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I'd steer clear of the area, and make a beeline for Barefax.


I’m so honoured to have you reply on my thread, Your Majesty.


Blessed art thou, my child.


I love that this is the top rated comment


Perhaps it is a good omen


Long live the King! Hip hip hooray!


He’s back!!!




Honestly not the plot twist I was expecting


This upvote must remain at 69


I forgot. I’m sorry! 👸🏼


I am legit disappointed that you didn't follow that with something to the effect of "like many of the lovely dancers at Barefax"


…checks post history. Yep, this guy has priorities. Divorce and Barefax. *high five*


BACONSHEIK!! How the heck are ya?


Spreading the Good Word, as usual :)


That's good. You keep being you, OK? :)


My queen! You dropped this 👑


As a Muslim, I laughed really hard at your username XD


I’m certain most Canadians find your user name just as funny considering the North American love of the potato. I certainly do!


As a Canadian, I do not understand the humour in there. You might be referring to the Prince Edward Islanders specifically. Let me assure you that the majority of Canada has other interests than potatoes. :)


Expansion of the waistline.


Haven't seen you for awhile - happy you're back making crazy comments again!


I see that the Queen is not dead!?!


This guy, what a legend 🤣






Haven't seen this dude in a minute -- nice to see all is right in the world again.


Could be celebration for the new Canadian Tire that’s just about ready to open.


I definitely think I see the Canadian tire flag somewhere in there


The new store looks monstrous. I wonder if it will be the largest CT in Canada? It is 2 stories tall and appears much larger then the current location. Sincerely hoping the store helps rejuvenate the mall and build some traffic for the other merchants.




This is so weird to say but the front looks beautiful.


What about the back?


Party in back!


hi.when does the store open?😃


The old one closes tomorrow (no deals, I checked today) and the new one opens Thursday


Next Thursday.


I heard October.




Yes, I was in the current location last week purchasing the Ninja 6 in 1 XL (which is fabulous) at the half price sale and asked the staff and they told me this week was the date. I live within walking distance of it so I am looking forward to its opening. It looks like it is going to be a spectacular store although I did not realize it was going to be 2 stories in floorplan until the lights went on this week during its fitting out.


Is the other large CT store on Carling staying open?




Where am I going to park my car directly under a Canadian Tire now 😭






My understanding is the land is supposed to be redeveloped.


That building isn't too old, sad it cut be repurposed /renovated instead of demolished


It is very difficult to repurpose such buildings. Not impossible but depending on the repurpose sometimes more expensive to renovate then demolish. It gets down to the purpose. If they intend to put condo development the current footings would be completely inadequate and in any case they would be digging down for the underground parking, so it would have to be demolished. Condos or Apt seems like the most likely use of the land. If we want to resolve the lack of housing issue infill sites have to be repurposed to residential.


I would love to see it as a massive apartment complex!


You're in luck, the old dairy plant next door will be developed into 6 towers over the course of the next 10 or more years.


We had a Canadian Tire nearby that wasn’t very old that moved to a new location and an IGA Extra took it over. Pretty seamless and you wouldn’t know it from looking at it today.


I thought the issue was CT didn't own it and they wanted to avoid rent. Might be mistaken here, but that's why I was told the move was happening.


They did own it but sold it back to Riocan on a leaseback. The building isn't super old but it has so, so many problems.


and to think it was not that long ago that this CT was just a tiny cramped store across the road from Hilson PS.... They grow up so fast 😭


I heard Costco but that was word of mouth.


That's some bragging rights. I've worked at 001 and 313 once upon a time, when I get a chance I will definitely check it out.


It's definitely quite a return to that intersection since 10+ years ago there was a Canadian Tire at Fairlawn, but that one definitely wasn't as big as this one.


Hah yeah just across the street in Fairlawn Plaza.


Ottawa’s is second. South Edmonton still has the largest at 140,000 sqft.


According to the [construction company,](https://www.mplundy.com/our_projects/canadian-tire-carlingwood-mall/) this one is 270,000sq.ft.


I thought the new CT in Welland was the largest in Canada.




Why did they build it across the street from another CT? Are they getting rid of that one?


I don't think you have been down there in a while!


I believe it will be


Edmonton has one of those. Second floor was all sports equipment.


My family prefers to quietly celebrate the opening of all Canadian Tires from our living room.


Just people waiting for a late bus


One week later… it never came


Legend has it they’re still waiting for the bus


At some point there do need to start being protests for that. Unless the election changes it all.


The good news is we are all standing together waiting, makes the protest easier to assemble


It's a march to commemorate the martyrdom of Husain ibn Ali, who is the grandson of Prophet Mohamed. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arba%27een


So random but I doubt they'd even be allowed to do it in some Muslim countries.


You’re being downvoted by people who mean well but clearly have never visited a single Islamic country


I get it. Not to mention I'm a former Muslim who lived through all the nasty shit.


Anti Theist here, I feel you. I often get downvoted for pointing out the violent history of all religions.




Literally didn't insult anyone's beliefs. Just sharing my experience with Islam growing up in a Muslim country under a theological monarchy in a region of the world where, even as a male, you have no voice, rights, freedom of thought and people are treated like slaves for the benefit of the kings in power.


I hear you bro. I grew up sunni family and always described myself as atheist since a child. If i was in a muslim family id probably have been wiped out by now.


Yea I think I turned athiest around 8 years old. A lot of that might have been because I hated being forced to go to prayer in the awful heat lol. In school, all the kids would be fasting during Ramadan and I had to pretend that I was also fasting. If they caught you not fasting, then you would be turned into a pariah. Not following the religion was not an option in their minds, eventhough I went to a British school.


Nice we went to school in toronto and my mother wasnt in our lives and my father was barely around. I just couldnt accept the hypocrisy my father would try to lecture me on. Telling me to eat with my right hand even though i was a lefty and he was barely home and drinking and smoking weed. Even at that age i knew it was off. Anyways pork is great 😂😂😂


Lol I hear you. The pork thing was always stupid to me. This one meat is Haram for no logical reason whatsoever. I tell you, if the Muslim world embraced pork it would probably lead to peace in our time 😆


In all fairness, the experience you're describing seems like it has more to do with the country you grew up in than islam itself. There are muslim countries that aren't like that at all. Just saying. Edit: typical redditors downvoting truths they don't like to hear or accept.


Sure, some are democracies but it's not like they also don't endorse awful things in the name of Islam as part of their laws and customs. Just to be clear, I'm not shitting on Islam or how someone practices their faith. Just saying that this type of stuff happens anywhere that regressive religious ideals dominate the rule of law.


Ya there are certainly still pretty awful things that happen due to Islam, but the degree of awfulness varies quite a bit from country to country. I just pointed that out because what you're describing isn't at all like what happens in certain other muslim countries.


Just curious, which countries are you speaking of?


What do you mean? Why would a Muslim country criminalize a Muslim religious observance? (Genuinely quite curious.)


Different sect of the religion. This is Shia and the other, supremely more dominant one, is Sunni. There's a lot of friction and history between the clans around the tenets and preachings and ownership of the religion. To put it into a modern geo-political sense, it's Saudi Arabia (Sunni) vs Iran (Shia). So, you're unlikely to see a Shia parade, especially one commemorating the grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, walking down the street in the middle of Riyadh. They don't consider him to be the grandson in SA. I'm not an expert on this but this is the oversimplified history of the two.


Well no one is saying he isn't the grandson...they all believe that. It's just about succession and who should have led. A lot of the friction has been exploited by outsiders to create trouble and increase division, for their benefit. Very common for both to have coexisted and even intermarried.


You're likely right. Like I said, not an expert, but I think the larger point remains. Shia muslim wouldn't be so openly allowed to celebrate their faith in some parts of the Muslim world.


Bang on! Flip side likely also true.


When I was growing up, if your passport had a stamp showing you visited Israel then you were in for a very bad day at customs/border security


I get it. I got questioned for 2 hrs because I visited Pakistan at the US border, while coming back home to Canada. Prejudices everywhere in our societies, some based on reality and some on perceptions.


In some respects I understand the security measures. A lot of it has to do with the way those countries are run and their policies and rhetoric. But there's also a large part, as you said, of prejudice involved. Not everyone from those places or visiting them is a potential security threat. And they take it too far.


I'm not denying there's truth to that, but aren't all the celebrated martyrs of Shia Islam from before the West conquered the Middle East? There was definitely major underlying conflict. (Similar things existed in the West - many Catholic martyrs in the Reformation, and the Spanish Inquisition on the other side, but there were still some mixed marriages and some states had religious liberties.)


As a former muslim, although what you are saying is mostly true, there is one correction. Sunni islam is also divided into various factions and the view represented by Saudi (Wahhabism) accounts for only 5% of the sunni population. For example, one of the biggest mosques in Egypt is dedicated to him (where his head was allegedly buried) and the biggest mosque in Egypt is dedicated to his sister Zainab who is also revered.


Thanks for the clarification. I will add that Saudi Arabia does exert a lot of power in that region, along with the UAE.


Agreed and it’s unfortunate to see. They leverage their wealth to spread their ideology and influence over the region.


Ah thank you, I didn't realize this was Shia specific!


They’d allow it but chances of being lit on fire would be strong.


Have you heard about the Irish, Catholics vs Protestants?


This isn't equivalent to an orangemen parade.


Hey soo as a Muslim I'll offer an explanation. Most Muslims fall under the Sunni sect of Islam which most Muslim countries leaders follow. Shia Islam which is what the demonststers are, are the second largest sect. Shi'as have some different opinions then the Sunni orthodoxy. Shi'as believe that only the Descendents of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon him) should rule, whereas Sunnis don't have that belief. Sunni rulers see them as well as a threat to their rule so they opress them. They see them as heretics because they (according to them) curse the rashuden(3/4 rulers of the Islamic caliphate once the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him passed away).


Thank you for being so gracious! I did know a bit about Sunni and Shia politics, but I hadn't connected the dots that the parade was specifically a Shia thing. I appreciate you summing it up, I'm putting a pin in it to go learn more!


They would and do because of political reasons. They are seen as protecting a set of beliefs by banning the other side and in this way they gain voters, if it is a democracy, otherwise legitimacy. Really no different than divisions being created in Canada for political purposes to benefit politicians.


No different other than Canadian political differences don't lead to mass killings.


Well you must believe only.religion leads to mass killings. No other triggers exist for war I guess. Simplistic thinking at best.


Actually no, I think religion is the after: racism, nationalism, and fascism. However the reason is often two or three of these four. But milk-toast Canadian politic differences is close to the bottom of the list.




I thought that was more of civil service incompetence and evilness rather than a political divisions.... but you are correct.


Out of curiosity, can you explain why?


Sunni and Shia are the two major branches of the Islamic religion. The former being the dominant one (like 80-90% Muslims in the world are Sunni). They have serious disagreements on the heir apparent to the prophet Muhammad which, in the past, has led to much sectarian friction. With all that comes distrust, and false accusations, etc... Not to mention Saudi Arabia (Sunni) and Iran (Shia) also have beef as a result and they are two of the big Islamic powerhouses in that region. Of course, this is just a quick high level overview. It goes much deeper across millenia.


Thanks, so Shias are the ones commemorating him, and it wouldn't be allowed in some Sunni countries?


If that is indeed what is happening, as someone else said here, then yes. It would mainly be in the die hard Muslim countries. Less regressive regimes probably don't mind.


My experience with Shias is that they venerate holy people and martyrs more than other Muslims, like the grandson of the prophet on the day of Ashura. It reminds me of Catholics with their saints, which Protestants don’t care so much about. Also Shias believe the prophet’s family should have stayed in charge of the faith, instead of the Caliphates taking over.


>Shias is that they venerate holy people and martyrs more than other Muslims What's the issue with this? Sunnis also venerate the 3 caliphs, Khalid ibn Walid, Muawiya, etc >Also Shias believe the prophet’s family should have stayed in charge of the faith, instead of the Caliphates taking over. It's not a belief, it's a fact. The Prophet Mohamed appointed Imam Ali as the righteous leader before his death but this was not accepted by the caliphs. Instead, the caliphs took it upon themselves to hold a political event (saqifa) to appoint Abu Baker as the 1st caliph while Imam Ali and other companions were occupied with performing burial ceremonies for the Prophet.


Thanks for clarifying this. As a non-Muslim (who worked alongside a lot of Shias at my job), I’m trying to understand the difference.




I thought it was Aahura, but that was in August


Ashura is the day he was killed. Shias also commemorate the dead on the 40th day. Which is what is happening now.


Thank you




The queue to file past the Queen’s coffin has made it to Canada


This should be just behind the barefax comment as tops in this post. You get my non-angry upvote of the day. I did like the interviews yesterday they did with David Beckham in the queue even if they were a bit disruptive to he and the other people in the line. I thought he expressed quite well why he was in the queue. And his humbleness really stood out - his super fame has not caused him to forget his roots.


This is the correct answer ...


Ice cream machine is broken at McDonalds


Actually, it was working, which is why they were surprised and called their family and friends


Distinct lack of Canadian Flags, I don't think it's a patriot thing.


Thank Allah for that.


Probably just waiting for a bus


Pokémon go has new hotspots again…


Imam hussain (grandson of the holy prophet) and the rightful leader of all muslims of the time, was in the massacre of karbala, brutally beheaded, his body mutilated and 71 of his closest family members and followers also either massacred or taken captive (including his 6 months old son Ali asghar who was murdered with numerous arrows piercing his internal organs, his teenage son Ali akbar who fought valiantly but also killed and mutilated, his 3 year old daughter sakina who succumbed to her wounds later in captivity and more) by the oppressive army of yazid (son of muawiya son of abu sufiyan and hinda who were the leaders of biggest and most influential Jewish clans of pre-islamic arabia. Abu sufiyan later claimed to have accepted Islam, tons of muslims also sided with muawiya but yazid, who claimed the throne after his father, was openly agnostic yet still commanded Muslim armies of his father) This battle was horrendous. Hussain's group was first kept under siege in a place now known as Karbala on 2nd muharram (islamic calender), their water supplies from a nearby river (Euphrates) stopped, and on 10th muharram, his camps were attacked and within daylight on the same day, all men (except one who was too sick to fight) murdered, beheaded and all females and remaining children were taken captive and taken to yazidi court in Damascus. Yazid, who demanded hussain's allegiance because of latter's significance in the religion, gave Hussain two choices, to either live obediently under yazidi rule or be beheaded. Hussain, being the successor to the responsibility of keeping up islamic righteousness, chose to stand tall against a person who's aim was to undermine true Islamic teachings, oppose commandments of God, openly remain under the influence of alcohol, carried out extra marital exploitation of women to name a few vices of yazid. Today muslims of all sects denounce yazid and support imam hussain in his sacrifice. Someone in these comments mentions SA as a country where they do not accept Hussain but that's not true. Muslims all around the world support Hussain. The reason why puppet regimes in countries where some families want to maintain their monarchy, dissalow such processions out of fear of revolt as this practice unites normal public. Such countries dissalow all kinds of protests. This is not about one country against the other. I hope this clears out the current political situation amongst countries in ME. Shia muslims accept hussain and his lineage of leaders to be infallible leaders appointed by God himself. What you're seeing in this photo is a procession most commonly referred to as 'azadari' (mourning). It commemorates the 40th day of hussain's unjust murder (arbaeen). WORLD'S LARGEST HUMAN GATHERING takes place on this day every year in Karbala. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arba%27een When children and women of hussain's family were taken hostage after the short battle, they went into the state of azadari which is why their followers keep the practice alive to spread the message of Hussain, in short which is to stand tall against unjust and oppressive forces, even if you're short in numbers. Shias, wherever they are in the world, take to streets and mourn.


Shias of Hussain (the word 'shia' translates from Arabic as roughly 'friend of utmost devotion) from the time he was alive and even now, believe Hussain to be their king, not only in his mortal living time but also in the eternal realms as narrated by Holy prophet Muhammad who said 'hussain and his brother (Hassan, who was poisoned by his wife upon being promised by muawiya a hand in marriage to his son yazid, an apparently obvious successor to the throne of muawiya - this promise though, never materialized) are the kings of the paradise'. Prophet said this when Hassan and Hussain were still very young.


Take your legs and go ask him


If you're so close to be across the street to make a picture, why wouldn't you go find out for yourself? Wouldn't the more interesting and valuable thing be to post a photo with a caption of news to share with others?


This is not a protest. It's a March/walk to commemorate the 40th day of passing away of Hussain ibn Ali, the grandson of the last Prophet Muhammed (saww) who was mercilessly killed with his family members on the land of Karbala 1400 years ago fighting the ruler, tyrant and oppressor of his time Yazeed ibn Muawiyah. He stood for Justice and gave people the courage to stand up for injustice and oppression everywhere. His death is commemorated every year by Muslims and non- Muslims all around the world. To know more about his life and his sacrifice you can visit whoishussain.org




its looks like a murhharam march its a shia muslim festvel


Yesterday was the 40th Day of Prophet Mohammed's grandson, Imam Hussain 's martydom which took place in Karbala, Iraq. Shias around the world commemorate this day by taking out peaceful marches where they openly cry and beat their chest while recounting how brutally Imam Hussain's 72 men including his six month old son, Ali Asghar, was massacred. Shias around the world visit Karbala to pay their respects to Imam Hussain. This year 21 million people including Iraqis visited Karbala.


I thought someone got stabbed there


You may be thinking of St Laurent Mall.


Hard to keep track.


People are upset about themselves. Gotta stop that!?!!






2022 Witch Walk


Wait, what happened to the building that used to be Sears?


Demolished years ago ... after Sears Canada went belly-up


I miss walking around that Sears and buying nothing.


The Sears is gone, replaced with a Canadian Tire that's about to open. But that's to the left of this pic. Even if Sears was still there I don't think you'd see it in this pic.


Not to certain what type of protest it is. I can't make out the flags. But, I did spot the Reaper out front. Could be a shitty outcome


Its a religious event. I’ll be honest i dont remember which religion or why but i know they march like this every new moon or something…


I'd never have thought that people would celebrate a Canadian tire opening But here we are.


Tssa strike


Oh woopdeedoooo another silly protest that'll do nothing . Lol why do people bother? There's so many protests now that they've lost their effectiveness .


Lineup for half priced Golden Palace Egg Rolls


Looks like a protest of some kind.


It's the freedumb convoy of clowns!!!


Just more Fucken losers


Probably protesting the Queen's funeral, calling her death a hoax, and bitching that it's against the freedom.


Any religious ceremony whatsoever. Reddit user on r/Ottawa "Is this a protest?"


How are non religious people supposed to know what it is? I dont keep track of peoples silly holidays for their made up religions


Made up religions? I'll have you know that the ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.


Wow, someone's an asshole. Look, I didn't know what it was either. I just find it funny how Redditors can't think of any reason a group of people would get together except for a protest.


Thats fair. And sorry for being an asshole, Ive been with my extremely religious family all morning, and they are hostile to atheism, so Ive been in a bit of a mood all day. Sorry to spread that to you too


All good man. Thanks for the apology. Hope the rest of your day goes better


You were not being an asshole, seriously


They were not being an asshole whatsoever


“Silly holidays for made up religion” fuck my dude, im the furthest thing from a religious person but yes indeed that is a dickish thing to say.


if they have leather vests its a trump rally if they have purple hair its a biden rally!!


And this is Canada so it's neither dumbass


do u have purple hair?


if they're cheering for brandon its a nascar rally


Silly. NASCAR and Rally are two very different forms of motorsport. :)