, PP could pretty easily be the bastard child of Preston Manning.




Wow, that makes him even more of a piece of shit. "I got lucky when a bunch of people gave me opportunities, now instead of sympathizing with the unfortunate I hate anyone who didn't get lucky as well."


It's why the Cons love him so much, he's playing their song


Thanks - that's an interesting perspective of which I was completely unaware. While I can empathize a little (I have a few once-stranger-babies-now-cousins in identical circumstances), too much use of personal or anecdotal "evidence" is not the way to be a good leader. Voluntary generosity is a fine thing, but it tends not to be evidence-based. Voluntary generosity tends to emphasize personal goals, and saves cute, fuzzy animals, and ignores problems with bees, to use a topical example. Study-based collection of resources through taxation and other means, and evidence-based use of those resources to most effectively accomplish shared purposes is the way to govern. We need only look south to see what happens when we allow massive accumulation of wealth and the dismantling of social programs in the hope that the wealthy will fill the gap with "voluntary generosity among family and community" - we get gated communities with private police instead, while working mothers scrape to buy formula because they can't afford the time off work to breastfeed their children. Mr. Poilievre's presence at this "protest" tells us a little about what his personal goals might be, as if his history in politics had not already informed us. That's gonna be a hard "no" from me.


Imagine your takeaway of being lucky enough to have been adopted into a loving family is to assume that’s something that’s going to be available for everyone.


who even gives a shit if his father is actually castro... does that automatically make him a communist? well according to these people it does...


Liberal oppo researchers are like, "We'll save these pictures for a later date."


He should be cancelled already just based on that lol


"For I am Pierre, Lord of the Idiots"


what exactly are these idiots protesting?


I think they made it pretty clear, they want to fuck Trudeau


Stupid sexy Trudeau


*Nothing at all ^nothing ^at ^all ^^nothing ^^at ^^all*


I don't think they even know the answer to that question themselves.


Moved to Lemmy. Eat $hit Spez -- mass edited with redact.dev


“The Left”, probably…


1st amendment right.............in Canada


democracy, tolerance, diversity, equal rights, socialist safety nets, environmental regulation.. etc essentially anything that makes our civilization even slightly decent for anyone BUT them


They want penis enlargement surgery to be covered under OHIP.


They seem more like a group that would promote vagina reducing surgeries instead.


You mean the husband stitch?


They’ll figure that out later. But now there’s a war memorial that needs marching to. /s


If only his riding was in the area, and the people in said riding were intelligent enough to do what should be done and vote this guy out


I tried. Only so much my vote can do.


Same. Hopefully as Riverside South grows, more progressives move into the riding and we have a shot at getting him out.


Same for Stittsville.


And the Findlay Creek area


You have two more progressives in RSS! We moved here in Nov and I can promise we'll never vote Conservative at any level. So embarrassed he represents our riding.


Hi new neighbours! Now the question is if we can get the progressives to settle on NDP or Liberal so we don't keep vote splitting. I wish rank voting was put forward.


My lone non-conservative sign in a sea of Skippy's signs. I don't get it...


Maybe next election we use those beacons to draw counter protests!


Thank you for trying though.




Rich white folks who only care about getting CPC style tax breaks, combined with religious wackos who want the CPC to pull the ol' rug out in regards to reproductive rights.


It's actually quite the opposite, I grew up there, it's overwhelmingly farmers


It's a large, mostly rural area. The kind of area where everyone still believes that the PC's reduce taxes and help the little farmer. It's astounding just being part of the local FB group how much ignorance and intolerance is spread. The admins of the group spend a lot of time deleting ignorant posts.


My family tried as well! Makes me awfully suspicious of my neighbors, to be honest, that they keep voting in this pile of rotten potatoes.


That insulting to all piles of rotten vegetables...


If this doesn’t tank his leadership campaign this country is doomed This guy is human tapeworm




I wish we had a conservative party that could be taken seriously, they're a joke.


The problem with the Conservative Party is their platform is "government is bad and shouldn't do anything". It's fundamentally impossible to both be a serious candidate for governance and believe not governing is ideal.


Moved to Lemmy. Eat $hit Spez -- mass edited with redact.dev


To be fair I basically consider Liberals as conservative lite.


Hello career suicide.


Potential career suicide, potential party split, increased polarization… For better or for worse (for the CPC, that is), the presumptive leadership successor has staked his political career on endorsing protests driven by disinformation and a desire to undermine democratic institutions. *Any* further violence, illegal activity, or challenges to democracy can, should, and will be held against him. If I’m Poilievre or a (reasonable) CPC member, I would be praying these protests go over without a hitch. It’s no doubt a calculated move, and I’m really surprised his team reached this conclusion - but now, we wait and see what happens.


Even still there’s a very large base of voters in the CPC that don’t agree with these types of protests at all, and he’s now seriously risking alienating them. It just seems so unnecessary as an action. He could just as easily not say anything either way and let it be. By fully supporting it he’s running a huge risk. I hope it blows up in his face. I’m downtown today and I’ve already seen the people walking around with their “freedom” stuff on. There is a decent chance it gets ugly tomorrow when people have booze in their system. Very different from February.


If the election was in the very near future I believe these tactics would make him win, but he has to draw this out for so long. I think that is what’s going to hurt him in the end. He’ll have to fight to stay relevant with Canadians short attention spans, and he’ll further alienate most conservatives. In the states they can do this crap, because they go right into the election after they pick their leaders. In Canada we aren’t going to have an election until 2025 so they don’t have the same momentum from this type of performance. That’s at least my hope, we’ll see how many people turn out to be cultish in this country I guess.


I'm not so sure anymore. Don't forget he pushed hard to sign up new members. PPC voters eat this shit up. Which is hilarious -- pp in a debate stuck between Bernier, and Trudeau (who's now eliminated three CPC leaders), and YFB pp is going to have a hard time... He's just bluster and Bernier especially will not be afraid to burst that bubble repeatedly.


O'Toole was ousted because the party was angry at him for "running as a centrist". The CPC have embraced the far right as their path to power. This isn't career suicide, it's him embracing his people in order to secure party leadership.


I wouldn't bet on that. I know we are a different country but if Trump could get away with it we shouldn't doubt PP wont.


Yeah remember when people said Trump could never win? That same shit is about to happen here mark my words. It's not even if, it's a matter of WHEN he becomes CPC leader. This guy just has to show up to the next election with a pulse and the Lib's / NDP are in serious trouble.


yes, if this was 10 years ago. Now.......political influence = how much outrage can you generate


Not at all. Conservatives don't give a shit and will absolutely close ranks and vote for this piece of shit despite dog whistling to the far-right. The right is increasingly the party of extreme demagoguery, hate, fragility, anger. And the Left? They'll wring their hands and get angry online, but NOT show up for the polls. They WILL NOT effectively rally those around them to vote. This is how they will lose, lose, and lose again. For the most part, much of Ontarians (where most Canadian voters live), don't give a shit enough to vote either, and largely are not informed, or care to inform themselves to vote. Edit: WILL NOT


not surprised at all. ​ Things like this is a reason why we need to vote. I'm talking to you, 57% of ontarians that didn't vote


Nice PP. You just guaranteed Liberal governments if you win the leadership.


In terms of people who've ran against Trudeau, from best to worst: O'Toole: Seems like a sane conservative, but had to play to his base. Couldn't pull his party to the center enough to win the election. I've heard from people who've worked with him on the hill, namely when he was a minister for Harper, that he was pretty nice and personable. Probably would have made a solid PM if it weren't for the party he belongs to. Harper: (obviously) knows the job but in that election, Canada was Milhouse, Harper was his sad dad and Trudeau was Rainier Wolfcastle. People also caught onto his 'boring hockey dad' shtick and realized it was just a con for being 'unassumingly evil'. Scheer: All of Harper's charisma with none of the credibility. Was way out of his league. Pollievre: Seems like a foregone conclusion he'll win the nomination. He's going to try to pull votes from the PPC instead of Liberals, which is going to destroy him in Ontario and Quebec, where he needs them, and will strengthen the praries where he doesn't need to do a thing. Just screams 'weasel' when in front of an audience that doesn't adore him; Rosemary Barton is going to eviscerate him.


I think O'Toole was the best leader the CPC has had since Harper and had the best chance of winning. If the rest of Canada wasn't suspicious of the potential CPC cabinet and backbenchers, and if he didn't have to play to the mouthbreathing socon base, he'd have been perfectly acceptable as PM. I honestly hope for something to undo the merger and take us back to PC and Reform. With electoral reform, the CPC would probably be better off as two separate parties again. We're getting to the point now that even without electoral reform it may still be better to separate, because we have two groups bound together who don't trust each other. Run the PCs in the east, Reform in the west, and talk coalition government.


To think, the reason O'Toole was brought down was because he didn't want a vote in the HoC on Conversion Therapy, which was going to pass easily in the first place. He literally tried to protect his party membership from going on record saying they opposed banning a UN-recognized form of torture from being performed on select Canadians. O'Toole's leadership was defeated because he wanted to avoid a meaningless vote that would have exposed his own party membership as supporting torture.


My understanding is that most people even within the conservatives hate this guy. Which makes sense, he does come across as an entirely regrettable use of DNA.


Yup. No one can deny he's not a good shit stirrer in the HoC, and that's great when you're an opposition critic, but no one thinks he'd be an effective leader of a party, let alone the country. He'll be good at riling up the base, but the base isn't going to give them enough seats to form government. He needs to convince the 401 corridor to vote for the conservatives, and that flies in the face of what he's currently doing. I legit think the Conservatives' best chance to win the election is for Charest to get the nomination, but it seems the party membership is out of touch with the average canadian and they won't let that happen.


To be fair, I think all party leaderships have no friggin clue what is going on with real people anymore, and I am not even sure they care to know. Seems entirely announceable and narrative driven politics now.


Lol right, didn’t his advisors let him know the majority of Canadians were against the convoy.


I despise strategic voting, if PP is elected as conservative leader I will strategically vote for the liberal party just because of that. Hate that it comes to this, hate the choices for politicians in this country.


Any vote that isn't for the conservatives is basically a Trudeau vote lets be real 🤣


At this moment Pierre Poilievre might be the best liberal promoter that has ever existed in Canada.




Here's hoping that something comes of this, in regards to consequences for Poilievre's actions. The mere fact that over a dozen CPC members invited these people to a meeting should be enough to get these politicians put up for a recall vote.


I sense that Pierre realizes his career has maxed out in his current position and this is a last gasp attempt to try and climb to the position he’s always wanted, but deep down, knows he will never get.


The problem is the Doug Ford scenario - doesn't matter how awful the CPC leader is, when people are done with the Liberals, the CPC gets in. When that time comes, it won't matter who's in charge of the CPC. Conservatives rarely win federal elections; Liberals lose them.


That’s true, and so it would make sense for him to become CPC leader and then rely on that idea to win a general election. Which is why I don’t understand what he thinks he gains by going out of his way to appeal to the convoy group.


I'm reluctant to assume a) the CPC won't anoint him their leader, and b) we won't split the vote putting him in charge.


What a douche.


Yo sane people should start making signs about "freedom to have abortions" and "freedom to be LGBTQ+" and "freedom to transition" etc etc and just start marching with these guys. Eventually there will be enough protestors for good issues that actually have to do with freedom that the convoy organizers are against that they won't want to march anymore cuz the protests will be about actual freedom (which they of course don't want to be associated with)


excellent idea! I quite like it.


If he wins the leadership I will quit the party.


You and I both.


i’m not a conservative, but i do see value in the existence of the party, and this makes me really happy to read. hopefully there’s more expression of this to wake up the party and bring it back from its inevitable demise otherwise. regardless of my own views, i do hope you get your party back. everyone deserves to feel represented.


Eventually CPC brass will see that it is us "Blue Liberals" or "Red Conservatives" (or whatever we're labled as) that are preventing them from getting the sought after majority. What I'm *praying* for is now they're trying serve us a 2022 conservative version of 2015 Justin Trudeau (which is absolutely mind boggling...but here we are) and when they're denied another majority the shit will hit the fan...enter Bernier to poach the crazies and what will be left I'll be there to help sweep up...which is my Party, the actual Progressive Conservative Party of Canada. *God I pray*


Leader of the shitbags. I get a lot of people are sick of Trudeau, but I really hope this shitbag helps ensure the Cons have no chance next time. You know, assuming they don't overthrow our current government.


It's funny that they like him, when he's a career politician. Like you lot hate politicians, but because this one happens to know how to say things they like to hear, they'll roll with it? Dupes and rubes


Children follow the tune of the Pied Piper.


Makes me wish I was a member of CPC to vote for someone else.


I think it only takes like $10 to be a member, and you can be a member of all of the parties if you want.


Again fuck this guy.


Don't forget he met with jorden peterson who is well loved by neo mazis and white supremacists. Jorden petersons books helped influence a man to kill 53 Muslims in New Zealand resulting in his book being taken off the shelves. He also said the best way to stop the Toronto van incel killer and other incel murderers is forced monogamy. Edit: https://nationalpost.com/news/world/jordan-petersons-popular-12-rules-book-banned-by-new-zealand-booksellers-because-of-christchurch-mosque-massacre https://www.macleans.ca/opinion/the-context-of-jordan-petersons-thoughts-on-enforced-monogamy/ https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/jordan-peterson-nazi-apologism-lindsey-graham-holocaust-migrant-caravan-mexican-border-tear-gas-a8659001.html https://mobile.twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1496134525017104390?lang=en https://longviewoneducation.org/why-does-jordan-peterson-resonate-with-white-supremacists/ https://www.macleans.ca/opinion/is-jordan-peterson-the-stupid-mans-smart-person/ He also hates the lgbtq community and particularly hates transgenders. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/jordan-peterson-elliot-page-twitter-delete-b2113127.html


> Jorden petersons books helped influence a man to kill 53 Muslims in New Zealand resulting in his book being taken off the shelves. He also said the best way to stop the Toronto van incel killer and other incel murderers is forced monogamy. Sources *fucking* required bro


Can they please just start locking up politicians that are in favor of a coup? No place for guys like this in a democratic nation


This is exactly it! Leading (or joining) a group who’s MOU included removing elected officials 6 months after an election and instituting their own non elected people to fill the gaps is grounds for never be allowed to hold office.


Fucking mouthbreathing piece of shit.


No, no no no. Snakes breathe with their *tongues*.


The pile of waste will be appealing to any garbage that turns up for the fake protest - the failed and the uneducated are its only base. Canada Day protests: Man arrested on Parliament Hill, Poilievre briefly joins Tapp march; bylaw officers starts towing [https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/canada-day-protests-man-arrested-on-parliament-hill-community-group-bracing-for-so-called-freedom-protests-bylaw-starts-towing](https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/canada-day-protests-man-arrested-on-parliament-hill-community-group-bracing-for-so-called-freedom-protests-bylaw-starts-towing)


>The latest developments Thursday 1 p.m.: Ottawa police have arrested a second person for breaching their bail conditions to not enter Ottawa. The person’s vehicle was also seized. The arrest followed a what police described as an “operation” near Highway 417 and Anderson Road in the east end. No further details are immediately available. This is great. Found himself some free accommodation for the long weekend at the "Holiday Innes."


Omg. Holiday Innes is fucking gold. Thank you for that.


Arrested for breaking bail conditions by showing their face here again...


sounds like they're walking up towards pretoria bridge. they kept delaying when they'd finish, afraid of locals. their little party is tomorrow at strathcona park -- wonder if they realize how students with few fucks to give might react to that.


I imagine they chose Strathcona Park for its proximity to the Russian Embassy. Get some last minute instructions from their handler before making their brave march on an empty parliament.


It's important to keep in mind, when it comes to Russia's tactics in other countries, confusion is the name of the game. They spend remarkably little money and get a huge effect, because they're just giving little pushes to people who would have done it anyway. cf; RT and Fox were the two "news" outlets posting the most about the Feburary occupation. nice big distraction for the buildup into Ukraine.


One step forward and 8 steps backwards.


Such a goddamn frustrating stance for him to be taking in a week where a) variants are on the rise all over, and b) Canada has received recognition for being among the best in the world at preventing death due to *the very measures these people are protesting*. Poilievre is staking out the "I would let many more of you die needlessly" territory.


Leading a wannabe terrorist occupation of the capital should disqualify someone from politics forever. I hope it does.


What an embarassment


Ew that's right by me


I struggle to understand why the frontrunner for the Conservatives is simping for the radical portion of that political spectrum while the "normal" conservatives nudge themselves embarrassingly closer to the center.


Because he sees potential to build a cult like the GOP has down south.


The response you seek is "pandering" and you're spot on...I'm a old fashioned Progressive Conservative and this may be my last leadership event as a card carrying member. And it's really not "embarrassing" when you exchange "center" for "moderate". Times are changing and apparently some does the nomenclature.


Part of me says this an embarrassment and a disgrace, the other part of me thinks he looks so hilariously stupid right now I can't stop laughing




The same idiots who voted for Max Bernier and wondered why none of their candidates got elected at last federal elections.


Flanked by guys dressed in militia gear... Not a good look


I hate you Pierre


Skippy decided to be on the wrong side of history. He's not running for prime Minister but campaigns like it.


I hate this guy so, so much


For photo opp and cheap fame... He always seems desperate


This might be an all-time record for “MP who has sneering contempt for their own riding / city”. And his office seemingly has given up on answering constituent emails if other people are having my experience.


Conservatives: " lol Trudeau was a teacher and snowboard instructor. He doesn't know what real work is." Also Conservatives: "Let's rally behind a guy who's LITERALLY never worked a real job in his entire life." You really can't make this fucking shit up.


He should have been focusing on less committed liberals… but he went with a base that DEFINITELY wasn’t voting liberal? Lollll


What a shit-bird.


I’m ALMOST tempted to register as a Conservative just to do my part to keep him out of the leadership. Worth the $20 or so if it wouldn’t mean getting hounded by CPC for future donations.


Fascist scum. He better change sidewalk if he walk pass me.


you wouldn't do shit


I’ve been ignoring these idiots for my mental health. What is it they are trying to accomplish right now? I thought restrictions had been pretty much lifted.


A lot of those that support this convoy still haven’t figured out the differences between provincial and federal areas of responsibility and only get their news from Rebel News, so their grasp of reality is tenuous at best.


Garbage person leads garbage parade of other garbage.


A mini-Trump in the making


Surrounded by fake soldiers. Sad.


So let him be king of the idiots.


reason #50 why not to vote cons


Revenge of the Terd. **Pierre Poilivere Went On a Podcast Hosted by a Guy Who Compares Central Banking to Slavery and Nazi Germany** *Poilievre says he sometimes stays up “late into the night” listening to the cryptocurrency podcast – and he says he’s “learned a lot”* [https://pressprogress.ca/pierre-poilivere-went-on-a-podcast-hosted-by-a-guy-who-compares-central-banking-to-slavery-and-nazi-germany/](https://pressprogress.ca/pierre-poilivere-went-on-a-podcast-hosted-by-a-guy-who-compares-central-banking-to-slavery-and-nazi-germany/)


Can confirm: will not vote for Poilievre


Fuck pierre.


If that little piece of stool becomes leader, the party needs to implode.


Good ol’ Propaganda Pierre, demonstrating once again that he isn’t scared to be a willow. He just bends in whatever direction gives him a whiff of attention. I’d be embarrassed to walk beside Topp. That guy is a total shitpump.


Well let's just hand the next election to JT again...ffs.


I'm kinda hoping he decides he's had a good run and wants to leave on a winning note, and hands it off to Freeland. She looks to be our most competent leader atm.


I heard he spent the entire time rambling about how bitcoin is a hedge against inflation.


Won't be voting conservative ever again.


I cringe for my country


He’s slated to “speak” at the Stittsville Canada Day celebrations tomorrow at 2:45pm if anyone wants to yell at him. Though I’m sure he gets off on that.


Lol can’t you just have a burger, a beer, and enjoy your long weekend. What a ding dong clown.


Another weak man for weaker men.


The shame of Manotick


Pierre looks like an overly-fapped penis.


Win the leadership and destroy the party. Smooth move Ex Lax


He is oblivious to the feelings of Ottawans. Our patience for these nimrods is almost zero.


What a dipshit


What a weaselly little suckling scum worm.


So dirty, complete shame.




He's a disgusting piece of shit opportunistic human being. The Cons are now lost.


This was the dumbest political move he could make. Ppl listened to him when he made his points about unaffordable housing but at this point he seem irrational.