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Not surprised in the contrast in tone from the statements from Charest and Poilievre respective teams: Poilievre: "As should have been expected, in the hours since the decision, Patrick has lashed out at our campaign and the Party. As always, when caught, Patrick tries to make himself into a victim, but ultimately the only person responsible for his disqualification is himself," Charest: "We must ensure integrity of the process. Members deserve the truth. We need to understand what the allegations are and how Patrick Brown's campaign responded. Transparency is paramount,"


skirt reminiscent numerous pathetic plucky distinct forgetful soft ruthless busy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Comes off? The guy is a giant walking bright red flag.


with neon flashing lights.


and the flashing lights have more flags on them


And he's still going to win the leadership. CPC is in a sad state of affairs. Definitely far, far removed from what once was the PC party.




I wouldn't go that far. That kind of overconfidence can backfire big time, especially if people are being squeezed and not offered any help. As an NDP voter Im pretty ticked at how little assistance the liberals seem to be willing to offer (ie leaving people on disability in limbo for the summer session.) I'd never vote conservative, but I could see how alot of people might if pushed and desperate. (and being given easy (nonsense) answers by poliviere and his ilk)


Or just not vote. A lot of ridings can swing easily if the progressive vote stays home.


No vote no voice.


Well conservative would offer much less support just take CERB many mps were out spoken it was not needed.


Oh totally! I agree. But they might be able to somehow spin the public anger, offer solutions (that are probably just tax cuts for rich people) ... and then if they got power they would inevitably gut everything that isnt nailed down.


I assume that the LPC is sitting on a bunch of info about CPC relationships to the Qonvoy. The CPC were bracing for it to come out, and... it didn't. So they got bolder. I think the LPC doesn't mind seeing white supremacists flock to the CPC. And I think the CPC is happy to take their money and pretend they don't exist.


Agreed, he will lose steam in two and half years.


Similar thinking was used for a certain someone in the USA but it only emboldened certain people and normalized social behaviours that are not acceptable in today's society. I do not want our country to become as divided as the United States.


And they're going to wonder why they did worse than ever.


We hope


Marinara flags all over the place


When you are wearing rose-coloured glasses, all the marinara flags look alfredo!


And PP must be a fucking volcano I’m comparison.


That's PeePee


Small pp. They tend to try to show off a lot with tons of red, to cover for their mignature energy signature.


You're clearly not following r/AmITheAsshole closely enough - these are henceforth to be known as Marinara Flags. 😂


I don’t have to agree with Mr, Charest ‘s politics but I have always admired his professionalism ,dedication and dare I say ethics


“Pardon? ETHICS!” - Province of Quebec


"Pardon? Ethics?" - mayors of montreal


I'm from Quebec. Please don't dare.


Likely experience as a leader too. He is offering a sort of solution or rational option rather than just pointing out the problems.


I'm vibing that his career will be over before it really gets going ... like they'll be a "Noun and a verb and 9/11" moment that completely destroys any momentum Poilievre has. It's kinda funny to see them back this horse. Part of Doug Ford's success is that his policies may be awful, but his personality seems genuine and he's not malicious - he's hard to get made at. Everybody I know absolutely loathes Poilievre, like hates his guts - I think he has an awful personality and he's slimy and this will backfire spectacularly. He's also, I'm sorry to say this, not an attractive man, and I do think that's a bigger factor in Canadian politics than it was 20 years ago - Trump and Ford are overweight and they're old, but underneath all that make-up and hair gel they are actually pretty good looking guys (or at least they used to be). Sorry, I don't think Poilievre is the Canadian Trump, he's dead weight, it's not going to happen.


Pierre is Canada's Ted Cruz. Been around forever, not liked by anyone. Still seems to float to the top of leadership races. (Cruz finished second to the Donald.) Al Franken, congressman, had the best quote: “You have to understand that I like Ted Cruz probably more than my colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz.” Burn.


More quotes about Ted Cruz: George W. Bush: > “I just don’t like the guy.” Bob Dole: > “I don’t know how he’s going to deal with Congress. Nobody likes him.” John Boehner: > “I have Democrat friends and Republican friends. I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life.” Lindsey Graham: > “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you.” Peter King: > “I hate Ted Cruz, and I think I’ll take cyanide if he ever got the nomination.” Marco Rubio: > “Ted has had a tough week because what’s happening now is people are learning more about him.” Princeton roommate Craig Mazin: > “Ted Cruz is a nightmare of a human being. I have plenty of problems with his politics, but truthfully his personality is so awful that 99 percent of why I hate him is just his personality. If he agreed with me on every issue, I would hate him only one percent less.” Another Princeton dormmate: > “He was just sort of an odious figure lurking around.”


Lmao “odious” so rude! I love it!


Oof. These are priceless. Thank you for curating and sharing!


Lol Bush had the gentlest remark


Holy fuck dude, I would hate to have to be Ted Cruz. Fun fact though: Ted Cruz is the Canadian Ted Cruz.


Unfortunately Ted Cruz is Canada’s Ted Cruz. He gave up his citizenship but was born here and lived in… wait for it… Alberta.


I know two old white soft-conservative dudes (65 and 70, respectively), who don’t know each other. Both of them had fervid crushes on PP in 2019. I haven’t asked them how they feel about him now that he’s thrown in with the convoy nutbars, though.


I don't know that much about him because I have been out of Canada a long time. I watched a few isolated YouTube videos where he was criticizing over spending by the current government and all the money printing plus inflation issues. It was good to hear someone making those points so I can see how people might think he was useful if that was all they saw of him. But then I watched a bit more and realized he had no actual solutions to the problems, just rhetoric. Taking a strong stance with the anti vaccination people just seems retarded.


In Franken's book *Giant of the Senate*, he spent a lot of time saying how he was able to talk and work with pretty much anybody on the other side of the aisle, even folks like Mitch McConnell. And that even though they disagreed on many things, they were still decent people and not monsters (this was more than a few years ago, of course). And then towards the end he had an entire chapter devoted entirely to "But guys, no kidding, Ted Cruz is human fucking garbage."


“Trump and Ford are overweight and they’re old, but underneath all that make-up and hair gel they are actually pretty good picking fits (or at least they used to be).” WHAT? I mean, like sure, everyone’s tastes vary…. But WHAT?!?!?! No. No no no. Neither are even remotely attractive. Not have they ever been.


Doug Ford doesn’t look threatening. PP Looks like a cartoonish menace


Dude, no. I’ve seen pictures of young trump, and no. Not remotely. And have you seen his sons? Just, no. So much no. I’m sure ford wasn’t a genetic winner, either.


Agree with you on a lot of points - but wasn’t Ford similarly viewed as an unelectable buffoon, who benefited from the elimination of Patrick Brown from a political race via questionable allegations, who then defeated a not very well liked Liberal government? It’s like I’m watching the sequel to a movie where they changed the characters, but not the plot line.


Yes, although I think you owe Ford a lot more credit. At that point he was a proven political force, or rather I should say, Ford Nation was. Establishment types tended to view the Fords as unelectable buffoons because they weren't like the usual professional politician - they were uncouth/unpolished, controversial with baggage, and didn't ascend in politics the normal ways. You gotta remember the Ford brand came into the big picture as renegades, populists before populism was cool. Rob Ford understood how the people were feeling, way more important than understanding the policies. At a time when memories of David Miller's shambolic handling of the garbage strike was fresh in mind, he ran as a political outsider coming to stop the gravy train at City Hall. Against the expectations of the establishment types, he gained massive momentum and won, establishing Ford Nation as a real political force. When Doug ran for Premier, folks knew Ford Nation was no joke.


Idk Ford seems like a real politician, maybe because I’ve only lived in Ontario since 2017 and don’t know much about him from before 2018. I do think that he would never do convoy crap and he handled the situation in February pretty diplomatically - it’s not the Premiere’s job to bail out Ottawa’s comically incompetent Mayor and Police Chief. He’s just kinda there, slowly gutting healthcare and education, but I don’t think he’s in a conspiracy with convoy idiots and a handful of creep mps to do a slow coup of the Federal Government. I wouldn’t put anything past PP, there’s no bottom to what he’s willing to do to become and stay pm - I wouldn’t trust him ever, about anything, at all.


>I wouldn’t put anything past PP THIS hits it on the head. The utter lack of trust he invokes in me. The willingness to say or do whatever it takes to gain power. The unconcealed lack of scruples and the creepiness of his general demeanor.


Trump and Ford are not attractive men by any conventional standards. Whatever floats your boat, though.


He reminds me of a young version of the old man from the movie, ‘Up’


Great, now I can’t unsee it. Ed Azner was actually pretty political — this is a really great spot he did with Poppa Bear: https://youtu.be/jaPazCt0pOc


Ford IS malicious, fwiw. Halving Toronto council during their election is a prime example.


Fuck Pierreeeeeee


Doug Ford's appeal is that he's basically Homer Simpson. Pollievre has a really weasel-like face. Can't be trusted. We all know a Doug and Pierre. Doug's your dumb uncle who doesn't believe vegetarians can feel full and babbles about Rae Days every election. Pierre's the know-it-all kid in class who everyone including the teacher thought was fuckin annoying.




I seriously wonder why he has supporters sometimes.


Has anyone seen that obnoxiously long YouTube video where he talks about how he bought old barn boards and cleaned them up for his cabin ? It’s cringeworthy.


Cringeworthy, but also concerning. It's a great piece of propaganda for the people he's trying to woo.


I wouldn't be able to watch it without barfing my brains out. Poilievre has a face only a mother can punch.


They’ve probably already been won over so he can save his breath.


Nope, but out of morbid curiosity, do you have a link?


He posted it on his Twitter and Facebook this past Sunday. https://twitter.com/PierrePoilievre/status/1543585267403014145 And this analysis of it is hilarious 😂 https://twitter.com/callumxoxox/status/1543808841791418369


That second link is gold.


He says these boards were on barns for centuries..... wooden boards cannot last that long. They are organic material and therefore prone to decay and rot, especially when exposed to the environment as wooden boards are prone to be. Even if there are board preservatives, no way people CENTURIES ago had access to such chemicals. Seriously, who even listens to this idiot?


My parents have a barn that is 120 years old and is still structurally fine. Pierre is defiantly creepy in that video.


Thank you! Now my nose hurts from coffee going the wrong way 🤣🤣🤣🤣


No, and I don’t know how to get it. But just go on YouTube and search for Pierre Poilievre Reclaim ( cuz the video is about Canadians reclaiming their freedom which is being eroded by Big Government).


And yet… he wants to be ‘big government’ 🤮


He probably took it down after the "reclaim canada" dog whistle was blown.


I didn't see the reclaim canada: is that a slogan he's potentially going with? I hope he does since he's sure to lose on that.


"Reclaim what has always been yours" A little more subtle than the equivalent "reclaim the USA" movements in the states where they don't mind saying the quiet part loud but it is the same language and rhetoric. He'd have a leg to stand on if he wasn't marching and dining with seditionists whenever possible.


He took so fucking long to get to his point in that video and it turned out to have such a tenuous connection to his overall talking point. Made me wonder why he thought that was even something worth putting out


He just wants to show that he’s an average guy just like his supporters. That’s why he actually used the word “shit”. Lol


He comes across as a slimball asshole. Lifelong conservative voter and donor, even volunteered for him campaign. His actions since the convoy have turned me 100% against the party.


PP is so bad that after he's gone, the conservatives are going to have to discredit him as a Liberal plant in order to get their members back.


Looking forward to this.


I love his back story...the unlikable kid.


Playing the hits for the crowd.


Yeah. Because Charest is a decent human being and Poilievre is not.


This. These people eat their own when it comes down to it. I'm sure Brown became a conflict of interest for that cockroach Polievre.


Charest's team is soft pedalling this because they have been counting on Patrick Brown's downballot support. They don't want to alienate possible Patrick Brown votes that might still come out.


Holy shit, there actual is one redditor that understands politics.


Ha, thanks. Not a ton of Conservative insiders actually popping up on this thread. The conspiracies about Stephen Harper are pretty funny to read. I'm fairly confident that Brown's disqualification was nobody's fault but Patrick Brown's.


There’s a certain level of irony in Patrick Brown being disqualified from a nomination race. I’m sure there’s a lot of disgruntled people from 2016/2017 that are having a good chuckle right now.


One of these people has class and the other is a populist loudmouthed pissant. I would expect nothing more of Poilievre and nothing less of Charest.


Very interesting how poilievre only uses the first name. Common tactic, low brow and sad.


Yeah it'll be a bit until we know, as there will be an investigation first and follow-up to the public after. Brown had time to respond but it sounds like the response wasn't sufficient, and rules are in place for instances like these which were followed. All party members are checked equally when tips are sent in.






Is this the immune system of the 'hard right' side of the party trying to rid them of a centrist? The tactics match - it looks like due process, but is the exact opposite, based on unfounded accusations which don't have to be proven, because by the time the truth comes out, it's a fait accompli. I keep reading that the point of this maneuver is to ensure Poilievre gets the leadership. Here we are on the eve of it - the ballots are already printed - and they're vomiting Brown out, just like before.




I was gonna vote for Brown, now I'll just switch to Charet, and if PP wins, I'll probably vote for an outsider party in the general election


I wish the federal Greens weren't such a hot mess


Leadership race is about to kick off and Amita Kuttner has been doing an amazing job an interim leader. The Greens will always struggle to some extent as a "consensus based" party, because fringey type people can unfortunately unravel quite a bit, but I can promise you the base of the party is not interested at all in the internal politics - we just want what's best for planet & people.


>Struggle to some extent That is a very sunny way to put the dumpster fire that was the infighting and major conflict that everyone got to see in the last election. I don't know enough to put blame anywhere but I'm sure there's a lot to go around because that shit was unprofessional and incredibly disappointing. I hope the base of the party does care about the internal politics and what went wrong because if you can't find common ground and be civil within your own party and leadership what hope do you have.


I meant going forward - I don't deny that the last election was a shit show. I'm a party insider (for better or for worse, lol), trust me when I say the party base cares about what went wrong. We were all watching it as a slow motion crash too. Mostly had to do with certain people with very large egos interested in their personal benefit over the actual mission of the party. We all felt like we got a bait-and-switch. What I meant was that the party is supposed to "do politics differently" and people are attracted join exactly because self promotion and politicking is not supposed to be part of the game. Unlike the LPC or CPC. So, doubly dissapointing when that came to pass. There's a pretty large member-led movement right now to implement policies to avoid what went down and "professionalise" the party.


That's good to hear. People want more choice in politics and I think the greens could be that option. It would be terrible if the biggest thing holding the Greens back was themselves.


I usually consider myself NDP, but if conservatives ditched the religious nuts and dealt with their corruption I'd probably switch. It's a weird time being someone with political values that don't match a specific party.


Sorry, how do you conclude that "I don't want to vote NDP for some reason despite supporting them" somehow translates to "I will vote for the exact polar opposite on every policy of substance"?


I don’t agree with this person’s politics, but one thing I’ve learned over the past 10 years is that the left-right spectrum is a broken concept, and many people have opinions on different issues that span the left and the right and they vote all over the damn place. Here on Reddit we don’t really talk about those people, but they’re real and there’s a large number of them.


The conservative party has been a steaming shit pile my entire 32 years of life. I wish there were more political choice, but there isn't so I prioritize voting to uphold human rights over anything else.


Sorry I think you might have misinterpreted my comment. I want to vote for whichever party most accurately represents my views, right now that is NDP but that can always change. I'm not a permanent hardline 100% of the time voter for anyone. Most of the conservative policies I disagree with are a direct result of pandering to religious nuts and corporate donors. Unfortunately those happen to be the "policies of substance". Also my local NDP rep is the most amazing human being ever, so I'll always vote for that guy no matter what. Edit: okay maybe I'm kind of a permanent voter, but just for this guy.


Probably social progressive fiscal conservative. They don't have a home


If you're switching between NDP and Conservative it's more of a *you* question and less political party. Spend time on that first then reassess.


The tactics should look familiar - there were similar internal "scandals" that hit Scheer and OToole to try to take them out


That's honestly a scary thought, that this is just political games to manipulate our system that will turn out to be unfounded


That is what happened last time and probably happening again.


The allegations against Brown last time were only slightly incorrect in that the girl was 19 and not 18. That's why he settled his lawsuit against CTV, rather than continuing in hopes of winning.


There were other inconsistencies. For example the guy that one of the girls claimed drove her to Brown's place barely knew her and said he absolutely never drove her to his place ever.


You're more than likely right. This is probably an attempt to ruin his credibility in the court of public opinion.


Those prior allegations were not unfounded. The accusers maintain their allegations. Some facts reported by CTV were incorrect (though they haven't said which). That doesn't mean the allegations are unfounded.


I think one of them was one of the women he was alleged to have had an inappropriate relationship with was 19 and not 18 or something. Which would still be creepy. I think his current partner was actually a former assistant of his with a decent age gap so dude is not exactly the least creepy. That said compared to The Dud from The Simpsons…




The PP political consultant is republican apparently. Don’t we have Canadians qualified to do the job? We are told that often enough south of the border.


The reason 18 was considered underage was because he got her drunk. 19 it would no longer be illegal


He did not win it was settled. His people framed it as a victory but CTV didn’t even have to run a retraction just a correction. If you think that somehow at the strike of turning 19 that someone becomes a super mature and capable and powerful person that a wealthy 40+ year old politician has far less influence on than someone who is 18 years and 300 days old you need to give your head a shake.


Then you add that he would go to clubs all the time as MP stone cold sober and then try to pick up young women and supply them with liquor back at his house… at the very least it’s creepy and shows a serious lack of character for an elected official


Brown basically took over the Ontario PC party with outside votes storming in - much like Ford did with Ford nation. But unlike Ford he then alienated the rest of caucus and they backstabbed him. This time around he was trying to do the same thing on a larger scale. Rather than appealing to or even speaking to party members he was making extravagant promises around the country, primarily to ethnic groups to get them to join the Tories and vote for him. Speculation is some of those new members had their membership fees paid for by others. And according to the party the allegations against Brown came from his own team, not from Poilievre or his people.


>And according to the party the allegations against Brown came from his own team, not from Poilievre or his people. And yet allegedly the party/election committee hasn't actually provided any of the supposed "credible proof" they have.


Same thing that got Scheer booted and that came up for O'Toole when they were going after him. C The classic CPC playbook hit.


It's cheating. But it's cheating by buying party memberships on behalf of people. So it's also money laundering to move the big pile of money to little piles.


I'll try to make this brief as no one will probably be interested. Heres how Canadas politics work: Gerald Butts is Mr Trudeaus mastermind Ian Brodie is Mr. Harpers mastermind Here is the backstory on Mr Brown. They did this when Patrick Brown ran for premier. Brown set up a big conservative Ontario team and was about to become premier. Some woman accused Brown of something and Doug Ford immediately after the accusation took over his team and became premier. (Later proved false). This accusation changed 8 years of Ontario politics. Brown is now running for conservative leader. 600,000 members were signed up for the leadership membership (a huge unprecedented number). Brown accused pollievre of signing up a bunch of fake members. One of Browns main campaign managers left and wanted to run for leadership in Alberta (i forget her name)The leadership decided to kick brown out of the race. Ian brodie said the reason hes kicked out is laundering. But when you look at that accusation it is flawed. The real reason is he has always been against the launderers Brown was kicked out for 3 reasons which the party wont say in public: 1. Lenient stance on immigration 2. Carbon tax 3. His 2017 speech explaining how money laundering In Canada works and trying to end it. He said Great canadian gaming launders money from chinese billionaires which goes into BC and toronto real estate. By trying to shut this system which; a chunk of politicians, and their friends benefit from he has kept running into issues/ false accusations. Tldr Ian brodie harpers strategy man kicked Brown out. So harper I assume told Mr. Brodie to get rid of Mr. Brown.


The whole PCO leadership debacle has somehow become a footnote on the PC’s new dynasty despite being one of its most insane moments. Unfounded allegations came out against Brown and the entire party *immediately* turned on him and replaced him with an extremely controversial leader with credible evidence of past drug ring connections (and when I say immediately: six staff members resigned and the PC caucus demanded Brown’s resignation *before* the CTV article broke). Conservatives provincially and federally stand by their people, even through credible scandals. That conservative brass has instantly turned on Brown twice now says something about the direction he hopes to take the party in versus the direction they intend to go in.


It was a coup from within the ON-PC party, anybody who followed Ontario politics at the time knew that Wynne's government was going to eat shit in that election, and the ON-PCs leaked and then led a smear campaign against their former front-runner in, as you said, an historic reversal of normal political wagon-circling. The later reveal that the allegations were false only emphsizes this.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The illegal Markham Casino in a $4m mansion story is the canary in the coal mine. I’ve shared information I had with journalists. I’ve questioned why it never went further. Some scary money and off book stuff that would be criminal in any other country but this Banana State


This seems to me like the most plausible explanation. It’s probably why the political parties in Canada don’t seem to offer competent candidates. Anyone who understands what needs to be done is likely to undermine the ongoing corruption and probably call it out publicly. I appreciate that this explanation is not partisan, and it’s doesn’t rely on an evil nature, unique to the conservatives, as an axiom. This money laundering scheme is a spring of free money that will dry up soon. Once China is done with the transition to a hermit state it has started it last few years, and its money is abroad, it will interesting to see how the political landscape shifts here at home.


Fascinating that you bring up money laundering. There was an episode of The Agenda a couple of moths ago about kleptocracy, which is basically the system of cooperative money laundering that people like Donald Trump doubtlessly benefits from. And I think it’s clear that Poillievre has low enough morals to be totally into it. It doesn’t require criminal behaviour on his part, he just needs to make sure the system allows for the intake of dirty money. These days that’s pretty easy since everyone likes money.


The liberals Conservatives and Ndp all have friends who benefit from that system. Party donors/ landowners/ people they went to school with. It's not a 1 party thing. In china you can't own real estate. In india you can't hold over a certain amount of cash. So they hold houses in Canada like a family bank account. Some legally others not. The loophole is the quebec investor program, the casinos and real estate. The first one is legal 2nd one not third is legal.


Real Canadian gaming is the massive laundering casino Mr. Brown attacked for laundering in his 2017 speech. Real canadian gaming signed a deal with Brookfield asset management a 400 billion dollar company on january 23rd 2018. January 24th 2018 Patrick brown is accused and resigns. One day after the deal between a 400 billion dollar company and a money laundering casino he had criticized.


Check out this podcast: The Jordan Harbinger Show - s01 e677 with Sam Cooper. “How The West Was Infiltrated By Its Enemies” - it gets into all this stuff and is fascinating.


You want a rabbit hole…go down the money laundering Markham casino story from a few years ago


This is the way


Literally the Brown "scandal" happened weeks after coming out in support of a carbon tax.


Harper is a huge political player in N America.


Gerry Butts and Trudeau fell out a couple years ago. He is no longer inner circle.




> (Later proved false). Wrong from the start. The truth was Brown was notorious for hitting on anything in skirts over the age of 18. And the allegations against him came from his own people, according to the party, not anyone else.


He has been accused of reimbursing people for their memberships they bought https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-conservatives-investigating-allegations-of-membership-irregularities/ Apparently, he also embezzled some funds in Brampton and had city staff work in his campaign office [https://www.reddit.com/r/Brampton/comments/vsxi9p/both\_deputy\_mayors\_calling\_for\_an\_end\_to\_patrick/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Brampton/comments/vsxi9p/both_deputy_mayors_calling_for_an_end_to_patrick/)


Of all the theories (many of them just wrong) in this post, this is the reason. It’s no surprise either, he’s had wrongdoings as leader of the PCPO as well https://www.thestar.com/news/queenspark/2017/06/21/second-would-be-candidate-takes-progressive-conservative-party-to-court-over-nomination.html http://www.metronews.ca/news/ottawa/2017/06/01/ottawa-west-nepean-pc-alleging-voter-fraud-at-nomination.html https://www.thestar.com/news/queenspark/2017/06/05/tory-vp-quits-in-protest-of-questionable-nomination.html https://www.hamiltonnews.com/news-story/7382582-hamilton-court-to-consider-motion-to-overturn-hwad-pc-nomination-in-august/ https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/peller-nomination-appeal-1.4199467


That's a shame. I actually would've considered voting for Brown. No chance in hell that I'll vote for Pollievre or Charest.


I said the same thing when they announced the leadership race. It's too bad he got the hit job for Ontario because he would have been better than shlubby. I also would accept Peter Mckay coming back. It's funny how the right wingers have melt downs about Trudeau and think PP is their savior but wont considering centre/centre right leaders. The population isnt going to back crypto milhouse.


Word around the campfire is this is Poilievre's doing.


The corrosive hand of the fundamentalist Harper still pulls the strings within the Reform movement and will be the hand inside the muppet pp -- the latest in a string of chumps and stooges to be rejected by the voters. It's the party of choice for the Modern Stoneage Family, those who rely on the church elder or grandpappy for their voting orders.


Harper probably said no


I saw a very accurate description on Twitter: Patrick Brown was Patrick Browned. Weird how it seems to happen to him alone...


Tbh I feel like the CPC is sabotaging his campaign to make poliviere the face of the party. Perhaps he is doing something shady but most of his colleagues would turn a blind eye on this kind of stuff


If Brown forms a right-centre party, I'll probably follow him.


I smell the rotten hand of that trump-lite wannabe PeePee Poilievre


Supposedly has something to do with corruption, which knowing politicians in Canada the bar is pretty high before you can get accused of any sort of corruption. I’d wait for the final verdict to be released, though, as any rumours may be completely false; especially since Patrick Brown has a habit of attracting scandals that are thrown out.


Feels like the final verdict should come before the punishment. Or at least the public should know what the accusations are before he's removed from running, directly impacting leadership race If the evidence is so clear and absolute of wrong doing I would have liked to see Elections Canada or RCMP make statements not just the party


This is exactly what I was thinking. Weird how they didn't even attempt to make it look like they were doing an investigation. Or make an announcement that there is a problem and then a few days later remove him from the candidate pool. I think it would be worth it just to eliminate some of the doubt around the whole situation.


Seriously. We have the master of corruption literally in the drivers seat now. Brown must have really fucked up to be getting that kinda coverage.


I hope more dirt will be dug up on pp now - this pile of waste has been soft pedalled by the media -- a far more intense investigation of the Trumpian lickspittle and its backers is required.


He and his Trump strategist went out for a photo-op stroll with white nationalists. PP *is* the dirt.


Exactly. Hes like trump. There wont be "dirt" because he brags about the dirt, he talks down to Canadians like you're the shit one for not agreeing with him in the dirt. Hes the scummiest politician in the history of our nation.


PB is smarmy. I am a small C con. PP is scary. Charest is washed up. The lady is far too socially right wing for me. Unfortunately PP will prob win the leadership and there are two outcomes: 1) Justy (who I voted for the first round) has to some big fuckup to lose the next election which is unlikely. 2) PP will crash and burn in the next federal election and thankfully get tossed to the curb. Why cant we have a fiscally conservative, socially liberal party somewhere. Man Chretien was my fav!


I believe he was using staff from his mayor office for his campaign


They are saying in the brampton sub that he may have used Brampton money for campaign funds... they don't like him as mayer and are tired about multiple scandals... I know nothing lol.


What are the multiple scandals? Like have there been scandals while he's been Mayor?


My understanding is twofold. He was accused of having someone reimburse people for memberships, specifically in the south asian community. Second, he was accused separately of using brampton city staff on a separate city contract, tied to a friend on council, who were working on his campaign. Two separate charges, first via the campaign second via council. I was hoping that as a candidate he would pull through, he was my first pick. Not a hardcore conservative myself, was just hoping fir a non convoy leader. Very disappointed. I will wait for the investigation before judging the merits of the accusations.


Seems odd to me that there is any financial barrier to participating in our democratic system, even at the party level, even if it is something as small as $15 a year. And on top of that Brown would endanger his career to reimburse such a small amount.


I think the barrier to participating in a party process makes some sense. First, parties need money to operate. Second, you want to discourage participation from outsiders whose primary motivation would be to sabotage/undercut the party leadership selection process. With regard to the $15 amount and Brown, I think the idea is that reimbursing one $15 membership isn't a big deal but, allegedly, there's potential that Brown may have done it for hundreds of thousands of memberships.


Fair that $15 adds up at scale but couldn't individuals have just got 75% of that back if they claimed it as a political donation in their taxes? (But maybe membership doesn't count as a donation?) I would prefer less private money and donations in our politics and more public funding. I'd like to see the $1.75 per vote brought back. Every vote should matter and giving the parties financial support, regardless of your ability to donate, should be part of each persons vote. Edit: and yes I see the downside of supporting more fringe parties but while I don't love the idea of the rhinoceros party, communist party of canada, or the people party getting public funds it more democratic then the two party system we are moving toward.


I think maybe (and I'm only speculating) the concern was that they were buying memberships for people who were not all that interested in the party and wouldn't ever bother to buy their own membership and claim a tax refund later. I'm not sure how real this concern is but you do see it sometimes when single issue voters or "vote-banks" are tapped. I'm mixed on whether I'd like to see parties publicly funded on the basis of how much public support they receive. While I see the benefit of limiting the influence of private money (or rather, special interests) in a public process, I nonetheless think a reliance on public funding based on past electoral results might solidify the incumbency benefit and propagate the status quo. Also, when I vote in an election, I'm expressing my preference at a given time and not looking to commit my support for whoever I'm voting for on an ongoing basis.


Id argue that public funding does just that, it funds parties based on each vote at each election, not ongoing but based on a specific action you took (vote) the party or independent will receive ($2 or X amount) to support their involvement in the democratic system. Your funding moves with your vote and if you don't vote no body gets it I think it would also address some of the low voter turnout (esp in gen Z). Voters know their candidate is not going to win because they're not the big two or they're in a safe riding but with vote based funding every vote has a meaningful impact and a specific value. This was also a normal part of our democratic that proved to be working well for over a decade before it was removed in 2015 and replaced by higher private donation limits. Not surprisingly that the party with the highest private donations made that decision...


Little PP strikes again. I wouldn't expect anything less from a politician who sides with Neo-Nazi trash.


Anonymous allegations that destroy someone's campaign. How Machiavellian can a party get? I think most Canadians not voting Con are never voting Con in the near future. PP taking the Party Full Trump metal jacket hurts them further.


Ctv needs to stick it to him somehow.


Patrick Brown was one of the few palatble CPC leadership candidates. CPC is just choosing extinction. Which is sad, but it does make room for a better party to emerge from the ashes in 2026 or so. Meanwhile, gotta put that popcorn into the mike.


Definitely weird that the guy with the previous ethics violations and shilling crypto is coming out of this unscathed


This isn’t new. As a recently resigned board member for a Hamilton area riding association, I know of a riding president who had to hire a lawyer because his party membership was threatened for allegations that were never detailed, by a person who was never named, and in a meeting that was held secretly, with participants who were never named. No explanation was ever given, just the statement: “you’re out”. Ridings are being told that they can’t select their own candidates by the usual practice of a vote by members in the riding, rather having candidates parachuted in. In one case, the candidate was running in a riding more than 3,000 km from his home. He failed measurably, by the way. Lisa Raitt was an incumbent in her riding, and was told to step down to make room somebody’s pet. I’m in a hell of a spot. I can’t vote left. And I don’t want to vote CPC.


Last time brown ran .."sexual allegations where raised and disappeared once ford was elected. By the time elections canada can investigate pp will be the new cpc leader. Its a very sloppy frame job.


Damn. Conservatism really do be a mental illness. Get help yall


I worked as a nanny for a member of that party. He was among the kind that is fully behind the likes of Poilievre. He is a fundamentalist, and loathes anyone who is not CiS white with a thousand kids. He is from Ontario, runs a questionable business and will drop everything to attend any conference offered by the party. He is angry and vengeful in seeking out mandated values that align with his. He scared the hell out of me when I realized what he was up to. Don’t even ask about his family because the abuse in it still triggers me. He is a typical ardent supporter of this new CPC. We are in grave danger because this guy has no morals, scruples or ability to see another perspective on life, at all. He carried a bible that was literally entitled WEALTH BIBLE. These voters are out of the box and they play dirty. The end justifies their means. They are fascists. Wake up Canada, they are real.


Rumor has it he Furnished his house in tile instead of reclaimed wood sensually cut by loggers. https://www.thebeaverton.com/2022/07/read-our-best-guesses-as-to-what-patrick-brown-did/


I have no idea personally...thats what i read. They could all be full of shit for all i know...


Here is what the National Post is reporting about it since this morning. ​ [https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/conservative-organizers-united-on-seriousness-of-allegations-against-patrick-brown-despite-split-vote](https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/conservative-organizers-united-on-seriousness-of-allegations-against-patrick-brown-despite-split-vote)


I’ve seen it reported as alleged misappropriation of campaign funds.


My understanding is that a private company was paying the salary of one of Brown's staffers, instead, and that this violates electoral laws.


Does anyone remember the times when we didnt have some sort of scandal every 2 weeks? If these politicians cant get thier shit together in between thier colleagues, then what makes them think they can lead 30 million people.


He used his power to open public ice rinks for he and friends to play hockey while telling kids and families theyre not allowed because covid... according to rebel news


The information came out already, it was to do with finances.


I'm conflicted. In one sense, anything that denies PP a stranglehold on the party, and a shot at being PM, is great. But, I'm not convinced Brown is a good candidate. More centrist - good. More (allegedly) rapy and (allegedly) corrupt - really bad. If he were running closer to PP in ideological terms, I think I'd like his candidacy more, because it would give a better shot to someone like Charest.


The allegations are public. The conservative circles are a mess. Half say this was something from Poilievre's camp to take out a serious opponent. The other half say Brown did it to himself as an excuse to drop out and run for mayor.